bakahanamura · 10 years
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"Sucks to be a working man."
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bakahanamura · 10 years
minatoarxsato replied to your post: #STOP BEING CUTE #AND PERF #I WANNA KI...
stop flirting :D
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ooc; Shut the fuck up ;pulls you into a kiss as well
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bakahanamura · 10 years
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          ;ooc: ;;pulls into a triumphant kiss
Looks like I got the job!! 
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bakahanamura · 10 years
;ooc: off to make my future boss fall in love with me hire me
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bakahanamura · 10 years
He nods, and moves to gently set the headphones on the smaller boy's hair.
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"I'm gonna turn up the volume in a little bit so prepare yourself!!"
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"E-eh? I don’t.. okay, I guess! Are you sure?"
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bakahanamura · 10 years
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"Minato texted me, saying he was in your pants, and it put me off a little, okay?!" It was hard for him to calm down for some reason, his cheeks heating up as he realized how badly he was behaving. 
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"There’s no boyfriend, Yosuke… Calm down, what are you getting so worked up for? And Kanji is a different matter; he’s probably bisexual, though."
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bakahanamura · 10 years
Of course he’d go butting his way in like that, not even giving Naoki the decency of having pretended he hadn’t seen anything. He’s got half a mind to tell Yosuke to just piss off and leave him alone; to spare him that sappy half-assed sympathy everyone assumes he wants, but he doesn’t even have that much in him right now. The warm candy bar being waved in his face definitely isn’t helping matters much, either. It’s not hard to tell that this sort of thing doesn’t seem to come easily to the older student, but at least he’s making an effort. A better effort than most people, really. So he takes it gingerly, a little repulsed by the semi-melted state of it but still appreciative. "Thanks," is all he says in return. It’s more for the candy than for the platitudes, but it’s there. While he fiddles with the wrapper on it, he gestures slightly to the spot on the floor beside him, inviting Yosuke to sit down if he wants to. He’d come in here to be alone, but since that was already ruined, having someone nearby might not be too bad.
He's surprised, actually, when he's asked to sit down next to Naoki. He'd expected to be told to piss off and leave him alone all over again, but it seems food always does the trick. He smiles a little as he drops himself on his addigned spot, giving a little sigh.
He wasn't sure what to do next, since he had the sensitivity of a teaspoon, but he felt like it was best to just distract from the topic at hand.
"Hey, uhm, you heard about that new racing game they'll release in Summer? I'm so pumped for it, I've already put up a pre-order. D'you like to game a little? I always do it with my buds, maybe you should stop by some time and play with us... that'd be fun, huh?" 
Wait, wait, wait, he had to sound less like someone that was offering pity-sex and more like someone that actually cared about the poor guy!! 
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"I'd like to have you around, I mean. It'd be nice."
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bakahanamura · 10 years
just little headphone things: older people greeting you when you don't see them even though you're clearly not hearing them just so they have something to talk about with their neighbours  'ah, have you seen that one? so impolite, doesn't even greet back'
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bakahanamura · 10 years
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"Thanks, man. You wanna take a listen? They're good audio quality, too!"
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"I like your headphones…"
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bakahanamura · 10 years
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"D-difference? I don't care, why would I care?? Kanji swings that way, too. It's just I'd rather have my best friend tell me when he's got a boyfriend, you know!"
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"In… my pants? Would it make a difference to you? Not that I recall anything like it, but…"
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bakahanamura · 10 years
Leaves a note: "Stay as far away from Naoto's Shadow called Faust. Unless you want to be a slave or experimented on"
"Yeah, I remember Naoto’s shadow being creepy as hell… thanks for the warning. But hey, I can probably take it."
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"I’m a big boy with a big persona, you know?"
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bakahanamura · 10 years
Tell us your favourite masturbation fantasy.
It was either strip or basically lay out his gay fantasies. Maybe there was a way around it, though. It wasn’t like he never fantasized about girls before, so he’d just keep the gender vague and keep his clothes on.
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"Basically… me holding ‘em by the hips while they do the reverse cowgirl and I thrust up into them, making them squeeze ‘round me… gosh… it sounds really lame like that… and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have that fantasy again knowing that anyone heard I do it, it’d just feel weird…"
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bakahanamura · 10 years
Holy crap the mun is really pretty
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       ;ooc: Oh, shush you.
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bakahanamura · 10 years
;ooc: belated munday..... I guess
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bakahanamura · 10 years
Have you ever watched gay porn?
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"It…….. was an accident??"
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bakahanamura · 10 years
The sentence maybe I'd even let you fuck me had Yosuke's mind in overdrive in no time, another wave of arousal washing over him that he didn't even think was possible. He nodded. How was he supposed to do this, though, with how sensitive he was being? Maybe... maybe he'd just have to come once, just to he wouldn't come immediately...
But the thought of his dick rubbing between Souji's butt cheeks, trying to enter as he spread them gently, was enough to almost push him over the edge. “....Y-yeah, I'd like that. But partner, your cock is getting like no attention at all r-right now, ah-, maybe we should fix this...”
He pulled his hands back from their respective place and hooked his thumbs into Souji's pants instead, eyes growing a little wider as he watched how he managed to free his erection. It was the first time he was really looking at it, when he'd chanced glances in changing rooms or whatever, he felt so wrong and stupid and forbidden that he mostly just stopped above the waistline.
“You're hard too...” He mumbled softly and pressed a peck on his friend's lips as he clumsily began to pump him, trying to find the rhythm he would have liked if this was his own cock. “You think we... can...” He thought of something he'd seen in porn and batted the hand that was still touching his very own erection away, though it hurt to have it gone for a moment. Shifting as best as he could, he finally managed to somewhat align their bodies and close his fingers around them both.
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“M-maybe this is a stupid ide-ah..." His head dropped back onto the pillow as the feeling of it rushed over him. "Ah, n-no, I think it's not...”
| the secret to wooing a hanamura | closed rp: bakahanamura
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bakahanamura · 10 years
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