banfox23 · 3 days
Babe, take it in the most lovable way: you are delusional if you think you're not good enough for this.
I would read a story where they're waiting for their turn at the butcher for what I care but you could make it great.
Your canon one shot (and I'm being serious here) is one of the most satisfying one because you catch exactly how they are, I could see them.
So no, no, you're "good enough" and what does it even mean? Good enough? If you enjoy it go for it! It has to be something that give you joy but believe me, you're a great writer.
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i love your take of clexa in meet me in moonlight, under old willow tree. Would you ever consider writing a multi chapter fix-it canon divergent fic?
I don't know if I could do it justice 😳 I'm still not even entirely confident in how I did on the oneshot, though make no mistake I appreciate every single bit of encouragement and kind words! Canon is just such a tricky thing, and they're so so specific in their mannerisms and dynamics. And everyone has their own personal interpretation of everything.
I just... I honestly think it'd let you guys down if I ever tried for like a full length fic vs a oneshot or drabble 😕
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banfox23 · 10 days
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I love her, she didn't nothing wrong.
The cat I mean, Lexa should be greatful to be in the presence of this magnificent stinky cute little paw paw cat.
Does Clarke go away on travel for a bit and leave Hiro with plant shop owner Lexa?
mrow. mrow. meow. MEOW.
Lexa cracked open an unwilling eyeball, forcing her bleary eyesight to focus on the small numbers glowing at her from the alarm clock perched on her bedside table. She fended off the small but persistent paw that was insistently batting at her earlobe as she did so, earning a disgruntled rrrfft as Lexa shoved the tiny kitten off of where she had been cheerily perched on her neck for the past ten minutes or so, alternating between kneading her aorta and boxing her earlobe with one small mitten.
4:07 am blinked back at her.
Lexa sat up in a huff, shoving a tangled wad of curls out of her face as she fished around her nightstand for her phone, ripping it from its charger with barely contained rage as Hiro trotted dainty to the end of her and Clarke's shared bed, sat down, and promptly began to clean her asshole, one tiny leg held primly aloft.
4:08 am
Lexa: Clarke, this goddamn cat is getting locked out of the room from here on out, so help me god. This is the second night in a row that she's woken me up at the crack of dawn to feed her. It's like trying to negotiate with terrorists, for chrrisake.
Lexa is not expecting her girlfriend to answer immediately despite the two hour time different between Polis and California, Lexa begrudgingly feels around for her slippers, sliding them on her feed in grumpy acceptance as Hiro twines figure eights happily around her ankles, chirping happily.
Hiro's delighted little warbles continue, floating through the watery grey of the early morning light as Lexa pads her way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. She stifles a jaw- cracking yawn as she flicks on the kettle, sleepily reaching for a mug and a sachet of tea to hopefully kickstart her day- even if it is two hours earlier than she originally planned. She's just pouring boiling water over her Earl Grey teabag when her phone chimes cheerily.
Hiro looks up from where she's cleaning her paw to cock her head in inquiry as Lexa crosses the kitchen to check her mobile.
4:47 am
Clarke: fuck, I'm sorry Lex. She just loves you and is off her with me gone. I'm ordering her a timed feeder right now, I swear- you can set it to go off at 4 so she has a pre-breakfast and won't tapdance on your head for food so early. I love you! I'll be home in two days!
Lexa smiles begrudingly at the text, reaching across the counter to pet the downy soft hair that lays just under Hiro's chin. Hiro purrs in contentment, dropping down from the counter to trot over to her now-full food bowl.
Lexa's phone chimes again as she reaches for her mug, alerting her from her and Clarke's linked Amazon account that her new stainless steel cat feeder will be on her doorstep in just four short hours.
Lexa angles her phone to send Clarke a photo of Hiro curled up in an early morning beam of sunlight in response, signing it with a few kisses for good measure as she scoops up her book and tea to curl up in their duvet and read for a few hours before work.
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banfox23 · 10 days
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Teach Me
Ch. 8
Woods residence
The street that matched the address in her phone was slim. An offshoot sat sleepily on the outskirts of towns, stippled with cars sitting under twin rows of shady trees that dotted the entire block. 
Sedans sprinkled themselves in among driveways filled with minivans and SUVS; all decked out with bike racks, tags denoting the proud parentage of some middle school kid, and more than a few sprawling stick-figured family trees that would leave anyone wondering if these people had ever heard of birth control. 
Every lawn looked manicured with its little picket fences. Every house, a revolving shade of white, eggshell, or beige. 
Clarke had to double check her GPS just to make sure the satellite triangulation hadn't somehow directed her to Mayberry circa 1930.
Only one house stood out in such an HOA hellscape. 
A shining beacon among the drab suburban nightmare, all ash-toned trimming and rustic finishes that complemented its deep, grey stone facade. It was a single-story lot stretched out from one boundary line to the other, creating an angular pancake sort of a house, squat and rather moody (if a house could even be described as such), topped with a slate roof with dark shutters, and a rough-cut stone chimney stretching skyward on one side.
The sight of it made Clarke smile as she parked under the shade of the house's designated curbside oak. 
Lexa had indeed said she couldn't miss the place.
Clarke spared herself a once-over in the reflection of her car's window when she hopped out, taking a second to check the understated allure of her makeup and the exact placement of the deep v-line of her sweater. 
A waist-high swinging iron gate decorated in blunted curls and ornate geometrics separated the manicured sidewalk out on the street from a front yard left to breathe and bend at its own will. Clarke made her way through the controlled chaos of the front walk, admiring the twin lilac bushes that flanked either side and drifted her fingers along the purpling of their first Spring bloom. An obnoxiously yellow jeep that Clarke would've never imagined for her tweed-and-tie wearing professor sat parked in the driveway in all its garish glory, sticking out like a sore thumb amidst the beige single file suburban backdrop.
A heated swoop flashed through Clarke's belly as she took the two front steps in one go, and she wondered when that delicious aching had replaced the more innocent flutter of butterflies. When just thinking of Lexa had started eliciting such a violent uptick in her heart's rhythm; the mere idea of being near her rocking Clarke with these sudden shots of adrenaline. 
She supposed it was probably somewhere between sneaking kisses in the studio's kiln room and exchanging dirty messages while they each, presumably, got themselves off.
Clarke hadn't had the courage to ask if she was the only one…
It really didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, not when the door swung open before she could even finish her third knock. Because framed in the picturesque doorway was - possibly, potentially, easily debatably once her brain would start working again - one of the most beautiful women Clarke had ever seen in her thirty-nine years of life. 
Just… not the particular one she'd expected. 
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banfox23 · 14 days
If you need to cry.
Strong bond
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banfox23 · 14 days
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^this is Sal the first time she met Clarke, change my mind, even though Sal is an old boy and not a Golden, doesn't matter, the sentiment is there.
They are so hot and cute at the same time, they are two idiots that text each other during exams, can you be more...?! I love them.
And they kith on the mouth a loth :3
And other stuff, I'm ready for the other stuff.
As always great writing, it keeps you glued to the story and the screen.
Thank you for sharing! ❤️
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Teach Me
Ch. 7
Test days
God, she hated test days.
The mind-numbing minutiae of it.
The waste of time that could be better spent actually learning. 
The way she had to show up to do… absolutely nothing. 
Pacing an ambling line from one end of the lecture platform to the other, her eyes swept the darkened room before checking her watch again.
“You have thirty seconds left to finish your thoughts for this piece, and then we're moving on to the final slide,” Lexa called out, remembering to soften her tone so as to not make the more consumed writers of the class jump nearly a foot out of their desks.
The screen overhead flipped from ‘ The Column of Trajan’ to ‘ The Arch of Constantine’, and the clock on the wall ticked on.
A few more minutes passed in relatively dull silence as Lexa mentally flowed through the lesson plans she had presented thus far, combing the downturned sea of faces and mentally shouting what she hoped the students had taken from them. 
Because she wanted them to do well.
Because she measured her own success as an educator by her student's every success.
Because if she had to read one more essay this semester that contained the words “lit” or “potato quality” in reference to ancient carvings, she just might tear her own hair out.
She really hated test days. 
Mind buzzing with thoughts of stylistic contrasts between High Empire versus Late, and wondering who among her pupils would draw the correct conclusions for why each piece represented on the test was chosen, Lexa felt her pocket vibrate as she settled down on the edge of the table at the head of the room.
Fishing her phone out, she glanced down and froze at the preview that flashed bright across the screen.
“That is a very tight vest you have on Professor”
Schooling her face despite the heat that bloomed bright hot in her cheeks, Lexa checked the timer she had set and barely hesitated before opening the message.
“Shouldn't you be focusing on your test?”
“Just finished a minute ago. Now I'm wasting time until class is over.”
“Shouldn't you want to leave then?” she thumbed out. As if on cue, she pressed her phone to her chest and nodded as a student traipsed up to the front and deposited their test booklet on the table before slipping out of the lecture hall without a sound. “It's a beautiful day. Go enjoy it instead of pretending to look busy.”
“But the view's so good right here…”
Straightening up from her slouched position, it felt like a herculean task to keep her eyes from beelining to the front row and exactly two seats to the left. 
Instead she made another lazy loop around the dais, scanning the crowd for moving pencils (and any obvious signs of someone having fallen asleep.) 
The dull squeak of graphite on paper had her winding back around to stand behind the safety of her podium.
“That's highly inappropriate. Remind me why I let you sit in the front row?” she typed back the second her hands were out of sight. 
She snuck another glance out into the dimmed lecture hall and waited.
“Because I'm your very favoritest student Professor Woods,” she read when another message popped up right below it. “And because when I wear this outfit you can almost see up my dress.”
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banfox23 · 26 days
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“I’m glad to see young love is as sweet for you as it was for me.”
Clarke’s grip tightens so abruptly, the glass in her hand cracks ominously. Shit. Loosening it carefully, Clarke swallows around the obstruction in her throat and levels a forced smile she’s sure is far too sharp at the corners on the woman. The old lady stares back, eyes twinkling.
“I wouldn’t say it’s at that stage,” Clarke says; she’s trying so hard to keep her bite out of her voice that it careens the other way instead, airy and breathless. Revolting. It makes her sound exactly like the woman is implying.
The woman chuckles, bringing her glass to her lips and taking a measured sip before lowering it and suggesting, “It will be soon, then. I’m familiar with these things. Lots of grandkids, you know.”
“We’ve only been dating for a few months,” Clarke says dismissively. The liquor burns its way down her throat.
“The older you get, the more you realize time doesn’t matter much.”
Clarke blinks. She looks at the woman, and decides to take a moment to indulge herself.
She imagines how those fragile old bones would snap and splinter under her fists. It would certainly wipe that knowing smile off that withered face.
Clarke has never envisioned herself living particularly long. For most of her life now, when she imagines the future, there’s nothing but blood and ash. Vengeance; anything that comes after is irrelevant, a blurry gray that doesn’t matter. She can’t even imagine herself as an old woman.
It’s something she’s long known isn’t meant for her. A special handful of Others left a lasting impact on the world. Her father was one of them. Going on two decades since his death, Arkadia was remembered fondly, worshiped by the people, plastic stars still strewn through the city, plastered on windows in remembrance. Even Spacewalker was remembered, despite how brief Finn’s run had been; he was still celebrated every year.
For the rest of the Others, they appeared like shooting stars; here to momentarily burn their way through the atmosphere, and then disappear forever, leaving nothing behind but an empty black void.
It takes her a moment to return from her reverie. When she does, she registers the smile on the woman’s wrinkled face, watching her as if Clarke was lost in thought over her supposed love for Alexandria Woodward, Polis’ darling, the most coveted woman among Polis’ top ten bachelorettes, the charity princess who donated so much she single-handedly brought Polis’ homelessness down to zero.
Clarke hates her. And this ancient cunt who thinks she knows everything.
She’s just started to consider all the ways she could kill her and make it look like an accident when a soft hand lands on the small of her back and makes her jump; another hand gently encircles her wrist to keep the wine from sloshing over the rim of her glass. Before Clarke can process anything else, warm, full lips press against her own. Her eyes shut and she leans into it automatically, all the air leaving her lungs.
“I wondered where you disappeared to,” Lexa murmurs as she draws back. Clarke finds herself leaning forward to chase her lips, and the moment she realizes, she blinks and pulls back. Lexa has that typical expression she wears sometimes, both as Alexandria Woodward and the Commander. An face that could almost be considered blank, were it not for the amusement dancing in her grey eyes and hidden in the slightest uptick to one corner of her full lips. She inclines her head toward the old woman in lieu of a glance. “Mind if I steal her away?”
She doesn’t wait for a response, smoothly pulling Clarke towards the dance floor, but the old woman still calls to them, “Enjoy your evening, girls.”
Clarke can tell, by the way Lexa ducks her head, that she’s hiding a smirk. Clarke rolls her eyes as she turns to face her when they reach the center of the dance floor.
“Shut up,” Clarke grumbles, even as she languidly leans into Lexa’s body, stretching her arms around her neck and drawing close enough their chests press together. She can tell by the way Lexa’s tongue darts out to wet her lips that it hasn’t gone unappreciated.
“For the record, I’m definitely not in love with you,” Lexa drawls, staring apathetically at the couple dancing next to them. Of course she’d heard their conversation. Probably from across the room. “I’ve only just approached the threshold of being able to tolerate your presence without trying to kill you.”
Despite herself, Clarke’s lips curl up on one side. “The feeling is mutual, though I’m sure my tolerance isn’t nearly as generous as yours.”
“I surmised as much after you stabbed me.”
Clarke rolls her eyes again, as Lexa spins her. “But did you die? Get over it.”
“I said I’ve managed to stop trying to kill you. I said nothing about not wanting to.”
“Neither did I. I don’t know if I’ve ever spent a moment around you not wanting to kill you.”
Lexa’s next spin curls Clarke into her arms, back pressed to front, where Lexa can murmur into her ear, “Or wanting me in some other capacity.”
Clarke scoffs. “Now who’s the pot calling the kettle black?”
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banfox23 · 2 months
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would love Clexa 46, please 😌
“You’re jealous of Finn? Finn? Seriously?”
“I’m not jealous,” Lexa retorts curtly. Her jaw feels like it’ll snap from how hard she clenches it, but it’s nothing compared to how tightly she grips the glass in her hand. It’s a good thing it’s made of witch glass, because she knows anything human would’ve shattered and cut her skin by now.
“Do all humans lie this badly?”
Lexa looks away from the source of her poor temper and glares at the witch mocking her. “This doesn’t bother you?”
Raven laughs at the very notion. Her hair is an inky black, but there are twinkles in it like stars in the sky. Her dress is a gorgeous deep blue, the perfect embodiment of tonight’s winter solstice celebration. “Finn couldn’t flirt to save his life,” she says. “He has two lines in his arsenal and one has the word kernel in it. If he ever did want to try his luck elsewhere, I’d get a snack to witness it.”
Lexa frowns. “You trust him that much?”
“You don’t trust Clarke?”
“Of course I do. But I don’t believe that a man who dated two of the most brilliant witches I know could be that uncharming.”
“They were sixteen," Raven emphasizes. "Best friends from childhood. They were each other’s solution to loneliness at the time. Witches aren’t schooled like you are, divided by age or class. Clarke was already learning alongside incredible potion makers, but most were twice her age. Finn was already his father’s apprentice in the workshop. They explored a new side in their relationship because it was comfortable and easy, but it didn’t end in the dramatic heartbreak you think it did.”
“Comfortable and easy might be the complete opposite of our relationship.”
“Well don’t you think it means something that you’re fighting so hard to make it work? It’s 3AM and you’re all dressed up for an event you didn’t even know about last year. You’ve got a final in twelve hours and I can tell you’re a hard worker. But still you’re here at your girlfriend’s best friend’s party getting to know her world.”
“And yet I feel like I’ll never know enough.”
Raven takes the glass from Lexa’s hand, setting it aside on the buffet next to them. “Is that what’s really bothering you? You think we know her better?”
Lexa worries her lip. “You understand her magic in a way I can’t. It’s a hugely intricate part of her and I… I don’t get it. In a superficial way maybe, what she does and how she does it, but not at the core. Not how it feels. How could I ever hope that’s enough?”
“And she doesn’t know what it’s like to be fundamentally human. To have a looser grip on her emotions. You’re different and you’ve always known that, but you got together anyway, didn’t you?”
Lexa nods as her eyes find Clarke again, watching her talk with Finn over a plate of blue-tinted treats. She remembers seeing her like this the first time, just chatting with someone else across the garden. There was always something about Clarke Griffin that called to her. That made her body gravitate closer to her. She feels the same pull tonight despite the lingering worry in the pit of her stomach. They’ve never had it easy, and she suspects they never will, but what they do have is strong. Lexa can never lose sight of that.
“Excuse me…” she tells Raven before walking toward Clarke.
She’ll thank Raven properly for the advice she always seems to give her, but for now there’s only one thing she can think of doing. And as Clarke turns to her before she’s even closed the space between them, and grins so lovingly it has Lexa’s heart pound, she finds that nothing could stop her.
“Hey, babe, we were-”
Lexa kisses her in one fell swoop, both hands on her waist, with little concern for anyone around them. It’s not like her at all – they both know it – and maybe that’s what makes it so tempting. Or maybe it’s just that kissing Clarke will never feel embarrassing, no matter the setting. For once, Lexa feels like making a show. A claim. Later she’ll question the terribly possessive urge – though she’s pretty sure it’s another one of her fundamentally human traits - but for now she gives into it.
A little while ago, Clarke kissed her. Chose her. Lexa can’t help but feel proud of it, and in turn she’ll always make sure Clarke feels the same. Their bodies align perfectly and soon Clarke’s hand is on her neck, in the same spot it was this morning, when she woke her up with a dirty kiss and a few choice words, ones that had Lexa feeling just as hot-blooded as she does now. There are days when it never stops. It’s said to be the nature of most relationships between humans and witches, but Lexa thinks they would be the same if she were a witch.
“I shouldn’t be encouraging this kind of behavior…” Clarke tells her, slightly breathless, though she sounds very much like she wants to. Finn has already shuffled somewhere else, and maybe tomorrow Lexa will regret acting so rudely.
“It feels like you are,” Lexa answers with a smile, feeling the way Clarke leans into her, unwilling to let go.  
“Mm you know me too well,” Clarke sighs fondly before kissing her again.  
Lexa wonders later if Clarke overheard what she talked about with Raven, or if she's simply that intuitive when it comes to their relationship. She doesn’t know everything about magic, but she knows Clarke. She knows how she likes her breakfast and what her favorite sweaters are. She knows that perfume makes her sneeze and that cinnamon makes her nose twitch. She’d know her voice in a dark, crowded room. And she hopes to spend the rest of her life knowing her better.
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banfox23 · 2 months
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cool for the summer
On vacation in Polis, Clarke hooks up with a local (again and again and again).
It’s just a hot summer fling.
It’s not like anybody is going to catch feelings… right?
Now on AO3.
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banfox23 · 3 months
I'm so late for this but life sometimes sucks and I hadn't time to reblog and read this beautiful piece.
Listen, not to be a whore, but I would sell my soul for these two cutie-patooties.
I'm so excited to see their relationship grow and to see Clarke kick Pike in the butt for everything he had done.
I love how you wrote their love-making with so much passion and still gentleness.
They are soft and still they are so real while speaking about politics and strategies.
And I adored how proud Lexa is of Clarke, she knows she can do great things.
I love them so much.
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meet me in moonlight, under the old willow tree
A tap against the door barely breaks the silence of the night for how soft it is. The sound makes Clarke's stomach swoop with elation and a wonderful sense of dread. Instinct has her snatching up her knife and resting a hand on the pistol at her hip. She slips away from the table as the door eases open, fading back to the edges of the shadows and preparing to sink even further into the darkness depending on what comes through the door.
Her heartbeat pops like gunshots as Clarke holds her breath. Watching. Waiting. Feeling the barren pit of her stomach rumble in a jolt of queasiness that has nothing to do with it's lack of food.
But the fingers that wrap around the wood and ease the door open have her sighing in instant relief.
She knows those fingers.
Or Clarke sneaks away from Arkadia to meet with the Commander in the dead of night
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banfox23 · 3 months
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in your canon au, say Lexa lets loose and gets drunk and extra cuddly. And she’s more vocal to Clarke about how attractive she is and how much she loves her. How does Clarke react to that seeing her be so free and be young for the first time?
Ya know... I actually think a drunk Lexa would be very mushy.
Cuddly, yes. Handsy and smoochy, yes.
I think if she ever allowed herself to be tipsy in public she'd never be anything but proper, if not a little more subdued. Sat a little lazier in her throne. Relaxed back and legs spread with that cocky air of swagger she gets about her. Probably a half grin constantly twitching juuuust at the edges of her lips. Nothing beyond that. Still entirely dignified and in command of her faculties.
But alone?
I think if Lexa allowed herself to overindulge alone in her room with Clarke, I think the more romantic and dreamy side of Lexa would come out mingled in among her normal poise of Heda. A coin constantly flipping from moment to moment. A demure and elegant smile here, a wine sodden giggle there - all bunny toothed and deliciously silly. All hazy bedroom eyes and low hung lashes dotted with warm, mushy kisses to the hinge of Clarke's jaw. Those big juicy lips stained red from berry wine constantly half pursed in drunken thought. Asking Clarke for thoughts on the clans and what she thinks of Earth, what's her favorite old world poet and ever more stories about life among the stars.
Just because, "Even when you're angry with me, I enjoy listening to you speak."
Which is... not exactly the most romantic thing a person can say, but coming from Lexa, there's always a deeper truth buried in her words. Lexa is always saying something, even when she's not saying much at all.
And it's in that understanding that moments when Lexa would do something as careless as let herself have a few drinks too many, and become more open and vocal, that would make everything she says and does hit even harder. All the thoughtless kisses and the not-so-mindless trailing of her fingers along Clarke's palm. The murmurings of how beautiful Clarke is, how sexy she is when she's... well, doing anything. Leading her people, brokering peace, eating, yawning, sleeping. When she pulls Clarke close under the furs of her bed and whispers in a kiss against Clarke's ear that she had thought she'd never get to feel this again. That after losing Costia, she'd forced herself to accept that she'd always sleep alone. That she'd forced herself to prefer it.
But she doesn't miss sleeping alone...
Because Clarke is pretty, and funny in all the ways Lexa doesn't believe that she is, and that she feels more like herself with Clarke pressed against her ribs.
And I just think Clarke would feel... strong. I think she'd feel strong in those moments. Because so much of her life is obligation and weighed down by her people and her responsibility, but this is different. Being responsible for - being trusted to protect and care for - a drunkly handsy and romantically attentive Lexa isn't complicated. Not when she's honest with herself. It's not another obligation. It's getting to be with Lexa when she's vulnerable, when she's just being Lexa. It's getting to hear how that complex brain of hers works, and all those inner thoughts being as close to unfiltered as Lexa ever gets. I mean what can she do when those big doe eyes are blinking at her from half a pillow away as Lexa whispers that she didn't know love could feel like this?
What can she do other than fall for her harder?
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banfox23 · 3 months
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Starlet au first time?
It's a few weeks after their first kiss (did I mention these two moved at a glacial pace???)
But they wait and they take their time because this really isn't something either wants to just... fall into. They've spent over a year denying their feelings and pushing each other away and pretending that they're fine with just being friends, and now everything just feels so big between them. The feelings and the love that is founded in more than just attraction, and the reality of actually getting to act on it.
They go on dates, initially. And by dates I mean having dinner at Lexa's house, just the two of them. Usually Lexa cooks, because the extent of Clarke's prowess in the kitchen is reserved to slightly burnt grilled cheeses and cold salad, but Clarke finds her own ways of helping out. Making it feel more domestic. More romantic. She brings wine and flowers and kisses the chef between offers to stir things, and gets handsy during one particular pasta making lesson that leaves Lexa with palm shaped flour prints on her once-expensive slacks.
It's not that they're putting off having sex or running from it, they're just not trying to force it. They enjoy the phase of getting to be close without overthinking everything. Getting to flirt and touch and learn each other, without expectation.
It'll happen when it's supposed to happen, just like everything else between them.
Which is why when a summer heat wave storms through LA and Lexa invites Clarke over to swim in her very luxurious, very private pool, neither really thinks much of it.
Except Lexa likes the kind of bikinis that that look like too tight and too small boyshorts. The kind that ride low on her hips and show off her thighs and hug her ass like they were painted on. And the fact that it comes with this stringy little top that barely covers her small, rounded breasts just really isn't fair in Clarke's professional opinion.
Not that she has a n y room to say anything, because the halter number she chooses that barely wrangles her own cleavage, paired with bottoms that are little more than a handkerchief tied with twine leave Lexa choking on her own tongue.
But it's fine, because they're adult women who can absolutely behave themselves in the company of scantily clad leading ladies, so it's fine and also! It's fine.
And it is fine as they sun bathe and it is fine when they slip into the water and it is fine as they relax in the cool that washes over them.
It's all fine right up until Clarke gets a little too comfortable in how good it feels to just be together, laughing at some sassy remark Lexa's said that earns her a splash right to the face. A battle of splashes ensues - a war of blood must have blood in the form of water right to the eyes - which is still fine... right up until Clarke finds herself pinned to the edge of the pool.
With a very firm thigh pressed right between her legs.
And honestly Lexa doesn't quite know what she was thinking other than that she would not be ceding this battle. She hadn't started it, but she was going to finish it, and Clarke could be stubborn when it comes to admitting defeat.
But her carefully constructed battle strategy goes right out the window at the sound of Clarke's gasp. At the sight of crystal blue eyes dilating and the warm feel her center pressed tight against her thigh.
She didn't realize she'd grown so serious until she notices just how serious Clarke looks too. The way her swallow matches Lexa's swallow. The way her breathing feels heavy where she's pinned to Lexa's chest. It's not even a conscious thought when she slides her thigh forward and feels Clarke's warmth slip against her skin as Lexa rocks into her.
She'd just wanted to hear Clarke gasp like that again...
But Clarke feels so good, and her wide eyes so wonderfully blue. She bites her lip when Lexa pushes into her again, fighting a flutter of her lashes as she sways into the movement too. Lexa feels herself shaking and her heart hammering against the feeble walls of its cage, but she can't do anything other than keep pressing, keep pulling, feeling Clarke get slicker against her thigh.
She feels like she she could pass out in that moment. With Clarke so close as they share each breath and neither daring to move; to look away. They stare and shiver and work calm their shallow panting, even as Lexa feels Clarke begin to roll her hips in an answering rhythm. Her heart nearly stops when Clarke reaches for her hands and lifts them off her shoulders, only to move them to the pool's edge for better leverage and moans a breathy,
And there's not much she can do but kiss Clarke like her life depends on it, because with the way her body reacts to the command, it probably does. She nearly comes when a thigh slips in and presses firmly against the mess between her own legs because out of all the ways she'd imagined having Clarke, this surprisingly was never one of them. But it feels so right to feel this desperate, to whimper needy high pitched moans with every massage of her clit. It feels right to match Clarke's rhythm and suck her tongue in time the pounding in her core, to nearly growl when a particularly good grind lets her feel Clarke shudder and clench.
It's fast race to the finish, all clutching hands and searching lips that suck in needy, watery kisses. It's bites to collarbones and finger shaped bruises across her hips until Clarke spills over her thigh in a hot rush of pleasure, with Lexa joining shortly after.
It's amazing, and surreal for how unplanned it all was, despite Clarke's panted accusation,
"I see... You lured me here to seduce me... Well played, Alexandria. Well played."
Any guffawing Lexa does in response is quickly silenced when she's crowded out of the christened pool and stripped out of her ruined bathing suit. And when she's hoisted up to wrap her legs around Clarke's hips, she knows this was how it was supposed to be. Because while she hadn't imagined the first time getting her girlfriend(!!!) off would go anything like it had, Clarke carrying her to her room while whispering softly against her lips, "Let me take you to bed, baby"....
Now that she had definitely envisioned.
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banfox23 · 3 months
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I'm obsessed with these two, Jesus.
I was going through CI snippet and I reached the post where Clarke says "I love you" back to Lexa for the first time and it made me think about Lexa's internal reaction.
Can you imagine someone that was never genuinely loved since her father died, being loved again by someone that she adores? And not only that, she keeps recieving those words forever after.
I would die and come back to life every time.
I can totally understand why Lexa threatened Clarke of divorcing her after her car accident.
I love this ask because by CI's nature we don't really get a lot of insight into Lexa's whole... deal. Lol. But the fact is that while Lexa does not love often, when she does love, she loves with her entire being. Everything. Every bit of herself, including the pieces that are deeply in love with her own self 😅. She'd spent so much of her life shutting down those parts of herself that for a long while she wasn't even entirely sure she was capable of feeling that deep, foundational kind of love for another person ever again. She hadn't with any of her casual lovers, and she certainly hadn't with Costia. So when she told Clarke she loved her, it was because she was sure. Extremely sure. Sure to the point she was already at a place that just the idea of Clarke with anyone else had her half deranged and pacing her bedroom as she fumed for ever making that stupid bet.
But she's also entirely aware that she's managed to fall in love with this skittish, angry, little kitten of a woman who is every bit as likely to hiss at her when she tries to love her as she is to just purr and admit that she actually does want to be loved.
So it's a process, loving Clarke. It requires dedication and patience, two things Lexa has in spades (when she wants to.) And in that period of time when she was the only one willing to say what she knew they both felt in their relationship... it didn't feel great.
She understood it.
She accepted it even.
But it did not feel great.
And then... and then Clarke just said it. Just like that. Just like it was the most natural thing in the world to do. And Lexa knew she hadn't even been thinking about it (which means she'd been thinking about it so damn much she couldn't stop it from spilling out), and oh. It could not have happened a better way. She held it together and stayed as unaffected as her pounding little heart would allow, but internally? Full body chills and burning heat behind her eyes (humiliating.) It was that pressure that throbs at the base of your neck when the emotions are too much for one measly body to contain. It was everything. Everything. It was everything she never wanted and everything she could not live another day without. It was surprising, and entirely expected. It was new, yet felt like they'd been saying it for years.
Lexa's not a person who verbally says her feelings very often but fuck she loves to hear others. She craves Clarke's words and her pretty offerings of devotion and preens under her oaths of affection. And it's quite wonderful because once the dam breaks it's like Clarke can't quite say it often enough. It's all the time, big and small and Lexa laps every word of it right up.
So when the time comes that she sees a real danger of losing all of that so suddenly... she knows she has a choice to make. While she's sure some would look at her ultimatum as manipulative or controlling, Lexa really couldn't give a fuck. She has no one but herself and this one other person who means everything to her, and frankly if she's going to be powerless in the grand scheme of things, she'd rather walk away from it on her own terms if she has to.
(If you hadn't guessed, she never for one second actually believed Clarke wouldn't cave. Her stubborn wife always does... eventually)
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banfox23 · 3 months
They're are babies.
I said what I said.
Hi! How are you? Hopefully good! 😁
With the last posts about CI Clexa I went back and read all the CI snippets again and I was reading the Bet pt.2 on Ao3 and I was wondering why Lexa is so excited when Clarke calls her "baby".
Is "baby" per se or is the endearing name (and it could be babe, love, darling ecc. as well), or the fact that is Clarke...?
Thanks! 🥰
It's the endearment itself, coupled entirely with the fact that it's coming from Clarke. But there's more too it as well.
Cuz again, Lexa is not someone who before Clarke has been particularly overly affectionate. That just wasn't what she sought in the very few relationships she had, and it sure as hell wasn't something she entertained with people she only slept with. Like, if she's just there to fuck, don't confuse yourself with what this is, understand? She's not your baby, or your darling pookie, or any number of your hollow sweet-nothings. So just shut up and let her make you come, and remember that 'just Lexa' will do quite nicely. Otherwise, well, you know where to find the door...
Even with Costia, arguably her most serious relationship to date, pet names really didn't do anything for her. Costia wasn't one to use them anyway, but truthfully if she had, Lexa probably would've asked her to cool it on them because in her mind that just wasn't the kind of girlfriend she ever had any intention of being. She is not sickly sweet and she's not particularly adoring, she does not care for being pampered with praise because she's not one of those simpletons who loses herself in love.
She's not that foolish, and she certainly isn't that weak.
And then Clarke happens.
And pretty much everything Lexa ever thought about herself gets thrown right out of the window.
Because Clarke doesn't yield the way the other girls do, and she doesn't wilt under Lexa's power or her glare. If anything, she pushes back and challanges it with her own.
It always leaves Lexa feeling just a bit out of control...
And strangely, she kinda likes it.
And through the years and the months and the emotionally (and sexually) charged weeks leading up to that night, Clarke has always taunted Lexa with the very same endearments that Lexa had always claimed to hate. There was always a mocking undertone to it, a jab that laced its adoring lilt.
But then in that moment, there was none of that. It wasn't mocking or snark or meant to rile Lexa up. It was pure want. Pure need. And it was the tenderness of it even in the panted rush of sex; how genuinely her affection bled through every syllable. It was the culmination of weeks of Lexa slowly falling in love with this emotionally stunted idiot, and then giving herself to Clarke so completely without any regard to her heart's wellbeing, and then in the heat of the moment, hearing the intensity of how much Clarke actually wanted her. Because Clarke would be the first to tell you that Lexa is always 3 steps ahead of her in this thing. She knows Clarke almost better then she knows herself and what's more, she understands her for who she is, so hearing that endearment whispered so sincerely and so passionately just for her pleasure... it was enough to push her right over the edge.
Because it was all the confirmation that Lexa really needed that, yeah, the little idiot is completely in love with her too.
Even if Clarke doesn't quite get that fact yet 🙄
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banfox23 · 3 months
I was away because sometimes life sucks, BUT I'M BACK AND LOOK AT THESE THINGS.
I love them with all my heart and soul, they are so precious and married and with kids and I'm dying. ❤️
MBFW as parents sneaking in a quickie bc it’s been forever since they’ve gotten alone time? 🥺
It honestly felt like a page right out of their early days as a newly in love couple when they'd sneak away every single chance they could get.
A quick makeout in the third floor English department bathroom, slipping fingers beneath nudged aside underwear and breathing a sigh of relief into each other's mouth in the sorority house's coat closet during a rowdy party where they won't be missed. All the times they'd pulled at each other in desperate need for the world to wait just 10 more damn minutes, even though their schedules where constantly dragging them to the opposite ends of campus.
And having with two small children under the age of 5 certainly hasn't made things any easier this time around.
But what's exciting and exponentially better is the fact that now they have an actual bed.
A wonderful bed, with memory foam instead of cheap noisy springs, and a box frame that can handle whatever they throw at it.
Which was why they had grasped the opportunity to slip away from their house full of guests.
One look over the sea of party hat-topped toddlers and PTA moms working their way through a 3rd cup of 'Adult Juice' - that may or may not contain a healthy percentage of wine - and that was all it had taken for Lexa to fade into the shadows and slink out of the room with only fiery glance behind her. That was all it had taken for Clarke to laugh at the conversation she was no longer listening to before excusing herself with the excuse that she needed to check on something, uh... upstairs.
And Lexa had decided right in that moment that they would be rediscovering their lost art of disappearing more often in the future the second she pulled her wife into their room and latched on to that pretty mouth.
Seven years of marriage had done nothing to dull her addiction to taste of Clarke's lips. She moaned at the flavor of well salted pretzels and the triple berry punch their daughter had picked off the shelf at random for her 4th birthday bash, mixed with that flavor that she could only so elegantly describe as 'mmmm, Clarke tongue.'
Walking backward toward the bed and dragging her wife along for the ride, Lexa moaned with just how badly she'd been yearning for these few minutes alone. Between breastfeeding and diaper changes and treating a few hundred boo-boos on knees, it felt like it'd been an eternity since either could just enjoy a second to themselves without the heavy veil of exhaustion.
They smiled into their kisses, shushing each other's giggles of freedom as hands roved without restraint. The confines of time only made it all more giddy, more like a sweet rush of adrenaline as they collapsed into a graceless mess of limbs on the foot of their bed.
"What d'you think we got?" Lexa'd whispered while yanking Clarke's shirt clear from her jeans. "Fifteen minutes?"
Clarke shook her head at the hopefulness and tossed her leg over her wife's hips to straddle her. "Ten, tops, so long as the sangria holds out. Maybe five if someone starts crying."
Shoving the button through the hole and ripping down the zipper, Lexa gave Clarke a wicked grin.
"I can work with that."
"You're— ahh," Clarke cut off in a breathy gasp when Lexa raked her nails along the swell of her hipbone and slipped beneath the waist of her jeans. "You're very sure of yourself."
Dragging her fingertip along the damp strip of underwear, Lexa twitched them aside and hummed at the slick already waiting for her.
"Yes, I am."
She leaned up for another kiss, luxuriating in the tickle of dark curls as she traced the length of her wife's slit. A few passes left her fingers soaked in arousal, so thick she could almost taste it in the way it clung to her skin. She took her time smearing it around, making sure Clarke was completely ready despite the proper build up, coaxing strings up just to teasingly rub feather light circles over the clit that peeked out from its hood.
Pulling back from the kiss, she caught the darkened blue eyes and held then, soaking in the way they fluttered as she dipped down and pushed in with two fingers.
The wet heat that enveloped her was like an electric shock to her system. Every clench around her fingers made Lexa pulse in sympathy, so turned on she could barely focus on starting up a steady rhythm. It made Lexa realize just how much they had been letting this slide between them recently - neglecting this aching want that had always so powerful between them.
She had missed this feeling in the chaos of being moms. This connection and vulnerability that came from holding Clarke close while seated deep inside.
But as much as she'd have loved to lay her wife down and take her time with her, to fuck and cuddle and worship the way she'd been aching to for days, a muffled laugh from downstairs reminded her that they were indeed on a time crunch.
Shifting her wrist and shoving her thumb forward, Lexa swallowed her wifes gasp when she bumped the senstive underside of the bud. She pumped her fingers as deep the position would let her and found that deliciously spongy patch of skin that never failed to set her wife off like a rocket.
"Oh f— God, Lex," Clarke whined through clenched teeth, bucking into her palm and nearly crawling out of her skin when it rubbed Lexa's thumb firmer against her clit.
"I know, love, I know," she breathed against the fumbled slide of Clarke's kisses, ignoring the burn as her wife dripped down her wrist. "You feel so fucking good. Hold on a few more minutes. Just let me feel you a few more minutes, love, and then you can let go whenever you want to, I promise."
Lexa gave herself over to it, barely breathing as Clarke rocked against her with languid ruts of her hips as she curled her fingers against her front wall. Over, and over, and over. She threaded her fingers through blonde hair and pulled just the way Clarke liked it. Giving the illusion of her control - a hungered look of love and lust - as Lexa held her gaze and ruthlessly fucked her.
And she honestly didn't care about time or their friends or the party they'd spent two weeks planning when the liquid fire around her fingers pulsed and began to tighten.
Clarke gave a pitiful whimper. Bit her lip with a whined, "Please, baby, I want—," and that was all Lexa needed to give in. To nod for her to let go and trust her to catch her when she falls. To cup the back of her neck and pull her close, pressing her wife's mouth to the dip of her shoulder and bury her moans there, as Clarke clenched and spilled in a hot rush around her fingers.
Lexa let her ride out the waves of her orgasm. Guided her down with softened rolls of her thumb. She kissed everything within, peppered her lips along cheek and neck and temple, until her wife collapsed sated and thoroughly pliant in her arms.
In the quietening of their nesting, Lexa stretched her neck just far enough to look at the clock on her nightstand.
"Seven minutes. Three minutes to spare. Suck it."
"Fine," Clarke huffed against the collar of Lexa's shirt where she'd burrowed in to enjoy the afterglow. "So. Not out of practice then... Definitely not... out of practice."
Lexa laughed at her slurred white flag of defeat, but still felt the need to clarify, "Making you come, or making you come quickly?"
"Either. Both. I don't care, I can't feel my legs."
"That good, huh?"
"Don't gloat."
"I'm not gloating," Lexa insisted even as she preened a little inside. "Making you feel good is just second nature at this point. I know how to take care of you, love. Quick or slow... It's like riding a bike."
A finger roughly poked her in the ribs.
"Pfft, a romantic. Stop flirting with me, Woods."
Lexa grazed her thumb over the sensitive tip still within reach and grinned when her wafe gave a full body shudder.
"I don't think I will, actually."
Clarke sucked in a steadying breath and nipped a bite to Lexa's jaw. "You just wait until after bedtime. I'm going to make you regret that, sweetchee—"
The bang of metal against frame cut off the last of Clarke's words as the room suddenly exploded with a garbled,
"Oh sonofabitch."
Lexa felt all the heat disappear off of her in an instant at the spat out swear from above them as Clarke flung herself to the side... and took Lexa's wrist right along with her.
Her hiss and wince of pain as they both struggled to free her from the unyielding shackle of Clarke's jeans did nothing to drown out the enraged sounds coming from the moment-killer stood in their doorway.
"Am I in a goddamn time loop? Why does this keep happening to me?!"
Clarke groaned as she finally yanked Lexa's hand free and flopped angrily onto her back. "Maybe because you still haven't learned to knock before barging into people's bedrooms."
"Oh! Oh! Excuuuuse me," Raven whisper-shouted. "You guys only have a house full of your closest friends and their toddlers downstairs, why didn't I assume you two perverts were in here fucking."
"Shhh," Lexa immediately hissed as she rubbed at the throbbing joints in her wrist despite Raven having mouthed the swear rather than saying it out loud. "We just wanted to take a moment alone, alright? We never get actual time to ourselves, and we figured the kids would be fine with everybody—"
Raven shook her head and held a hand up. "Elgh, stop. Look at yourselves. You abandoned your children to come up here and get your jolly ranchers off."
"I... I think it's just 'get your jollies'..."
"Ah, well, thank you for your contribution, Ms. English Major." Raven grabbed the handle of the door and yanked backward out of the threshold, leaving only a slit big enough for her head to poke through. "Now will you two whores put yourselves back together, please. Some of us are waiting on birthday cake."
With a scathing look and final grunt of disgust, Raven snapped the door shut in her wake.
In the quiet that followed, Lexa let her head slump to the side, catching her wife's gaze as she smiled.
"That was embarrassing."
"Eh." Clarke flopped her hand above her belly. "She's seen us in worse positions."
"True. She's only mad about the cake anyway."
"Yeah, but she'll still never shut about this."
Lexa lifted the hand that had previously been shoved down her wife's pants and offered it up with a toothy grin. "Worth it."
Still flushed and beautifully relaxed from her orgasm, Clarke eyed her for a moment just to make sure she was serious, before laughing and slapping it in a high-five.
"Totally worth it."
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banfox23 · 5 months
Reblog for (another) after
Hi, I was wondering what your favorite Clexa fic is? To be honest I’m just looking for new ones to read and I know you are bound to have read some amazing ones! I’ve read every single one of yours and I love all of them so much, you have such a beautiful writing style (and your smut is so tastefully written too).
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I gotta tell ya out of all the words in English language I never would've guessed Tasteful as one to describe my smut, but ya know what baby I'm gonna take it and keep 😌💕
But yeah I don't really have a "favorite" per se, just comfort ones I read over and over in between trying new stories out.
More Than Warriors by Steklir. Obviously. Head Over Boots. Pie In The Sky. In Love And War And Politics. If you're going for pure smutty fun then pm anything Nachos writes, but special hat-tip to MAGayA au just because. Sassy's EIB series and her Southern au fics hold a very dear place in my heart. I like The Little Pauna series, watching Clarke and Heda growing into an old married couple with their kids 🥺. What Heart's Ease Must Queens Neglect (queen Lexa makes me bite my fist). Anything by Dreamsaremywords and Aphroditeslaw. Literally anything they've put out is gonna be good I promise. Six by Lingeringlillies as well. If you're looking for more g!p/genderbent type stuff that isn't fetishy or hetero coded, SyngularitySyn is a great author both for their works and could probably rec you some great stories too! There's another one that's canon divergent where Clarke is an alpha and Lexa's an omega and it takes years for them to get together? I can't remember the name but it's very angsty and then sweet. Lexa dies as commander but is revived, but has still lost her title when Clarke finally sees her again? She has an injured leg in it? I know I know the name of this damn thing cuz I've read it like 4 times but I cannot for the life of me remember it now.
EDIT: oh fuck me sideways. Also ur-the-puppy's stuff. Their vamp!Lexa story Dirty Dogs is magnifique
Oh also, speaking of dreamsaremywords, she has an extensive (altho I don't think it's updated) rec list that has her top 100 picks! That'd be a great place to peruse 😌
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banfox23 · 5 months
Reblog for later u.u
Hi, I was wondering what your favorite Clexa fic is? To be honest I’m just looking for new ones to read and I know you are bound to have read some amazing ones! I’ve read every single one of yours and I love all of them so much, you have such a beautiful writing style (and your smut is so tastefully written too).
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I gotta tell ya out of all the words in English language I never would've guessed Tasteful as one to describe my smut, but ya know what baby I'm gonna take it and keep 😌💕
But yeah I don't really have a "favorite" per se, just comfort ones I read over and over in between trying new stories out.
More Than Warriors by Steklir. Obviously. Head Over Boots. Pie In The Sky. In Love And War And Politics. If you're going for pure smutty fun then pm anything Nachos writes, but special hat-tip to MAGayA au just because. Sassy's EIB series and her Southern au fics hold a very dear place in my heart. I like The Little Pauna series, watching Clarke and Heda growing into an old married couple with their kids 🥺. What Heart's Ease Must Queens Neglect (queen Lexa makes me bite my fist). Anything by Dreamsaremywords and Aphroditeslaw. Literally anything they've put out is gonna be good I promise. Six by Lingeringlillies as well. If you're looking for more g!p/genderbent type stuff that isn't fetishy or hetero coded, SyngularitySyn is a great author both for their works and could probably rec you some great stories too! There's another one that's canon divergent where Clarke is an alpha and Lexa's an omega and it takes years for them to get together? I can't remember the name but it's very angsty and then sweet. Lexa dies as commander but is revived, but has still lost her title when Clarke finally sees her again? She has an injured leg in it? I know I know the name of this damn thing cuz I've read it like 4 times but I cannot for the life of me remember it now.
Oh also, speaking of dreamsaremywords, she has an extensive (altho I don't think it's updated) rec list that has her top 100 picks! That'd be a great place to peruse 😌
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banfox23 · 5 months
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I never reblogged this and don't know why, but they are my (bisexual)gays and I love them. ❤️
Well done ladies, on the enemy's desk, yes.
sneak peek about clexa fucking in bell’s desk…….. as a treattttt pleek
Not so much a sneak peek but how about poorly and quickly written synopsis?
This uh... turned out dirtier than I anticipated. I've had a really bad day so please be kind for mess ups I wrote it all on here in less than 20 minutes 😔
Lexa wouldn't actually be the one who plans it or even executes it. That'd all be Clarke. In fact, the thought had all but flown completely from Lexa's mind by the time Clarke sees her opportunity and pounces. Because from the second Lexa had told her in a fit of champagne fizzed laughter and kisses too filled with smiles and teeth, Clarke had thought that sounded like quite a good idea. After her mild horrified stupor.
Her wife was such a genius.
And to think how everyone always assumed Lexa was the more innocent minded between them.
Granted, Bellamy would never actually know it happened but if Clarke knew anything about her wife, it was that if Lexa'd said it, she'd fantasized about it, and Clarke was big into the business of making dreams a reality.
She plans it on a Monday, Bellmay's big operating days, knowing he likes to group more routine/elective surgeries back to back and knock most of them out in one day. With a bag of peanut M&M's, a promise to have it back in an hour, and vague insinuations of wanting to leave a belated birthday present for him, aquiring a key from her favorite maintenance guy isn't a problem.
Lexa is bewildered by the cryptic text from her wife to report to Ortho, and even more so specifically Dr. Blake's office. So when the door slips open at her knock a hand unceremoniously yanks her inside, it's a bit of a shock to say the least.
But Clarke kisses her through her confusion. Kisses her through a muffled plea to just shut up and trust her. Hands pulling the shirt from her pants and quickly undoing her belt make Lexa moan and nod when she haphazardly catches on to what's happening.
Normally Clarke loves the tight slacks her wife wears to work but when she has to drop to her knees to pull them over the swell of her ass, she may huff and grumble a few choice expletives. But looking up as Lexa laces a hand roughly in her hair and pulls her where she needs her, Clarke forgets the seriously ridiculous restricting pants.
What she always loves without fail is when Lexa gets into this mood. The mood where her eyes turn dark and her touches turn demanding as Lexa lewdly groans and rubs herself on Clarke's mouth. Relaxing into it, Clarke rests her hands on Lexa's thighs and lets herself be used. Sees that perfect jaw fall open as green rimmed pools of black stare down at her every time her clit drags across Clarke's tongue. They move together with each roll of Lexa's hips as fingers clench painfully in her hair as Lexa quickly builds herself up.
Lexa keens in disappointed hunger when Clarke pulls away just as her climax hangs on the tip of her tongue, still letting go just long enough for Clarke stand and take her mouth in kiss. Clarke shakes as Lexa licks into her mouth, slick and wet and chasing her own taste. But Lexa lets herself be guided to lay back, smiling indulgently when Clarke snags loose the few pins that had held her hair up, instead letting it fall in rich tendrils around her shoulders and fan out across the desk beneath her.
It's not hard to push into her with two fingers, feeling hot wetness ripple around her and adding another at her wife's needy whine. Clarke fucks her in quick and smooth strokes. Works her back up with a few curls and drags. Rests her other hand on the soft swell of her wife's lower belly as her thumb draws tight circles around the red, swollen bud.
Thighs tighten around her hips as that wetness tightens around her fingers. Lexa's hands slide over her waist, her own breasts, cling to the edge of the desk. Her back arches eyes screw shut as Clarke watches her bow into her thrusts. A small cry squeaks past plump bitten lips as Lexa locks up in a crash of pleasure.
Clarke watches her wife collapse back onto the desk, the mental image of those perfect tits and hard nipples pressing up through her shirt leaving Clarke wishing they were already home. She watches Lexa writhe through her aftershocks, pleasant hums and breathy moans singing out around her. Strokes her gently, working her down until the quaking starts to ease.
Lexa moans with a dopey smile when Clarke pulls out, her own hands caressing over her chest and down. She runs her fingers through the wiry thatch of curls and rubs over sated and swollen folds, blue eyes hungrily taking in every movement as Lexa spreads herself open. Lets her wife see her clenching around nothing simply because she knows Clarke enjoys it. She gathers the slick and blindly holds her fingers out for Clarke to lick clean again.
It's a well practiced dance between them and Clarke lives for every performance.
Wrapping a hand around the back of her wife's neck, Clarke eases Lexa up and pulls her close. Noses bump and brush to the sound of lighthearted sighs. Clarke feels such clarity in moments like this, when Lexa is silent and looking at her with eyes softer than she can begin to describe. When hands run up and down along her spine as full lips press gently against her own.
"You know you're my always, right?"
Lexa nods with another kiss and hugs her close. Holds her. Buries an unseen smile into the bend of her neck. Because, yes, this was stupid, and entirely unnecessary, but Clarke knows well enough she'd just checked another daydream off Lexa's list.
And, yeah, they both deserve to be a little smug about it.
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