bandimaginesbitchez · 8 years
Make up - Request
Requested by anon:  HI! I was wondering if you could write a smut one shot for Sherlock?😇he & the reader were in a fight (not important one )in 221B and they end up having rough (always with consent) make up sex against the wall or a table? Thank you!
Summary: Everything from above.
Pairing: Sherlock x reader.
Word count: 1,357
Warnings: Smut - rough, unprotected, dirty talk (I guess, but not really), hair pulling, dominant!Sherlock
A/N: “Against the wall or a table” why not both? ;) ;) ;) Also, I love him in that purple shirt so…
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“You’re always like this!” (Y/N) exclaimed, “You’re a… Psychopath!”
“Sociopath! Sociopath!” Sherlock replied in the same loud tone, “I’ve told you a million times I’m a high-functioning sociopath!”
“I don’t care!” She hissed. Sherlock huffed loudly, and (Y/N) then decided to leave – it was unfair for Mrs. Hudson to hear them fighting – so she grabbed her pursed and tried to walk out but, before she could open the door, Sherlock grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He inquired angrily.
“Out.” She snapped.
“You are supposed to be helping me with this case.” Sherlock spoke. His words were carefully pronounced and his blue eyes shined in rage, causing a both intimidating and tense aura around the couple.
“Maybe I don’t want to help anymore.” She muttered and tried to pull away. But Sherlock was quicker. He pushed her to the table next to him, which had papers and folders with disgusting pictures of the victims, besides his laptop that had now turned off due to the lack of activity.
His hands moved from her arms to the lower part of her back and pulled her against his chest, crashing his lips against hers in a ravishing kiss. (Y/N) tried to push him away, but ended up giving in to him, like she always did.
He nibbled on her lower lip, while his hands got rid of her blazer, throwing it off to the floor. (Y/N)’s fingers found the curly locks on his head and twirled them, pulled them, angrily but at the same time in that way she knew Sherlock adored.
His tongue begged for entrance, which was quickly granted, and he explored every inch of her mouth. Meanwhile, his hands went down to her arse, squeezing it shamelessly. He pulled away slightly to throw the papers at the desk away – in the most dramatic, porn-like motion possible – before carrying her to sit over the wood.
Her legs framed his hips, his hands were cupping her jaw and their lips were against each other, fighting for control. With expert hands she got rid of his coat and unbuttoned half of his purple shirt. Her cold hands wandered over his bare chest, making him shiver.
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bandimaginesbitchez · 8 years
Happier in Cuffs
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“Anonymous: cop! ronnie smut? (im lame lolz)”
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bandimaginesbitchez · 8 years
I'm back!!!
I haven't been writing for such a long time. Send me requests so I can start again:) I will literally write smut fluff or just stories about anybody
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bandimaginesbitchez · 10 years
I went to the Chicago warped and I saw Austin. He's the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on
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OM&M at Warped Tour
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bandimaginesbitchez · 10 years
Alan Ashby smut
Hello everybody! Sorry I haven't posted in a while:/ This was written by my friend placid-ash-sea if you want to go follow her[: remember to send me requests whenever! ___________________________________ Description: You and Alan have a 5 year old daughter named Azalea and you and Alan try and have sex while shes home and she walks in on you guys. Warning: smut and fluff ___________________________________ "Mommmmyyy, where is daddyyy?" Azalea whines as you prepare dinner. "He went to go get some cheese so mommy can finish dinner, sweety." You said sweetly. She grumbled and walked off into the living room to watch TV again. About 15 minutes later you hear a car horn go off and Azalea shout "DADDY!" Alan walked into the kitchen from the garage with Az flying at him with her arms open. Alan picks her up and kisses her on the cheek and walks over to me and says "heres the cheese, babe" and smiles at you. "Daddy can we go to the pawk!!!" Az asks loudly. "Its late and mommys almost done with dinner, I'll take you tomorrow after lunch. Sorry Lea." Alan cuddles her in his arms while she pouts. "How about you go set the table Az?" You ask cheerfully. She agrees excitedly and sets the table. While you finish off the food Alan comes behind you and wraps his arms around you and whispers "I have a surprise for you." "What is it?" You ask. Your breathing hitched as he starts trailing his hands lower and lower down your stomach. "Alan stop.." Your growl lowly. "Stop what?" He smiles at you and kisses your cheek and takes the food to the table. 'Little shit..' You think as he walks away. -Near the end of dinner- "And he made me a valewentine!" Az says excitedly. "WHO?!" Alan slams his hand on the table and you and Az giggle. "Deryck! And he wanted me to ask if I can come over to visit him and Uncle Awstin!" She says. "Lea, boys are disgusting. I mean look at me!" Alan gestures to himself. "You don't want to talk, touch, play, or even associate with a boy." He says slightly sarcastically. "But daddddddddddyyy-" "You can go Lea, don't listen to daddy" you giggle at Alan glaring at you. Az shouts "Yaaaaay!!!" And sticks her tounge out at Alan standing on her chair at this point making a "plllllhhh" sound with her tounge. "This dinner is officially over." Alan announces dramatically. After you clean everything up and Alan put Lea to bed, you went in your room to get changed. You heard the door close as you slipped your top off. Alan comes up behind you once again and says "So i guess were all gonna be anti-daddy tonight." He chuckles. You laugh and slip one of his t-shirts on and slip your pants off leaving you in underwear. You straddle his lap on the bed. "Well daddy is funny when he acts dramatic." You say. "But holy shit y/n what if they grow up and wanna date!" "Well... Theyre gonna date?" "NO Y/N NO NO NO! Youre missing the point!!!! Its AUSTINS child!" Alan says laughing. "Al, Austin isn't THAT bad. He's a gentleman and atleast if Deryck would fuck up Austin would let you beat his ass!" You laugh. Alan huffs and strips to his boxers and lays down. "HEY!" You yell at Alan. "Whaaaat y/n" "you've gotta finish what you started." You say and you Lay on top of him and kiss him. Alan holds your arms and slowly pushes you two up not breaking the kiss. He pulls your shirt off and starts kissing and biting your neck. When he finds your sweet spot you mumble his name and he works it for a minute or two before you push him off and do a repeat on him."Fuck were done teasing" he says as he pulls his boxers off. You lay back on the bed as he hoovers you and skips down to your thighs and places a kiss on each one as he pulls your underwear down. Your breathing becomes erratic as he kisses your wet core. "Fuck Alan..." You look down at him and he looks up at you ask he licks along your slit and sticks his tongue in your tunnel. You start moaning loudly and Alan reaches up and covers your mouth and works on you even harder while you moan even louder into his hand. Right as you were about to reach your peak he pulls away and stands up. "On your fucking knees" you smirk and take your time getting down there and he gets really impatient and forces you down. You take his hard meat by the shaft and spit on it a few times before you take him in the mouth. After bobbing your head awhile he groans he reaches his peak and you pull away just as he did. He lifted you up on the bed and lined him self up and kisses you and mumbled an "I love you" before mercilessly slamming into you "GODDMAN FUCK ALAN SHIT." He also let out a groan occasionally as he pounded into you. Then he flipped you on your front and got on the bed and started pounding into you again. And just as he was about to slap your ass- "DADDY NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Az comes running up and hitting him as you both try covering yourselves up. "WHY WERE YOU HURTING MOMMY?!??" Az says slapping his arms as hard as her little arms could. Alan grabs her arms and holds her back. "Azalea Marie Ashby. Please stop." Alan says calmly. You put your underwear and t-shirt on as fast as you could and picked her up taking her to her room so you could give Alan time to put some clothes on. You set Az in bed as she was crying into your side. "Azzy, its okay. Daddy didn't hurt mommy." You said soothingly while rubbing her back. "Then what were you doing?" She looks up to you and wipes her eyes. You blush at Az's question. "Mommy and me were playing an adult game that you will learn about when you're older." Alan, dressed, pipes in walking in the room.Azalea looks at him unsurely and Alan offers her a hug. She looks skeptic but finally hugs him and says "I'm sorry I hit you daddy." She whipers. "Its okay sweety, I love you, but now its bed time. So go to sleep. He tucks her in and kisses her fore head and stands in the door way. "Goodnight sweetheart, love you." You kiss her head. "Goodnight mommy, I love you too." You and alan walk back to your room and bust out laughing. "Never again! Next time were just taking her to Austins!" Alan laughs. "Oooohhh so she can be with Deryck?" You wink at him suggestively. "Shut up." He says and glares at you as he drapes an arm over you. "Goodnight Alan, I love you." "Night, love you too baby."
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bandimaginesbitchez · 10 years
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Okay here it is! I hope you like it, thanks for the request[: sorry if it's long ____________________________________ It's you and Jacks son Alex's 3rd birthday so you make him a cake and decorate the house for him. You put colorful balloons all over and hide surprises all over the room as he sleeps. When your finished you walk into Alex's room to wake him up. "Sweetie wake up." You say gently patting him. His bright brown eyes open and he smiles in happiness. "Happy birthday!" You say excitedly. He jumps up then runs into the living room looking at all the awesome decorations. "Thank you mommy!" He says wrapping his tiny arms around your legs. "You're welcome! I made you a special birthday cake for when your done eating." You say. "Yay!!" He says starting to run around. After losing his energy he finally plops onto the couch with his teddy bear. "What do you want to do today? We can do anything you can dream of." You say sitting next to him. "Is daddy going to be here?" He asks. "Baby, I'm so sorry, your daddy is very busy, he's all the way across the country." You say sadly. Alex furiously gets up. "HE PROMISED HE WOULD COME SEE ME ON MY BIRTHDAY!" He yells throwing his teddy bear. "Calm down its alright, we can see daddy in a week! He has a big surprise for you!" You say. "I don't want a surprise I want daddy right now!" He says tears falling down his face. Your eyes start to water in sadness but you do all you can to keep yourself from breaking down in front of your son. "Alex, you know how busy your daddy always is! It's not easy for him to get places quickly." You say. "Daddy just hates us that's it! If he really loved us he wouldn't keep leaving us! He would be here! I don't want his dumb surprise anymore!" He says crying then running to his room. When you hear the slam of Alex's door you break down into tears. Jack has been so busy on tour his son probably forgot what he looked like! You missed Jacks voice and laughter, and his soft lips touching yours. You missed the relationship between your family. You decide to text him. "Baby I need to talk to you." "Hey! Skype me then I'm not busy at the moment:)." You grab your laptop and go to skype then search his username, jxckatl, and you send a skype call. He answers quickly and when you see his face your heart drops and you just stare. "(Y/n)?" He asks breaking the silence. "I-I'm sorry." You say quickly fixing your hair. "I miss you and Alex so much." He says. "You know it's his third birthday." You say solemnly. "I know baby I'm sorry I can't be there." He says. You just look at the screen sadly. "What's the matter beautiful?" He asks. "I miss you." You say. "I miss you too (y/n)" he says puckering his lips. "Y-your son thinks you hate us." You blurt out. "What?" He asks. "Why would he think that?" "It's because you're never with us especially because you aren't with him on his birthday." You say. "Tell him to come here. I need To talk to him." He says crossing his arms. You get up and walk to Alex's room. "Alex, do you want to talk to your daddy?" You ask. "Is he here?" He asks quickly sitting up. "No honey, he's on the Internet phone, you can see his face On the screen and you can talk to him." You say. "No." He says stubbornly laying back down. "He really wants to talk to his special boy, you know how much he loves you." You say. "No." He repeats. "Alex do you love your mommy?" You ask. He nods. "If you really do please just talk to daddy." You say. "Fine." He says getting up. You both walk to your room where the computer is. Jacks face lights up when he sees Alex. "Hey buddy! Happy birthday!" Jack says with a huge smile. "Hi dad." Alex says crossing his arms. "You know I love you right?" Jack says. "No." Alex says. "Well I love you more than anything in the world. You and your mommy. I'm sorry I can't be there with you! I have a job that makes me a very busy person." Jack says. "So you aren't leaving me and mommy?" Alex asks. "Of course not! I would never ever do that! Not even for a trillion race cars!" Jack says. "I miss you!" Alex says starting to cry. "I-I miss you too Al." Jack says, starting to cry. "I'm sorry buddy but seeing you sad makes daddy sad." "We're all sad daddy." Alex says getting on your lap. "But there's never the need to be sad! We need to be happy that daddy is safe and healthy!" You say. "Hey who ya talking to?!" I hear Alex (G) say. He squeezes next to Jack. "Oh my gosh it's the Barakat family!" "Hey Alex!" You say. "Hi uncle Alex!" Alex says. "Hey everybody! And I heard it was your birthday little guy! Your daddy told everybody you were turning three!" Alex (G) says. "Daddy you really told everybody!" Alex says excitedly. "Yep!" Jack says. Alex and Alex chat and Jack and I just look at each other and smile. "I love you." He mouths. You do the same. "Guys it's time to go!" Somebody says behind Jack and Alex. "Hey we have to go, remember I love you both so so very much! I'll talk to you as soon as I can! Happy birthday Alex! Bye!" Jack says ending the call. ------later that night---------- The sound of crashing from the other side of the house wakes you up. Quietly, you grab the nearest weapon, then you tiptoe towards the light coming from the kitchen. You walk in and nobody is there. "Hi." Somebody says from behind you making you scream bloody murder. You find Jack laughing his ass off. "you ass." You say. "I'm sorry, your reaction was just so funny!" He says. When he stops laughing both your eyes find each other and you just stare. "I missed you so much Jack!" You say quickly wrapping your arms around his waist. "I missed you too, (y/n)" he says squeezing you tightly. "Daddy!" Alex says running towards us then making a group hug. Jack lets go of me then picks Alex up swinging him around. "Who's my big little three year old? You are!" He says kissing Alex's nose. "He's looking more like you everyday." You say. "That means he'll be getting all the ladies." He says. "I have mommy!" Alex says. "Maybe you'll be as lucky as me and marry someone as beautiful as your mommy." Jack says setting Alex down. "Alex sweetie, you must be tired. You should go back to bed and we can all do something tomorrow." You say picking him up. You and Jack walk to Alex's room and you tuck him in his small race car bed. "Goodnight." Jack says kissing him on his forehead. You do the same. "Let's sleep too." You say pulling Jack to the bedroom. He pulls off his shirt then his pants. "Great idea." You say. He bites his lip as he watches you undress slowly. You jump into bed with him and he wraps you in his arms. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." You say.
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bandimaginesbitchez · 10 years
Jack Barakat imagine
Hi everybody I hope you enjoy this Jack Barakat imagine! Feel free to send me requests of any kind(: thanks ____________________________________ It's 12 am and you're restless, missing the love of your life, Jack. He said he would be home in a couple days but you just couldn't wait that long, you wanted to be with him terribly. You toss and turn in your cold empty bed, not being able to sleep. So you randomly walk out into your living room and you play some music to make you feel better. You sit on the couch and slowly fall asleep to the music blasting out of your stereo. The laughs and whispers around you wake you up startling you. "Hey (y/n)!" Alex says. "Where's Jack?" You ask quickly. "Right here baby!" Jack says popping up behind the couch. "Get over here!" You say opening your arms. He runs to you wrapping his arms around your waist then laying his head on your boobs. "I missed you so much." He mumbles squeezing you tightly. You run your fingers through his messy hair and smile. "Hey sickos I'm dog tired I gotta run." Alex says. "You're always welcome to stay here, we have a spare room." You say. "Thanks but I'm good. I'll see you too later, don't have to much sex!" He says walking out the door. "I'm too tired to have sex." Jack laughs. "Don't worry babe me too, let's go to bed and maybe we'll be energetic enough tomorrow." You say getting up and pulling Jack with you. "Sounds perfect (y/n)." He says holding your hand then leading you to your bedroom. You jump onto the bed and so does Jack. You turn the lights off and find each other wrapping up in the thin bed sheets His face finds yours and he slowly nuzzles his lips onto yours making you shiver. His arms wrap around yours making you warm as he plays with your lips with his. You quickly press your lips onto his pulling both of you into a deep passionate kiss. His hands move around your body feeling your curves and imperfections. You pull away then he rests his forehead on yours. "I missed you." You whisper. "I missed you more." He says kissing your nose softly.
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bandimaginesbitchez · 10 years
I'll be right here waiting (Alan Ashby imagine)
Sorry if this imagines sucks, I couldn’t think of any ideas:/ I hope you like it tho{: ____________________________________
You wake up, Alan sleeping like a baby, his orange hair frizzy and all in his face.
You examine his eyes to his lips as he snores softly.
His phone suddenly starts playing Austin’s ring tone, (Austin telling him to answer the fucking phone), and I quickly grab the phone and answer.
"(Y/n), hi! Is Alan awake?" Austin asks.
"No he’s sleeping."
"Make sure he wakes up by 4 because we have to leave for Texas at 6."
"wait, you guys are leaving today?!"
"Yeah didn’t he tell you?"
"No he didn’t!"
"Oh I’m sorry… Just please make sure he wakes up. I hope things are alright between you guys. I’ll talk to you later, bye." Austin says hanging up.
You sit sad and pissed off that Alan is leaving so soon and he didn’t even tell you.
"Al." You say shaking him softly.
"(Y/n)" He says, his eyes opening slowly.
You just look at him disappointedly.
"What?" He asks knowing that your upset.
"You never told me you had to leave today. I wouldn’t have spent time with you by sleeping." You say crossing your arms.
"Hahaha baby you know I love to sleep." He says pulling you onto him.
"Al. You know how sad I get when you leave. Just finding out that you’re leaving doesn’t just make me sad it pisses me off." You say, your voice trembling in sadness.
"(Y/n), you know, this isn’t just hard for you, it’s hard for me. The thought of not kissing your lips, the thought of not making you laugh whenever your down makes me want to stab the fuck out of something. I didn’t tell you that I was going today because yesterday and days before I didn’t want you to remind yourself of how I would be gone because that would make you sad, and you sad makes me depressed." He says.
In return you kiss his lips slowly embracing his taste.
You pull away and break down in tears.
"P-please don’t cry! It makes you look bad." Alan says tearing up and smiling.
You laugh and wipe your tears.
"I’m joking, you’re beautiful while you cry. You’re beautiful when you stuff your face with Mac and cheese, you’re beautiful when you sleep, you’re beautiful when your pissed at me, you’re beautiful whatever your doing. Even when taking a shit." He says trying to make you and him laugh.
Small tears still stream down your face as you sniff and laugh.
"You know I’d spend my whole life with you no matter what." He says pulling you into a kiss.
You use all your anger to kiss him and he does the same. His fingers tangle into your hair as your tongue fights for dominance with his. He pulls away then rests his forehead on yours, his beautiful eyes staring into yours fiercely.
"I don’t wanna leave." He says still staring into your eyes.
"I’ll be right here waiting."
"I fucking love you (y/n)"
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