bangtancanrelate · 3 years
Farewell, ARMYs 💜
First of all, I am not even sure if there still are people who could read this, but let me formally bid my goodbye here.
After years I had fun with this blog, it is finally time to say goodbye. I am deeply sorry for my loveliest followers who may or may not have been checking out on me since the time I announced my indefinite hiatus. I have noticed the rapidly increasing amount of BTS-related blogs and meme pages that are purely entertaining and I thought, maybe it is time for me to retire, aside from the fact that I'm extremely busy now. Please support them! ✊
I genuinely had fun running this blog for some time, thanks to BTS and to all the ARMYs who have been following this blog. Don't worry, I won't be deleting this account so that you can still see the cheesy ships and the unfunny memes I had made--they hold a special place in my heart :)) Of course, I'm still an ARMY. See you all around! 💜
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
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it’s that time of the month again.
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
Can I have a ship with BTS, please? 😆I’m tall(5'8), tan with glasses. I’m ENFP. Very carefree and open. Naturally optimistic, loud and a good listener. Others say I’m bubbly, funny, reliable, as warm as a bear.. I don’t know 😂 I seem to be easy to read. Lil bit clumsy, pretty forgetful and too laid-back at times.. Love walking, arts, languages and chocolate! Just no bugs and haunted house. I get scared easily but horror movies are my fav! Thank you❤️ No need to tush❤️❤️
Hiiii! Yes, you can.And thank you for being patient with this![WARNING: VERY LONG]
You will now be shipped with. .. V!
Runner up(s): Hoseok
Honestly, you could either be shipped with thetwo but let’s stick with Taehyung and I hope I can explain it well〔´∇`〕If youwant to know why I also ship you with Hoseok, don’t be shy to ask and I willreply soon with the same format but no relationship bond/type (ノ^∇^)
Okay, let’s start with the appearance— sinceTaehyung is a natural tan, he won’t be bothered by your skin color, and infact, he would love it! Plus points to your height which is really close tohis!
“The ENFP personality is a true free spirit. They areoften the life of the party, but unlike Explorers, they are lessinterested in the sheer excitement and pleasure ofthe moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotionalconnections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate,the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in anycrowd.” ©16personalities
Sounds a lot likeTaehyung, huh? Tae is often described as the one that’s the most charismaticand outstanding, he can even lift the mood up wherever he goes— making it upfor the ‘life of the party’, ‘charming and energetic’. Other than that, he’s someone who tends tocomfort the ones who need it the most although it’s Jimin who’s the mostinclined into this kind of thing lol. Taehyung is the oldest of his siblingsand therefore he acts responsible and someone independent as he had said ithimself that he wants to be like his dad who is a great father.
He’s really carefree and sees the bright sideof things in life like when he got lost in a foreign country but instead ofpanicking, he seems to enjoy the scenery and appreciate the beauty of hissurroundings. It may not be all the time but when he wants to share something,he opens up even a personal one and as much as we see him happy and cheerfulall the time, he cries and he’s even got deep sad things he doesn’t want toshare that will could make the fans worry about him.
‘Bubbly, funny, reliable, and warm as a bear’ is totally him which is really greatsince the two of you can get along really well as you both feel the comfort andmutual positive harmony.
Again, as a reliable and responsible man heshould be, he’d be the one to guide you whenever you get too clumsy andconstantly remind you things as he knows you can be pretty forgetful. Don’tforget that even if he’s there all the time for you, he won’t be spoon-feedingand spoil you because he also wants you to be an independent woman. And as muchas he can be playful and goofy, he’s not afraid to show you his serious side.
Relationship: Fun and sweet dates usually outdoors; even if you hate horror houses,trust your boyfriend to protect you even if he might chicken out a bit; both ofyou thinks outside of the box when it comes to finding the fun in things; canbe really loud in the public and usually the center of attraction; SKINSHIPATTACK AAAAA; you both encourage each other in the positive side of things;listens not only to each other’s’ problems but as well as the people who needsit too; hilarious and cute but really sweet conversations (message, call, videocall, video messages, talking to each other personally, etc.); expect derpsfrom him a lot; MORE FLUFFY SKINSHIPS AAAA; typical stroll at the park togetheror beach or anywhere you would like; he’ll be appreciating your love for artsand support you if you every try to pursue your passion with it or let itremain as a hobby or interest; surprise! you already know who gave this box ofchocolates; constant reminders from him; soft and warm cuddles during lazydays; bugs? SuperTae is here to the rescue; watch horror movies together andget a good laugh when the two of you get scared shtless (‘who screamed’ //taeshakes his head, saying ‘not me’ but it was not you either…); MORE MOREMORE FLUFFY CUDDLES. You tend to argue when your thoughts oppose but it’srather a small fight that you’ll make up for later. Overall: One of the mostadorable couple you’ll ever see that loves to bring color to life wherever theygo. ♥
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♥ Hope you like it! ♥
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
when everything you’ve studied for didn’t show up in the test
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
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when someone compliments you but they’re actually trolling
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
Hey there!! I was wondering if I could get a written ship with BTS? I'm 5'6, very cuddly, loving, motherly in nature. Really nice a friendly to everyone including strangers, good with kids (and animals!!), polite around adults. In my spare time I dance and work-out, as well as watching movie (horror movies are my fav) and cooking. I love cuddling and skinship in general. I really want to get married :D I spend a lot of time with my family. Thank you so much for your time.
Yes, and thank you foryour patience with this! I appreciate that you are acknowledging my effort in making this ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
I ship you with~ Jin!
Runner up(s): V
Seokjin was my firstchoice and then I thought of Taehyung as I progressed with your description.Actually, you’re shippable with both of them lol but I ship you more withSeokjin because of your motherly nature. The two of you are motherly so youtend to look after and care for each other more than anything. He’s really niceand friendly— can adapt quickly wherever he is like in Law of the Jungle inwhich people there admired him a lot; he was praised by the PD as the mostinnocent, bright, and positive idol she’s ever seen despite his lack of solo exposureto variety shows. He also got sick during the filming but he assured the othersas he was concerned that they have something to eat amidst the bad weather andcondition— imagine having this thoughtful and caring husband.
Have you seen him workout? Like damn, you’ll get all the motivation you can get just seeing himlifting those weights. He’s also great at cooking, his co-members love it.Since he’s the oldest of the group, he’s responsible enough to be the bestboyfriend, and soon to be husband and father for you and your family.
Relationship: Cuddles; A WHOLE BUNCH OF SKINSHIPS; that cute couple in public that isnice to everyone and even greeting strangers to have a good day ahead; treatingkids nicely and even playing with them at the park (the parents might even findit adorable); both of you consider other people’s feelings when having a datetogether (“will they be annoyed if we do this?”, “will they be mad if we aretoo loud while having fun?”, etc.); having a dance battle and dancing together(get a good laugh with his hilarious moves but won’t care as long as he’smaking you happy); work out together; netflix and chill watching random movies and might even try to scare you duringhorror movies just so you could cuddle together; MORE CUDDLES AND SKINSHIPS;usually, whenever you talk, conversations would go from nonsense just becauseyou want to laugh but then soon, you’ll go deeper and plan out things for thefuture; he’ll be planning out names for children, where your family would leave,and things to accomplish first before starting out a new life; duringvacations, he would love to spend time with you and your family, he would evenbring a gift for everyone whether it is ready-made present or a hand-made one;but in his busy schedules, he would send you sweet and caring voice messages/messages,and call you in crazy hours because of your time zones. There are times youfight but as a level-headed persons you are, you try to let your calm down andwork things out for the best. Overall: That sweet and romantic couple that you’llnever forget once you meet them for their polite and respectful nature ♥
♥ Hope you like it!♥
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
Can I get a written ship?
Ollo! Can I has a matchup? I’m 4'11 in a half (the half is very important x3) ENFP, Gemini. I have black hair, that currently has highlights of teal, green, and purple I believe (think oil spill x3) I have auburn eyes. I love cats and manatees. I act like a cat sometimes as well. Sleeping is what I love to do. I love baking and was at school for a semester but dropped out. I love baking for people. I’m rather happy go lucky, though I can be very shy at first, I tend to open up quickly to other people. That said sometimes I like being alone and having space. I love video games.. I’m a genderfluid pansexual mess. But I hold it together. I also have depression and anxiety. I try not to let the negativity bring me down.
@panda-bitch-aru​ Hallo~ and yes, definitely! Thank you for being patient with this! σ(≧ε≦o) [WARNING: LONG AND EMOTIONAL SHIP AHEAD LOL]
You are matched with— J-Hope!
Runner up(s): Jimin
I always observe the way people send me ships, and by that I mean I pay attention closely to how they type the description of themselves— might be playful, serious, formal, informal, etc. But in here, I felt that at first, you’re that someone that gives off a playful aura and then somehow, I felt like you became serious later on the last few lines, maybe because the words should adapt to how you expressed them (i know this is kinda confusing but i hope you’re getting me lol)
Now that I have analyzed the first thing I always observe, I first thought of Yoongi. I’ve mentioned in so many ships about Yoongi as how he’s that type to *insert stuff about him* so you might think you’re shippable with him but actually, even if you’re like him, rather than complementing with each other, it’s more likely of a conflict. Why?
Gemini’s best matches: Libra, Aquarius, Aries (Hoseok is an Aquarius and runner up Jimin is a Libra) Gemini’s worst matches: Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio (Yoongi is a Pisces)
And in here goes the explanation: “Aquarius— This is an astrology love match that is bound to be full of surprises, and that will suit both Gemini and Aquarius just fine, as both thrive on a diet of variety and change. Their mutual love of society and communication also ensures that these two will enjoy a warm relationship that has a strong element of friendship about it as well, helping it to last a lifetime. Pisces— Pisces natives are extremely sensitive, and as such, they do not tend to do well when paired with Gemini’s sometime tendency to be careless and fickle. As a result, Pisces is easily hurt and is just too sensitive and broody for fun-loving, playful Gemini. The result is often a relationship that is full of miscommunication, mistrust, and instability with little chance of success or harmony.” ©astrologycompanion
But funny how YoonSeok ships so well. . .
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. . . at times.
Alright, let’s now move on~
Sleeping reminds me of Yoongi and at the same time Hoseok because of the narcolepsy theory in 화양연화 series lol. You love to bake and bake for other people; like Hoseok, he loves to be happy and make other people happy— written more of a climax-styled format. Even though he’s not much of a gamer himself, he’d love to play as long as it’s with you. Being a gender-fluid pansexual mess doesn’t bother him at all, and in fact, would love you even more for your honesty and how you open up quickly to people. Depression and anxiety, you say? Nah, you’ve got a sunshine that’s full of hope to help you with it and never to give up until he’s given you enough positivity throughout the day.
Relationship: YOONSEOK! YOONSEOK! YOONSEOK! (there are more in youtube lol) Him acting like a cat sometimes whenever he feels that you’re more in love with a cat; warm cuddles; rare or frequent skinships; playing video games together. He knows that you have depression and anxiety and he’ll never think of it as a burden, instead, he helps you with it even if sometimes he needs it as well. He’ll always think of you first— your safety, condition, mood, feelings, etc. He’ll feel really bad and guilty if he can’t make you smile or at least cheer you up even a bit because he doesn’t want to make you sad, he never wants to see you sad. Whenever you feel the negativity bringing you down, he’ll be there and do his best to make you forget about it. Arguments can never be helped but of course, he will always be the first to apologize or would never even want to start a fire with it for he knows about your condition and the consequences it holds. He’ll just cry but won’t let you see him and try to be strong just for you. But despite all these obstacles, Hoseok will remain faithful and loyal to you ‘til the very end, and to say, who wouldn’t change because of this man? Surely, with enough patience and trust, you’ll overcome this depression and anxiety. Overall: A lovely couple everyone thinks is perfectly happy but is actually having struggles too that together, they overcome by the power of their love to each other ♥
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♥ Hope you like it! ♥
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
trying to sing/rap in korean
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
"The realms of day and night, two different worlds coming from two opposite poles, mingled during this time.”
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
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hide your hair color game too strong
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
Hi! May I get a ship with BTS? I'm 1,68 m with long dark hair and even darker eyes, almost black lol. #1 thing about me is that I'm a mix of introvert and extrovert. I tend to take care of others before I take care of myself. I'm a perfectionist but not to an extreme. I believe that life is easier when you share your positivity to others. All in for skinship. My hobbies; relaxing, daydreaming, listening to music and playing video games (i get pretty competitive when it comes to games) Thanks
Yes, yes, yes of course you can. Thank you for being patient with this!
You are shipped with— J-Hope!
Runner up(s): Seokjin and Jungkook
Itwas Seokjin I first thought of reading the first few lines and then BAM goesJeon with the hobbies (listening to music and playingvideo games).
Since you tend to take care of others before yourself, you’ll beneeding someone to look after you and constantly remind to never forgetyourself. He’s that guy that’ll just go super protective towards you and asmuch as he can be goofy and all hilarious, you’ll be seeing him with hisserious face on. Speaking of being a perfectionist, he can sometimes be like amom, be nagging you over small things not because he’s overreacting but he justwants the best for you. And he’ll love you even more for being a ‘perfectionist’ (but notextreme) becausehe knows himself he’s not perfect and he’ll be needing someone to not changebut make him a better person. Also, he’s that boyfriend who’ll never get tiredhearing your scolding voice and instead smile like an idiot as he tries toaccomplish what has to be done.
But the best part why I shipped you with him is that you believelife is easier when you share positivity to others just like how he keeps hispositive self amidst bad times and how he finds beauty and appreciate things wethink are ugly. Worse things happen and they are just unavoidable so it’s okayto be negative, but with negative, we need to have someone to make us look onthe brighter side and be there for them as well whenever they need it.
Relationship: Him encouraging you when you get a bit shy the first time you meet his friends and family; would sometimes mock you in a funny way whenever you nag but when he sees your annoyed face, he’ll stop and do something a sweet boyfriend must do; that one cute and loud couple in public that’s is so sweet to see without losing the fun; SKINSHIIIIP; lazy dates and cuddle; he’s addicted to your long black hair; him complimenting you everyday like there’s no tomorrow; say super romantic stuff that’ll make your heart melt as his stare locks upon your dark orbs (did i just wrote a fragment of a fanfic lmao); sharing each other dreams, plans, and things you want to do together; listen to music and dance together (maybe some crazy dance at first then a slow romantic one and make you feel like this is 100% better than your last prom; him sending you hilarious derps whenever he misses you or just to cheer you up on a bad day and he’s not there around; play video games together (WARNING: A LOT OF SCREAMING) and compete but he’ll be losing all the time maybe because he just wants you to win or he just sucks at games lol so you might say that ‘he’s no fun’, but if you insist on at least trying harder, he’ll be giving out 101% of his effort and might still now beat you haha; MORE SKINSHIIIIPS; ranging from romantic night dates to super fluffy and sweet-like-the-first-time dates. He can get really jealous but he won’t lose his calm as he trusts you wholeheartedly and would even try to brush it off in a positive way— same goes for arguments as he would rather lose in a fight than lose you. That positive and sweet couple you see that will make you automatically think they are ‘goals’♥
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♥ Hope you like it!♥
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
Vote for Bangtan at The Shorty Awards!
What are the Shorty Awards? Basically, The Shorty Awards are yearly awards that recognise only the best of the best on social media. 
Why should I vote for Bangtan? Bangtan are nominated in the music catergory for their social media presence over Twitter, Instagram etc. This is a huge honor to be the only K-Pop group nominated, and potentionally will help them expand their exposure overseas!
Okay, this is cool! So, how do I vote for Bangtan? Voting for Bangtan is simple. Click HERE to view Bangtan’s voting page on the Shorty Awards site. Voting can be done EVERY DAY. You can vote once a day through clicking ‘vote’ on the Shorty Awards website. Sharing your vote on Twitter and Facebook will also give you another vote per site. 
Step by step walkthrough:
Click here
Press the blue ‘VOTE FOR BTS’ button
Then, share your vote on Twitter and/or Facebook for more votes!
Do this every day until voting closes February 16th!
Thank you in supporting our boys!
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
Filed under: Reasons to Live
cred. mondomizel1
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bangtancanrelate · 8 years
BTS written ship please ~.
Can I get a ship with BTS please?? I’m INFP 😆 Casual and cozy are my style. I’m an honest person and keep my words. I care others’ feeling and always put them before myself. I believe people deserve respect and happiness. I’m not confident. Others may find me quiet and reserved but I’m actually outgoing and clumsy … very much 😫. I like talking and am bad at lying. Sometimes, I can be naive and friends love to tease me about it. I love my family very much and we are extremely close. Seeing them smily and happy is my happiness. I’m a eat lover especially sweets. I love animals excluding worms and cockroaches. I can’t resist dogs. If I find any big one or puppies 😍, I’ll immediately run to them and pet them. I like almost every flowers in the world not only because of their beauty but also because of their own meanings. I love being outdoor and travelling. I enjoy themeparks, hiking and camping, and festivals. They are all fun places we can all having fun. I like walikg because I like it when I can pay more attention on surroundings, whether it is a people, an architecture or an atmosphere. I usually listen to music while taking a walk. I also like cover songs. Those who have a great voice are attractive to me. Sometimes I found myself unconscious humming song when in a good mood 😁 I like taking a photo of a view or people when they don’t notice. That way the photo would contain more feeling. I like drawing as well. Horror movies are my fav. I’m really slow when it comes to love. There are times I don’t even know that they were flirting with me (My little sister said it’s because I don’t pay attention on this thing and I think too much sometimes 😑). Thank you. Please, take your time ❤️
@chana-ninja Hello there, yes of course, you can have a ship yayy~ and also, thank you for being patient with this! ヘ(= ̄∇ ̄)ノ  [WARNING: EXTREMELY LONG]
I ship you with~ Jin!
Runner up(s): Maknae Line
OMG I’m also an INFP (or maybe because it’s just from my syndrome lol) Wow, okay so ignore that. Anyways, moving on~ I should start explaining first about the runner ups ^^. I personally think the maknae line is perfect for you because your personality matches the girl that’s perfect for them, ranging from your love to your family to loving animals and interests that’ll actually look good to them as a boyfriend material. But I thought Seokjin is perfect for you since he’s actually a combination of the maknae line if you look on the other angle. Again, the maknae line is perfect for you but your naivety needs someone mature— and there we have Seokjin. Although sometimes we see him goofing around, wondering our whole life’s existence if he’s really the oldest of the group but he’s actually mature and a GREAT husband material. Ha, lucky you, he can also be a wife and mother material as well which means you’ve got the “man who can do both” ;)
Your relationship will turn out perfect as you may describe it as both of you cares for others and even putting them first before yourself which can also be a negative trait because you might forget your own health— that might be a cute idea thinking about a scenario where you got sick from putting others’ safety first and he will be there to take good care of you but then what if BOTH of you got sick thinking about others’ safety? That’s why you have to be balanced when it comes to certain circumstances :)
Your style is similar to Seokjin since he doesn’t really go for extremely fancy or crazy outfits or sometimes formal but whenever he does, he’ll be looking hella fine. I remember that elevator prank on Bangtan where everyone became uncomfortable and meanwhile, there’s Seokjin, concerned about the girl.
I’m naive myself too, and I personally think naive girls needs an independent, reliable, and responsible man who can not only take good care of us but ones where we can learn as well without being spoiled and pampered too much.
Seokjin is the oldest of the group but that doesn’t stop him from coping up with the younger ones’ energy so you’re really perfect for him since you’ve said it yourself that you are an outgoing and fun person. Imagine the endless fun you’re going to have as a couple!
Relationship: Sometimes weird dates (ofc it was his idea) but you will find it cute and sweet (example: having a date with what it may seem like a thousand dogs around and if you ask him why, he’ll tell you something like, “there are millions of dogs in the world to love but I love you the best” or “we’re surrounded by these adorable creatures but I still chose to look only at you”) random seokjin fact: he said his ideal type is someone who looks like a puppy/dog; ensuring everyone’s safety and satisfaction; giving each other sass and then laugh about it later; PUNS from him; talking nonstop to each other from ‘how was your day?’ to ‘do you think our firstborn would be a pink alpaca?’; he would sometimes make fun of you since you can be naive for he can find it amusing but the odds of him doing that is almost impossible because he knows that it your weakness and therefore he must protect you instead; so if someone teases you for your naivety, he’ll be drop-dead serious telling them to stop even if they are your closest friends; will treat you like an actual princess Peach because he thinks you’re a precious child; he’ll cook for you family, especially when he gets the chance to go to your country/home and meet your parents; common boyfriend? Nah, he’ll prove to your family that he’s a responsible man and will take good care of you for the rest of your life (help your family cook, clean the house, *insert stuff your family does*); you won’t even have a hard time to convince your parents that someday, you’re going to marry him because since day 1 they met him, their vote has been set to him and that will never ever change even if you break up, in which of course let’s hope never to happen; eating and eating om nom nom nom; JJANGGU; travel and take aesthetically pleasing and candid photos together; mostly will give you presents that’s related to your favorites like flowers (ex. Floral dresses, flower-designed jewelries); MORE PUNS from him; him singing a song for you or sing a song together with different music genres; drawing when boredom strikes (you’ll have a good laugh at his drawings lmao); go for horror movies and scare the sht out of each other. Seokjin is a level-headed man and again, he’s mature enough to handle such situations— arguments and little fights. He knows you can sometimes be slow and can’t properly decide and can be naïve at things so he’ll keep his calm and patience. He won’t even try to make a big fuss over things, big or small the situation is which is really great. Overall: Not your typical sweet and romantic couple where you learn from each other ♥
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♥ Hope you like it! ♥
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