bahlon · 3 years
Improving Mental Health Through Spirituality
Spirituality is said to be borne out of humanity’s quest for purpose and mission in life. Such is not an easy task as it could mean a quest that can take a lifetime! However, many people have also experienced enrichment in their spirituality even at a young age or right in their middle age. So it’s fair to say that it’s achievable, and it’s just a matter of how one seeks such enlightenment.
But then many would ask: Why must one seek spirituality? Regardless of culture, race, and geographical situation, spirituality is a major influence in a person’s life – in thinking and in how a person lives. It is so powerful that it can affect every facet of a person’s life. It can even affect one’s mental health. You may ask how spirituality improves mental health.
Do you know that there were some studies made in Northern Ireland that show how prayers can improve the mental health of the patients? Amazingly, most patients were seen to have reduced signs of agitation, inappropriate emotional expression, and other psychiatric symptoms. Their mindsets visibly improved evidenced by their modified behaviors. Is it hard to believe? For the medical scientists, it is unusual, even mystical. It is hard to believe but the growing evidence are proving that indeed spirituality can improve mental health. For the believers, this is something that is not only possible; these all happen for a reason.
“There is always an opportunity to advance your experience. Consider you rown energy in the face of opposition, regardless of the source.”
To make a heads and tails about the entire phenomenon, let us look at spirituality. What is spirituality and why can it bring about such improvement to people with mental sickness? Spirituality is best described as practices and beliefs that grow depending to everyone’s values and philosophies in life. Most people reach spirituality as they get in touch with their self and the Supreme Being. This directs them towards better understanding life’s values and of the values that they want to live by. This gives them a purpose and a mission in this life.
How does this influence mental health? Mental health refers to the psychological well-being of a person. Being mentally healthy is evident in a person’s various manifestations and feelings. Most individuals suffering from mental health disorder tend to cope slower with today’s technology and other new lessons that demand learning adjustments. They have difficulty adjusting with life’s changes which, as we know, happen all the time.
Spirituality encompasses almost about everything in a person and how one lives and relate with other people. It drives one to be a good person, happy and interacting well with others. One adopts what one believes are right, ethical, moral including a healthy, stress-free lifestyle. One surrenders all difficulties to the Supreme Being; they diminish such stresses as merely trials that make them stronger. These help people to get stronger mentally. Unaffected by stresses, anxiety, and depression, one copes better in the face of all life’s problems.
It is true that this way of looking at how spirituality improves mental health is not very popular among medical scientists. It is, however, also true that this notion is getting much support from those people who understand the miracles of spirituality. Indeed, there are just too many conflicting views about the way spirituality can make mental Today, the connection between spirituality and mental health bring hopes to a lot of patient suffering from mental disorder. Spiritual intervention is now being introduced in many mental health care facilities in this concept, spirituality does not argue with science; rather it helps improve the well-being of every patient with mental health disorder.
In conclusion, if you have family, friends, or co-worker suffering from mental health problems, why not try spiritual intervention. Statistics show more and more patient recover faster with spirituality.
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bahlon · 3 years
Direction for a More Fulfilling Career and Life
Having a healthier career in life will make you a better person. You do not want to do something that is not going to make you feel good about yourself and what you are doing. This will only make you stronger and ready for the challenges that may end up in your life. Your feelings and beliefs that you have will be based on the internal thoughts that you have both conscious and subconscious.
What are the differences?
The biggest difference between people and the way their attitudes are the way that they learn. You can open to make sure that you are doing everything and are thinking well and using it for your spiritual well-being. Bahlon knows this is going to make you feel amazing when you realize you are happier doing what you love the most.
Your experiences
The present attitude that you are experiencing is going to be built on from habits and feedback of others that are around you. When you are in a situation that makes you happy and gives you the feeling of total accomplishment you will notice that you do better work.
Loving life and what you do in it is something that will have a big impact on your spiritual mind and everything that goes on around you.
Changing your life starts from within
What are the first step in changing your life for the better both physically and spiritually?
That answer is going to be determined by what you want to do and how you want to achieve it. You need to think about what others say about you and how they feel about your personality. However, do not use this as your total feedback answer.
You can think about what you want and how you are the happiest in your life.
Stay positive
You need to change the way that you think inside. This is one step in getting closer to a better you. Making sure that you are positive and always thinking about what you can do to improve a situation instead of making it worse.
This is going to give you a better and more successful feeling inside that gets you ready for happiness. You need to make a positive commitment to yourself and to what you want.
Learning, family, friends, and the world around you need to be something that you enjoy. Without these things you cannot have a positive spiritual and physical attitude.
More here: www.spiritualmindcenter.com
Stay committed
You need to also make a commitment to yourself and to others. You need to make sure that you are finding causes that make you proud and give you a good feeling.
You should praise yourself and others around you for feedback that is more positive. You need to dream big and think about success so that you can make it happen. The more motivation you have means the more chances of empowerment you will have.
Follow your own path
Sit down and think about the wrong paths that you have taken. Can you make changes in your life and turn them around?
If you think you can make certain changes and get on with the better part of you then there is a great expectation of a healthier lifestyle. You will have positive feelings in your mind and your body will also be enthusiastic to make changes for a brighter future ahead.
This is something that you should be excited about and ready to make happen. Having a greater sense of peace in your mind and body will bring you closer to being happier in any type of career situation.
“Your path is is your indicator of your own alignment with your purpose. Look at how you move through life and know this is irrefutable—especially to your own eyes.”
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bahlon · 3 years
Making Important Decisions with the Law of Attraction
When it comes to making important decisions with the law of attraction you can find your own power. You will notice that your ideas and thoughts may become sharper because of the way that you are approaching the decisions, but you will also find that there is a lot of strength and power to be gained from the law of attraction.
The law of attraction will allow you to embrace what you want out of life and go for it. You will notice that there will be a sense of change for you to have the law of attraction work for you. When it comes to making important decisions, you will find peace and you will want to come to some type of personal conclusion.
What exactly is the Law of Attraction?
The law of attraction is not like flipping a coin, this is a serious and real way to get what you want. You will find that that the law of attraction means that you can embrace what it is that you want from life, and who you are as well. You will find that there are many things that you can do if you give this a chance. The power of your own energy will become the main source for your truth, and advancement towards your own potential.
How can you see maximum results?
Keep in mind that there are a lot of great aspects to the law of attraction to help you manifest more, and allow decisions to quickly permeate the aspects of your own life. You will see that you think either highly about yourself, or can adjust this perspective for a moment. The first step to the law of attraction is to ask the cosmos or even yourself what you want or what you need to do. Then the following steps to be sure you are not getting in your own way.
The Law of Attraction is a popular term for trusting yourself
Change from the inside out
If you would like to use the law of attraction, then you may want to ask yourself to change from the inside out. Then the second step of the law of attraction is to find your own safe place. You will then learn how to block out the negativity and replace it will positive energy. You will also find that the law of attraction will help you to find yourself. You need to learn how to shed the negative things that have happened and enjoy what it is that you can do to help yourself to become a positive person. You will notice a change inside yourself through the law of attraction.
Release control
You will notice that the law of attraction will help you to feel more like you are in control. You will find that there are feelings of restlessness and anxiety that will just disappear. It is at this point that you will notice that you are more positive and that you are more in control of your own life.
Feel your strength
There is a lot to gain with the law of attraction and there is a lot to identify in process, however, you can easily learn how you use the law of attraction. You will find that it is best to keep in mind that the law of attraction is not just a fun pastime, and it is a beneficial way to approach life. You will feel both empowered and how you can use the law of attraction to improve the way that you feel about yourself, your family, your own profession…and the strength you bring to life in general.
learn more here Trance Channeled Coach Bahlon Light Language Energy Healing | Frequent Sessions
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bahlon · 3 years
How to cope with depression
Almost every individual in the world experiences depression at least once in their life. It doesn't last too long for some, but for others, depression may persist throughout their lives. The condition can make the easiest task feel too difficult to carry out.
What exactly is depression?
There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to depression. Oftentimes, you might hear somebody throw out the words "I feel so depressed" without actually realizing the weight of their words. Depression doesn't only involve feeling sad for a couple of hours. Depression is a sustained state of sadness over the course of weeks and even months. Some symptoms include overwhelming sadness, losing joy in your favorite activities, not wanting to socialize, staying in bed all day, having insomnia, and many more.
Why is it so difficult to deal with depression?
Unfortunately, there's no miracle cure to depression, and any solutions you may come across probably won't yield the immediate results you so desire. You must keep in mind that any tips you receive are only applicable over a long period, and even then, they are not likely to "cure" your depression.
The reason depression is so difficult to deal with is that the things that are likely to help pull you out of that state are extremely tough. Even if that involves simple activities such as getting out of bed on time and going out with your friends, they require the energy a person suffering from depression may not have to spare. That is because all the power they have is being used to keep them alive. It is important to remember not to force yourself to do the biggest tasks, such as attending a huge party, from the get-go. Ease into it, so your body and mind become used to doing the regular tasks first. Taking the first step can seem like the most difficult task in the world, but once you've taken that step, you will find the rest much easier to breeze through.
Reach out to your support system
Whether your support system consists of your family, your friends, your therapist, or even an online community, make sure you keep in contact with them. When you feel the fog of depression settling in heavier than before, reach out to them when you feel particularly upset. Even if it is to confirm that they are there for you, do reach out. Even the knowledge that there are people who care for you, and are willing to help you out, is enough sometimes. If this is the first time you are experiencing such a state, look for support groups online. There are countless people out there who might be suffering from the same thing, and that solidarity can be extremely helpful when you feel isolated from everyone around you.
Reduce extra stressors
Stressors are any external things that are perpetuating your conditions. A little bit of stress is good to get you on your feet and motivate you to work. However, sometimes, that stress increases to levels that make you feel hopeless, and you end up completely giving up. In the long term, external stressors may contribute to your depression. Look for external resources to help manage your stress. Don't be afraid to ask for a helping hand in lessening your stress. Try to eliminate everything you can from a hectic routine. Whatever isn't necessary, cut it out of your life so your life is free from additional clutter, and you have more energy to spend on your own well-being.
Improve your sleep cycle
Depression is essentially a mood disorder, and it is common knowledge that sleep and mood are closely linked. If you don't get an appropriate amount of sleep, there is no doubt that your mood will suffer. That means you should neither sleep too little nor too much. If you sense yourself slipping into a depressive state of mind, make sure you start paying careful attention to your sleep schedule. An adequate amount of sleep will improve your mood and give you the energy you need to deal with your condition. It might give you the power to get out of bed on time - staying in bed all day will only give your brain the impression that you are more exhausted than you actually are, and you will remain stuck in that cycle of exhaustion.
Reevaluate your eating habits
A major symptom of depression is extreme exhaustion. Often, that exhaustion is directly related to how much you eat or drink throughout the day. During an intense depressive episode, you might find it too challenging to get up and get food for yourself. The lack of hydration and nutrients makes you even more tired. Improve your diet and incorporate healthy things into it. If making a healthy meal feels like too much work, take vitamins and supplements to make up for the lost nutrition.
Restructure your thoughts
A big part of depression is a cycle of negative thoughts. Getting out of that spiral is easier said than done. It's not easy to get out of a mindset of negativity, and adopting a positive one is even harder. That said, it is still crucial if you want to cope with your depression. In psychological terms, you can call it cognitive behavioral therapy, which basically involves becoming aware of your thoughts, and altering those thoughts by replacing them with better ones. Instead of ruminating over everything that could go wrong, think about what can go right. Acknowledge your problems, and accept that while sometimes you might be at fault, every negative event isn't a result of your actions. Just as you give other people the liberty to make mistakes, give yourself the same freedom.
On a final note, keep reminding yourself that your depression is not an accurate measure of your worth or your life. Stepping out of this mindset won't be easy, but keep trying and connect with yourself on a deeper, spiritual level. Healing from depression also requires spiritual healing from within, and while that is not easy to accomplish, it’s perfectly possible! Check out our spiritual healing services here!
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bahlon · 3 years
Where does it come from?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
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bahlon · 3 years
The Source of True is None Other Than You
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like)
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