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Reflection Paragraph on Our Project
The project that we have done today addresses the theme of the power of our voice by showing our perspective of a situation that happened to us on Monday. And we used our voice to link the situation with another situation that is going on in today’s life. We use Tumblr to post everything that we saw on each trip this week and we wrote an reflection about we saw on the trip, whether it was good or bad. After we took our video, we can post it honestly on any social media we have; Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. We can put it up on for people to see what we think and to express to them about our situation and how we handled it. 
       This project honestly means to me that everyday things happens to us whether we are black or white and it can be a good or bad thing. But that does not matter mostly, it is how our reaction to the situation really decides on what the outcome will be. Our skin color may be apart of it but that can be blurred out by our reaction, in good way or a bad way. It makes me feel like we should always aim for the good reaction no matter how upset or irritated we are. What really counts is how we deal with our situations in public. Sharing this through social will not only be a good way for people to see how we students and adults dealt with the situation, but it will also have a chance of going viral in supporting a issue in the world today (#BlackLivesMatter, #WeHaveAVoice). This project really means a lot to me and I believe that it will mean a lot to others as well.
-Via K.J. ❣
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Speaking to Dr. Oshiro's brother
Today we spoke to Dr. Oshiro's brother and he told us about his experience, the things that goes on in social media, etc. We also learned that everything you do related in social media will always have someone that will say something that isn't necessarily kind.
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NYU Game Center
We visited the NYU Game Center today and learned ways of how social media can basically predict your life and how nothing can ever be completely deleted. We also learned about how apps and other new technology items are created and the way they are planned out. -Krisanally
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Via Krisanally
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Via K.J. ❣
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NYU school of Engineering
Blog: Today at NYU school of Engineering, I saw so many cool things and learned so many cool things. First I learned that students to there if they are into technology, gaming, etc. While the tour guide was explaining this to us, I saw so many arcade games. Killer Queen was one of them and it was really fun. Next we went to a room where students had experimenting games they were trying to create. There was a VR, body suits, and other things. It was all so cool❣
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Via K.J. ❣
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Via Courtney
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Reflection on MoMA by Courtney
1. I realized that whites depicted the image of blacks in media during segregation in ways where they looked scary and not human like.
2. I realized how many people made “art” out of naked women but went into the deeper meaning of how they felt.
3. They were people who looked demonic in weird videos doing weird stuff.
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Museum of Modern Art
I saw Pablo Picasso paintings it's was unique because the inspiration for the painting came from a brothel so he drew naked females. Also I seen a short video of multiple females reacting in a weird way
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