banaannagirl · 2 months
monaca♡ice Special Book #0
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banaannagirl · 2 months
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when you look at lipxlip...
The Charm Points of LIPxLIP, As Seen Through the Eyes of Those Around Them
Film live, anime, new songs, MVs, novels, etc… In the 4 years that have passed since the release of their previous album, the world around LIPxLIP has been portrayed from many angles via all kinds of media developments. Let’s check out the charm of the pair, as seen from the eyes of the people around them!
The People at their Agency
shito: The President is a person who knows what Yujiro and Aizo are like deep down inside, so she is the one who spoils the two of them, even when they selfishly say “No means no!”. I think that she’s able to treat Yujiro and Aizo that way because they trust her wholeheartedly.
Yamako: The President is the only person with whom the two of them can be selfish without having to act cool, isn’t she?
Their Fans
Yamako: Yujiro and Aizo, as seen through the filtered lens of Chuutan, are truly the epitome of “perfect idols”. I tried to be extremely conscious of this when I was drawing her MV in order to portray them as perfectly cool as she sees them.
shito: However, from the perspective of Yujiro and Aizo, Chuutan is just one of their many fans. Aizo doesn’t like women, so if she got too close to him, he would inevitably grow to dislike her. Their relationship will not go anywhere, no matter what she does.
Yamako: Yujiro and Aizo put on an act even when they are at school, despite being off work. They are not truly off work when they’re attending school, having to play the role of “idols during their downtime” so that they do not disappoint the fans around them.
shito: That’s probably why Chuutan views them as “perfect idols”, huh? She doesn’t know what they’re truly like, after all.
Their Family (Brothers)
shito: They don’t pay much attention to their family so they don’t take the initiative to converse with their brothers all that often. However, the two of them do trust their brothers from the bottom of their hearts. I guess it’s something like that sense of distance that can be found between family members in general.
Yamako: They have a realistic sense of distance with their families. They don’t encourage each other with simple words, but I think a bond that can be conveyed through the atmosphere, like the one they have, can only be found in families that trust each other. And I’m sure that there is love at the root of the bonds that the two of them have with their families.
Same-Aged Peers Who Know What They Are Truly Like
Yamako: For Hiyori, oh gosh… (laughs) They don’t express their gratitude nor consolation directly to her, with their intentions peeking out through their not-so-honest sides. For Nagisa, they have shown a tiny glimpse of jealousy with regards to him. For instance, in the anime, when their manager asked Nagisa “Would you like to be an idol?”, this very feeling of theirs surfaced in their response to her of “Why are you scouting a guy like that? You already have us.”. I find them very cute when they’re trying not to show their cheeky and twisted sides in front of others, only to be unable to hide all kinds of things about themselves.
shito: I think Yujiro and Aizo try to play it cool in front of Hiyori and Nagisa. The fact that they get along seems to be the very thing that makes the two act cold and put on airs with them, which may be linked to that feeling of wanting to overachieve, which is distinctive of High School students.
Their Co-Performers in the Entertainment Industry
Yamako: Minami is mainly an entertainer, so he is not a rival to Yujiro and Aizo, who are both idols. As such, I get the impression that they get along as pure boy friends. On the other hand, they do not have good relations with mona… They look down on her with a sense along the lines of “Well, if you’re gonna give it your all, go ahead and try.”.
shito: From the perspective of Yujiro and Aizo, mona is just like any other idol. mona is trying to catch up to them, but it seems like they don’t see her as a worthy opponent yet.
A Unit of Their Seniors
shito: Despite being respectful to FT4 because they are their seniors, the two of them are eagerly awaiting their chance to surpass them, like “One of these days, we’ll really let you have it!”...
Yamako: FT4 and LIPxLIP sing together in Shin Jidai, though that song itself is close to the settings that FT4 are familiar with. I think LIPxLIP were cool when they were desperately trying to break out of their norm to keep up with FT4. It was nice to see a different side from the usual LIPxLIP.
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banaannagirl · 9 months
Watashi Idol Sengen: How to Spend a Day Off.
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banaannagirl · 1 year
Fantasia LOVE&KISS Novel Prologue
We’re back with translating hell! As usual, I am not a professional translator, so take my tls with a grain of salt! Also, if you’ve read my previous tls, you’ll know that the “time skips” are usually in the form of emojis (as they are in the novel). I skimmed through it and I’ll be doing the same thing, and doing what the novel does. So for a little guide for everyone: 
🎤 = The idols, real time
⚔️🏹 = The LOVE&KISS universe
💮 = Timeskip
Without further ado, here we go!
Masterlist here
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banaannagirl · 1 year
I made this yesterday :D
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banaannagirl · 2 years
I need a fic where chiaki (as a ghost) keep an eye to haruki and akechi as they keep on living and finally moved on from chiaki
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banaannagirl · 2 years
LIP×LIP Radio Track 1 English Subbed
Translation: Michiko Sub & Timing: R
Track 2 Romeo MVM
Some reminders (please read first):
- Do not repost or re-upload on streaming and/or file-sharing plaftorms (e.g. nnd, youtube, etc.), on twitter, facebook, and any other similar sites (SNS or not)
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banaannagirl · 2 years
*sobs* *crying over mitsukou aquarium date*
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banaannagirl · 2 years
It’s 100% okay to hate a ship. It’s 100% okay to have strong feelings about a ship. It’s 100% okay to coexist with people who do ship said ship. It’s 100% okay to not want to talk to people who ship said ship.
It is not okay at all to harass others for their ship. It is not okay at all to complain to other people that a person ships something you don’t like. It’s not okay at all to send death threats or wish harm upon someone over a ship. It’s not okay at all to publicly bitch about people who ship a ship you hate and bash the ship itself.
If you have criticism, that is fine. If you really want to complain about a ship or etc, then talk with your friends.
Everyone has their bubbles. Don’t pop other people’s bubbles.
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banaannagirl · 2 years
Fantasia LOVE&KISS Novel Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I’m not a professional translator. Also, fair warning, the chapters are quite long.
Masterlist here
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banaannagirl · 2 years
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banaannagirl · 2 years
hello. i don’t read hanipure stories anymore. but for that particular scene, it’s packed in one chapter, so i tried to translate it. be the judge yourself, on why aizou was blushing like that haha
New Year Festival ~Dream Story~ Chapter Six
The stylist in-charge of Aizou got caught in traffic. This stylist is also in-charge to dress him in hakama. All the performers of the program this time are supposed to wear a hakama or kimono. If they don't wear it, they can't perform.
Aizou is troubled on what to do because it's not like he can wear other kind of clothes. Yuujirou asks about the hakama, if it already arrived. Hiyori answers that it did.
Yuujirou: Hmm.
Aizou: Yuujirou?
Yuujirou: Aizou, come over here for a moment.
Aizou: Eh?
Yuujirou: Just do it.
Aizou: Ah. Ahh...
Text: I went to Yuujirou's side.
Yuujirou: Your clothes. Take them off.
Aizou: Ha?
Yuujirou: Hurry up.
Aizou: Ha!? Wai- Wait a moment! Take them off... What's with you all of a sudden!
Yuujirou: You're really slow.
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Yuujirou: I'm telling you that I'll help you dress up!
Yuujirou says that they knew what kind of house he grew up in. Someya is a family that passed down traditional performing arts from generation to generation. Yuujirou is not the successor. but as a member of the family, he received strict education about it since he was very young. Aizou thinks that the scope of that education was extended to kimono handling.
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Aizou: Understood. I entrust it to you.
Yuujirou: Come closer, Aizou.
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Text: Yuujirou dressed him up in the hakama with nimble fingers.
Aizou: (Somehow, I can't calm down in this situation...)
Yuujirou: Don't move.
Aizou: My bad.
Yuujirou: You're nervous. Will you be all right on-stage feeling such?
Aizou: Shut up... Wasn't it "it doesn't matter" to you?
Yuujirou: Eh?
Aizou: You said it the other day.
Aizou: It doesn't matter to me where or what "Aizou" is doing, unless when working as "LIPxLIP", was what you said.
Yuujirou: Ah... Now that you mentioned it, I said such thing.
Yuujirou: That's right, it doesn't matter where or what Aizou is doing.
Aizou: ......
Yuujirou: That's because, is it not so
Yuujirou: From here on, even if our solo activities increase, no matter what kind of work we do there...
Yuujirou: If Aizou and I are gathered together, we make "LIPxLIP". That will not change from now on. Come what may.
Aizou: Yuujirou...
Aizou: (It doesn't matter. So he meant it that way...)
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Aizou: You're really a guy hard to understand.
Yuujirou: ?
Aizou: It's nothing. Alright, I've also worn the hakama, so I'm going to show my fighting spirit in the performance!
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Aizou: Be sure to watch the recording, Yuujirou!
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Yuujirou: Yeah.
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
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banaannagirl · 2 years
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banaannagirl · 2 years
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Always love mona's reaction towards lipxlip
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banaannagirl · 2 years
Comfort character is weird because i've been in a bad mood all day and aizou's picture just randomly show up in my twitter, then poof suddenly i'm happy again.
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banaannagirl · 2 years
Your childhood friend.....is a guy???
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banaannagirl · 2 years
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Made some fanart for this boy bcs finally he came home
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