bakugousimplover · 2 years
Okay, so I’ve been thinking about this for awhile but I might put this blog on semi-permanent haitus. I don’t wanna say I’ve lost interest in MHA, cause that would be a lie, but I am losing the passion to write for it so much. I also found it a bit stressful cause I was always trying to one up myself in terms of quality, so that I felt I was properly giving you good content. It might just be my adhd talking, but I’m surprised I wrote this much for a fandom and stuck it out this long lol
I say semi-permanent haitus, cause I’ll still post here if I write something related to MHA, but it’ll prob be a long long while if I do. I’ve also found it a bit limiting for me to write within the boundaries of already established characters and universes. Maybe that’s just showing my limitations as a writer, but I wanna write more original works. I might make a blog for them and I’ll put a post here about it if I do.
Also, I will not delete my writing or anything like that. Everything will stay the same as it is now on this blog.
I just want to thank all the people who have supported me and all my interactions with fellow creators for sharing and giving me so much inspiration. I know I wasn’t the most interactive with people here, but I’m an introvert with social anxiety and it’s a bit exhausting for me to talk to people lol So sorry if I made anyone think I ignored them or they were unwanted, I promise you that I appreciate everything anyone has said to me on here.
Thank you again and I hope you’ll follow me in future endeavors ☺️
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
Okay, so I’ve been thinking about this for awhile but I might put this blog on semi-permanent haitus. I don’t wanna say I’ve lost interest in MHA, cause that would be a lie, but I am losing the passion to write for it so much. I also found it a bit stressful cause I was always trying to one up myself in terms of quality, so that I felt I was properly giving you good content. It might just be my adhd talking, but I’m surprised I wrote this much for a fandom and stuck it out this long lol
I say semi-permanent haitus, cause I’ll still post here if I write something related to MHA, but it’ll prob be a long long while if I do. I’ve also found it a bit limiting for me to write within the boundaries of already established characters and universes. Maybe that’s just showing my limitations as a writer, but I wanna write more original works. I might make a blog for them and I’ll put a post here about it if I do.
Also, I will not delete my writing or anything like that. Everything will stay the same as it is now on this blog.
I just want to thank all the people who have supported me and all my interactions with fellow creators for sharing and giving me so much inspiration. I know I wasn’t the most interactive with people here, but I’m an introvert with social anxiety and it’s a bit exhausting for me to talk to people lol So sorry if I made anyone think I ignored them or they were unwanted, I promise you that I appreciate everything anyone has said to me on here.
Thank you again and I hope you’ll follow me in future endeavors ☺️
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
Does anyone else watch the boys cause holy shit this fucking season is amazing. Like please if you do, I would love to talk about it cause I just finished the last episode and holy shit-
Soldier Boy is Homelander’s father???????
(On a side note, I really really don’t get the obsession and simping for Soldier Boy everybody seems to have for him on this site. Like I know it’s the guy from supernatural but the character he’s playing is just- not a good person. Like at all. But whatever I guess lol)
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
Bakugou never tells you he loves you- you find out when he loses his wallet.
He is responsible, you could even argue borderline neurotic, he has a tendency to scorn you when you lose something, an annoying habit of finding whatever it was in a place you say you swear you double checked with a disapproving scowl. But he's lost his phone around you recently, twice, found both times underneath you in between your couch cushions, and you'd snorted at him as you placed it in his impatient hands, wondering aloud what he was so busy with that he lost it, not losing your opportunity to dig at him in retaliation for all the shit he'd say to you when you lost anything. And now this, his wallet going missing as he was just about to leave for his own apartment, city lights glowing outside in the early night. It would be 10 p.m. soon, pushing at the limits of his schedule. You find the wallet in the kitchen behind your electric kettle while he checks your bathroom, and you remember him having growled in frustration upon his arrival, shuffling in through your doorway after a long patrol to see you heating up water for another instant ramen dinner. You've got shit in the fridge, he'd said in a disapproving snarl, even as his hands were full with bags- and his wallet- and he'd leaned over you to turn off the kettle. That, you reason, must have been when he dropped it.
You turn the thing over in your hands, black cloth exterior feeling like kevlar. Instinct says to call out to him, to save him the time in your bathroom, but curiousity tugs at you and pushes through your fingers to pull at the little zipper. You hear him drop something heavy in your bathroom with a loud curse, and you scowl, and let your fingers gently betray a small unspoken trust, pulling the zipper open.
"What kind of secrets are you keeping in here, Bakugou?"
Thirty thousand yen in bills, a couple hundred more in coins, his sleek agency card, a piece of paper with some kind of business name and time scribbled hastily onto it, one of Jirou's branded guilar picks, the receipt from his purchase at the conbini down the street, his debit and credit cards. And his ID card, half obscured by ash stained plastic. You squint, unable to make out his name, or face, and you shrug with a little smirk, digging your fingers into the pocket to extract what feels like three cards, but one of them goes slipping from between the other two, and you try to catch it, but it flutters to the floor, and you are met with a familiar face.
You. It is a picture of you. You're not even sure where the image is from, you have half a mind and a skipping heartbeat to think that he took the picture himself and printed it out, because you're caught off guard in it, it's blurry and objectively looks terrible, but those are the long, tall windows of his apartment behind you in the picture, and the flimsy thing was in his wallet, folded into a tiny square that was tucked in between his state issued ID and his hero license. It's then that he comes loud around the corner of your kitchen, his IDs in your hand, and he freezes. You look up to him, and the air con unit in your living room starts up.
"I uh. I found it."
"Yeah, I see that. Where?"
"Behind the kettle."
"Your hero license is going to expire soon, you know."
"Yeah, I know."
He stares at you, and you know by now the twitching of his hands at his sides means he's nervous, wanting to be responsible and not get his sweat anywhere other than his jeans. You glance down at the images of him, grainy pictures that still get across the ever present crease in his brow.
"Why're you lookin' through my shit?"
"I was curious."
"Give it." He extends his hand out, and you hand it over, along with his cards, and you notice his fingers, as he pinches the cards and slides them against one another, and you notice the change in his expression, however minute. The fear that fills his widening eyes, the way his jaw clenches, the curl of his nose as he slides the cards together again, and then he checks a pocket, and then another, feigning innocence. He looks at you through his hair, and you swallow, the intensity of his gaze suddenly something that brings the prickle of sweat to your own palms.
"You steal from me?"
"All the money's there, Bakugou."
"Yeah. Guess it is."
He puts the cards back, slowly, eyeing you all the while, and you watch as he zips the wallet up, his face unreadable as he stares at the compact case. The silence tense, the air con unit sputtering as he searches your face and finds nothing, and he seems to come to some kind of peaceful conclusion before turning on you, about ready to stalk out of the kitchen. You bend, then, down to snatch the picture from the floor at the same time that he whirls on you, and now you're both caught in a moment you should have avoided, you should have been wiser to have evaded, to have been more fearful of him, to avoid touching what wasn't yours. But you are bent at an awkward angle, picture in your hand, looking up at him as he stares wide eyed down at you, and your face grows hot in an instant, your mind flitting to the cut of your shirt before you rise up with urgency, pocketing the piece of paper with a clearing of your throat.
"Fuck is that?"
"Nothing. Trash."
Wrong words to utter, you realize it with such speed it makes your head spin when he looks instantly furious, his hand clenching at his side before he seems to deflate like a balloon just as quickly, all ire going out of him and replaced by something somehow heavier, and softer, and you recognize the fear on his face again as he scans you, as if he'd hurt you with something and was assessing the damage. You replay your own words in your mind, and his hands are so lax by his sides, like a fighter relenting to a defeat, and you feel your body fill with panic, fear of becoming his enemy in his perceived ring overwhelming, and dreadful.
"It's actually, uh, it's. Here."
You fish into your pocket, embarrassment burning on your face as you scramble to hold the image between your index and middle finger. He glares at you then, and as sure as you are that he thinks you are his foe now, you are equally sure you must quell his anxiety, to assure him that there is no battle to be lost, and you extend your hand out, and hang your head.
"I want... I wanna be there. It's fine." The picture of you faces up, and he eyes it, and the gentle press of your fingers on either side of it.
"In my wallet." You feel your heartbeat thrum across every inch of your skin, the low gravel of his questioning tone almost taking your knees out from under you, and you don't dare move, gazing up at him as he watches your face with humor that befits a child, this gentle humiliation feeling like a retribution, and you sulk bitterly with the thought that maybe he was your enemy after all. "Yeah." He reaches out then, and you shake, as his fingers graze yours, your picture slowly making its way back into his grasp, but his thumb lingers on the pads of your fingers for too long, and you shiver with cold, and heat, as he pulls his wallet from his back pocket, slow, with deliberation, and you hold eye contact as he places the image in its rightful spot.
"Maybe next time don't go throught my shit," he goads, wallet still in his hand, and you breathe again after what seems like an eternity with a scoff. "Fuck you, maybe next time don't lose it in my apartment."
"'S not my fault your place is a shithole."
"It's not my fault you keep showing up here."
"I'll take this picture out," he threatens, looking down at you with ire, his hand smacking his wallet against the opposite palm, and you smile, wide and brazen and victorious, your chest puffing with something unfettered, with the aid of adrenaline. "You wouldn't dare."
He makes a face, one so unfamiliar that you almost miss it before it disappears, the curious tilt of his brow, the pull at the corners of his lips, the softness of his jaw before he turns, hand reaching behind so that you watch the wallet return to the safety of his back pocket, his other hand clenched tightly at his side.
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
tumblr randomly sent me a notif about you having “future mutual” written all over you! i’ve only just begun scrolling through your blog but everything i’ve seen so far from your fics to your stray thoughts is so fresh & entertaining. never stop doing what you do <3
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A-are you for real???? 🥺🥺🥺 like I’ve been trying to be more active on her by chatting a bit and to tell u the truth, I wasn’t sure if anyone would want/like to hear me ramble lol It’s why I kept my blog like strictly writing related stuff and even now I hesitate to just write random bullshit lol
But thanks, that really means a lot to me 🥺🥺
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
Another thing I have a love/hate relationship with is meal prepping. Love that I don’t have to cook for 4 days but hate all the mess and work of doing it all in one day 😭
Made some salmon and rice for dinner, and asparagus with shrimp for lunch. It’s totally worth it, nutritionally and time saving wise, but I’m a lazy bitch lollll
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
Omfgggg please I'm so sorry if this makes you uncomfortable and if it does please delete this but you look INCREDIBLE! YOUR BODY IS BANGINNN! I definitely know how it feels to not be happy with your appearance but just like... believe me lol. You look amazing! 😍
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I just wish I could say thank you in a much better and unique way 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
yes hello first of all I too love tea so much but hate the frequent trips to the bathroom 😩 second of all I am 0.2 seconds away from changing my username to bakugousimplover-lover bc sweet Jesus you are so pretty 😭😭 thank you for gracing my dash with your lovely self 💖💖 -teratalia
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Also on the tea, I know it’s a natural diuretic but please, the amount I’m peeing in a day is ridiculous lol Especially cause I usually drink match daily mixed with about 32oz of water, my bladder is getting it work in fr 😂
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
OMG thank you so much that means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ u gonna make me cry 🥺🥺🥺
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with tea?
Like I love the taste of it but hate how much it makes me pee lol At this point my pee isn’t even yellow anymore, just straight up water 😂
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
I have so much respect for digital artists fr, like it’s so fucking complicated 😭😭 I’m more of a traditional artist so when I go over to digital I just don’t have the patience for it loll
But here’s this shitty unfinished coloring I did of a Kohei Horikoshi sketch. Like trust, imma just stick to my pencil and paper from now on 😭
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
Absolutely sick over mean n grouchy Bakugou being so into a shy person.
Someone that’s very reserved, doesn’t have a hard time talking but won’t bother projecting their voice if no one hears them. “Do not perceive me I don’t exist” type energy, always coiling away from people and crowded places.
It absolutely boggles Bakugou’s mind how someone can be so meek and compliant?? Billions of theories that range from you being a big pushover to you actually being a psychopath in disguise. Whatever the case he’s scaring some answers out of you, corners you with his big body and talks to you with his growly voice, tells you to speak up and it’s rude to not look at the person you’re talking to- and his heart is speeding in his chest when you finally do look at him, all wide and round and anxious and turn between staring or looking away.
So so turn between helping you build some confidence, help you put yourself out there for your own good or picking on you for shits and giggles, watch you squeal and squirm cuz he has a mean bark and an even meaner bite (not to you tho, never to you). He’s just full of questions and concerns and feelings that he just has to bully you a little bit to soothe his heart. Gotta make sure that if you can take his shit then nothing in the world gets you down. And whatever tries will be tear to shreds by his hands.
Bakugou that gets so mean but so protective around you. It’s a little confusing but you know he means well from the bottom of his heart, just has a funny way of showing it.
But Bakugou finding out that his shy and soft person has all sorts of nasty kinks and fantasies… well those are a whole other set of demons he has to deal with.
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
Okay so wow I wasn’t expecting this to blow up, thank you so much guys! 🥺🥺
If anyones curious, I thought I’d share some thoughts on how Baku giving the flowers to Kiri went lol:
Bakugou literally tosses the bouquet in Kirishima’s lap with a gruff, “Here.” Like just stomps in his hospital room with no build up whatsoever, no hi or how are you or anything, and just gives it to Kirishima Iike that lol
Of course Kirishima is very touched by the gesture anyway. He literally looks between Bakugou and the bouquet with glittery eyes and starts with a wet “Bakubro-“ which Bakugou cuts off with red ears and a grumbly “Don’t-“ cause Bakugou is allergic to feelings like that lol
But, as Kirishima usually does, he just steamrolls right past Bakugou’s attitude and says “You do care!” with Bakugou responding with a “Shut the fuck up before I shove those flowers down your throat!”
Of course, Kirishima just laughs at that.
And when Bakugou tells him the meaning of the tansies, Kirishima full on starts crying cause he thinks that’s so manly loll
Bakugou sighs but he still rubs Kirishima’s back with a soft “yeah, yeah ya big baby” as Kirishima cries into his shoulder 🥺
(I- I- don’t know what you mean by that, but fuck it I’ll go with it lol Thanks for the ask!
Also, I don’t know much about flower meanings but I tried my best with google lol)
The first time you meet Dynamight, he’s stomping into your flower shop.
Broad-shouldered and tall, he swallows the space he’s in. His smell is a lazy thing, curling underneath your nose and swelling within your lungs like smoke. When he stops in front of your counter, you have to crane your neck up just to see his face, the inferno of his eyes; he leans forward and the world fades away beneath his shadow.
“I need flowers,” he says.
You continue to look at him, expecting him to say more but he stays silent. Just looks at you with a sharp frown and even sharper eyes, waiting, waiting, and you vaguely wonder if this is what it feels like to be a villain. To have him stare you down like this, like he’s trying to pick you apart, get to your soft insides, find out exactly what make you tick and-
It’s overwhelming. It’s all-encompassing.
It’s standing in the middle of a bed of coals, and the only thing you can do is curl your fingers and endure the burn.
“D-Do-,” you clear your throat; his gaze briefly flicks down to watch it before he meets your gaze again, “Do you know what type do you want?”
“Doesn’t matter,” he grunts and you think of borage leaves and the prickle underneath, the sharp curve of it petals; the dip of his brows is the danger of a rhododendron.
You flounder a bit, not knowing what to do. Dynamight stares at you a bit more before he sighs, some of the severeness bleeds from his face. He leans back and you breath a little easier.
“I’m- giving this to someone,” he says stiffly; the corner of his mouth gives a twitch, “Fucking idiot got himself hurt on the job an’ won’t stop whining ‘bout how boring his hospital room looks. I need somethin’ to shut him the fuck up.”
Ah, you think vaguely.
“I- uh- I’ll try my best, sir,” you say; Dynamight’s expression doesn’t change, “If you’ll just give me a moment?”
At that, his mouth twitches again. He seems to hesitate before he takes a breath through his nose, stuffs his hands in his pockets. He studiously avoids eye contact.
“Red,” he mumbles; you watch in fascination as a flush warms the tips of his ears, delicate and peeking like an unfurling mimosa, “Just make sure there’s a lotta of red.”
“Of course,” you say, and when he doesn’t bother to reply back, you take that as a cue get to work.
It’s easy enough, this kind of request. Unfortunately in a world of heroes and villains, it isn’t uncommon to make bouquets for the sick and hurt, and so you have a lot of experience with such things. But no matter how many times you do this, it is with a bittersweet touch that you pick out these flowers.
You pick the classic of roses, the good luck of peonies, the wistful afterthoughts of asters. Throw in some carnations and orchids for their longevity. And, you explain all this to Dynamight as you are wrapping the bouquet in a red ribbon, carefully setting it down on the counter. He listens with unexpected attentiveness.
“And this one here?” he grunts, pointing at a small cluster of round flowers in the bundle, “They’re yellow.”
It’s your turn to hesitate now. You shuffle your feet nervously.
“Those- are wild tansies,” you say, “They symbolize protection, health, and immortality. And…”
You pause. His stare is unrelenting.
“They also can mean a declaration of war,” you blurt out, nervous, “I thought you might like it to mean a warning about getting hurt again.”
Another pause and you briefly think of what flowers would look best in your casket, before his mouth turns up at the corners and he laughs. It’s not a long or loud thing, more of a bark than anything else, but god, does he look beautiful. His smile is more teeth than lips, his eyes the aftermath of a battle, and it reminds you of hot summers and picking for aloe. Of cutting the thick and prickly exterior to get to the insides, the softness underneath, a hidden treasure dripping from fingertips to wrist, the reward of a job well done-
Your face is ablaze. Your pulse is a hummingbird beat against your throat. He leans forward and his gaze is the bubble of sap beneath a sun warmed tree.
“Perfect,” he says, and he’s still smiling, smaller now, more private; still thorn sharp, underneath his molten presence, “This is perfect, bumblebee.”
You sputter and that only seems to amuse him further. He takes the bouquet and drops cash on the counter, a glance more than enough to tell you that it is more than you asked for.
“Keep the change,” he says and your left to stare at his broad back as he approaches the exit.
Halfway out the door, he gives you one last look.
“Next time,” he continues and god, his grin is absolutely feral, “I wanna whole bouquet of tansies.”
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
When there’s a lot of comments talking about the fic, especially if it’s about the writing style or the characterization. Every time I see feedback like that I get 🥺🥺🥺
@ fic authors what do you personally consider a successful fic? What’s the bar?
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
I will only know true happiness when they start producing the special edition journal 3 books again
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
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bakugousimplover · 2 years
as a fat bitch I think all the bnha guys have a thing for fat woman just like the way there thighs move, there soft chubby cheeks, fat pussy lips falling out of everything. just so lovely
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