badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
A friend of mine introduce me to this game...
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It's called Sky: Children of the Light
She even guide me in the game, she is so nice. Very nice friend😍🥰
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
I'm so normal about them 😌
Audio credit goes to Clown! Animation was done in flipaclip ♡
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
What is my Catch Phrase... For this title when I Invite folks over To my Social Media? Boy, this Place is like a... This Coffin I'm in is like a Party in here! This Clown is in the Coffin and now it's like a Party in here! This Party is like a Coffin in here and I'm the Clown doing the entertainment! There's something there... There has to be...
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
Yup, Wally is really having a Derealization episode there
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haha, this physically hurts me
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Maybe doodles will make it better. I wonder why Wally has been spacing so much.
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
for some reason, I think Wally is holding a 1965 Kodak Instamatic Super 8 camera in his mouth while recording one of those video
(particularly the Poppy/Howdy video) since his hands are busy detangling(?) some yarns.
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My brain told me to look for an accurate video camera in that time period. And I religiously followed it.
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
You making go crazy with this!!!
#HowdyPilar is freaking awesome in this suit!
You better make Eddie and Frank next!
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Howdy Pillar idol AU
In this au, Howdy is an idol in the same band as Wally and Jonesy. He's a main vocalist
When Wally had a fight with Jonesy (cuz Wally is kinda perfectionism and Jonesy is some kind of chill guy so sometimes they didn't get along but don't worry they are good friends!) Howdy will be the one who stops them, by putting them in Air jail…
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
WELCOME HOME THEORY 2: The Theory Strikes Back
Good evening, gentlemen, gentleladies, and gentlethems,
Or Good night
Or even good morning,
Whenever you are, I humbly come to you all with another theory.
This time, its our favorite morally questionable sentient house, Home!
So strap in, buckle up, cause I have STUFF TO SAY.
Alright, so to begin, what the HECK is going on with Home?
They are one of the most mysterious characters in Welcome Home, we don't know much if not anything at all. And what we do know... wellllll......
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Yeah definitely not menacing at all.....
The only thing that we do know of Home is well… ^ This and the fact that it and Wally are sentient.
Ok, let’s backtrack. HOMES SENTIENT???
Yep! While it was implied in the first update that it was aware of us, this handy-dandy audio clip confirms that Home (like Wally) is aware of “You” (Whoever this “You” person may be. Either literally us or the Question Answerer).
Now, what exactly Home is saying is still up for debate. Some say that it’s “Help Me” while others say it’s “Hello”. (It’s incredibly hard to know what’s exactly dots and dashes with Homes banging) but one thing is for sure, Home is communicating with us.
And that’s where you’re wrong, dear viewer. While Home is clearly morally dubious and incredibly suspicious, like Wally, I don’t think it’s necessarily evil.
Take for instance this link right here. It’s an honestly cute lil audio of Wally singing to Home. But while that is adorable, it’s the ending that I really wanna focus on.
Wally: …Do you like it? Home: *Creaks* (it’s Morse code again! Spells out IDO) Wally: Thats good… I think…
Ok why did I bring this old little clip up? Oh ya know… no reason… OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT WALLY CAN’T UNDERSTAND HOME ANYMORE!!!
Ok, I know whatcha thinkin’ “Why not anymore?”
Take a listen at another audio clip, this time it’s a secret one!!
The clip is about Barnaby and Home having a conversation with one another! But if you listen real closely… Home is not speaking in Morse code! It’s their own lil Home language, still consisting of creaks and bangs… yet Barnaby doesn’t seem to have any trouble understanding Home.
So how come Wally can’t understand Home and yet Barnaby can?
It’s because Wally’s sentient now. He’s getting more real. More human. Cartoon logic does not apply to Wally anymore! To us, Home is speaking in gibberish! Since it’s gibberish to us, then it’s gibberish to Wally!
And Home knows that, so it does the next best thing and tries using another language to hopefully communicate better. Now that I’m listening to the first audio clip again (so-below), it makes sense why Home is “speaking” slowly. It’s not used to communicating that way. It’s hard to tell their dots from their dashes, their bangs from their creaks, and it’s pauses are sometimes too long and too short at the same time! In a weird way, Home kinda has an accent when speaking in Morse code.
It’s kinda sweet just how hard Home is trying to communicate with Wally and us. Makes ya forget that Home has a weird portal and a flesh heart inside of them.
“WAIT WHAT?!?” (<- That’s you)
Yeah, remember when I said the more sentient something gets the more “real” they get?
Yeah, it’s also been happening with Home too. Go on any doodle audio file, and you can hear assumably Home’s heart beating away. You can hear it very clearly in this audio right here! I doubt the Playfellow Workshop made Home with a literal BEATING heart, but hey, Home is where the heart is I guess…
And now, the portal thing.
“Since when did Welcome Home ever had a portal??”
Oh since the very beginning actually!
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First updated “portal” picture
Many people (including yours truly) theorized that this swirly spiral was a portal to the real world. It seems that we have more evidence to support this theory too!
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First updated portal (shown left) and second updated portal (shown right)
Hey…. Wait a second…. Is it just me or it the portal getting…. Bigger?
The first update it was small, even the black goo wasn’t as bad… on the second picture, the spiral is INCREDIBLY large, and now the goo is coating the trees.
Well, isn’t that ominous.
"But wait. If Home has a portal... where is this portal even going?"
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Both portals have the same black goo surrounding it, the same white eye in the center and the same swirl.
It's going to the Restoration team. And look at where the portal is placed. It's on the ceiling. "As above"
and the one in Welcome Home is "So below"
So perhaps the portal in Home is on the floor... This CANNOT be a coincidence I swear!!
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With weird goo covering everything. And like, thats not all!
If you compare the items that the Restoration team uploaded onto the site in the first update and on the second update, you'll notice that the items have grown significantly larger.
At first, it was just envelopes with paper crammed inside of it. As if the person was trying to cram in as much information as possible. It isn't neat.
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About us page: All of the paper materials tucked away inside the envelopes we have received are usually crammed together and covered in paint and ink.
Now, in the second update, the items have grown larger.
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These items are much larger than mail, and I believe it also has something to do with how much bigger the portal has gotten.
Pretty soon, we might have full-grown puppets jumping in. But now that begs the question... Why is Home doing this?
Well, I think it's because Home really wants to help Wally.
As you inspect the website, there's a bunch of evidence that Wally is growing increasingly desperate for some other kind of sentient connection. It's been growing so much that it starts to get worrying...
Let's go back to the conversation between Home and Barnaby, notice anything weird? Not really? Well, I noticed that every bug audio file was in the perspective of Wally. Here, Wally is just staring at his half-finished painting, even Barnaby comments on this and finds it odd that Wally stopped painting.
It looks to me that Wally was dissociating. There, but not really there. He's been disconnected from reality because it feels unreal to him.
And Home sees that. As soon as the conversation turns to Wally, Home goes dead silent. When Wally still does not respond, Home releases a series of quick creaks and bangs to try and get Wally's attention. It doesn't work. Once Barnaby says Wally's name, it snaps him out of his dissociative state.
And Home is worried about Wally.
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It gives a whole new look to the infamous "so-below" image.
Home isn't looking at Wally, it's looking straight at us. Eyes shaking as Wally seems like he's begging. Home doesn't look malicious here, Home looks like it's begging us to do something to calm Wally down because it physically can't anymore.
Home and Wally don't have a lot, if not any facial expressions at all. And shaky eyes in cartoons are a good indicator that someone is scared.
And if Home (in this link) is saying "Help Me", then no wonder! Heck, even the freaking disk is shaking!
Home is reaching out to us for help because it can't comfort Wally anymore and I don't know about you but that is SAD.
Two puppets that recently gained sentience can't even get the comfort out of each other because they can't communicate anymore :(
So, all Home can do is wait and watch Wally.
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And if help won't come to you, well, having a handy-dandy portal is very helpful!
You can go to the help instead.
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
The Playfellow Crew
Chapter 1, Part 3
She woke up laying in the couch seeing Wally's Puppeteer, beside her. He looks so worried sick about her. "Haven't I told you about not going here?" He handed her a glass of water.
"I was looking for my apple, okay?" She emphasized while holding the back of head still aching from that blow.
"It is a huge responsibility to keep Wally's existence a secret." The puppeteer's claim
"But, what happened to me... What did hit me?" She asked still processing what happened to her.
"The consequences." Wally showed up in the shadows with the apple in his hands petting it like it was a small animal.
Ritzy flinched in the sight of Wally confirming she wasn't dreaming. "But literally, what did hit me?" She asked curiously because that blow really did an effect on her.
Wally and his puppeteer looked at each other drawing each other's gaze to the loose tube fitting that hangs on the collapsed ceiling.
"That needs a serious fixing..." Ritzy points out.
"Well, all this company can afford is this so...." the puppeteer yelped as he brushed his hands to his pants.
"Yeah." The three choruses.
"But why are we hiding his existence?" She looks at Wally with curiousity.
He walked back and forth thinking how he should explain it. "Oh yeah, I forgot you're an immigrant so you don't know what does the government do to oddities like this..." He looks around then leans to Ritzy's ears, "...they are confiscated to dealt in some serious experimentations and I cannot let that happen to him..."
He looks like insane telling that to Ritzy but his eyes at Wally trying to interact with the limp Julie puppet with much empathy begs to differ.
"But how does Wally lives but the rest don't?"
"I, I don't know how... But do you know fairy tales, right? Pinocchio."
"So he just happen to exist for some reason? Isn't he like..." She leans closer to the puppeteer's ear and whispered the words "...possessed or haunted?"
"Did you try to exorcise him?", he pulls out her rosary in his pocket, trying to hold on to the last straw. "That doesn't work on him... he's not a demonic entity"
"I'm scared at the moment, okay? I was in shock when he started talking. I thought he was an engkanto" She took the rosary and looks at it . It was that moment everything she knew was about faith went blank. She look so naive and never been looked so lost.
Wally came close to her and pats her hands cupping the rosary. "Hey Ritzy, it's fine. We're both scared, we didn't understand what's happening at that time... I forgive you."
Tears started to roll over her cheek as Wally really do remind of her daughter, her sweet little Bernice. She sobs as now the puppet she held in arms before come alive before her. "I am really sorry, Wally. This won't happen again, okay?" She comforts him and hugged him like she was talking to a literal child which is funny since Wally is indeed a child in his heart.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm alright...", she wipes her tears, being emotional. "...it's just you remind me of Bernice..."
"Who is she?"
"My daughter."
"You have a child?"
"Where is she?"
"Somewhere far, I had to leave her to my relatives for work."
"Oh, so she's at home!"
"Uhm no, she is not with me here..."
"Of course, she's at home, Silly!" He laughed.
"No... Do you know what immigrant is? An immigrant is a person who moves away from his/her country for some reason. I am an immigrant and my reason is to work here.."
"Oh, so you left her..."
"I'm not proud of it. The last time I saw her is she begging me to don't leave her. But you know... Sometimes you got to sacrifice for the betterment of the rest."
"Isn't that fair?"
"No, it wasn't but I have to... For Bernice.", she curled her lip and embraced Wally."
"Here, you can have the half of it... " Wally offered a half of the apple the puppeteer handed to him since she dropped her half after the blow in her head.
"Thank you, Wally!" She smiled. "So how did you discovered Wally's existence?" She asked the puppeteer.
"Hm? Oh, about that... Just like Pinocchio..."He lazily explained.
"Seems like I can't get alot from you, huh..." She squinted her eyes and chuckled. "So except from me, who knows Wally?"
"Hm... Vicky, Me and You... So that makes us three..."
"You mean... Ms. Victoria Mason?"
"Why you keep calling her 'Ms. Victoria' anyway?" He airquoted.
"It's a sign of respect! Maybe you don't respect her work but I do..."
"Nevermind. Anyway, I'm going to send a memo about your clearance in this room. Now you'll be assigned to take in-charge of the snack here... That includes your apple contract. I'm posting your schedule here so that noone would suspect us." He takes out his tickler and jots down 'Clarita Santos- snack attendant/ video technician.
Ritzy then approached Wally, "Hey there fella have you been reaching out to me before?"
"Oh, about that phone calls? I can't sleep at night so I tried reaching out to you. You look like has a lot of stories to tell so I'm trying to call you." Wally dialed her every night in her first week in PlayFellow.
"That was the roughest week I had, but I'll forgive you." She said with sincerity, because all those time she made a grudge to the puppeteer for the sleep she lose just receiving the call.
"Oh, do you know how to tell time?"
Wally shook his head in dismay.
"Oh, I'll teach you how to tell time."
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
My First Post! Hello! This is an animation I made on my TikTok page! I know a ton of people enjoyed it so I’m bringing it here to tumblr so other can see too… I feel like they would all dance like this
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
Silliest game of pass the message
The Whispering Game!
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
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everyone has been so darned kind about the update!! to everyone who has taken a peek at our work, explored the site, shared it with their friends, drawn fanart, done ANIMATICS, MUSIC VIDEOS, everything and anything - thank you, thank you, thank you!!
also here's a lot of little doodles i found i did during production that i completely forgot about until now. the last little comic is a True Story that happened when i was hosting the exhibition
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[Image IDs/transcripts under cut!]
[Image 1 ID: A full-color, digital drawing of a puppet version of Puzz lifting up Wally on her right hip. Wally is smiling gently and waving with his right arm. There is a light green and blue gradient behind them, and rainbow text above their heads reading "THANK YOU!" with little heart symbols in several colors. End ID.]
[Image 2 ID: A photo of Puzz and the Wally puppet, with a caricature of Puzz's face drawn over where her head would be. She is wearing read heart earrings and has her hair in a curly updo similar to Wally's pompadour. She is smiling with her tongue sticking out, looking into the camera. Wally is also smiling into the camera, one arm resting behind Puzz's back and the other hand on her arm. There is an arrow pointing to Puzz with handwritten text reading "PUZZ!" in blue colored pencil, and various yellow- and blue stars drawn around the image. End ID.]
[Image 3 ID: A black-and-white digital ink drawing of Puzz sitting at a messy L-shaped desk. She is wearing a baggy black t-shirt over a striped long-sleeve shirt, a grey skirt, and tights with a swirly pattern. There is a laptop to Puzz's right, a takeout container and cup of pens to her left, and a monitor right in front of her. There is a close-up image of Eddie's smiling face on the monitor. Puzz leans in close with an intense, thoughtful expression, going "hmm...". End ID.]
[Image 4 ID: A black-and-wite digital ink drawing showing Wally watching in horror as Puzz, spinning in circles with a vapid grin, ascends into the sky with a giant box balanced on top of her head. Her tiny top hat is in turn balanced on top of the box. End ID.]
[Image 5 ID: A black-and-white digital ink drawing of puppet Puzz and Wally. Puzz is standing in front of Wally, back facing the viewer, with an empty grin. Wally, who is about a full head taller, looks down at her with dumbfounded horror, apparently unable to comprehend someone being smaller than him. There are several question marks above his head. End ID.]
[Image 6 ID: A black-and-white digital ink drawing of Wally. He is leaning against a surface holding a phone, staring at the viewer with a gentle smile. He is holding the phone to his ear with his left hand and twirling the cord around his finger with his right. End ID.]
[Image 7 ID: A black-and-white digital ink drawing of Frank and Barnaby. They are recreating the meme image of two men in the snow, with Frank looking off to the right holding a small snowball in his hands, while Barnaby jumps up behind him holding a huge snowball, grinning widely and prepared to Dunk. End ID.]
[Image 8 ID: A black-and-white digital ink comic about Puzz and Wally at the Playfellow Exhibition. Puzz, wearing a N95 mask and dressed up like Wally, holds the Wally puppet on her left. In front of them is a woman with a short bob haircut and striped shirt, holding the toy phone receiver up to her ear. In the first panel, the woman says, "this is your voice?", to which Wally nods and Puzz looks on. In the second panel, the woman cheerfully adds, "you have a sexy voice!", to which Puzz and Wally both look shocked. The third and fourth panels shows Puzz and Wally looking at each other, then back at the woman. The final panel shows Wally covering his face with one hand and ducking his face into Puzz's shoulder in embarrassment, while Puzz and the woman both laugh good-naturedly. End ID.]
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
For those wondering who's Fionn Finnigan...
This is him...
Fionn's First Father's Day
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
The Playfellow Crew
Chapter 1, Part 2
She usually came across the Actor's lobby where Vicky told her where Wally's Puppeteer reside quite often since she always hear him practicing his dialogue or doing something in character, like what they say, method acting. Of all the rooms in the studio, she never dare to check that room so she did check this time.
The door creaked as she entered and surprisingly noone was there except her. She was sure she heard that puppeteer's voice inside. She heard small footsteps roaming around the room and she followed without a haste. She stared every puppets to know their places...
All was there except Wally. How odd. The voice was there, nor the puppteer neither the puppet wasn't there. Perhaps the puppeteer brought the puppet out but no, she was sure there's only one door. It was the only she entered. She was sure there someone's hiding in the shadow, she can feel it.
Something fell and rolled on the floor. An apple. She slowly approached the apple and a yellow felted hands reached for the apple before the she could hit it with a stick.
"What was that?" She thought to herself.
"Haven't anyone told you can't be entering this room?" The voice said.
She knew that voice, the puppeteer! "Hey, I... Uhm... Looking for my apple. I looked everywhere but I can't find it anywhere." She grunted hopelessly. "But just now, here I saw a yellow hand grab it."
"You mean Asian?" (Bruh😑)
"No, I'm Asian." She squint her eyes in frustration and annoyance. "I mean there's a yellow pelted hand reached for it. I-I think... He stole it!"
"I don't steal anything! I found it" hiding under the curtain walks out a 3-feet-tall puppet walking, without attached strings or sticks.
Ritzy laughed loudly she couldn't believe her eyes, a puppet unattached to any controls. It must be what they called animatronic something that moves on its own with the aid of wireless remote control. She thought to herself "...it must be high-tech puppet!" She held it the way she saw it the first time, like a baby in her arm but she was scared to discover that it wasn't what she thought.
She can't feel the wires under the felt and stuffings. It was just the puppet.
"... You know it's rude to touch someone without their consent, neighbor?" Out of shock, she flung the poor puppet landing on his face. And to make the matter worst, she then poked it like a roadkill. Which Wally then grabs on to get up.
Frozen in her spot, the only thing she can do was to pull out the rosary and started chanting oration as she closes her eyes in fear.
She felt something's hold her hands but as she open her eyes Wally looks at her so confused. "What are you doing, neighbor? You're scaring me..."
Terrified, she screams at the top of her lungs, "Demonyo ka!!! Lumayo sa bagay na iyan!!! Lumayas ka!!!" (You foul demon!!! Let go of that thing!!! Vanish!!!)
"Please, don't yell at me, neighbor." He looks so worried so he stuffed his hands to muffle her noise and said, "Do you mind refraining from screaming so loud? I'm going to take my hand out of your mouth, please don't scream. You can say what you want just don't scream." Then slowly he pulls out one hand after another to her mouth.
"Ano ka?" She whispered forgots that she spoken tagalog for moment before realizing her hand with a rosary still reaching out didn't affect the puppet. "What are you?"
Her stare just piercing Wally with curiousity and wonder.
"You see I'm a puppet just like any other, neighbor... Ritzy, right?"
"What? You know my name?"
"Of course, of all... You hugged me! The moment you see me across the studio you were drawn to me...Why?"
"Why would I tell you?" She hugged herself, feeling violated at the moment.
"You're right, none of my business. Forgive me, neighbor."
"The apple. Every. single. time. It always disappears. And it was You! All along!" She pointed her fingers with her eyes glaring down at him.
"Correction, I found it." He confidently stood.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You still have it." She mean that she caught him red-handed (or yellow-handed. *Comic drums). She lowers her finger pointing at him but still not letting go of her sight then she does a decent asian squat.
"But I really do." Wally defends.
"Explain." She crossed her arms, giving him time to explain.
He started to sway his arms and then he talked. "For some reason, whenever i go for a walk around the studio, an apple is randomly placed hidden or concealed over a props."
She took a deep breath then squints her eyes in spite of him, "They were there for a reason." She wants to hit him but she's trying to get a hold of herself.
"Oh, I didn't realize that. I apologize, I might be stealing from you all along. I hope you forgive me."
"Whatever." She slumped on the floor, sitting comfortably. "But how come you exist while they don't?" She can't help but to ask.
"I don't know but they are still my friends...Do you wanna to be friends with me?" He offers the apple.
She leans away and look at him hesitantly, "You promise you won't do anything stupid... that may harm me or anyone here?"
"Of course, no problem! I'll try best not to... Anyway, I propose to share apple this with me." And he reach her the apple.
"Like, just now or... for everytime I bring apple..." She took the apple and broke in half.
"Well, that gave me an idea. Why don't we make a deal... You share me apple and I can do any favors for you. Any favors, I'll try to grant it. How does it sound?"
"Of course, anything, as long as you're near me... They are just small favors but will surely helps you."
"Small favors", she thought to herself isn't enough for everyone but enough for her to survive. It may not help everyone but may help her maintain in this job. She was desperate to maintain her job, for Bernice, she thought to herself. She have to endure anything for her daughter.
The felted grin plastered into the puppet's blank staring eyes.
"Please don't stare at me like that", She covers his eyes just piercing to her soul.
"Like what? I'm talking to you."
"I don't know what you're talking about." She realized what he meant, "Oh, you're right... I'm sorry." She lets go to his eyes kept her hands to herself.
Are you taking my offer? He offers to shake his hands.
"Yes", she reached her hand towards the puppet's hand. She was expect a supernatural to happen but nothing it was just a simple handshake. "Oh, so that's it? I thought it would be..."
A strong blow hit behind her head and lose her conciousness.
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
Y/N of Playfellow Co.
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They are the grandchild of Ritzy Santos (My oc) and the ones who received her packages that supposed to be for Bernice( her daughter, something about the courier took decade for it to deliver).
My headcanon was they are the Question Answerer and the ones who provides the information about the merchandise and files once hidden in the merchandises. And they are the one's who reached out to WH museum curator and to the WHRP
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badjoy-17 ¡ 10 months
The Playfellow Crew
Chapter 1, Part 1
1969, December.
"Where is it?" Ritzy was busy looking for the apple she grabbed to work. She woke up late that day and had no time to prepare her meal. "Anyone? Does anyone seen my apple?" She yells at the studio filled with busy studio crews dragging and moving props around the set. She was frustrated, it was the umpteenth time this happens to her for last three months.
She went to Fionn Finnigan in the Art department, slamming the door open and walk near him."Piyon! Can you help me..." (She had hard time seeing the difference of F and P pronunciation) Rambling about how she was late at work and didn't made herself a lunch box and was opt to grab an apple that is now missing.
"Is that about an apple again?" Fionn was a man in 20's yet still younger than Ritzy and yes he has seen this scene before.
"Yes?" Still sobbing. "I'm already tired and I'm hungry and ...."
"Why don't just buy your meal here, Ritzy?"
"I'm still your senior so address me Mrs. Ritzy?"
"Why the hell will I do that? You're the only one addressing people like that!" He glared at her annoyed and taking a deep breath to listen.
Her eyes grew bigger and looking up to this tall figure. "No, I'm not! And they like it even so I'm the only one..." she pulls him down as she notice herself getting a bit louder. "Also I'm saving my money for my family, remember? I can't be just spending money here and there!" She slumped to the side of his desk and lowers her head.
Fionn stood up to his drawing desk with a straight face and drags Ritzy away from the Art department. He takes a deep breath and spoke "Ms.... Er... No. Mrs. Santos, here have this cash and buy something in that vending machine." He hands her a few dollar and points out to the vending in the corner.
She looks at him with hesitation and mutters, "But its your money!"
"No buts, You can have that!" He still pointing to the vending machine and waiting for her to move.
She looked at him, embarrassed with the cash she received. She nods and thanks him, she felt humbled and went to vending machine. She took two energy bar, glances at him and suddenly runs to him. "Here, take this, Piyon."
Fionn wants to correct Ritzy but he didn't, she might be older but for him he should the bigger man in this situation.
"I know I've been making a big fuzz about this apple thing, but this job is too frustrating... Imagine, for the past 3 months since I started this video technician-ing thing, things are getting weirder and weirder in set. Apples starts disappearing, few staff getting injured, and sometimes the whole footage of the show just kept on doing those weird glitches. Like, that's my job to look after the final footage, it was all running smooth until all of a sudden that freaking thing happened."
Fionn turned his head to Ritzy, alarmed hearing about that incident. "You know what? I have the same experience like you..."
She turns her head to Fionn after hearing those word. "Really?"
"Yeah, You know me, right? I'm a part of the animation and art direction of the this show, right?"
"Uh huh.." she got herself invested and leans in his side.
"Yet everytime i check our panels and plate, there's this weird scribbles on the each animation panels... Wait." He then stood up and drags Ritzy to the archive, took an envelope and pulls out a several animation board panels. "...here look at this. I don't get it ... I swear, look! Those are not there before... Those are evaluated and inspected before getting approved and I... I received it spotless but...."
Ritzy examined each panels and laid them to the light table. "You're saying you don't understand these scribbles? was it from anyone in your department?"
"Yeah, they seems to be drawn by a kid, based on the handwriting strokes, it has difficulty to grasp with pen, here" he points into a pressed squiggly line in the panel "The line got no control on... The strokes are shaking and heavy, it ruins the whole panel."
"Yeah, you're right... But why they are sabotaging our works?" In her peripheral vision, there was someone's watching them from the door. More like a shadow. "D'you see that, Piyon?" Ritzy glued her eyes to him like telling him not to move and act like nothing happened.
"The what?" He looked at her puzzled.
"There was someone watching us from afar... I don't know why but it might be a ghost or something." Her trembling hand reached into her pocket, wrapped her pearl rosary in her hand and hold on it tightly. "Piyon, stay observant, okay?" This gesture confuses Fionn yet he nods obediently. "Oh, about this ..." She shook the wrapper of energy bar, "I owe you." Then she left looking around for something in the Art department
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badjoy-17 ¡ 11 months
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Posting this in advance so people know I'll be stitching some story some time soon...
My brain's jumping from different alternate universes from time to time so bear with me...😅😅
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