balduina · 10 years
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Today I went to the Roman Forum and the Colosseum for the first time (I say this because I will definitely be going back), and they blew my mind. Besides being beautiful and peaceful, these sites are truly awe-inspiring. I had the pleasure of attending a lecture on the Roman Forum before my trip and it definitely enhanced my experience. So, if you're going to go, it is 100% worth it to study beforehand. Rent a documentary, get a book, make friends with a roman history buff, I don't care just make sure you learn about it beforehand. Unfortunately, I only got a glimpse and a quick walk around some of the forum, definitely not enough to satisfy my curiosity. So, this will probably not be the last post about the Roman Forum.
  The first picture is a panoramic of part of the forum, and I climbed a lot of steps and hills to get it. Then again, in Rome you have to climb a lot of steps and hills to get anywhere. Side note, my butt is looking better by the day.
  The next six pictures are also from the forum. The first is a path that led to the 'main attractions', there was rubble on either side with moss growing freely on it (much like the foreground in the panoramic picture).
  The next picture I took because they are still excavating these ruins. They aren't done finding stuff, because we have only been digging for about a hundred years now. Can you imagine, all of this buried? It's insane to think about, but even more amazing to see.
  Next, there are the remains of abut half of a basilica which used to be covered in marble. I forget who this was built by, but his son died before it was finished so he built another building (as shown in the next picture) called the Temple of Romulus in his honor. You may notice that the door is seemingly in the middle of the wall. That's because there used to be ground up to there.
  Lastly, there are pictures of columns that look incredibly impressive to me. They really complete the picture I have in my head of what Rome used to be.
  Basically, I'm amazed today. I can't find the words to say how incredible my visit to Il Foro Romano was, it just left me with this feeling that I can't describe. I guess you'll just have to see for yourself.
  Ciao Ragazzi!
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balduina · 10 years
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I'm Sarah, and I'm studying abroad this semester at the JFRC in a neighborhood of Rome called Balduina. I know I'm going to be going out and trying new things, so I thought I'd start a blog for my own memories and maybe to help out some other people thinking about studying abroad. I've never blogged seriously before, so here goes nothing.
Pictured above is the courtyard of the JFRC campus. Surrounded by trees, the JFRC is a sight to behold and smells amazing (so long as you stay on campus). I haven't been in Balduina long, but I think I'm in love. The weather is amazing, especially since in Chicago it's probably freezing right about now, the people are friendly, and I feel like I can relax. 
Classes aren't in session yet, but I have been so busy since I arrived in Rome. Between orientation and meeting new people and getting out to see the city, it's been a little crazy. I want to remember as much as I can, so I'm going to end this introductory post and start writing down what I did this week instead.
Ciao ragazzi!
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