#ronnie radke smut
njpuckbunny · 1 year
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what’s stopping me from writing a shoe r1ding fic 😋😋😋
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splendidreads · 1 year
Anyone got some Pete Wentz or Ronnie Radke stories that aren’t cringey? 😂❤️☠️
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hearts4golbach · 5 months
The Night Shift.
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Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
Chapter 30.
the day before the concert, tara and i spent hours putting together our perfect Falling in Reverse concert outfits. with the two of our closets combined, and with the help of Jake and Johnnies too, but they don't need to know that, we were finally content with what we were going in. clothes were scattered everywhere, but we'd worry about that later.
Tara decided on a mini skirt with 3 different belts that we had found in jakes closet, which she had stacked strategically. she took one of my blinged up hot pink crop tops that i hadn't worn since 8th grade and had that as her top. she threw a fur coat over the top of everything. she threw on her chunky black boots with spikes and a cute pair of leg warmers on to finish the look. she had been planning on the makeup she was going to do for months, but all it was was her usual makeup with pink eyeshadow and eyeliner stars on her cheek.
i ended up wearing [outfit of your choice] and paired it with [makeup of your choice].
johnnies outfit was jaw-dropping. he chose his black lace button up and obviously wore it halfway unbuttoned. he layered about 10 different necklaces and rings. he also decided on wearing a new pair of dark red skinny jeans with his usual black boots. he tied it all together with his leather jacket. for johnnies makeup, he smudged red lipstick under his eyes and streaked black eyeliner down his face.
jakes outfit was just as cunty as the rest of us; he wore a cropped black tank top paired with his favorite pair of flared jeans. he also chose his belt with bullets on it. he decided on not even bringing a jacket with his reason being "he has tattoos for a reason." he also wore platform shoes and an arrangement of bracelets, some i had never seen before. jake decided to wear no makeup to the concert.
tara slept over so it'd be easier for all of us to take the 4 hour drive early in the morning. we had decided to rent a hotel so we could all get fucked up during the concert and not have to worry about driving home when we could just call an uber. all of us were restless that night, but forced ourselves to sleep so we were really ready for the concert.
i woke up the next morning wrapped in johnnies arms, per usual. the alarm was reverberating in my ears as Johnnie was also starting to stir awake. he opened his eyes and squinted them to look at me, a small smile forming on his face. "mornin'." his groggy sleep voice greeted.
"good morning. you excited?" i asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. i climbed out of the bed and stretched, making a million different bones in my body crack at once. "we gotta hurry up and take our showers since everyone else needs to, too."
Johnnies eyes scanned over my body. he sighed and propped himself up on his elbow. "do you want to just take a shower together? it'd save time." he smirked, gently squeezing my hand before he began fidgeting with my fingers.
"i like that idea." i placed a gentle kiss on his lips before dragging him out of bed into the bathroom.
i started the shower, making sure it was nice and warm as Johnnie got undressed. i wasn't far behind him, getting undressed myself before stepping into the shower with him. the warm water on my back woke me up as much as it was relaxing. i watched as the water trickled down Johnnies body and seeped into his inked skin. he ran his moist hands down my body and grabbed the body wash. he squirted some into his hands and began to wash my body. he had nothing but admiration in his eyes as they trailed over every part of me. he made sure no part of me was unwashed before going to wash himself. i did the same for him, helping him wash every inch of his pale skin. he shampooed and conditioned my hair, and while i wash washing mine out, he cleaned his own. he kissed me softly, but passionately before turning off the shower and climbing out. he wrapped me up in a soft towel, as well as himself.
we made our way back to our bedroom to pack our 1 day trip bags quickly. i stole johnnies pair of chunky pajama pants to wear on the drive, as well as my Lana Del Rey tee that was beaten up and bruised from all of the use. i packed all of my makeup and my concert outfit. i didn't bother packing an outfit for the second day there since we were leaving and heading home as soon as we got checked out of the hotel. Johnnie packed pretty much the same thing as i did, the only difference being he did pack an outfit for the second day. he threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance tee shirt to wear on the drive there.
there was a small knock on the door before tara's bright voice called out, "you guys up?" we both answered yeah at the same time. she opened the door and greeted me with a hug. "morning!" she greeted excitedly.
i hugged her back tight. "morning, Tar." i heard the shower start from down the hall. "damn, is Jake just now getting in?"
"yeah, it took me, like, 20 minutes to actually get him out of bed. he snoozed his alarm 3 times before i had to go in there and drag him out of bed myself." she sighed, sitting on the bed next to me.
Johnnie shut down his PC so it wasn't wasting electricity while we were away. "well, that's Jake for you."
tara rolled her eyes. "yeah, well, he needs his beauty sleep, anyway."
"did you get your bag fully packed?" i asked, tossing my bag over my shoulder.
"duh, i got everything ready." she smiled.
the three of us moved down to the living room, bringing our bags and everything else we needed with us. Johnnie sprawled himself out over the couch. i made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of water bottle and a few snacks for the road, putting them in one of my goat bags and setting it with the rest of our shit. Jake ended up joining me in the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"okay, slut." i mumbled under my breath jokingly. i walked back out of the kitchen to join Johnnie on the couch.
"i know you are not talk to me, skank." he snapped his fingers and grabbed his zyns and decaf coffee off of the counter. he threw that shit in the microwave like it was nobody's business. he leaned against the counter and went on his phone.
i rolled my eyes, "is your bag even packed?"
"no," he answered nonchalantly before taking a selfie. i realized later on that he had posted it on his instagram story.
"that's wild that you're worried about your coffee right now, then." i laughed, "what if we're late to see Ronnie?" i over exaggerated.
he pursed his lips, "well, Ronnie can wait for my coffee." he smiled, taking a sip before heading up to his room.
tara had hopped in the shower immediately after jake did. she always took extremely long showers, but she made it quick today.
Jake made his way back downstairs with tara by his side less than 10 minutes later. with all of our bags and shit we needed on hand, we headed out the door.
Johnnie and I climbed into the back seat while jake and tara took the front. tara had music privileges for the first hour of the drive. her music taste was definitely different from mine, but I didn't mind it.
I leaned my head against johnnies shoulder and stared out of the front windshield, watching as all of the buildings and cars sped past. he wrapped his arm around my waist, his hand resting on my hip as he went on his phone to scroll through tiktok. my eyes flickered to his phone, watching as he reposted silly edits of himself, and of me and him, that fans had created.
Jake and tara had begun bickering about her lip smacking that annoyed jake ever so much. I felt johnnies shoulders jiggle, signaling that he was laughing. I quietly laughed along, aswell. they fought like a married couple, sometimes.
I could feel myself becoming drowsy as the car lulled me to sleep. my eyelids felt like bricks. it was way too early in the morning for this, especially when I was in and out of sleep all of last night. I gave in, letting my eyes fall shut as I slowly fell asleep on johnnies shoulder.
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I woke up about an hour and a half later. johnnie was now watching Netflix on his phone. tara was passed out in the front seat, and jake was next to her, gently bobbing his head to the slower song playing on the radio. johnnie had felt me stir awake and began to rub my hip gently.
johnnie cleared his throat, "was that a good nap?" he teased.
I stretched my back before placing my head back on his shoulder. "Actually, yeah. your shoulder is a great pillow." I placed a kiss on his cheek, nuzzling my head further into his neck. "we should stop and get breakfast somewhere."
"I second that." jake stuck up one finger before rubbing his tummy. "I could eat a horse pussy right now."
his weird comment made tara finally open her eyes, as she had been stirring for a while. "what a great sentence to wake up to, jake."
he patted her knee, "sorry, sweetie."
we pulled into the closest McDonald's and bought breakfast. jake ate with one hand as he continued to drive, nearly fisting the breakfast sandwiches he had gotten. Jake and I both got coffees and the same breakfast sandwiches, a mcgrittle. we were practically twins at that point. I smiled at johnnie as he happily munched on his breakfast next to me. he smiled back.
by the time we were all done with our breakfast, we were about an hour out from the hotel. jake and tara switched seats since she offered to drive the rest of the way.
the rest of the drive was silent except for the soft music on the radio. I could tell we were all pretty tired from the long drive, and we'd all probably need a nap whenever we got to the hotel. to be fair, the coffee did wake up me and jake, though. honestly, nothing slaps like a good McDonald's coffee with extra creamer this early in the morning.
we had finally made it even earlier than we expected. I climbed out of the car and stretched, cracking my back before grabbing my things out of the car. Jake got the key card for the hotel while we unpacked the car, although there wasn't much to unpack. we brought all of our bags inside and made out way up to the hotel room.
the room was extremely nice. there were two beds, a large window with a beautiful overview of the city, and the usual hotel room accommodations.
I threw myself onto the bed I was claiming for Johnnie and i. I watched as jake filled the mini fridge with water bottles. we all took our concert outfits out of our bags so they wouldn't get wrinkled from staying cramped up for too much longer.
Jake and I ordered lunch from the hotel, although it was a pretty late lunch. the three of us started on our makeup, which influenced jake to actually do his own. he ended up smudging eyeliner in his waterline before calling it a day.
none of us changed into our outfits. we all sat on our respective beds and ate our lunch-dinner while watching some random ghost hunting show on the channel that was already on whenever I had turned on the TV.
before taking another bite, I spoke up. "are we going to leave as soon as we're ready so we don't have to wait in a long ass line to get inside?"
Jake gulped down what he was chewing. "That's what I was thinking, yeah." Tara and Johnnie agreed with him. 
after finishing our food 10 minutes later, we all got changed. I smoothed out my outfit in the mirror.
Johnnie came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "you look great, baby." he smiled, planting a kiss on my cheek.
"thank you," I turned around, hooking my arms behind his neck and kissing his lips softly.
Tara's chunky shoes clumped down the hallway as we made our way to the elevator. "over here sounding like a fucking elephant, damn." jake teased her, gently shoving her shoulder.
she shoved him back harder. "shut up, they're cute!"
Johnnie gripped my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine. I scanned his whole body, admiring how good he looked in his outfit. fuck, he looked hot. I smirked slightly before turning away. a blush was painted across his face as he smiled.
Jake called the Uber as we waited out front of the hotel.
"why did you just now call it? why couldn't you have called the Uber when we were getting ready, it would've been here by now." I scolded, not actually caring, just wanting to complain and annoy jake.
"because I didn't know how long it'd take you ladies to get ready. don't act like I haven't heard the conspiracy theories about girls taking forever to get ready."
"conspiracy theories?" I repeated, "conspiracy theories is wild."
"well, they seem to be true." he crossed his arms, popping his hip out to the side.
"like you don't take 2 hours in the bathroom every morning playing with your hair." I retorted, looking around to see if the Uber was close.
"okay, well, that's different." he rolled his eyes.
"mhm, right."
the Uber arrived eventually. we all piled in the back, pretty much sitting on top of eachother. we were all buzzing with excitement, and we weren't even buzzed yet.
"I think my first goal when we get there is to get a drink," I admitted with a sly smile plastered across my face.
"I second that." Tara was fixing her makeup in her phone camera.
"me too." jake and Johnnie responded in the same tone at the same time.
the 20 minute drive to the stadium felt like a 20 year drive, but I knew that was just the excitement and eagerness getting to me.
whenever we arrived, it took us 30 minutes to get inside, which was much better than it could've been.
we wandered around the stadium, looking for a good bar that had been set up. we ran into 3 before finding one with a good menu compared to the other ones.
we hurriedly ordered our drinks and made our way to our 'seats,' although none of us would be sitting during the actual concert.
we were an hour and a half early, or at least an hour and a half early for the openers. I had high hopes for the concert, I mean, it was a rock, emo, whatever you wanna call it, concert after all.
I sat back in my seat, propping my feet up as I sipped on my drink. to say it was strong would be an understatement, even though I was far from a lightweight.
"wanna try a sip of mine?" johnnie offered, handing me his clear plastic cup.
I gratefully accepted, handing him mine in return. I hummed at the taste of his, "I think I like yours more."
"honestly, me too." he laughed. we ended up trading drinks.
tara took a video of the four of us. "holy shit, falling in reverse!" she screamed over the hundreds of other people in the stadium that were most likely saying the same shit. she ended up posting it on her story.
the openers came on with a bang. smoke covered the stage before a much smaller artist, I wasn't sure of the name, strutted onto the stage.
the crowd cheered, but not as loud as I knew it'd be whenever Ronnie came on.
the small band played 6 different songs, and they were all surprisingly good. they were more of a nu metal band compared to Falling in Reverse. I mean, I wasn't complaining.
the four of us spent majority of that time taking pictures for our Instagrams. I mean, obviously. what else would you expect?
Jake and I were on drink duty. we sped back to the pop up stand and ordered everyone the same drinks they had had before, except me and johnnies were flipped.
we made it back just in time for the openers last song. it was a bug finale, to say the least. the LED screen behind them flashed before everything went dark. the crowd roared with excitement.
we were left in the dark suspensully. i was practically shaking with excitement as i heard the low murmurs of the crowd. the LED screen turned to a dark red moments later.
finally, Ronnie walked out onto the stage with the rest of the band members following. everyone cheered and shouted as they came out on stage. johnnie and jake seemed over the moon with excitement. but, so were me and tara.
Ronnie greeted the crowd, earning a screaming mess of greetings back. he laughed before getting into the very first song.
of course, he had to open with one of his most popular songs, 'The Drug in Me is You.' I knew this song like the back of my hand, just like every other song by him.
I gripped johnnies hands, shaking him as I screamed the lyrics in his face. I was as dramatic as I could possibly get, and he returned the same energy.
Johnnie took out his phone and recorded a snippet of the first song before flipping the camera to us and pulling me in, kissing me on the lips before ending the recording. I knew his fans would eat that shit up whenever he posted it.
we went just as hard for the next few songs before another one of my favorites came on, 'Get Me Out.' I practically screeched whenever I heard the first few words of the song.
to say everyone's hair was a mess at this point in the concert would be an understatement. Me, Johnnie, jake, and tara were sweaty and dirty, but that didn't stop us in any way.
Johnnie gripped my waist tightly as we screamed the lyrics out into the crowd and towards eachother, our energy never fading.
there was a short intermission, which gave me and jake just enough time to run and grab more drinks. to be fair, all of us were pretty drunk at this point in the concert, but who was there to tell us no?
we scrambled back to our seats as we heard the drum rhythm for 'I'm not a Vampire' begin.
I could see johnnie singing the lyrics as he watched the performance on stage. since we were still a bit of a walk away, I took a picture. seeing him in the stadium lighting was heavenly, and he seemed so into the music, it just made for the perfect picture of him. I planned to set it as my lock screen as soon as we got back to the hotel.
there was not much different about the last few songs, except for the fact that I was exhausted and out of breath. I had a feeling I wouldn't have a voice in the morning, either.
as the last chord of the song rang throughout the stadium, Johnnie gripped my waist and kissed me passionately. I reciprocated, kissing him back with the same intensity. he pulled away, his eyes sparkling. "I love you."
my lower lip quivered as I couldn't help but smile. "I love you, too."
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elektramustdie · 10 months
𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬.
Hi!! so this is my first time writing on Tumblr, but I think I can do it lol so yeah!!
warnings , Dom/sub dynamics, unprotected sex ( don’t be silly wrap that willy ) , choking, oral (fem receiving) slight daddy kink.
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Agreeing to go on tour with Ronnie was one of the best decisions you've ever made, travelling to every corner of the world and watching your boyfriend perform in front of thousands of people in the most extravagant outfits every night was honestly a dream, but now after four months being on the road with him you we're finally going home for a break. "Wake up darling'' Ronnie said stroking your cheek, it was only 7'o'clock in the evening in the us, but jet lag was getting the better of you so Ronnie being more accommodated to flying here there an everywhere gladly drove you two home from the airport whilst you napped. You give him a lazy smile stretching your arms in the air "we're home" you say excitedly looking at the front of your home, you honestly thought you forgot what it looked like after not seeing it in 4 months. He smiled, admiring his girl and how cute she looked rubbing her sleepy eyes with her whole palm like a child.
He opens his door and climbs out of the car, quickly making his way to your side to open the door for you like the gentleman he is, "m'lady" he gestures for you to get out the car " well thankyou kind sir" you giggle at him, pecking his cheek on your way to the back of the car.
You two make a quick job of getting all your luggage into the house, only dumping them in the porch already agreeing to deal with it in the morning. You walk into the kitchen to be greeted by Lacy your cat, You felt bad for leaving her for so long but a friend insisted that nothing would happen while she house sit. "hey dais how are you, missed you soo much" you coo towards her she let you stroke her for a maximum of two seconds before she spots Ronnie in the doorway and bounds over to him. You chuckle, Daisy had always had a soft spot for Ronnie and you couldn't really blame her "not giving mama cuddles huh, missed your daddy too much" he said with the cat laid in his arms, her paws up as if she was in surrender, Eventually she scrambled out of his arms going to her bed in the living room you presumed. "Wanna go and watch a film in bed baby, I can choose whatever, Your not making me watch The Notebook again"
"You cried at the end but whatever" she rolls her eyes and smiles walking to grab his outstretched hand. The two of you trudge up the stairs, and when you finally make it to the top you run into the bedroom that you and Ronnie shared, and jumped onto your California king bed, making Ronnie laugh at your antics. You had truly missed this bed after being in a tour bus for what seemed like forever.
There was just something about the duvet and the memory foam mattress cover that you couldn't get enough of. The sheets were extra soft and smelled like fresh flowers, You laid flat on your back with your arms and legs splayed out like a starfish. "This is better than sex" You say jokingly but sounded quite serious due to how comfortable you were. This made Ronnie spin round to face you with his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his lips. He made his way to the bed, you had your eyes closed so when you felt his breath against the side of your neck it made you jump and a shiver ran down you spine. "You sure about that sweet girl?" You open you eyes in shock, not knowing what you said would get him riled up that quickly, or bruise his forever increasing ego, but you knew if you kept playing along he would give it to you really good just so that he could prove you wrong, and you were all for it.
"Are you saying that this bed is better than my cock…my fingers…and my mouth?" Kissing you on the sweet spot on your neck between his words.
‘Hmm, | don't know you'll have to show me can't remember."
"Oh baby you don't know what you've gotten your self into, I'm gonna make you remember it for days" making a moan escape your lips, he pounced on top of you pinning you arms above your head kissing you on you lips multiple times before pecking all the way down you chest and tummy.
Ronnie knew you were probably joking but he loved having his way with you and for the last 4 months being on tour the only sort of intimacy you two had was quick fucks in dressing and hotel rooms with being so busy all the time and at night Ronnie was understandably tired after doing a show. He wanted to dominate the shit out of you tonight and you had just added fuel to the fire, so with no fear of someone walking in on you both he was going to let loose.
He pulls back and releases your arms, "strip for me baby, then | want you to sit at the top of the bed with your back against the headboard" you moaned softly at his words, already putty in his hands and instantly start undressing as he did the same.
Once you were naked, and sat against the headboard you couldn't help but stare at your boyfriend pulling his t-shirt over his head making his arms flex, your pussy become slick with your wetness as you watched him. Once he freed his cock from the confines of his boxers, he gives his shaft a few tugs trying to relieve some of the building pressure.
‘Jesus, Your so hot’ he groans crawling up the bed, you legs spreading even more on instinct to give him more room. He lays on his belly once he is closer to you wrapping his arms around your thighs swiftly dragging you so that his face was barely centre metres away from your sopping cunt, you drape you legs over his shoulder heels digging into his back.
"M'gonna use my mouth… and my fingers and I'm gonna make you cum so hard sweet girl" you squirm in his grip his, eyes looking directly into yours. He gives you no warning as he ducks down pressing a kiss directly on your clit, then licking a bold stripe up your entire pussy "always to wet for me, you taste just like a strawberry angel." You throw your head back, your hands gripping onto the sheets to prepare yourself for what was to come.
He focuses back on your clit flicking his tongue from side to side, he teases his middle finger round your entrance making you buck your hips "patience dollface " he says removing his lips from your clit to suck a hickey onto the inside of your thigh. "Feels so so good Ronnie" the first words you had spoken except moan after moan since Ronnie started, your fingers pinching your nipples, he smirks up at you, his cock twitching against the sheets. He decides to give you his fingers, inserting two at the same time, you whine at how easily they slid into you. He gives no time to adjust curling them into a ‘cone hither’ motion then pumping them in and out going knuckle deep every time hitting spots that you would never have been able to fine with your own, a calloused finger rubbing tight circles around you clit. "How good is daddy making you feel, tell me"
"So f-fucking good, your fingers feel amazing inside me daddy" you can't stop your eyes from rolling into the back of your head as his mouth finds it's place back on your clit, adding a third finger into you cunt, still thrusting at a delicious pace, You could feel the knot tightening in your belly, but not only that you felt like a balloon was ready to burst within you.
You tangle your lingers In his hair, knowing that he loved it when you tugged on his curls, but you also did it so that he wouldn't pull away and deny you of an orgasm when you were almost falling off the edge. "Clenching around my fingers baby, know your gonna cum, stop holding back let go for me"
‘Fuck Ronnie , I'm so close’ you cry out "Yeah you gonna squirt for me, soak the sheets?" "Yes!" You scream "Go on then, cum for me pretty girl"
You couldn't hold back any longer, after a few more thrusts of his fingers you let go screaming as you do, the ballon inside you also bursting, he moaned out. Your legs were shaking, your head was thrown back, and your back arched as he continued thrusting his fingers inside of you to ride out your intense orgasm. After a few moments you took in a sharp breath having forgotten how to breathe "holy shit" you barely mustered up, you felt like you were floating in mid air, you don't think you've cum that hard in a very long time.
After a couple of minutes you start to come down from your high, you look at Ronnie who was still in the same position, his eyes were glazed over in lust "that was so fucking hot swear | could've cum just right there and then" Ronnie swore he could spend hours between your legs, he couldn't get enough of your taste. Eventually he presses one last kiss on your clit, before blowing air directly onto the small bud, making you squirm at the overstimulation.
He moves up your body, pressing kisses against your skin along the way, swirling his tongue around your hardened nipples then blowing air only each in just like he had done to your clit making a shiver run up your spine. He reaches your lips kissing, dipping his tongue into your mouth so that you could taste your juices.
"Was that good baby" his words muffled by your lips.
'Yes, m’kinda sleepy now though’ you say shutting your eyes a lazy smile spreading across your face. "No falling asleep on me now, haven't even fucked you yet" This makes you perk up a bit, now yearning to be filled with Ronnie's cock, you had only just come down from your last orgasm but you were ready for another one." ‘Want you to come deep inside of me, want you to fill me up so bad" you whine.
"You want my cock baby’
'Yes please’ you were desperate now.
"Well since you asked so nicely’ he reaches down tugging his cock a few times spreading pre-cum over his length, before slipping into your warm cunt both of you groaning at the feeling, he thrusts all the way inside you his length stretching your walls deliciously. " Ohhh sweet girl, swear you pretty cunt was made for me, can | move now? " You nod. he instantly complies not being able to stay still any longer. He starts a steady pace pulling nearly all the way out before thrusting back in hitting the deepest spots within you. You reach your arms over his shoulders tracing some of his tattoos along the way then gripping onto the soft skin. Whimpers and groans filled the room as. Ronnie buried his face in your neck, your natural scent mixed with your favourite perfume intoxicating him, you take your chance to suck a hickey onto his neck after not having much time to mark him up. He was fucking into you at a fast pace now, getting lost in pleasure "so deep" you moan. He moved his face from your neck, gripping onto the headboard with one hand to get more leverage, the sight of him above you pounding you into the mattress turned you on even more if that was possible.
His hand flies to your throat gripping it just enough so it restricted you breathing slightly, "like that baby, you love it when daddy rough with you, don't ya?"
"Yes daddy, fucking love it' you scream as he starts hitting your g-spot repeatedly.
" Oh shit, I'm gonna cum, you gonna cum with me" he groans hand getting slightly tighter around your throat.
"'m gonna cum too, please keep fucking me like that" you mumnle out as your eyes roll into the back of your head your heels looped round his back and crossed at the ankle to keep him as close as possible. His thrusts start to falter and his cock twitches telling you he was about to fall over the edge ‘cum inside me ronnie want you to make me yours forever. please daddy want it soo much" you whimper also starting to tumble over.
" I'm cumming" he growls sheathing into your cunt his cock twitching one last time, he emptied his load inside you, the sensation of his seed filling you up also made you cum, Ronnie's grip on your throat giving you a head-rush as you do, you both felt euphoric. After the waves of your release come crashing down in you. your body goes limp, you know that you will be sore tomorrow and probably the day after but it was all worth it. Ronnie takes longer to come down from his high, his cum now dripping out of your pussy. "You okay?" you say sweetly looking up at him.
‘Oh I'm more than okay baby, feel fucking incredible’ He takes his loosened hand off of your throat before resting his body on top of yours, his cock still buried inside of you ‘I take back that last statement about this bed being better than sex’ you whispered breathlessly into his hair. "You better’ he tiredly laughs into your neck.
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chemical-killjoy · 1 year
Greetings Dear Reader! Right now the majority of the fics on my masterlist are from my old blogs, @immrbrightsideeee and @remingtonisleithal, so most links will take you to that, any and all notes on those posts I am not likely to see for a bloody long time, so please message me or send an ask or something if you really liked the fics/want a sequel or are anything! Also if you like my writing, check out @smiling-girl and @fandomfoodiedancer, they're amazing <33
Requests are OPEN
(and encouraged lol)
I write for a whole bunch of fandoms, but here's the ones I can think of: arcane, black veil brides, bridgerton, maneskin, marvel, motionless in white, my chemical romance, palaye royale, pierce the veil, the artful dodger, the raven cycle (books), and supernatural :)
If you like my writing, here's the link to join my taglist (It's very important you guys fill this out if you wanna join my taglist as I do write some serious, dark topics sometimes) and here's a link to buy me a coffee
updated: 15/12/23
Damiano David:
*A night to remember 1/2
smut. Damiano is attracted to reader singing iwbys
Movie and a kiss
the reader had a fight with their family and Damiano looks after them
Fast Car (trigger warning)
Honestly this is just angst and emotional and if you don’t cry I have failed as a writer. But it’s got a happy ending!!
Vic de Angelis:
Knight in Shining Armour
Vic saves the reader from a creep at a bar
Remington Leith:
*Caught in the Storm
reader and remington share a bed in a storm. What ever will happen?
Feel better
comfort fic, remington takes the reader on an adventure to feel better
*Only one answer (part two of Feel Better)
I will find you
mesmerized by someone in the crowd, remington has to find the reader
Something beautiful (part 2 of I will find you)
I Just Need Some Air*
young!Remington and the reader are at a party and after confessing their feelings things get heated.
Better Than Nutella
Remington is hooked on his new friend’s cooking, and smile.
Movie Night
Remington and Y/N have a movie night
Morning Light: (this is a collab with @cursivetalk)
vampire Remington, based on the tonight is the night I die video. Series, currently being written.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Emerson Barrett:
Teach me
emerson teaches the reader the drums
Andy Biersack:
Don’t go (trigger warning) (there is comfort)
I Don’t Wanna Be Alone (trigger warning) (with comfort)
Love isn’t always fair *
After a concert Andy reveals his love for his best friend
Mortician’s Daughter (trigger warning)
Thomas Raggi:
Moonlight’s Curse (part 1)
werewolf!thomas, a series being written :)
Mistakes and Misunderstandings
Ronnie Radke:
pwp really, Ronnie meets Y/N in a bar and things happen
Vic Fuentes:
Hell Over Me (trigger warning) (happy ending)
Frank Iero:
Not A Kid *
TW brief mention of abuse, age gap. Y/N works for MCR and it turns out Frank likes her just as much as she likes him
Gerard Way:
Cemetery Drive
TW for suicide and self harm. Y/N visits her ex’s grave, and is surprised to find him there
Hang Em High
Cemetery drive part 2
Demolition Lovers
Part 3 and final chapter of Cemetery Drive
Kisses and Coffee
Coffee shop and accidental kiss AU
Dean Winchester:
Life In (Rose) Pink
Dean is a romantic cliche trying his hardest
Chris Motionless:
Eternally Yours *
Based on the music video
You Decide
Reader has a breakdown and Jinx helps them
Jack Dawkins/Dodger:
Healing Kiss *
Reader is in hospital, but Dr. Dawkins is there to heal her. TW for self harm, suicide and mentions of abuse.
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louscartridge · 8 months
i do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform.
i try to make every fic of mine so everyone can read then despite their gender, race, and sexuality unless stated otherwise.
tw i will be writing about triggering topics such as eds, sh, and just angst in genral as they are rly big comfort fics for some people. these fics will be marked with ♡
smut will always be afab and will have its own separate masterlist.
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tokio hotel
griffin taylor 
simon crahan
nicholas matthews 
max green
motionless in white
ronnie radke
andy black/sixx
vic fuentes
my chemical romance
Jamie bower
icon for hire
palaye royale
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blxckdragonfly · 1 year
Don't Fear The Reaper (Darkness Finds You Universe #7)
Song: "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult.
Pairing: Chris Motionless & Lycia Winters "Pronunciation "Lai-shuh" (played by Ana De Armas)
Warnings: Fluffy af at the start, slight smut on the page near the end.
Word Count: 3,479
Synopsis: It's Chris's 36th birthday and Lycia plans a wonderful day for both of them and an even more romantic night. Co-written with @blackrose-92!
And we're back and past the Ronnie Radke drama cause.... Obviously. I figured this would be a nice counterbalance to that. Enjoy! x Tiger)
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Los Angeles, California: October 17th, 2022. 
A wave of sunlight peeking through the curtains made me stir and wake up– we’d been staying in LA at an Airbnb for a few days because Chris had a few music projects that he wants to work on. I blinked the sunlight out of my eyes and I looked over to see Chris, who’s asleep beside me, still on his back. 
I pick my phone up from the nightstand and I see that on my lock screen is one of the first few photos of Chris and me earlier in our relationship that Bryce Hall (wheresbryce on IG) took from Furnace Festival when he had kissed me before going on stage.
It’s October 17th, which means today’s his birthday. I bite my lip quietly and I shift from being in his arms to moving on top of him, straddling his hips without waking him. I rested my hand against his face, tracing his tattooed jawline with my gray nails as I start singing. 
“Happy Birthday to you,” I keep my voice nice and soft as Chris stirred. “Happy Birthday, my Christopher…” He opens his eyes to see me sitting on top of him when he smiles in his sleep. “Happy Birthday, baby.” I whisper. 
He sits up in bed with me, pressing his lips against mine in a gentle and passionate kiss, feeling my body through my Disturbia "Leviathan" sweater as his fingers slip under it. I moan softly into his mouth. Breaking the kiss, he grins at me.
“Thank you, honey,” He murmurs as he moves some of my caramel brown hair away from my face, lightly stroking my cheekbone with his thumb.
“What shall we do today, hmm?” I ask as I run my fingers through his now-black hair, resting my forehead against his. 
I hear a chuckle from him. “Besides seeing Halloween Ends today? I’ll do anything as long as it’s with you, babe.” He says, and my heart melts as I wrap my arms around his neck with a smile. 
“Good, because I have a surprise for you,” I say with a deviant smile, making him narrow his eyes at me playfully. I start giggling at him as I place a kiss on his jaw. “Just trust me, my love.”
I get off of his lap and get out of bed; he shakes his head at me in amusement as I go downstairs and start making him breakfast, which seems fitting that I make him some vegan chocolate chip pancakes as I think back to the first time we had these, the morning after I told him I love him for the first time back in 2021 after Ash Costello tried to sabotage our relationship at Furnace Festival and break us up. How perfect that entire morning was. 
I turned on my music and the song that played was “Don’t Fear The Reaper” by Blue Oyster Cult on my Halloween themed playlist. As I’m cooking–I'm singing along to the song. I hear Chris walk into the kitchen and he wraps his arms around my waist. 
All our times have come
Here, but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the Reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain
“(We can be like they are) Come on, baby, (Don't fear the Reaper) Baby, take my hand, (Don't fear the Reaper) We'll be able to fly, (Don't fear the Reaper) Baby, I'm your man…” 
My heart flutters in my chest as I hear his voice join along with mine as I sing, turning the song into a beautiful duet. I lean against him, resting my back against his chest as he sways us back and forth slowly. 
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la… 
“Valentine is done, Here, but now they're gone, Romeo and Juliet, Are together in eternity (Romeo and Juliet), 40,000 men and women everyday, (Like Romeo and Juliet), 40,000 men and women everyday (Redefine happiness), Another 40,000 coming everyday…” 
As the song comes to a close, he nuzzles into my neck and places a soft kiss on the top of my head as he lets go of me and starts making us coffee, the smell of pumpkin filling the air as I'm plating our breakfast. 
“Do you remember when we last had these?” I ask as he nods, kissing me softly on the cheek. 
“Yeah, when you told me that you loved me. I could never forget the morning after you said those three words to me.” Chris says and I turn around to face him.
“Even before that, when we were still new to each other, I had a feeling deep down that I loved you. It was only then that I had to put it into words, especially with someone so kind and caring like yourself." His expression captured his interest as he held my hand in his own.  
“Why did you wait so long to say that you love me?” I feel his black painted thumb tracing the back of my hand. 
“After Marcus passed away, I became scared to tell you how I felt. When Ash tried to meddle in our romance, it pushed me to reveal my feelings. Now, more than ever, I love you. You have proven that you are my everything, and our bond can survive anything."
I see him blink away tears that are glistening in his warm brown eyes before meeting my lips in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around him as our kiss deepens. We break apart, his hand caressing my face. 
“I love you too,” His voice softens into a whisper. “I had forgotten what it felt like to love someone so truly and be loved back-- I had been living without that kind of connection for a while. You made me understand how amazing it is to be in love and I wouldn't change this feeling for anything."
I smile and I place another kiss on his lips softly, gently nipping at his bottom lip. “I'm so happy I have you.” 
He tenderly squeezes my hand, bringing the back of my hand to his lips, placing a kiss onto it. “I'm so grateful that I have you in my life, baby. You let me in and I'm truly thankful for your trust.” He hugs me and places a sweet kiss on my forehead. 
I peck his lips once more as we take our plates of pancakes into the living room where we eat together and lay in each other’s arms, as well as watch Dexter. During our watch is when I go onto Instagram on my phone and I post an outtake photo that I took of him from the Trinity of Terror tour when he wore his Werewolf jacket.
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liked by pewdiepie, itsmarziapie, jensenackles, malakaiblxck, and 4,160 others
lycia.rosee: Happy Birthday to the most wonderful, sweetest, loving man that I have ever known in this lifetime, who not only makes me feel so loved but makes me feel like I’m the luckiest woman alive. I love you so much, chrismotionless. Thank you for being my man. 🖤
jeffreydeanmorgan: Happy Birthday to this badass! Hilarie and I love you and Lycia so much! xxjd
malakaiblxck: HBD man. lilithczar and I, we're so grateful for your friendship. We love you.
thejennwithin: Happy Birthday! I hope you see just how happy you've made Lycia. You both are perfect together.
jensenackles: Happy Birthday Chris! Thank you for taking such good care of our girl, Danneel and I love you both so much!
jaredpadalecki: As do Gen and me, we love you too. Happy Birthday!
I hear him get that notification on his phone a few minutes later, which he sees and smiles– placing a kiss on my temple. 
“No, baby. I love you more. Thank you for being my woman.” I glance up at him and smile softly, placing a sweet kiss on his lips as he holds me closer to him. 
"Oh, by the way, babe." I say. "Debra Morgan just told you Happy Birthday."
"What?!" I hear the shock in his voice and start laughing at him. "No, she didn't."
I unlock my phone and pull up Instagram, showing him the comment from Jennifer Carpenter. His eyes widened. "Oh my God. She actually did!"
I see how happy he looks and I kiss him on the cheek softly. "You're so cute."
Later on in the day, I surprise him by taking him on a short drive to Culver City to a pumpkin patch called Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch, which is an adorable pumpkin patch that wasn’t too far from where we’d been staying. 
He and I get out of the car and walk in together, hand in hand, and explore. I chose a simple outfit for this– my “90’s Stripe” long-sleeved bodysuit from Disturbia, my “Traveller” vegan leather lace-up leggings from Black Milk Clothing, a pair of my Lamoda black boots and a pair of Chris’s sunglasses. We pick up a couple smaller pumpkins for us to take back to Scranton and take photos inside of the patch’s displays– including a house made of pumpkins. 
“Oh, my God. Is that Chris Motionless? Aw, he brought Lycia with him.” I hear a voice and I turn to see a few teenage girls walking up toward us, dressed up in all black. I smile and step back after lightly tapping Chris on the shoulder, getting his attention as he turns to see the three girls with a smile. 
I love watching him interact with his fanbase and how sweet he acts toward them. I watch as they talk and I wave at the other girls who see me with him. They wave back in kindness.
"You both are really cute together," I hear the girls say and a smile crosses my face and his.
"Thank you," I say as I kiss him softly on the cheek, making him smile. "He's wonderful. Truly, despite him being super dorky like he is."
I hear laughter from the girls, and I smirk. Maybe this would be a good time to make fun of him. "Have you seen his TikToks? Dear God."
"Yes!" Their laughter increases and I see Chris glaring at me playfully.
"Honey, I can hear you," Chris says, and I giggle at him.
"You were supposed to hear me, babe." I give him an innocent look and he rolls his eyes at me, making me laugh.
After signing a few things and taking photos, he was all mine again. 
The rest of the time that we were there, it was pretty chill. After the pumpkin patch, we headed out for dinner and then went to the theater to go see Halloween Ends. Luckily the theater was mostly dead, so we got to experience it together. When we saw the scene of Laurie pushing Michael’s body into the trash compactor, I couldn’t help but snicker. 
“I know someone who deserves that,” I say as Chris looks away from the screen at me. “Lyra and House of Black would agree with me.” 
“You’re thinking of Ronnie, aren’t you?” He asks and I nod with an evil smile, making him laugh. 
(We can be like they are) Come on, baby
(Don't fear the Reaper) Baby, take my hand
(Don't fear the Reaper) We'll be able to fly
(Don't fear the Reaper) Baby, I'm your man…. 
After the movie, Chris and I head back to our Airbnb, where I decide before I unwind for the night that I wanted to run a bath. I looked over my shoulder at him. 
“You can join me if you want to.” I murmured, and he nods, following me into the bathroom as I'm running the water at a warm enough temperature before putting in my “Screamo” bath bomb from Lush that looked like Ghostface, watching the water turn a deep cobalt blue, the smell of cherry-almond filling the room. As we start to undress one another, I feel him press his body against mine and place chaste kisses on the side of my neck, despite my eyes fluttering shut, I watch as he fills the rest of the tub with the warm water before he lightly nuzzles the sensitive area below my ear.
We both settle into the warm water of the tub together, our lips meeting passionately before I rest my head on his tattooed chest.
“Did you have a good birthday, babe?” I ask as he looks at me and nods. He places another gentle kiss on my lips.
“Of course. Spending it with you is more than enough for me.” My heart flutters as I run my fingers through his black hair, our lips meeting in a tender kiss. His hands travel down my body, caressing my tattoos until they rest between my legs. He flicks me with his fingers, making me gasp and break the kiss. He smiles against my skin before nibbling softly on my collarbone, his finger slipping inside of me, making me moan.  
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
“Baby…” My breath coming out in little gasps as he continued his stimulation of my body, taking in my moans and whimpers as my hips moved against his hand, fueling his desire for me. "Don't make me wait any longer."
He chuckles as he feels my warmed skin beneath his touch from the water. "Ah, I adore teasing you and seeing how you react to me." His other hand circles around my breast as he leans in, kissing my breasts lightly, sending waves of pleasure all over my body.
He slips another finger inside and I whimper against him. “God, babe. You’re too good to be true.” He smiles at me, showering my skin with loving kisses. 
He finally lifts me up out of the bathtub, cradling me in his arms as he brings me to the bed. Once there, he places me on the pillows, before settling himself on top of me and continuing where he had left off.
He begins kissing his way down my body, starting at my collarbone before focusing on my ribcage and stomach. When he gets to my chest, he pays loving attention to each of my breasts, caressing them with his fingers to elicit more moans from my lips. His hand moved lower, caressing my skin until they made a circular pattern around my middle, then he moves upward again-- delivering another long kiss.
Love of two is one
Here, but now they're gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear she couldn't go on… 
I grab his black hair tightly as he moves lower, my moan growing louder and my fingers gripping harder as his tongue touches me. I gasp in pleasure, my cries ringing through the air around us as he smirks at me while I practically beg him to kiss me while tugging on the locks of his shortened black hair. He obliges by crawling back up and meeting my lips.
I clung to him, my legs entwined around his body as we kissed passionately. His skin felt warm and inviting under my gentle fingertips. I giggle when he moves down my neck, the sound pushing him to give in to his desire for me. He slides into me as our lips lock, gentle and tender.
I groan with pleasure as he moves within me, feeling him in through every inch of my body. He brings our faces close together as his pace quickens and grows more intense, but still gentle and loving.
My eyes open and he looks into the warm yellow-green hues of my hazel gaze, pushing deeper in response to my stare as I gasp in awe, my nails digging into him as I do so.
The door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew and then disappeared
The curtains flew and then he appeared…
I whimper loudly. "Oh, fuck me." Making him slow down and look at me with amusement.
"That's the idea, duh." I look up at him and I push him on the shoulder playfully.
"You're a pig, babe." Knowing that I for sure quoted Slaughterhouse this time. He starts to chuckle.
"Hey, now. I'm not the police." He says and we both look at each other.
My laughter is muffled by a soft growl from his chest as I play with his hair and pull slightly. His mouth moves to the side of my neck as our motions become more vigorous until we reach our peak.
(Saying, "don't be afraid") Come on, baby
(And she had no fear) And she ran to him
Afterward, he rolls onto his back and I nestle into his arms, our bodies glistening in sweat.
“Thank you for making my birthday so special, honey,” He murmurs. 
"You're welcome," I kissed him softly on the cheek. "That reminds me..."
I moved out of his embrace and reached over to the nightstand, picking up a vegan chocolate cupcake with a single black candle upon it, I light the candle before turning back to him. "Make a wish, love."
His lips curl up into a gentle smile upon seeing the cupcake in my hands, illuminated by the warm candlelight. My gold wolf necklace and coffin ring glitter in the soft light, I see him admiring my beauty. He sits up, considering what to wish for before finally blowing out the candle, which causes me to smile.
"So, what did you wish for?" I place the cupcake on top of the bedspread as he turns away from me, not wanting to reveal his secret wish. I let out a soft chuckle. "Come on, babe. Tell me!"
"If you absolutely want to know," Chris says. "I only wished for one thing- to love you forever."
My heart beats faster as tears of joy rolled down my face. I brought my lips closer to his, which he obliged and placed a tender kiss.
"Chris... I don't know what to say." I try to speak through my tears.
"Well, let's put it this way," He takes my hand in his own, caressing my skin as I look at his adorable jack o' lantern tattoo above the first half of his "Scranton" tattoo that he had across the knuckles of his hand. "If Lyra and Malakai were here now, I'm sure they'd say I should put a ring on it."
"I don't think either of us are ready for that," We burst out into giggles.
"Glad that we understand each other," Chris embraces me tightly, my head laying in the contours of his chest. "This has been an amazing day because I'm here with you. I love you."
"I'm glad to hear that, I love you too." We split the cupcake between us, taking turns feeding each other bites. With one glance into his warm chocolate brown eyes, I know that we're meant to be together. When the cupcake is gone, I snuggle up against him and lean up to kiss him before settling in his arms.
I feel his fingers caressing my bare skin after a few moments. "Do you ever still think about him? Marcus?" Chris asks. I glance into his sweet and compassionate brown eyes.
"I used to think about him every day, of course right after he had passed away. But now, I don't think about him that often. That is, except for the anniversary of his death, which affects me every three days." He nods, remembering the intense nightmares that I'd get over those 72 hours of Marcus burning himself alive or the roles would be reversed and I'd be the one up in flame. "Most importantly now that I have someone new in my life."
Chris looks at me like he's trying to be hurt. "What? Am I not special enough for you?"
I start giggling and shaking my head at him in amusement.
"Of course, I meant you, silly. You certainly are," I reply. "You are so much more than what I had with Marcus. You give me strength, and you love me in ways I never dreamed were possible. You always know how to make me smile with your goofy behavior- that's what makes you special. You're not just the lead singer of Motionless In White; you are the man of my dreams."
He smiles widely at me as he takes me in. "That's good to hear, babe. I want to make you smile every day, no matter how hard life gets."
Tears fill my eyes as I look up into his beautiful brown eyes. "You already do. You give me a reason to keep fighting and never give up. I owe you everything."
Chris kisses me softly and pulls me closer, letting my tears fall against his chest. He holds me tightly, not wanting to let go.
"I'm just so happy that we found each other," He whispers into my caramel brown hair, nuzzling closer until I feel his warm breath on the back of my neck.
I wrap my arms around him like I never want to let go of him either. I know he will always be the one there for me when times get tough.
"Me too," I murmured gently against his neck, feeling safer than ever in his embrace. "You and me… we're meant for each other."
With that final thought, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep in Chris' arms; content knowing that we are truly meant for each other and that nothing could break us apart now.
(Then she started to fly) They looked backward and said goodbye
(She had become like they are) She had taken his hand
(She had become like they are) Come on, baby
(Don't fear the Reaper)...
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teenagedirt · 1 year
Kissing in cars (10)
Chapter 10- tour
Warning-makeout scene. Almost smut but not
A/n I've never been on a flight before so I'm just guessing what it's like. Also the tour bus is based on an old ronnie radke interview. I also know nothing about technology and what was around and what wasn't. The "ice kiss" or wtver I saw it on Google so uh yeah.
"Flight 350, boarding now" the speaker booms. I sigh and grab vic's hand. We board the plane and quietly sit in our seats. I listen to the flight atonement explain the rules and such. When she stops talking I lay my head on vics shoulders and doze off.
"Hey, we landed" vic says gently shaking my shoulder. I nod and get up from ny seat. We collect our shit and wait for tony and Jaime to show up, they insisted on eating on a different flight. The slowly walk towards us. "Hey, the bus is here" Jaime says and rubs his eyes in exhaustion. We all nod and walk towards the exit of the airport.
We all get on the bus, there were 6 small bunks. Three on each side. Then towards the back there was one big room. Vic took my hand and led me to the room, it was basicly the master bedroom of a tour bus. "Damn" I say under my breath. Vic laughes, he sets his suitcase on the bed as well as mine. I groan " I'm so Goddamn tired" .
"Yeah me too, but the show isn't until around six thirty so we can sleep awhile." He says and I nod. I take off the hoodie,leaving me in a tanktop. He removes the suitcases from the bed and places them on the floor. I slide my shoes off. And climb into the bed, vic does the same on the other side. We lay,looking at each other, pure love the only thing in our eyes. He gently kisses my forehead and pulls me close to him. I lay my head on his chest and drift into sleep as he hums a song I haven't heard before, as I doze off I hear him mention something about there being no such thing as too young. I fall into a deep sleep, feeling warm and comforted by vic.
"Hey, darling I've got to start getting ready for the show, are you going" I nod yes and start getting ready. I pull a Falling In Reverse shirt over my head and black,ripped skinny jeans. As well as a black and white studded belt, and my black and white hightop converse.. I sit on the bed, scrolling through instagram, said for Vic to be ready. "You ready " he asks I nod and stand up. I follow him and Jaime out of the bus. We walk into the venue. It's around five thirty so nobody was actually inside except for us and staff. They warm up and tune everything that needs tuned. I side on the side of the stage, where I will be all night. The fans fo know I exist, they know I do concept art and that me and vic met in high-school that all though. They know nothing about our relationship, how much we've helped each other through, that we live together, and how much we love each other.
The arena fills with fans, Vic talks for a couple minutes as I sit on the side, where nobody can see me. They play their set as I sway along to the music, and record it. They finish off their set and Vic sits on the edge of the stage letting his legs hand off. "Who out there enjoyed tonight's show?" He questioned. The crowd shouted and cheered loudly. He laughed to himself. I smile at him, as he glances In my direction. "So many of you know of my friend y/n, well she doesn't get enough recognition, she does a lot of work behind the scenes, she does all concept art, and overall just help me and the guys." He motions for me to come on stage. Reluctantly I get up and walk onto the stage. I sit down next to Vic.
The crowd cheers loudly. I smile, I almost grab Vic's hand but stop myself. He puts the microphone away from his face so only I can hear him. "Are you okay with them knowing about us" he asks, my face heats up. I nod quickly, his face turns to a smile. "Alright everybody, I've got an announcement" the crowd goes silent, for the most part anyway.
"Well, me and Y/n aren't just friends, we are together, and I would like to say, do not hate on her I get there is going to be some jelouse crazy girls, but y/n deserves the world. If I could give her the world I would." I lay my head on his shoulder as my face turns crimson. The crowd cheers for me and him.
A chant starts. "KISS HER KISS HER KISS HER" Vic turns to me, I nod. He grabs the side of my face bring me closer. He places a gentle kiss to my lips. When I start to kiss back it's rougher, but when I hear the fans start to clap it reminds me we aren't alone. We pull apart, and his each other. Vic says goodbye and we make our way back to the bus.
Vic walks on and immediately goes to his bunkroom, I assume to change. I walk to the mini freezer we have and get my bag of ice. Popping a couple small pieces into my mouth. He walks back out in a tanktop and some shorts. I smile. "Watcha go there" he asks sitting next to me on the couch. "Ice, want a piece" I ask holding the bag out. "Yeah"i expect him to simply grab a piece out of the bag. Instead he grabs Mt face gently and kisses me. My brain fills with confusion. He gets a piece of ice in his mouth and pulls away. I blush, more more I think I ever have.
"Is a kiss all it takes to make you a blushing mess?" He asks. My eyes go wide, it like my brain completely stopped working. I stutter over words, even though I don't even know know I was going to say. He leans down to my ear. "Cause I can do a lotmore than that, and you know it." He whispers, I feel his warm breath on my ear and neck. I sit back up, trying to act unbothered. It doesn't work. "You can't hide how you feel, I've watched you have the thoughts your having now. You can't hide them Y/N" he whispers. "Maybe your right" I say and crawl my way onto his lap. I kiss him passionately. He wraps his hands in my hair, gently pulling it. I softly moan into the kiss.
"TIME FOR HIME TIME" Jaime shouts. He rounds the corner, me and vic still making out. He clears his throat. I pull back in a hurry. Vic face palms.
"Really Jaime" I say, getting off vics lap. "You're lucky I didn't have Bryan stars with me" he replies. I shudder, the thought of Bryan being here for somereadon made me feel grossed out.
"Whatever I'm going my bunk room." Vic says and gets up. I follow behind him, and he closes the door behind us.
A/N there will a couple chapter after this. Then A HUGE time skip, to when the reissue if selfish machines comes out. Because I'm trying to make the time line match up the best I can. Also pleaseee request. I need ideas. For imagines and such.
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remingtonisleithal · 3 years
Ronnie smut
I'm not even going to dignify this with a title, it's honestly some of my worst work. But here I am, publishing it because I'd rather put it out there and die a little on the inside once and for all than every time I got to my writing folder. I'm kinda ashamed of this but I also am not going to let hours of work die, and there aren't enough ronnie fics out there. Just please don't judge me
Warnings: this is basically plotless smut. Low key bdsm I guess?
Summary: pwp, Ronnie and Y/N meet at a bar and get it on
Pairing: Ronnie Radke x fem reader
Word Count: 2k
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The music boomed so loudly she could barely hear a thing. The crowd moved in time to the music, hips swaying, arms pumping, screaming out to the lyrics of the song playing in the dark, crowded club. Coloured lights occasionally flashed across the dance floor as people cheered and grinded against each other. Wiping sweat off her face, Y/N nudged her way through the crowd to get to the bar. She was about to shout to the bar tender (it was the only way to be heard) when she felt a hand on her arm to get her attention. She looked up to see the eyes of one of her favourite singers; Ronnie Radke.
"What're you drinking, gorgeous?" he asked, looking her up and down. Y/N wanted to roll her eyes at the ridiculousness of the pick-up, but she couldn't. Unfortunately, she had the biggest crush on the singer, despite his infamous and ways. It was clear he knew he could have her at any moment, and his confidence annoyed her to know end, even worse was the fact that he was right.
"Canadian club, or hoping to." She hinted boldly, brave from the drinks in her system and the music pounding through the air. At this, Ronnie asked the bartender for two and paid for both.
"Cheers." He said with a wink, both of them pushing their cans together. His eyes never left hers while he sipped his drink, and she fought a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
"My name's-"
"Ronnie Radke. I know." Y/N interrupted, mentally kicking herself. Wow, that was smooth, he's definitely going to be into me now I sound like a creepy fan, she thought. But Ronnie just laughed and looked down bashfully (something Y/N had never thought she'd see in her life, judging by his stage persona).
There was an awkward pause as Y/N's vaguely tipsy and fangirling brain malfunctioned.
"And you are...?" Ronnie asked slowly.
"Right, sorry. Y/N." she replied.
"Y/N," he said with a smile. "Beautiful."
Y/N smiled, sipping her drink, and trying to think of something to say when one of her favourite songs started to play.
"No fucking way," she said, as 'Raised by Wolves' by Falling In Reverse started to play, causing Ronnie to laugh. "I love this song!! You sound absolutely amazing, by the way. I've got to admit, I'm a bit of a fan, if you didn't notice already." Y/N said with a giggle, because what's the harm in a little truth? Her laughter shouldn't have affected Ronnie the way it did.
"Yeah, I try my best. Thank you, that's very kind."
Then Y/N got an idea, one she would never let herself live down if she had the opportunity but didn't go for it.
"Would you, ah, maybe," awkward pause. Speak, Y/N, speak! "want to-"
"Dance with me?" Ronnie filled in. "It's not really my thing, but I guess I could try.,” His eyes turned darker, lustful and mischievous all at once as he spoke, “For you.”
He took Y/N's hand and led her to the middle of the floor. The crowd squeezed, making them get closer, closer, closer so they couldn't dance, only vaguely grind. The crowd shifted and Y/N lost Ronnie, but My Chemical Romance blasted from the speakers and she couldn't stop herself from dancing, she would find the singer later. 'Planetary Go' would and would always be a priority in Y/N's heart. Right now she just needed to jump, shake and sing. The song ended, merging into another, and Y/N caught her breath, looking around for Ronnie.
She turned to the bar, and a pair of piercing brown eyes were watching her. Ronnie's eyes were filled with lust, and he was biting his lip. When their eyes met, he paused for a moment, then walked toward her, fast paces, pushing through the crowd to get to her with sure strides. Without a second to lose he put an arm around her waist, landing on the small of her back, and brushed hair out of Y/N's face. Y/N's mouth parted subconsciously and Ronnie pulled her in for a rough kiss, full passion and desire. He walked backward, pulling her along with him, before breaking the kiss. He moved closer (something Y/N thought impossible) and whispered in her ear "Wanna go some place?" in such a low voice that her knees went weak. Words failed Y/N and she could do nothing but nod. Ronnie smirked.
"C'mon, babe. Let's get out of here." he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the crowd.
Out on the street, the music was still so loud the pair could feel the vibrations on the pavement.
"I'm staying at a hotel a couple minutes away, if you want to go there?" Ronnie suggested.
"Hell yes."
"Eager, are we?"
"Are you kidding me? You're sexy as hell, an amazing singer, and wanting to fuck me. Yes I am eager."
Y/N's bold words got Ronnie's full attention. After a low chuckle his lips were on hers, and he was moaning into her mouth. Best. Day. Ever, were the last coherent words Y/N was able to think before Ronnie's lips were on her neck, hands reaching down to her ass. She was enjoying the moment so much she forgot she was outside until her eyes snapped open after a rush of wind.
"Fuck it, back inside." Ronnie said, and the two hurried back into the club, dashing to the bathroom. The room was surprisingly hygienic, and against all odds there was no queue of women waiting for the bathroom, so Ronnie and Y/N just pushed the door shut, locking it behind them.
"Still good?" Ronnie asked.
"Yeah." Y/N replied, pushing a surprised Ronnie against the bathroom door and kissing him hard. It took him a moment for the shock to wear off, and he flipped them so Y/N was against the wall.
"I'm going to make sure you can't walk tomorrow, baby." Ronnie practically growled, pulling Y/N's shirt over her head, and practically ripping her bra off. He kissed her, open mouthed, and suddenly pinched her nipple, causing her to gasp into his mouth. Ronnie kissed down her neck and started to suck and bite Y/N's nipple, squeezing her other boob roughly before switching sides.
"Just fuck me already Ronnie." Y/N said, feeling the wetness in her pants and tightness in her stomach get too much, pleasure building impossibly quickly without a sign of relief. But Ronnie just stood up, and looked her in the eye.
"Not yet, darling," he leaned in further "I'm gonna take my time with you."
It was a good thing Ronnie had Y/N trapped against the wall because she could have collapsed from hearing that. He ever so slowly pushed her pencil skirt up and around her waist with one hand, holding her arms up above her head with the other. Their heavy breathing mixed together, and Y/N (as much as she could) went in for another heated kiss. The kiss was full of fire as Ronnie pushed himself flush against Y/N, groaning at the suddenness of his hips against hers.
Ronnie was about to pull Y/N's underwear off when she said "wait."
"What?" he asked, worried he did something wrong (not that he'd ever admit it).
"You're wearing too many clothes." Y/N pointed out, and immediately the pair pulled Ronnie's leather jacket and shirt off.
Kissing continued, Y/N got more confident and reached down to palm Ronnie's dick through his jeans, earning a groan from the singer and into a heated kiss. Ronnie started to kiss her neck again, then tits, stomach, until he was on his knees, slowly pulling her underwear down. The moment they were around her ankles, Ronnie pushed her legs apart and began to devour Y/N, licking from her hole to her clit, then licking in circles, causing obscene moans to come out of her mouth. He pushed a finger into her and she all but screamed, not even trying to be quiet as the music would cover up their moans. He added another and began to pump in and out, curling his fingers and skilfully drawing fast circles with his tongue on her clit. Y/N could feel the pit in her stomach and felt herself getting closer. But Ronnie knew pulled away, standing up.
"No no," she whined, feeling empty without his fingers inside her "please, I need to cum."
"Na-ah, not yet." he replied, with a teasing smirk.
"Please, please Ronnie I'll do anything."
"Well now that is an offer I cannot refuse." Ronnie teased, and gently lowered Y/N onto her knees. Without a second thought she pulled his jeans and boxer down and began working him with her hands. He was already hard, leaking precum and she rubbed it around his tip. Ronnie groaned and leaned against the wall. Y/N kissed the tip of his dick before giving little licks around his shaft.
"Damn stop teasing me." Ronnie demanded, but Y/N just laughed.
"I will when you will."
"It seems you've forgotten who's boss, honey." Ronnie said sharply, causing Y/N to take in a deep breath, feeling the wetness pooling and dripping down her legs.
"I'll be good. Promise." she said, before starting to suck him off. Y/N hollowed her cheeks, and took him as deep into her throat as she could, moaning at the taste of him, using her hands to rub the rest.
"Fuck," Ronnie mumbled under his breath, before involuntarily bucking his hips. He took the sign and pulled Y/N back by her impromptu ponytail. "Stand up."
Ronnie picked Y/N up and pushed her against the wall, her legs wrapping around him subconsciously. There was a moment where they just looked into each other's eyes in silent communication before Ronnie pushed in full force, making both of the moan loudly.
"Holy shit you're so tight."
"Nugh." was all Y/N managed to say. The sting of the stretch faded to a light pain that only turned her on more. With a nod, Ronnie started pounding into her, hard and fast, causing Y/N to curse. After several minutes of aching to cum, Ronnie pulled out and ordered her against the counter. He bent her over the marbled counter and she hissed at the cold contact against her hard nipples. Without warning or hesitation, Ronnie pushed into her again, and didn't give her time to adjust before bucking his hips wildly, pushing himself closer to orgasm.
"Fuck, Ronnie, touch me." Y/N begged, and Ronnie's dick twitched inside her, hitting her g-spot. She was turned on so wildly by his dominant antics, desperate to cum. Ronnie reached down to rub her clit in fast and vicious circles. The contact sent her screaming for mercy, calling his name as she came hard, pussy clenching and seeing stars. Ronnie didn't stopped, but fucked her through her orgasm, overstimulating her (which turned her on to no end) until he gave a few sloppy thrusts and came into her, groaning and swearing, hips bucking wildly. Y/N had never had sex without a condom before, and the feeling of Ronnie cumming into her pushed her further over the edge. The two stayed like that for a while until their breathing patterns calmed down and their vision returned.
There was a knock against the door and Ronnie pulled out. Each of them got dressed, and walked out to a cheering gathered crowd and some girls wiggling waiting for the bathroom.
They walked out of the club, and Ronnie called a taxi for Y/N, and got into one himself. Before she could ask for his number, he got in a taxi and sped off, winking goodbye.
Frowning, Y/N got into her taxi and shoved her hands in her pocket. There was her keys, phone, tissue, paper... wait. What paper? She pulled it out to reveal a number, with '-R, x' next to it. Ronnie's number. Her favourite singer's phone number. The singer she just fucked in her favourite club's bathroom. What a night this had been.
Taglist: @smiling-girl @sab-falco I'm sorry I'm not really sure who to tag with this
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Ronnie Radke Masterlist
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**Please note - Because Ronnie has shown himself to be little more than a deplorable arsehole in his views in recent years, I will no longer write for him. Leaving these works that I created prior to reaching for conclusion for others to enjoy without judgement, though!**
Lost Time
Bath Time
No Sleep ‘till Sunrise
The Hookup
Without you I’m Nothing (Ronnie Radke/OFC)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six 
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
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dweebobeebo-blog · 6 years
Stop teasing me so much- ronnie radke
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Words: 848
Warnings: partying, liquor
Ronnie x reader
Tonight, my boyfriend ronnie, and I and some of our friends are going out clubbing. Ronnie was downstairs messing around, while I was getting ready, I'm actually in the shower, looking for a razor which it seems we have no new ones in the shower, so I have to call for him.
"Ronnie?!" I yell, I go ahead and wash my hair. I hear the bathroom door open indicating ronnie was in here
"Yes?" He asks, I peek out of the shower door and smile at him. He had just basket ball shorts on that were low riding on him
"Can you get me a new razor" I smile, he moves to the cabinet we keep everything in, squatting down and looking for one his back muscles flexing unintentionally, I bite my lip,He turns and hands it to me.
"That all?" He asks, I nod so he leaves.
After my shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and one in my hair. I slowly started getting ready we didnt have to leave for another hour, so I thought anyways. I had music blaring, so I didnt know ronnie came in, until I seen him in the mirror. He grins at me, before he disappears into the bathroom.
He took a shower, came out with a towel around his waist, not properly dried off so water was just dripping down his body. God hes hot. I put on my panties and bra, before doing my hair and my makeup, he drops his towel, pulling on his boxer briefs, I mentally scream. Hes doing this on purpose. He Comes over to me, wrapping his arms around me from behind softly kissing my neck making me shiver.
"What are you wearing?" He asks
"My black dress you got me" I smile, he kisses my neck again.
Its time to leave, ronnie is downstairs with everyone, I grab my phone money and heels. I walk down the stairs, bending down to put on my heels, ronnie coming over and placing his hand on my lower back, closer to my ass. When I stood up straight his hand fell straight to my ass, giving it a slight squeeze, hes going to tease me all night. In the car, I sat between ronnie and one of the other guys, his hand on my thigh the whole time.
By the time we got to the club, I knew what ronnie had in mind, it was to play games. One of our favorites, see who breaks first fo get a quick fuck in before our friends notice the sexual tension. And by all means he was going to make sure it was me, and it started when I was in the shower then he chose to wear my favorite out fit of his, biting his lip every so often. His tatted hands clasped together in his lap, popping his knuckles every now and then, the guys 'girls' friends showed up so we were sitting at a booth while the guys were leaning against the bar ordering drinks
"Y/n?" Tifs voice rang through my years, I hummed "Ronnie's looks at you"
"Of course he is I'm hot bitch" I laugh, she laughs too. I look up and see ronnie looking straight at me, a slight smirk on his face "hes hot"
"Not this game again" tif says dramatically making me bite my lip "just go fuck already"
I shake my head, moving out of the booth, I strut over to the guys, swaying my hips more, I bite my lip and wrap an arm around ronnie, and lean against the bar making my breasts pop out of my dress more, ronnie grunts the covers it with a cough, hand dropping to my ass to squeeze it.
"Y/n, TIF and I are gonna dance come with ho" carmen giggles, wiggling her brows i follow her and tiffany to the dance floor where one of my favorite songs comes on
"Oh shit carmen shes gonna get down" TIF laughs, I nod and start dancing to it, carmen videos it and TIF joins in, us two practically grinding against each other. I may have had a few tequila shots and feeling them already, I see ronnie and the guys watching us out of the corner of my eye and giggle
"You sluts!" Carmen yells, joining us so were all dancing together, you get us three together with liquor it's well like lesbians.
I see ronnie and the guys coming, ronnie taking my hand and pulling me to him, my back side pressed against him. We dance, snaking my arm up to wrap around his neck, his hand goes to squeeze my ass again, hes in love with doing that. Dipping his head, he nips at my neck making me whimper and tug on his hair a little, something I love doing to him. He tries oh so nonchalantly to press himself against me, making me lawl my head back.
"Stop teasing me..." I whimper, he chuckles pulling away and pulling us out of sight from everyone.
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misguidedswagger · 2 years
trust: chapter 2
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w/c: 3.4k
trust masterlist 
entire masterlist 
Y/n said nothing as her older brother and his friends continued to buzz about their very new signing. She hummed to herself as she placed the cake in the oven before cleaning up the kitchen, washing the dirty dishes, utensils, and then drying them. Y/n pursed her lips before she turned to face her brother once again, 
“Bren?” She asked softly, resting her hips on the counter as she crossed her arms. Her brother lifted his head and quirked a brow towards her, still looking at Spencer as they conversed about some of the songs they would possibly be changing up for their new sound, like Time To Dance, Camisado, and Nails For Breakfast. 
“What’s up, kiddo?” Brendon teased his baby sister. With a huff and roll of her eyes, Y/n pushed herself off the counter by her hips, making herself busy. “Was gonna ask if you needed your laundry done. But after the nickname, fuck you, do it yourself.” 
Spencer snorted at her comment, “Damn, kiss your mother with that mouth?” Another eye roll later, Y/n sent an annoyed middle finger to Spencer, checking the timer she’d set on the oven. “I’ll be back in like fifteen minutes, losers.” The girl spoke before running upstairs to her room, grabbing her laundry and throwing it into the machine. 
Ryan’s gaze trailed after her slowly and rested on the stairwell straight ahead of him. He cleared his throat before walking to his friends sitting at the kitchen’s bar. Ryan opened his mouth to contribute to the conversation before Brendon interrupted him. “I think we need to celebrate our tremendous feat. Whaddaya guys say, huh? What if we throw a mega banger in celebration of our signing?” Brendon wiggled both of his elbows into both Spencer and Ryan, causing the two to laugh softly. 
“Here?” Jon asked, a brow raised. Brendon spun around in his chair and nodded before leaning back and crossing his arms. “Hell yeah, here! This is where the magic happened, baby! Obviously it’s gotta be here!” 
A set of hands and a chin found their home on Ryan’s shoulders. He looked at the girl who was suddenly back downstairs among him, her brother, and their friends, “What’s gotta be here?” Y/n queried, once again completely oblivious to the fact that she was making Ryan’s heart race a mile a minute. Ryan would usually focus on the words leaving the girl’s mouth, but right now, he had to focus on calming himself down so Y/n wouldn’t hear or feel his speedy heartbeat, or notice his sudden loss of breath. 
Spencer spoke up now, his arms crossed over his chest as he spun to face the younger Urie, “Your big brother wants to throw a celebratory signing party. You down?” He smirked at her before walking over to the fridge and grabbing a soda from the second rack. 
With a small hum in thought, she asked softly, “I’m invited?” Ryan spoke before he even realized he did, 
“Yes!” He shouted, before shrinking down in embarrassment, a tinge of red fanning over his cheeks. He held his face in his hands, muttering apologies. “I’m sorry—Just…” He didn’t even need to look up to know his friends were staring at him intently, and Jon was giving him a stern, almost motherly, look. Clearing his throat, the guitarist continued, “Just surprised at the fact that you’d think you weren’t invited after everything you’ve done for us. You proofread our-“ 
Y/n interrupted now, “Your.” She whispered, standing up straight as she offered a reassuring shoulder squeeze. “My lyrics.” He corrected sheepishly,
 “You made food for us when we had long sessions, made us hot chocolate, coffee.. God, you’ve always supported us, you’ve always been our number one fan…” Ryan trailed off, having to stop himself before he got too ahead of himself and started going on about his love  and overall adoration for her. 
Y/n had a hand over her heart and opened her mouth to speak before Spencer spoke up again, “And not to mention, you always made sure we got rest of some sort, whether it be small breaks, actual sleep itself, or you just talking to us to bounce ideas off of.” He took another sip of his soda before going back over to Jon and Brendon. 
Jon spoke up now, “Ya always made sure we were hydrated too, ran to the store for us when we needed paper, pens, or other bullshit like that. Food, etcetera, etcetera.  You’ve been a great help, kid. Ya need to hold yourself to a higher standard.”
Isn’t that right? Ryan thought to himself, nodding in agreement with Jon, subtly looking towards him. Before Y/n could thank the boys, her brother walked to her side and threw his arm around her shoulders, giving her a noogie as he gave his thanks to her, 
“What would I have done without my little sis always making me food, doing my laundry, and my chores so I could be with the guys? You’re the best, Y/n. We really love you, and of course we want–no, need you at this party! Couldn’t have gotten this far without you!” With a large smile, the youngest in the room nodded. 
“Okay. Yeah. I’ll start getting the house ready-” She gave her brother a quick squeeze before slithering out of his grip to start preparing for the party. Ryan stopped her though and grabbed her hand, causing Y/n to turn towards his voice, “Woah, woah. We are gonna get the house ready together.” 
Unbeknownst to Ryan, Spencer grew wary of his bandmate’s hands on the frontman’s little sister. Jon, completely oblivious to Spencer’s glare, nudged him, “Older Urie’s gonna send out invites and all that shit, but me ‘n Spence’ll help out, don’t worry.” Jon smiled, walking towards Y/n and Ryan. The girl grinned and gave Ryan’s hand a quick squeeze before moving forward to hug the others. Ryan hadn’t realized how long his hands had lingered on Y/n until she was out of his grip, she just felt so much like home. It was scary. 
As Y/n flew into Spencer and Jon’s hugs, she hadn’t noticed the very obviously fake smile on Spencer’s face. No one had the opportunity to before an annoying ringing sound echoed through the kitchen. Y/n pulled away and clapped her hands excitedly, 
“Yay! Cake!” 
Y/n was in her room getting ready for the party as she heard new voices under the blaring music entering her house. She looked in the mirror, brushing invisible specks of dirt off of herself, smoothing her outfit down as much as she could. With a frustrated sigh, she held her face in her hands. 
“You look beautiful. What’s stressing you out?” A voice asked her from the doorway, causing her face to shoot up out of her hands. She stayed staring at herself in the mirror, staring at him through the mirror. He kicked himself off the door frame as she spoke. 
 “I don’t know, I guess this party just feels different because of the event it's celebrating.” Ryan walked up behind her and let his hands rest in his pockets as he looked her in the eyes through the mirror, “Hey, you’ve got nothing to stress over.” Tentatively, he placed his hands on her shoulders, flicking his eyes back to hers, silently asking if he could continue. With a silent nod from Y/n, Ryan began to rub her shoulders, much to Y/n’s pleasure. 
“If anything, it should be us stressing, it’s our signing party.” The elder reassured, causing a smile to finally find its home on the girl’s face. She smiled brightly at Ryan and turned around and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you.” She said softly and sweetly. Ryan smiled and let his chin rest on her shoulder as he embraced every inch of her hug. His hands found solitude on her waist as he pulled her in tighter. 
“For the record, Ross, you look very handsome yourself, and you give incredible hugs.” Y/n complimented, letting go of the hug when she heard one of her favorite songs playing downstairs. She grabbed Ryan’s hand and dragged him down the stairs with her before forcing him to dance with her. 
Ryan laughed and Y/n spun messily to the song playing, but when she grabbed his hand, he let his body take over. He gave her a proper spin, causing her to giggle, a sound Ryan swore he could never get over. Y/n rested her hand in Ryan’s, her other on his shoulder. She stopped laughing as much and only smiled, maintaining eye contact with Ryan the entire time, and he did the same.
When the song ended, Y/n smiled wider and stepped back, “Thank you for going along with that. That was really fun! Want a drink?” She pointed towards the drink table, and Ryan nodded. “You continue dancing, Urie, I’ll grab the drinks.” He grinned at her, causing her to cheer and nod, already dancing to the next song. 
With a small laugh, Ryan walked over to where Y/n had previously pointed, grabbing two red solo cups. He was in the process of pouring their drinks when he felt an elbow in his side. Ryan snapped his eyes up to the culprit, not surprised to see Jon connected to the elbow that’d nudged him. “I saw you two lovebirds. Finally spill the secret?” Jon teased, causing Ryan to turn his face away from his friend’s burning stare, in an attempt to hide his blush. “Holy shit! You still haven’t told her!” Jon basically yelled, causing Ryan to shove his shoulder, 
“Dude, shut it!” He pleaded, quickly glancing around to make sure no one else had heard their conversation. Jon laughed heartily before shaking his head, “Man, you gotta tell her! Even if it doesn’t go anywhere, which won’t happen, it definitely will go somewhere, she has a right to know!” Jon said seriously, offering an encouraging smile. He placed a hand on Ryan’s shoulder and rubbed it, “Trust me, Ryan. It’s better to be rejected than to regret not saying something.” 
Jon and Ryan’s conversation was interrupted as another person walked up, “Hey, guys! Crazy turn out, huh? Told ya I’m a god at invites!” Brendon placed a hand on both of their shoulders and smiled, “What were you two talking about?” Ryan tried not to show his panic when Brendon asked that, and before Ryan could stutter through an excuse, Jon bit the bullet and saved Ryan’s skin. 
“Was asking Ryan for some advice about the girl over there.” Jon gestured lazily to a group of girls in another room, taking a sip. “Wanna walk over with me Bren? Ryan’s too nervous to just walk over with me and I need backup.” Jon offered, looking at Brendon hopefully. 
Brendon blew a raspberry at Ryan and held an “L” on his forehead to him, “Of course I’ll go with you Jon, I’m not a pussy.” He laughed before clapping Ryan on the back, “Kidding, I get it. Enjoy the party man, I know Jon certainly will.” He smiled. 
As the two walked away, Jon turned his head and winked at Ryan before turning back around quickly. Ryan smiled a tight smile and nodded at Jon before turning to walk back with his and Y/n’s drinks. However, as he turned to walk back in her direction, he collided with another body, startling him. He turned back around to see he’d bumped into the girl he’d been on the way back to. With a laugh, she took a cup from Ryan, “What took ya so long?” 
Ryan gestured to the room that Jon and Brendon were currently in, “Oh, ya know, your brother.” He chuckled softly, taking a sip of his drink. She laughed softly and nodded, “Yeah, he can be quite the handful sometimes. I’d know.” The two of them laughed together before walking over to another corner of the room to get out of the way of the people dancing in the middle of the living room. 
Ryan leaned against the wall, drink in hand, free hand either in his pocket or gesturing with his sentences, as Y/n was standing, slowly sipping her drink, more listening than talking. Their conversation was going pretty well when all of a sudden, a guy slammed into Y/n, spilling his drink all over her, causing Y/n to shiver at the sudden cold liquid seeping through her shirt. 
The drunk guy looked up at Y/n and muttered an apology before doing a double take, “Oh, holy shit. You’re Brent’s ex right?” Y/n’s face paled and Ryan stood up straight, eyeing the guy angrily. Clearly, the drunk moron didn’t realize that no one wanted to talk about that, “Yeah, you gotta be. I remember your brother or whoever goin’ batshit on him in the middle of that party, almost two years ago now, right?” 
Ryan shoved him, “Get the fuck away from her. She doesn’t wanna talk to you.” The man looked up at Ryan now, “Go home, Ronnie.” Ryan snarled at him. “You’ve had enough to drink, anyway.” Ronnie looked up at Ryan and raised a brow,
 “Since when are you two dating?” He flicked his eyes over to Y/n, who looked to be on the edge of tears. “You settle for Ryan here just because you missed fucking one of your brother’s friends?” And that was it, the wall that Y/n had built up had come crashing down with waterworks. 
Y/n ran upstairs, sobbing. Ryan shoved Ronnie into a wall and immediately followed after her, calling her name. “Y/n!” He watched her door slam shut, and against his better judgment, opened the door without knocking, “Y/n, look what he said-” He looked up at her shriek and saw her shirtless, “Shit, I’m so sorry!” He put his hand back on the knob to close it, but before he could reach the knob, she spoke up.
“Wait! Don’t… Don’t leave me.” She pleaded softly, breaking Ryan’s heart. He held a hand over his eyes and still kept his eyes down, though it was pointless to do both. He shut the door behind him and stood in the corner with his back to her. “I won’t leave but I won’t look. Just tell me when you’re done, okay?” 
Y/n let out a small hum of affirmation and Ryan sighed shakily, waiting patiently. After a minute or so, Y/n pulled him off the wall by his shoulder and uncovered his eyes. “You change qui-” 
Ryan wore a nervous smile on his face as he finally brought his hands off his eyes. He froze when he realized what he was looking at: a shirtless Y/n. “Oh-my god.” he stuttered out, his cheeks turning bright red as he turned his face away, “Y/n, I-” Her soft hand reached up to his cheek and turned him back towards her. “This is w-wrong, Y/n, you’re not thinking right, you’re upset, you-I don’t want to take advantage of you, I-” 
She hushed him and smiled, “You’re not taking advantage of anyone, Ryan. Promise.” Ryan swallowed hard as she took a step closer to him. The boy’s breath grew more jagged as his crush stepped closer and closer to him. Ryan finally took things upon himself, he placed his hands on her waist and kissed her deeply as Y/n’s hands moved to his hair. 
Ryan’s heart jumped to his throat. This was all he’d ever wanted, to be able to kiss Y/n, to hold her in his arms, this was the moment he’d dreamt of for as long as he could remember. So why did things feel so strange? He’d imagined this situation playing out several times and he’d planned everything down to a t, how he’d hold her, exactly how he’d kiss her, how softly he’d-
Ryan’s train of thought was interrupted when Y/n brought him back to her bed, yanking his shirt off of him and shoving him down as she sat on her knees in front of him. Y/n brought her hands to Ryan’s belt and looked up at him through her eyelashes. Ryan’s lips were trapped between his teeth as he watched her tear-jerkingly slow movements. She shuffled his pants down and Ryan raised his hips to help her, looking deep into her lust flooded eyes–matching his.
Ryan smiled down at her, raising a hand to pet her hair, “Is this your first-Oh, fuck.” Ryan’s own moans cut off his question as his head fell back as his hand moved to clench the bedsheets under him. Now, by no means was Ryan a virgin, in any sense of the word, but there was something about Y/n that just made everything feel like it was his first. He could only hope he was her first, but by the way she was skillfully moving her head up and down, followed by the swirling of her tongue, he was positive he wasn’t. 
He decided not to focus on that, but on the fact that this was even happening. Ryan moaned her name, “Y/n, fuck.” He let his eyes flutter shut and Y/n felt a zap of electricity shoot from her mouth to her toes. She loved the hold she had on him. She added her hand to Ryan’s cock and from that point on, his groans got even dirtier. Y/n’s heart began to race in arousal and anxiety, she’d never had anyone wound around her finger so tight, but it felt great. 
Ryan’s moans were heavenly. Y/n wanted more and more, so she did everything she knew how. She looked up at him and started to bob her head faster, licking up his cock to his tip. She flicked her tongue across his slit and Ryan swore he’d never moaned louder; she was so much better than he could’ve imagined, and he imagined a lot. They were both grateful for the booming music downstairs, or else they certainly would’ve been caught. 
Ryan sucked in a deep breath through his teeth and let a hand find its way in her hair and he tugged on it softly. Y/n moaned softly, sending a delicious vibration up Ryan’s cock. “Fuck, Y/n, you’re so good at this~” At the praise, she slightly sped up her movements and continued to look up at him, smirking when his face twitched, “Fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum.” He grunted, Y/n kept her head down and let him spill into the back of her throat, riding out his high with him. Involuntarily, Ryan bucked his hips into mouth with another small moan. 
He looked down at her and caressed the side of her face, running his thumb over her cheek. “So beautiful. You gonna spit it out?” Y/n instead stuck her tongue out of her mouth and showed him his cum before swallowing it. 
Ryan’s face lit up in a blush and he licked his lips before pulling her off the floor by her face, kissing her deeply. With a hand on the back of her head, he stood up and lightly pushed her on the bed before unclasping her bra with one hand, causing her to blush and turn away. “Guess this isn’t your first time.” Ryan smiled softly and turned her face back towards him, “No, but I know this’ll be my best time.” He leaned down and kissed her deeply, sliding off her bra in the process. He sat up now, his knees on either side of her. Y/n swallowed hard and tried her best to maintain eye contact, but it was evident that she was anxious. 
Ryan immediately picked up on this and did a double take, “Shit, are you a virgin? We shouldn’t-” Ryan went to step off of her, but Y/n grabbed his arm and stopped him. 
“I want you to be my first, Ryan. Please.” Y/n begged softly, causing a whole other side of Ryan to take over. 
 “Do you have a condom?” He asked, his hand on her cheek again. The girl sat up and shook her head, “Bren has some in his nightstand drawer. You can go grab one.” She spoke timidly before Ryan nodded, basically sprinting to her brother’s room. 
She giggled at his speed, but when he was back and shut the door, it sunk in that she was really about to do this. Ryan resumed his position above her and shuffled her underwear down, before running his fingers up and down her sides. 
“Are you ready, Y/n?” 
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eddieswh0r · 2 years
We know Eddie is a metal head but you cannot change my mind that he’d absolutely sound like Ronnie Radke when he sings.
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takechonces28 · 3 years
Hey guys! I just wanted to put out there that I’m totally down to write requests (smut, fluff) I’ll drop some people I’m comfortable writing for and if you’re fav isn’t on there just ask and I’ll try :)
Waterparks- Awsten Knight, Otto Wood, Geoff Wigington, Jawn?
Marvel- Spider-Man (any of them but Andrew and Tom for sure), Bucky Barnes, Loki, Dr. Strange, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
Mcr- Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way
Fall Out Boy- Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz
SWS- Kellin Quinn
PTV- Vic Fuentes
TØP- Tyler Joseph, Josh Dun
1D- Harry, Louis (Larry?)
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bandimaginesbitchez · 8 years
I'm back!!!
I haven't been writing for such a long time. Send me requests so I can start again:) I will literally write smut fluff or just stories about anybody
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njpuckbunny · 2 years
@njpuckbunny ‘s masterlist :)
bold = smut
italic = fluff
starred = angst *
ryan gosling
ken first date hcs
falling in reverse
ronnie radke
my chemical romance
gerard way
frank iero
ray toro
sleeping with sirens
kellin quinn
thank god for thin walls
pierce the veil
vic fuentes
jaime preciado
tony perry
james hetfield
kirk hammett
cuz that’s what friends do, right?
cliff burton
lars ulrich
jason newstead
rob trujillo
miles teller
bradley “rooster” bradshaw (top gun)
instinct and impatience*
jeff (spiderhead)
alec (two night stand)
vinny pazienza (bleed for this)
willard hewitt (footloose : 2011)
willard with a gf who plays soccer hc
david packouz (war dogs)
nhl players
jack hughes
crazy love* (pt. 1) crazy love* (pt. 2)
trevor zegras
cole caufield
nico hischer
and any u wanna request !
top gun
pete “maverick” mitchell
tom “iceman” kazansky
nick “goose” bradshaw
jake “hangman” seresin
natasha “phoenix” trace
wednesday (2022)
ajax petropolus
NO xavier thorpe !!!
wednesday addams
enid sinclair
rowan laslow
the walking dead
carl grimes
rick grimes
daryl dixon
glenn rhee
maggie greene
[my requests are open as of 7/23 so make sure to request whatever u want and whoever u want]
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