balamui-blog · 8 years
&& IT’S DONE cos I got lazy.
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balamui-blog · 8 years
" I'm digging the hair~"
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                                                        ❛YEAH ━━━  ? Trust me, flattery won’t get you on my NICE side.❜
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balamui-blog · 8 years
Tucks a red flower in her hair. ❝It matches your eyes !❞
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                                                        ❛You know what also matches my eyes ━━━  ? Your blood if you touch me again.❜ The brunette spoke, taking the flower from her hair. QUICKLY giving it a single glance before { C R U S H I N G } it in between her hand.
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balamui-blog · 8 years
(  ━━  shouxryuuxha )
                 ❖││✘RISING DRAGON✘││❖
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                                                                                 ❛ I don’t have to do ANYTHING. ❜ (Then w h y do I stay?) ❛ By the way you DESCRIBED this Naraku, he sounds as though he cannot do MUCH without those who have spawned from him. He is just as TIED DOWN to the jewel as any other DEMON that is out to take it. This thing makes me a BEACON. ❜ (I can’t help but w e e p for you) ❛ & you never ANSWERED; what is his obsession with that one girl? She’s not from THIS WORLD & neither am I–I’m almost TEMPTED to ask her to show me the way out of this NIGHTMARE. ❜ (& yet I can’t see myself l e a v i n g you like this)
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                                                         ❛You're talking about KIKYOU?  ━━━  You're right, she isn't from this world..BEFORE you start comparing yourself to her, she is much different than you...She is made from clay & bones, nothing more...The miko died many years ago by the hands of NARAKU. ❜ She spoke the truth, although she couldn't bare to look at the man...HIS hues told her things that she didn't want to hear. ❛If I could fight NARAKU myself I would, but sadly { manipulating } men like yourself is much more fun.❜
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balamui-blog · 8 years
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Is  it bad that I planned to cosplay Junko on Halloween but waited too long & the outfit wouldn't come until November? So...guess whose going to be a slutty bat.
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balamui-blog · 8 years
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balamui-blog · 8 years
finally done with this BULLSHIT.
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balamui-blog · 8 years
( ━━ shouxryuuxha )
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                                                                                                               ❛ You gave me back my sight with means to which I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. & for what? To further your OWN goals. Why? Why should I help you? WHY SHOULD I TRUST YOU? ❜                                                                                                             (Why does my heart WEEP for you?) @balamui  has approached the rising dragon!
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                                                                  ❛You shouldn't { T R U S T } me, I'll give you that much...However, you do have to work with me...Just so I can make sure that shard stays in your head until he's dead...I want my FREEDOM & you seem to have purity running through you to HELP me.❜                                                                        ❛━━ You're my meal ticket, Shiryu.❜
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balamui-blog · 8 years
“These five fingers: individually they’re nothing, but when I curl them together like this in a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold!”
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                                                                  ❛Do you ever shut up? Your BORING lectures are getting extremely hard to ignore.❜  The sorceress spoke out. ❛I do wonder what a FIST would do against a sword...Hmm, who knows...━━━━━  WE SHOULD TEST IT OUT.❜
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balamui-blog · 8 years
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You know what's sad? Naraku wanted to take control of all the creations he made. He wouldn't let them free, even when they weren't of use to him any more. He had to take control of every single one of them...Like how he killed Kanna when she was shattered, he could of let her walked free or how he killed Kagura by giving her heart & bang stabbed through the lungs. 
I mean sure he doesn't want anyone to be happy, but to think about that...He knew he was going to kill them when they first were created & Kanna & Kagura were the first to be born from him & to think he was filled with such negative emotions & probably lusted over the thought of planning out on how his main creations would die, kinda scares me cause it's like he planned out their deaths way too well.
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balamui-blog · 8 years
“I think you get a sort of neurotic pleasure out of losing all the time.”
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                                                                 ❛WOW…Even an idiot can see that my time is owned by someone else.❜ She didn’t even look at the brunet as she spoke. SOMEONE talking to her in such a way was rare. Most mortals would try and slay where she stood.❛I’d rather be losing the TIME I have being alone, so you could say this is a LITTLE break from being the bad girl ;; THAT we've all grown to   {   l o v e  .  } ❜
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balamui-blog · 8 years
‘Peanuts’ Sentence Starters
“Well hello there, you blockhead!”
“Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter like unrequited love.”
“I hate myself for not having enough nerve to talk to him/her! Well, that’s not exactly true…I hate myself for a lot of other reasons, too.”
“I’m dying, and all I hear is insults!”
“I’ve developed a new philosophy. I only dread one day at a time.”
“No, that’s giving up…I’m still hoping that yesterday will get better.”
“Wouldn’t it be something if it turned out that french fries were good for you?”
“How can I say the wrong thing and the right thing at the same time?”
“That’s the secret to life…replace one worry with another.”
“Oh, good grief!”
“I never know what anyone is talking about.”
“We’re all pleading for someone to listen. We’re all desperate.”
“I’m not a poor loser, I’m a good loser. I’m so good at it I lose all the time!”
“Why aren’t you a pony?”
“This is where I belong! This is my life! I stand here like a captain of a ship!”
“This is called the loser’s walk. It’s the way you’re supposed to walk when you’ve lost again.”
“Isn’t s/he the cutest thing?”
“I COULD NOT POSSIBLY CARE LESS! I’m sorry, I apologize…that was just a gut reaction.”
“Happiness is having your own library card.”
“See, your way doesn’t work, either!”
“Some philosophies take a thousand years. I think of them in two minutes.”
“Rain is water which does not come out of faucets.”
“The largest dinosaur that ever lived was the Bronchitis. It soon became extinct. It coughed a lot.”
“It was a dark and stormy night…”
“Succumb, you dark-haired fiend!”
“Curses, foiled again!”
“Just wait ‘til next year!”
“I never said I worship him/her. I just said I’m very fond of the ground on which s/he walks!”
“You didn’t tell me you were going to kill it!”
“I love mankind. It’s people I can’t stand!”
“People are beginning to say nasty things about me.”
“These five fingers: individually they’re nothing, but when I curl them together like this in a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold!”
“Can I help it if I was born with crabby genes?”
“I was having my quiet time!”
“My life is like a messy coloring book.”
“I could run the whole world right here from under my bed!”
“Who cares about money? This is ART, you blockhead!”
“Subtraction? Oh, yes, I can explain it. Subtraction is the awful feeling that you know less today than you did yesterday.”
“I don’t look so bad after all! That’s always been my ambition…to not look so bad after all.”
“Don’t hassle me with your sighs!”
“What’s the good of having naturally curly hair if no one’s jealous?”
“Well, hello there! You don’t know me, do you? My name is ___. You’re real cute.”
“You were born crabby and you’re going to stay crabby! Don’t think you’re going to change because you’re not!”
“I think you get a sort of neurotic pleasure out of losing all the time.”
“Saturday’s the only day I never get anything wrong.”
“I don’t even know where I am now!”
“I think the whole trouble is that we’re thrown into life too fast…we’re not really prepared.”
“Do you think I can ever become a mature and well-adjusted person?”
“Why are you so crabby?”
“Sort of makes you want to treat me with more respect, doesn’t it?”
“We are obviously separated by denominational differences.”
“Everyone tells me you are a fake, but I believe in you.”
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balamui-blog · 8 years
you've always wanted that
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It's not my fault, I'm not to blame. it is the gypsy girl the witch who set this flame.
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balamui-blog · 8 years
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                 The emotions in the song Hellfire gets me every time, it’s such a powerful song & no matter what muse I will always want a relationship based around the song. ;; Although i will admit that song is basically Kikyou && Naraku.
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balamui-blog · 8 years
“I wish i couldn’t feel a damn thing.”
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                                                                 ❛Then maybe you should die.❜  The brunette said with no lack of emotion in her voice.❛You wouldn’t feel ANYTHING if you did die, you’d be an empty corpse, with no EMOTIONS your good as dead anyway.❜  Maybe she was being too CRUEL, but hearing him complain was honestly torture to her ears.  ❛ ━━━━━   If you cannot handle the sights you see with me, then maybe you shouldn’t follow me....EITHER WAY ;; what we have both done to HUMANS&DEMONS. We are both going to be rotting in HELL.❜  
                                                              ❛I don’t know what is more sad, is that your woman rejects you now or that once you two finally die YOU will never join her in death....JUST LIKE ;; I won’t be joining mine...❜  
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balamui-blog · 8 years
Ask Box Trick-or-Treat | Accepting
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balamui-blog · 8 years
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                                       ❛If I was you, I would want to be me too.❜
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