bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Fennel and Mustard Bread
400 gr any milk
150 gr buckwheat flour
200 gr polenta
20 gr olive oil
20 gr yeast
50 gr date paste
20 gr yellow mustard seeds
5 gr fennel seeds
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Sweet Green Bread
400 gr any milk
1/2 grated courgette
4 previously roasted small yams
300 gr rice flour
150 gr oats
25 gr cake yeast
50 gr date paste
5 gr thick salt
30 gr olive oil
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Brownies à la Bart
100 gr nuts
100 gr black chocolate
50 gr olive oil
75 gr brown sugar
70 gr quinoa flour
1 teaspoon cake yeast
2 gr thick salt
50 gr mixed seeds (including flaxseeds)
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. Mix this in turbo mode a couple of times until is soft and moist.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
When baked take the brownie with the tinfoil out of the mould and put it in the fridge for 1 hour before eating!
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Chocolate Bread
100 gr buckwheat
100 gr oats
100 gr corn flour
50 gr rice flour
400 gr any milk 
20 gr nuts
2 tablespoons chocolate powder (sweet)
20 gr brown sugar
5 gr thick salt
25 gr yeast
20 gr olive oil
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Tapioca Bread
200 gr rice flour
200 gr tapioca flour
500 gr any milk 
20 gr honey
25 gr yeast
20 gr olive oil
5 gr thick salt
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Bananilla Bread
200 gr oats
200 gr buckwheat
450 gr any milk 
20 gr honey
5 gr thick salt
20 gr olive oil
1 banana
25 gr yeast
20 gr nuts
10 gr mixed seeds
1 tablespoon vanilla
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Morning Pancakes
1 egg
1 cup of oats
1 cup greek yogurt
1 tablespoon chocolate powder
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Avocado Choco Brownies
150 gr dark chocolate
2 avocados
1 cup brown sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla powder
1/4 cup quinoa flour
1/4 cup rice flour
1/2 teaspoon thick salt
50 gr peanut butter on top before oven
15 minutes in the oven 180º
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Sesame & Peanuts Chookies
100 gr Lindt chocolate with sesame
80 gr corn flour
80 gr rice flour
80 gr quinoa flour
50 gr brown sugar
50 gr butter
1 egg
1 teaspoon yeast
1 teaspoon of peanut butter on top of each cookie before oven
preheat the oven 180º, bake only for 5 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Chocana Muffins
50 gr oat flour
35 gr nuts
25 gr hazelnuts
200 gr rice flour
200 gr bananas
200 gr greek yogurt
50 gr dark chocolate
30 gr brown sugar
10 gr cocoa powder
20 gr yeast
20 gr olive oil
5 gr thick salt
optional - sprinkle with chocolate bits before oven
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Hazelnut Bread
200 gr buckwheat flour
150 gr quinoa flour
50 gr hazelnut powder
400 gr any milk 
20 gr brown sugar
5 gr thick salt
20 gr olive oil
25 gr yeast
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Buckwheat Bread
200 gr oat flour
200 gr buckwheat flour
400 gr any milk
20 gr honey
20 gr poppy seeds
5 gr thick salt
20 gr olive oil
25 gr yeast
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Carob Bread
430 gr any milk 
35 gr olive oil
5 gr thick salt
40 gr honey
25 gr yeast
250 whole wheat flour
125 gr carob flour
optional - oat and brown sugar on top before baking
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Vanilla Rice Bread
430 gr any milk
200 gr rice flour
200 gr whole wheat flour or corn flour
40 gr olive oil
5 gr thick salt
20 brown sugar
25 gr yeast
1 spoonful of vanilla powder
optional - sprinkle the bread with ginger powder
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Nuts Bread
430 gr any milk 
30 gr olive oil
5 gr thick salt
20 gr brown sugar
25 gr yeast
10 gr flax seeds
10 gr sesame seeds
10 gr peeled sunflower seeds
10 gr chia seeds
200 gr whole wheat flour
200 gr oat flour - you can grind oats until turning into flour
1 spoonful of curry powder
1 spoonful thyme
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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bakingbreaks-blog · 7 years
Saffron Bread
430 gr any milk
30 gr olive oil
5 gr thick salt
20 gr honey
20 gr yeast
20 gr saffron powder
500 gr whole wheat flour
I always use Bimby to mix the ingredients. When all mixed I take away Bimby’s lid and cover it with a kitchen towel. Then I let it rest for 1 hour. It will probably double the size.
With a pastry brush I spread a bit of olive oil on a tin foil and place it inside a loaf mould. Then I pour the delicious mix inside the mould.
preheat the oven 180º, bake for 20 minutes
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