balteren · 5 days
Nearly imperceptibly, he winced at her words. “No, no, I’m not in any trouble with Japan. Though I may not be quite so lucky with a certain Chinese commander.” Some foolish part of him had assumed- or even just hoped- that the suggestion would be enough and would warrant no further questions. It was difficult for him to understand how quickly everything had happened with Midori, and it was nearly impossible to retrace the steps that led him to her side. It was a happy journey, but one that he knew he’d need to defend eventually. There was some sweat forming on his palms, though if it was from the heat or the turn in conversation was anybody’s guess.
“I am courting Lady Midori,” He laughed, a blush forming on his cheeks at the words. “Or, well, we are courting each other, really.” Max was always a bit flustered when he talked about it to anyone else. With Midori, everything fell into place so naturally, so easily, there was never much heart-racing or stumbling over words when he was in her presence. When he talked about it with anyone else, however, he felt giddy- almost childlike in his affection. With a close friend and confidante like Maria, especially, he opened like a flower, blooming and glowing with his contentment. “I’m not even sure how it happened, Maria. All those months avoiding nobility, just to wake up one morning and find her consuming my thoughts.” The smile on his face was undeniable- every word was the truth. “It may be foolish, but I am quite taken by her.” 
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Ego fully fluffed, she playfully hissed in his direction. "Or you might be wise enough to fancy yourself some kind of snake charmer," one that a snake might trust was the meaning she was confident in, which was why she seemed to settled. Her laughter simmered, eyes returning to the path before her. There was no sense to flash her venom in Max's direction anyway, not when she needed him to provide some sense of reality amidst all the lies and deceptions she spun. How times had changed since their first meeting. "It is possible that two crowns of equal weight might fall twice as hard," she contemplated, "Oh, but the glamour of two rivaling royal families, it seems to be much more entertaining than getting rid of both altogether. With luck, they may tear each other apart..." Alas, that was the plan at Lal Qila, once the conflict began to heat up. Only, it was rebels of the wrong kind that seized that opportunity to create the dreadful Reckoning. She nodded, catching the slowness of her own steps before hastening along.
"I see no issue with enjoying a good pity party," she snickered, the delight in China's misfortune's nearly distracting her from an all-too-important note that he'd snuck into their conversation. It only took moments for her to realize it before she frowned, "Why would you care what Japan thinks of you?" she pondered, unable to stop the flooding of questions, "and what are you doing taking Lady Midori on a... picnic?" she cringed at the idea of something so disgustingly proper, "You haven't gotten yourself into some kind of trouble with Japan, have you?" That had to be the only logical explanation in her mind as to why her dearest friend would ever participate in something as ridiculous as courting, churning the marriage mart that fed directly into the monarchy's hands.
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balteren · 5 days
“I’m not sure I should introduce you to him, lest he steal your affections away with his charms.” A teasing smile, and a thumb grazing across her knuckles. Midori’s hesitance to talk about their future did not stop Max’s mind from wandering. The thought of her joining him in France, moving their courtship from the neutral ground of Fasil Ghebbi to somewhere so personal, only furthered the fantasy he’d created in his head. Taking her to meet Monsieur Allard wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but strolling around Paris, showing her the places he’d haunt as a younger man, going to the theatre, walking along the Seine, even- one day- taking her to the farm in Lyon to meet the rest of his family and see where he grew up, these were all thoughts that had started to enter his mind. It was all so intoxicating, so romantic, so exciting, and hearing her acknowledge the possibility only heightened his excitement. 
“Perhaps you’d like to discover just how rebellious I can be, Lady Midori.” He stood, his smile only widening at the feel of her hand, as if it hadn’t been mere moments since they’d last touched. Leading her out of the ballroom, into the fresh air of the night felt invigorating. They were adults, of course, and free to do as they pleased, but there was still something that felt so exhilarating about sneaking off into the night. With his free hand, he’d begun removing the tie around his collar, freeing his neck and allowing the breeze to hit the newly bared skin on his neck. “We've made it out alive, and we have the world in front of us. Now, my darling, where should we go first?” 
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"I am an adequate rider, at best." Only a small, white lie. Although she is no professional, Midori is learned on horseback. Often times, the most sensible way to escape the scene of a crime. But it has been months since she's last ridden a horse with success. A veiled attempt at side saddle for its ladylike connotations meant taking her time with it. "But if I may share in your horse. Keep a steady hold on you..." Her eyes linger shamelessly, a spark of innuendo that fails shorts of full intent. Max is not like those before, and so unlike Tian Feng. It is the heart of it all that matters.
"So long as there is enough for your constituents to eat." She nods, sharing a thoughtful look with Max. France and Japan may not share much in the way of culture, but the plights of the poor are shared regardless of where it is. "How dreamy! You'll have to introduce me." It is as close to talking of a future as she's come. France is a world away, yet Max makes her feel part of it. Meanwhile, he remains at arms length. So much of her own life hidden away. She relaxes into the kiss, wishing for more yet afraid of it all the same. Drifting away from such concern, she refocuses.
"Viscount Maximilien - are you a rebel in disguise?" She deigns scandal, as if she would not do the same in a heartbeat. "I doubt the Emperor needs me for the remainder of the evening." If Kaito thought to need her at all. Nodding fervently, she takes his hand. "Let us escape. I wish to be with you outside the pomp and circumstance." A desperate search for something real, something true in this new love.
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balteren · 5 days
“She’ll appear to me eventually. Even if she doesn’t, I’m bound to run into one of the many Scottish kings or queens, and they can point me in her direction.” A content sigh. She wasn't all that worried- if Claire urgently needed her, she would send someone to find her. Her conversation with Victorira was so different than her earlier one with Claire. It was almost remarkable how Victoria managed to move through life without the burden of her position on her shoulders. There was a heaviness that nearly every royal carried with them, even if they had other, more carefree attributes otherwise. If Victoria was similarly affected by her lot in life, she was exceptionally skilled at hiding it. After the Reckoning, Nell wondered if her friend might be changed by the upheaval, if there might be some realization about how easy it was to find yourself at the top of the line of succession. But again- if any change had occurred, it was not immediately evident. Another bite of the pastry, the sugar melting on her tongue. “Could you imagine a menagerie at the palace in Norway? They'd need an indoor pavilion to make it through the winter- and could you imagine the smell?” 
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"You have lost your queen?" Victoria giggled, "Though, I'm sure with two of them here, it stands to reason one might lose track one at least one." No matter the country, no matter the political standing, she could always find some way to look upon each one with wonder. Japan and China had a emperors, which sounded so majestic. France voted for their rulers, which was fascinating. Scotland had four rulers, which seemed absolutely magical. Perhaps it would be better to remain naive to all of their conflicts with themselves and each other. Skipping over to the plate, she grabbed another pastry as she finished the one in her mouth. "I have visited it only but once, with Teddy, we saw the zebras and giraffes... but there's still so much more I'd just love to explore."
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balteren · 8 days
It was probably best to start the day on a positive, easy note. “Norway would be an easy place to start.” An ally of her own. She'd known the Oldenburgs since she was a child, and though there were some dramatics regarding their future, it was an easy enough way to wet Claire’s feet. “Lord and Lady Siggurdson are quite amiable, as are the Oldenburgs.” A thoughtful furrowing of the brow and a tilt of the head as she considered others. There was a second option, if Claire was feeling a bit braver by the time they made it to the event. “On the other hand, Japan is powerful, and they could be a strong ally for Scotland. Making a point to speak with Emperor Kaito first would make an impression, but you’d risk making a enemy of China.” 
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With a hand still placed firmly on her heart, Claire nodded her head but once. Nell was right, she would have to face the world one day. Would she not, then she would fade away into obscurity. Be remembered, were James's words on that fateful day. This day had to come. "I am proud of us, to be sure," she reassured them, "I just... pictured this day so differently in my mind." She cleared her throat, using her own two fingers to smooth out her brow, which had surely begun to grow worry lines. "No matter," she sighed, shaking her head as she attempted to straighten her back, "We can't change that, now can we? Who do you suggest I speak with first, hmm?"
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balteren · 8 days
“Yes, you’re absolutely right.” She mumbled, her thoughts leading her away again. Her hands were busy, fiddling with a ring she kept on her right hand. It was a simple thing, just a thin silver band holding a small, polished piece of amber. A ring exchanged in the dead of night. A ring that, until very recently, was the only proof of that night happening at all. She rubbed her thumb over the smooth face of the stone, the nervous energy settling slightly. A subtle shake of the head as she attempted to push the image of Silje’s “son” out of her mind. “I only wish the memories would not taunt me like they do.” She shut her eyes tightly for a moment before steadying her resolve and finally facing Silje. “I suppose I’ll go wherever the Queen needs me to go. I may not be her lady any longer, but I am still tied to her hip.” It sounded like a negative, but Nell did not feel that way. She liked the companionship, especially at such public events, and it was a relief to have some structure. “From what I’ve heard, Norway’s celebration will be beautiful. Are you playing a part in the planning?” Some strain lingered in her voice, but it was hidden better than a few moments ago.
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nell's solemnity mirrored their own. silje watched closely as she turned, as her eyes met theirs and then flicked off in another direction. they recognised the sign of a mind wandering. but to where? there were some lands which silje was not privy to explore, due to no invitation. the statement nell provided rang true enough. a part of them wanted to question her, probe for something further. the other part warned them: you remember what happened last time you clenched your fist too tightly. a second mercurial daughter was not on silje's list of things to lose. and silje had some secrets of their own. some dark corners in the house of their past. the candles were to be illuminated at midnight, but there was some time still. silje remained unmoving for now. "that's understandable. the weight of the risk is greater on your shoulders now as the advisor to the queen, instead of simply attending to her. it's normal to feel as if everything is bearing down upon you." this was also true. offering as a semblance of comfort from silje's own arsenal of experience. "but at some point, you will have to return with your head held high. do you know which events you'll return to?"
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balteren · 8 days
The walls of Fasil Ghebbi were growing tighter, and what once felt sprawling was beginning to feel suffocating. There were a number of spots where Max often went when he wanted to read, rotating through them to keep some variety, but none of them were particularly attractive on this day, so he went out scouting for someplace new. Dawit’s Hall felt like a good start- it was often empty, aside from the odd musician or performer, and the open, airy space was perfect for settling into a book. When he arrived at the hall, it was already occupied by a performer- likely practicing for the upcoming event. Immediately, Max was drawn to the stage, leaning against a pillar and watching the man run through the steps until he was finished. 
“No, I’m just a spectator.” A kind smile, though a bit forlorn. “We are in for quite a show, if this is just your rehearsal.” The arts had immediately sucked Max in after he moved to Paris, and he’d often spend what little money he had on a ticket to the theatre. It was a world so different to what he’d always known, and it was the only place where he didn’t scorn opulence and grandeur. For a while, he’d dreamed of writing and directing his own plays, but that dream was put to the side when he started his foray into revolutionary politics. It was a stone that he’d kicked down the road, not forgotten. One day, when France was free, perhaps he’d manage it. At the man’s question, Max took the book out from under his arm and handed it to him. It was a small thing, and within the margins were scrawled notes- mostly stage directions and ideas that he’d implement if he were to direct the play himself. “The Good-Natur’d Man. It’s a new play, by an Irish playwright. Oliver Goldsmith, I believe. I’m nearly finished with it, but you’re welcome to borrow it, if you’d like.” 
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one, two, three, four. one, two, three — it's a familiar rhytm, yet with too many intricacies for him to have nailed it the way he likes just yet. his soft-soled shoes sweep the floor, and briefly losing his balance, he rights himself again. noi isn't wearing the full scale of his outfit, with its heavy accessories and pieces of jewelry, layers, and layers of fabric — though wears a simplified version of it. a wide-legged pair of rose, silk-like pants, a short-sleeved tight beige shirt, underneath a flowy, white, sheer one. as he moves, the performer hums a tune under his breath, and in the quiet atmosphere of the hall, it echoes against the walls. he does not know how long it has been, and despite the noises he himself is making ( the thump of his shoes, the humming, the huffs ), when another noise reaches his ears, noi is quick to notice. however, doesn't stop mid-practice, his eyes meet the other's for a brief moment, and he throws him a smile. it takes a couple of minutes more humming and dancing before this part is done. and only then, he tilts his head, taking a step towards the other man. "hello, are you one of the performers?" his eyes glint, noi knows the answer already. he has met with all of the performers in the past few weeks, and this man is not one of them. "what did you think?" raise of an eyebrow, a cattish grin on his lips. he waits for an answer. a moment later, reaches to the side, to drink some water from his bottle. there is a sheen of sweat on his skin, his chest rising slightly higher than usual, breathing slowly going back to normal after the routine. his attention, on the man fully now, he leans against one of the pillars, spots the book under his arm. "what is that? what are you reading?"
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balteren · 9 days
Thoughts went in endless circles around her mind, moving faster than she ever thought possible. In only just a moment, it felt as though she’d had a million different conversations with herself- and the vast majority of them told her to turn back around and continue on her way, leaving the Hatzfeld alone in her wake. And yet, despite every nerve in her body telling her to reject the scheme, she stood her ground, watching every minute move he made as he closed in on her. It was a struggle to get a handle on the situation. Which was he? A shark circling its prey, or a vulture looking for an opportunity? This thought didn't last long, and suddenly all she could only focus on was his breath warm on her ear, her skin prickling under his touch, and the knot in her stomach tightening. If she hadn’t seen what she did, she would have pulled away and politely rejected him. But over his shoulder she watched as a wealthy nobleman- who had previously been vying for her hand- glanced at them from a distance, gave a dejected look, and turned away. Only seconds had passed, and already their scheme was working.
Alright. If they were going to do this, they were going to be equals. Her hand reached to straighten his collar, and she let her hand linger next to the warm skin on his neck. “If you’re certain, I am willing to try.” A stupid decision on her part, she was sure, but the reward seemed to be worth the risk. Without sacrificing the closeness, Andromeda snaked her arm through his. Without realizing it, her nerves had melted into excitement. “You’ll escort me back to the party, then?” A coy smile. “I believe our affections are wasted in such a private area.”
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smile dropped  and  some  of  the  excitement in his eyes faded. sourness almost fully claimed his demeanor, potentially erasing the idea from his mind with its arrival, but lips pressed together, physically preventing a retraction from escaping.   ❝ i am, ❞   he confirmed. stefan supposed it shouldn't be a surprise given his reputation. schemes and tricks were for politicians, as far as his peers were aware the middle hatzfeld appeared as he was, unaware of how he slithered like a snake to whatever side best suited him, sometimes lingering on the line in between and getting a sense of how the scales would tip before truly deciding. his eyes widened when she suddenly walked away. had he miscalculated? it'd be a rare occurrence, years of reading people during cards had made him quiet skilled at it, but then she turned around. stefan nodded.  ❝ i refused to pretend for the sake of my last betrothal. i doubt anyone would think i'd change my tune. ❞   a smirk tugged at his lips. boldly, he closed the distance between them, leaning closer so he could whisper in her ear. one of his hands slowly trailed up her arm.  ❝ it also means they have no idea how convincing i can be. ❞
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balteren · 9 days
closed starter with: max and hisashi (@xforgedsecrets) location: the gardens time: late afternoon
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There was a small pond in the garden, beautiful and serene, full of fish and ducks and frogs, and bursting with an array of aquatic plants. On any other afternoon, on any other day, it would be the perfect place to relax. Today, however, Max’s dog had decided it was the perfect spot to play. There was a gentle slope into the water, and Max was throwing a stick out into the pond, allowing Plumet to splash through the water to fetch it. Inappropriate? Maybe. But the look on Plumet’s face could only be described as “incandescent bliss”. So, long as no one of any importance saw and he didn’t allow his dog to destroy any of the wildlife, Max was willing to allow the indulgence. As he threw the stick into the water for the thousandth time, his eye was caught by Hisashi. “Out for a walk?” His voice was raised loud enough to catch his attention, but he walked over to his friend regardless. His voice was at a more acceptable volume when he approached. “I was out walking myself, but Plumet had other ideas.” He turned back, gesturing to the soaked dog who was panting heavily and wondering why the game had stopped. 
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balteren · 9 days
There was a stiffness to him that felt foreign and unnatural, leading Nell to withdraw and distance herself slightly. She adjusted her seat on the ground, suddenly deeply aware of the rough ground that was digging into her knees. It was a barrage of information, and every word felt like a striking blow, bringing her back to the Earth. Her father- the man who raised her, who was once so gentle and loving, was now unrecognizable. Perhaps he was always a monster, and her youth and affection blinded her to it, but it didn’t matter. The damage had been done, and Ulrich’s words were only further proof of the matter. 
Guilt overwhelmed her, pictures of the life he could have had playing out in her mind, if only she had kept her distance. Every beautiful memory would be worth losing if it granted him even a modicum of the happiness she had taken away. But she could not grant him that. All she could offer was some proof that the steps her father had taken were in vain. “You must know, I never forgot.” It sounded like a plea for forgiveness. “My heart was yours from the moment we met and it remained that way.” She reached for his hand, looking for a lifeline. “Please…” A pause as she searched for the words. How do you explain this kind of devotion? “You must know. I have thought of the life we should have had every moment of every day. I have ceaselessly mourned the happiness we were owed.” A beat. “Not a night has passed that I did not reach for you.”
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it was odd, he thought, to be in her presence once more but to be numb to her emotion out of fear of what transpired between him and the count that night. in some respects, he felt as if one blink could startle this reunion away or worse yet, make him wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of his bed, alone, in the norwegian castle. what once felt airy and full of life and colour was now tainted with the worry of what her father might think if he found out that he was alive or what he might do to his twin brother if he was caught in sweden.
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"your father is a madman," johannes states with widened eyes, a comedic nature about the statement and his expression that shines light on his real identity, different from who he pretended to be. "but no. he allowed my life in return for keeping my distance from you thus allowing you to believe that he had murdered me - i suppose, he thought that if you believed me dead, you would forget about me after awhile and move on to greener pastures...ones where the likes of me would not hold your gaze so fondly..."
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balteren · 9 days
closed starter with: nell and cailean (@tormxntum) location: the norway day celebration time: just before midnight
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Every year, without fail, Nell’s father was invited to join the Swedish envoy at Norway’s national celebration, and every year he brought Nell along. It was a yearly ritual that she’d come to expect and enjoy, and her father used it as a way to teach her the intricacies of diplomacy and international politics- something that would come to serve her in her current position. The giddiness she once felt at the party was lost to time, and the events of the last two years cast a dark shadow over the affair. Now she sat at a table in a shadowy corner, tipping a glass of champagne into her mouth as she watched the staff begin to light the candles. Her eyes trailed a certain Sigurdsson as he socialized on the far side of the room. In a kinder world, the two would be dancing and celebrating together. But this was not a kind world. 
A familiar presence now loomed near her, and she knew who it was without looking. Cailean was usually a comfort, but Nell knew that a single glance at their face would send her over the edge. There was no part of her that wanted to stay for the candle ceremony, so she stood, avoiding his gaze. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I will retire for the night,” she mumbled before they could greet her. Nell made a beeline for a nearby door, fighting the balloon of emotion that had taken root in her chest. And yet, despite her speed and fear of falling apart in such a public place, a part of her hoped Cailean would follow and demand to hear the secret she had kept hidden for so long. Without looking back, she slipped through the door and into the gardens, thankful to see them empty. 
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balteren · 9 days
closed starter with: nell and felix (@umitvar ) location: the stables time: mid-morning
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It was common practice for the stablehands to groom and tack up the horses, both as a way of saving time and labor for the residents, but also as a way to avoid getting any kind of mess on their fine clothes. Nell was never all that concerned about the lost time or the dirt that inevitably found its way onto her skirts- in fact, this was her favorite part of her day. The stables were always quiet, save for the few rumblings of the horses or the sounds of day-to-day chores being done. It was a tranquil, blissful place. Her gelding had endured the trip from Scotland and was settling in nicely, but it made Nell feel better to keep him company for part of her day, even if it was just to braid his hair or to sit and read in the pastures while he grazed. They had only just finished putting on his bridle when they heard footsteps coming down the barn’s aisle, and they popped their head out of the stall to see Felix.
“Oh good, you got my note.” A smile as they left the stall, walking to meet the prince. Nell had woken with a restlessness that refused to settle, so they sent a message over to Felix, asking if he’d meet her in the stables that morning. “I was thinking a ride into the mountains might do Hamlet some good, and I might lose my mind if I don’t get out of these palace walls.” Hamlet- her horse- was already fully tacked, his bridled head sticking out the stall door. “Would you like to come? They say we should use a guide, but I think we’ll be fine as long as we bring a map along.”
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balteren · 10 days
A laugh immediately slipped through her lips at his jests as she glanced away, shaking her head at the prospect. It was a ridiculous idea, and one that could never be suggested in earnest, surely. When she turned back, ready to return the volley with a joke of her own, she was taken aback by the look on his face. Where she’d expected to see a joking smile, there was none. That’s when it dawned on her. “My God. You’re serious.” A look of confusion and bewilderment took over her face as she processed the idea. Entering into a public courtship would certainly quiet her advisors and stop the string of suitors that had poured through her door once the different kingdoms began to arrive. She was not liable to develop feelings, and if his reputation was any indication, neither was he. So it had all of the perks of courtship without the ultimate, dreaded destination of marriage, and only required a few public performances between the two of them. It was a ridiculous idea- but it could work. There was a sudden burst of energy inside her as she began to feel herself wanting to accept his arrangement. With a start she turned from him, walking a few paces in frustration before stopping in her tracks and turning back to look at him. “Are you certain it would work?” 
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while not  impossible,  his  idea  would  be more difficult to propose if she wasn't under the same pressure to wed as he. stefan loathed owing someone, much preferred being the one owed or on equal footing. breaking another betrothal might be more preferable than being in someone's debt. so he smiled when she spoke before taking a drink from his glass. he even chuckled.   ❝ it's aggravating, ❞   he agreed.  ❝ it's been similar in germany still. apparently the message i sent by ruining my betrothal to the ortiz royal wasn't heard clearly enough. ❞   stefan had thought a public fling with a bonaparte would've sent a clear enough message about how little he cared about breaking a betrothal. apparently not. it now felt like only a matter of time before he was trapped in another arrangement. he took a sip of juice from his glass before continuing.   ❝ which is why, i have an idea i think will benefit us both. ❞   he lowered his voice.  ❝ if we pretended to be courting, everyone would leave us alone. they'd think a betrothal is inevitable so there's no need to pester us about other suitors. we'd have to play the part in public but it's a small sacrifice, wouldn't you say? ❞
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balteren · 10 days
Perhaps it was the beauty around her, or the blue skies and the gentle breeze but there was no reticence as she smiled at the stranger. “Please, stay!” She leaned in closer, lowering her voice. “My feet are in agony as well. The shoes my ladies picked for me are far better suited to a short promenade or a night seated at the theatre than a day of climbing on a mountainside.” It wasn’t decidedly true- her feet certainly weren’t comfortable, but there was no agonizing pain either. It was less of an admission than an attempt at putting the girl at ease, finding some cornerstone of relatability.  
“Please, have some of our food!” There was a spread of meats, cheeses, dried fruits, and nuts sitting on a large tray in the center of the blanket. Andromeda had picked at a few fruits, but was generally distracted by the spectacle around them. “Now, you are the court physician in…..” She blanked on the country for a moment, but it came to her relatively quickly. “Egypt?” It was technically a guess, but she was almost certain her memory was correct. “But forgive me, I can’t remember your name. I’ve learned so many names and titles these past few days, my head is swimming.”
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as  with  most  things  she  does  ,  isra's  trek  to  the  simien  mountains  is  two  pronged  —  there  is  kernel  of  a  genuine  interest  ,  to  see  the  butterfly  migration  once  again  (  something  that  captivated  her  the  first  time  around  ,  in  the  early  days  of  infiltrating  fasil  ghebbi  )  .  but  mostly  it  is  to  perform  her  duties  (  the  very  thing  that  feeds  the  pit  in  her  stomach  )  ;  to  watch  and  observe  ,  blending  in  with  visitors  and  residents  alike  ,  picking  useful  tidbits  out  of  innocuous  conversation  .  all  leading  up  to  seamlessly  sliding  into  a  chat  with  andromeda  , who , admittedly , intrigues the spymaster to no end .  and when  her  attention  appears  divided  ,  the  scorpion  strikes  ( the pit grows ) . when  the  princess  finally  notices  her  ,  isra  glances  at  the  patterned fabric  beneath her and  gasps  ,  "  oh  !  ah  …  "  a  peal  of  giggles  falls  from  her  lips  ,  a  mixture  of  feigned  embarrassment  and  joy  .  "  and  i  was  so  certain  this  was  my  sister's  picnic  blanket  …  my  apologies  .  i  suppose  we  were  both  elsewhere  ,  hmm  ?    "  as  if  she  hadn't  sat  on  her  haunches  ,  waiting  for  an  opportunity  .  but  no  matter  .  "  would  you  mind  if  i  stay  here  for  a  moment  ?  my  feet  are  quite  tired  from  walking  about  .  "
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balteren · 10 days
With some significant force of will, she managed to stop the tears in her eyes from forming any further- but only just barely. Guilt began to press on her heart as she listened, taking in the words and their implications. All too often their advisors and tutors would lecture her on the heavy burden of duty, and how it could weigh especially hard on someone who had never experienced the act of representing an entire kingdom. Andromeda was discovering that her advisors miscalculated- the far heavier burden was that offamily. For nearly her entire life, she was alone, never beholden to anyone but herself. It was a deeply lonely life, and hardly a day passed where she did not wish to experience the deep familial ties that she saw in the people around her, but it allowed her to live without ever seeing the look that was in Malika’s eyes. “Of course. You’re right.” She steeled herself, turning away from the window to face the queen. She was not doing this for Brazil or Madagascar or the crown, but for her family. She could not let them down. She could not be the one to risk their image. “I’m sure the music will be enough of a distraction.” There was a pause. Andromeda’s eyes fluttered downward for a moment, and then back to Malaika’s. “Does this ever get easier?” 
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the king's  disappearance  had  enhanced  the  protectiveness malaika felt where her family was concerned. the addition of other nations in fasil ghebbi made it stronger. while andromeda looked toward the crowd, mal's eye remained on her sister in law. a trace of guilt tugged at her mind. if her husband was here, would he grant andromeda's request? she sighed, crossing her arms.   ❝ it's important that we are all seen in attendance. ❞   a strong, united front. something that felt crucial. there was the added consideration that their musicians weren't featured in the concert. while she doubted the brazilian or madagascan monarchs wouldn't understand a single soloman's absence, she couldn't risk it.  ❝ but you needn't stay for the entire concert if you don't wish. ❞   a compromise.  ❝ and while you're there, you're welcome to remain at my side. ❞
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balteren · 10 days
The day had beheld nothing but a parade of suitors, all coming into her home and offering her everything short of the world. Empty promises, she assumed. It felt as though she’d only just arrived, and already she could feel the gentle pressures from all sides growing stronger with every passing day. She was the new, sparkling tool in the toolbox for advisors to use in crafting new alliances and strengthening old ones, and it all was beginning to grow a bit tiresome. If this was truly her home, she wanted to stay and enjoy it for just a while longer, if not forever. There were few things she missed from her old life, but being a spinster was one of them. Andromeda was at her wits end, and nearly asked the guards to close the door in the face of her incoming guest, but paused when she recognized the face. 
“Prince Nabil, what a wonderful surprise!” She stood, curtseying for the prince before crossing the room to meet him. The first genuine smile of the day as she took one of the boxes. It was a relief to be in the presence of someone who wasn’t trying to drag her away to the altar, and simply wanted to visit with her. “Oh, these look absolutely lovely, you are far too kind.” She handed the box to one of her lady’s maids, asking them to bring a few of the treats back on a plate with some coffee. “Please, sit! I haven’t had a decent conversation all day and I am desperate for conversation that is not about politics or alliances or wars or…” Her mind stopped her before she could add the dreaded word- marriage. A wave of her hand, as if shooing away the very thought of it. “Are you enjoying Ethiopia? Few things delight me more than seeing my home through another's fresh eyes.”
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it has been a whirlwind meeting so many people, having so many unofficial yet still official discussions with other royals. the first few days, many of them seemed to want to take it easy, though, after that, it felt like everyone was back to business. with different motives and complicated words, all of that the egyptian prince is very used to, just not particularly fond of. realistically speaking, this is very understandable. with the state the world is in, nabil does not think ill of any of them — though foolishly, he had hoped they would have more time to relax. also knows he would be called an idiot if this was voiced out loud. so, a little respite to do a friendly visit is more than welcome. having seen andromeda and spoke briefly with her during the breakfast, they had done a rain check so he would visit later. as such, he is donning his fancier robes, with guards following him, as he walks to the grand enqualal gemb. soloman guards lead him to where the princess is, and once he reaches there, he bows, as it is the proper custom. "her highness. i hope all has been well—" nabil starts, a gentle smile on his face. he gestures to one of his own guards to hold out the gifts he had brought. again, this was not official by any capacitiy, but he never liked going to someone else's house empty-handed. "i brought some egyptian delicacies. though you might enjoy them?"
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balteren · 10 days
closed starter with: andromeda and ceren (@espionisms) location: the gardens time: just before dawn
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Despite her deep fears going into the month, Andromeda had taken quickly to the life of a princess on the social scene. The night had gone flawlessly- she’d danced, laughed, sung along to the music, and was finally beginning to feel she had found her footing in her new life. There was some creeping anxiety, and a little voice in her throat reminding her that she was only setting herself up for heartbreak if it was discovered that she was an imposter. She had gained so much, and every new happiness was balanced with the risk of it being taken from her overnight. It had happened to her before- certainly it could happen again. For now, though, it did not matter much. “I wish we could do this every night,” she said, approaching Ceren with a quiet, blissful smile on her face and a half drunk glass of champagne in her hand. There was normally a bit more hesitation- if not plain avoidance- when she was around the spy, but not tonight. “I truly don’t believe I would ever tire of it. Everything sparkles so much more with a bit of music and wine, doesn’t it?”
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balteren · 11 days
Embarrassment quickly melted into intrigue once she processed the scene in front of her. Nell followed his eye line to the zebra, then back to the sketchbook in his hand. Carefully, she moved to position herself behind him, glancing at the book. “That’s a lovely drawing.” She spoke much softer now, not wanting to disturb the animal. It suddenly felt very intrusive to stare over his shoulder, no matter how much the art entranced her, so she moved a bit further away and sat. The morning light made the already beautiful creature seem almost ethereal- it was the perfect subject, in the perfect lighting. There were worse ways to spend a morning than watching the artist capture it. “Are you an artist by trade? You certainly seem to have some training.” 
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the lord's  awareness  of  the  world  had faded. his attention belonged only to the sketchbook in his hand and the zebra lingering nearby that he was sketching. a rough outline finished, teddy worked on adding more details, enhancing shadows so the lighter areas came into existence. the sudden exclamation of another's voice made him start, charcoal scribbling slightly on the page.   ❝ it's fine, my liege, ❞   he assured, looking up at them with a polite smile. a quick glance was cast toward the creature - thankfully, it hadn't noticed the new arrival or fled due to their voices.   ❝ i cannot promise i'm the best company at the moment, but you're welcome to sit. ❞
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