baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
Color seems to drain away So ill stand covered in white While blue drapes between the seem Of my life -Grace Ann Edgekoski
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
Well at first I was Christian but now I'm an atheist because of that ass hole
reminder that the pope might not be as shit as other popes but that doesnt mean hes good. he’s still the pope 
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
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IG: frenchtouchofmakeup
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
How many fingers can you fit in your but
All 11.
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
Love it ❤❤❤❤
commnculture >>> commonculture
feel free to reblog to spread the word!!!
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
People who are depressed try so hard to be loved and know but as the people start to love them they run away but we can hear the screams of there souls. -Grace Ann Edgekoski
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
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Celebrating Cosmonaut’s Day with French Astronaut Thomas Pesquet
Discover more stories from the French-speaking community on @instagramfr.
(This interview was conducted in French.)
From 250 miles (402 kilometers) above Earth, Thomas Pesquet’s (@thom_astro) photos raise our eyes to the stars. The French astronaut, who’s aboard the International Space Station (@iss) for six months, was selected to become an astronaut in 2009. “I began training right away,” says Thomas. “I had to learn Russian, work to stay in peak physical condition and take survival courses. There was also advanced training on how the International Space Station works and how to conduct the scientific experiments that we do aboard.” And, most importantly, he had to learn how to float.
“Floating in microgravity is an amazing feeling,” says Thomas. “You feel so free. At the beginning, I was really awkward — I was trying to do too much too fast. Like riding a bike, it takes time to learn how to do it. But over time, it began to feel more natural. At night, when everyone else is asleep and I have the station to myself, I like to just float for a bit. It totally relaxes me.” When Thomas finally got to the ISS after training, what surprised him most was the beauty of our planet as seen from space. “There are no words, no images that can convey the beauty of the Earth as you soar 250 miles above it,” he says.
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
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My baes
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
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Omg lol I'm a Taurus so fuck yeah plus @trevormoran is Libra so 😳 I'm soy happy lol
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
If you were blind
If you were blind would you See the color or the light Would you see the Buauty or the dark side For if the light could you see would you see? -Grace Ann Edgekoski
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baethatslayz-blog · 7 years
1 chance 1 life don't fuck this up
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baethatslayz-blog · 8 years
Middle moment's
Cram the little things Into your brain, People think its a Bad thing Yet as a thousand stars past Your still my middle moment -Grace Ann Edgekoski
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baethatslayz-blog · 8 years
White brookeland room
Blank walls make you empty Yet colorful walls make you full The world can lack color yet be beautiful -Grace Ann Edgekoski
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baethatslayz-blog · 8 years
Street sign in my way
New streets, old life's Everybody wishes they New why. I see the last star Dosent matter how far -Grace Ann Edgekoski
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baethatslayz-blog · 8 years
Yass spirit animall
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by  반동결 노리야
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baethatslayz-blog · 8 years
The book and words
Books hold the Words, the story Words hold the Emotions that Make you Happy, The ones that make you cry. But without the book No story will be. -Grace Ann Edgekoski
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baethatslayz-blog · 8 years
Midnight coffee
Just a wonder just care
As only you can fear
As dusk sets upon us let us
See the darkness as it has just begun
For as the morning melts away it
Will soon be day
And for you are my midnight coffee
-Grace Ann Edgekoski
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