baobikhangloi · 1 year
In theory, any material that can be transformed into small granules could be used as a filler for plastics. For example, we can use sand as a filler, and the end result is that in the plastic there will be sand particles. The possibilities for combining resins with other materials are endless, but for successful mixing, the filler needs to melt and disperse well in the resin mix. At higher technical requirements, they must be chemically inert, free of metal impurities to avoid plastic degradation, low hardness to avoid wear of equipment, and most importantly, the cost must be cheap and readily available to be suitable for commercial use.
No plastic is perfect, and no filler is ideal either. The essence of using fillers is a compromise between properties that will be improved and those that will be lost. To get the best trade-off, manufacturers need to understand the properties of fillers, and how they will interact with the plastic. There is something quite special, is that knowing the chemical composition of fillers will not help much to use them. Because in most cases, chemicals have no effect on plastic. The real things of concern for fillers are the physical parameters, including particle size and shape, and their surface area
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baobikhangloi · 1 year
A brief history of colors and some popular pigments
Black pigment
Black pigment has a long history, starting with charcoal paintings in Stone Age caves. Through centuries of research, people have known how to change the burning conditions and choose the type of wood to customize the shade of this black. Coal can be pressed into a dry bar, or it can be ground into a powder and mixed with water or other liquids to produce the black dye that is now known as carbon black, with the pigment code PBk 7.
During the renaissance, artists often worked with black obtained from the soot of oil lamps, known as lamp black pigment – PBk 6. This pigment has a matte black color with a slightly cool tint. The lamp black is also used in Egyptian tombs and murals, replacing charcoal, which is denser but less pure.
Ivory black or bone black was originally created by boiling the crumbs obtained during the ivory making process to remove fat and gelatine, then ground and concentrated into a harder and coarser form to produce black. The production of ivory pigments was stopped in the 1930s, and today the pigment is mainly made from animal bones, with the color index name PBk 9. This pigment is semi-transparent, has a tinting strength is lower than that of carbon-based black pigments, but has a unique feature of deep yellow or brown undertones.
PBk 11 is an inorganic iron oxide pigment, which is different from all the black pigments mentioned above because there is no carbon in the composition. PBk 11 has a very high color fastness and is almost indestructible. In a mixture of colors, it can easily overwhelm all other colors. PBK 11 is also known as Mars black, named after Mars, the god of war in Greek mythology.
white pigment
The first white substance in history is thought to be natural calcium carbonate chalk, which is an exceptionally soft limestone, formed from the shells and bones of microscopic organisms deposited and compacted over millions of years. The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that gives the white color can also be obtained from eggshells, oyster shells, ... In European literature, the term "shell white" is often used to refer to these ancient whites. Natural white pigment with calcium carbonate composition is still used to this day, has the pigment code PW 18.
The first synthetic white pigment produced on a commercial scale was lead white (PW 1), which dates back to around 300 BC. Despite its proven toxicity, white lead remained in widespread use until the late 19th century, when the superior zinc white and titanium white appeared and replaced it. There are many documents detailing how to make white lead. In the oldest process, lead rods were exposed to vinegar fumes in sealed clay pots. These pots were buried in manure or tree bark to maintain the temperature for several months so that the lead converted to white lead.
Zinc white (PW 4) with zinc oxide composition (ZnO) is produced by burning zinc in an oxidizing medium or zinc ore in a reducing medium. This pigment has the special property of being able to emit yellow fluorescence under long-wave ultraviolet light. Zinc whites are not toxic, nor are they as clearly affected by hydrogen sulfide as lead whites, but their whiteness is clearly inferior.
In 1908 in New York, a metallurgist named Auguste Rossi invented a brilliant white pigment, titanium dioxide (Titanium White - PW 6). This pigment is extremely stable, it is not affected by heat, dilute acids or alkalis, light or hydrogen sulfide. Most importantly, titanium white reflects about 97% of light, making it the best white ever known. Because of that, it quickly became popular in many fields. Titanium dioxide also provides UV absorption, which greatly improves weather resistance and durability for outdoor applications.
The chemical classification of titanium dioxide, which for many years was considered no problem, is even widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. However, they have become the subject of heated discussion over the past few years, when a European Union authority has changed the way they are classified and evaluated. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles with an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 10 μm are considered hazardous when inhaled.
Before titanium white appeared, the dominance in the segment belonged to Lithopone white (PW 5). They once accounted for 60% of the white pigment market, outperforming both lead white and zinc white combined. Lithopone is moderately strong in blends, not as strong as Titanium white, but not as gentle as Zinc white either. For those who are concerned about the durability of zinc white, but don't like the opacity of titanium white, PW 5 can be a good alternative.
Red pigment
Red is a color associated with love, excitement, and danger. This color also symbolizes good luck in many Eastern cultures. There are many red pigments that have been found and present in the pigment database.
The earliest red pigment discovered by mankind was red ocher, which is clay that has been colored by rusted (oxidized) iron. The red iron oxide pigment consists of the mineral hematite with some minor minerals such as clay, chalk and quartz. Red ocher differs from yellow ocher and brown ocher in that they do not contain H2O in their chemical structure. Today, synthetic iron oxide red pigments have the pigment code PR 101. They are chemically very similar to natural red iron oxide (PR 102), but transparent and more vibrant in color.
Lead red (minium) is an ancient pigment that is considered to be one of the first synthetic man-made pigments. Red lead is made by heating white lead to oxidize it at high temperatures. They are still used to this day, in anti-rust paints for steel structures, especially used a lot on ships.
The famous Chinese red color dating back to the fourth century BC is “Chusha” (Cinnabar), which is used to make paints, lacquers, ceramic glazes and calligraphy ink. Many people mistakenly believe that cinnabar is a plant because it is also a medicine in traditional medicine, but in fact, cinnabar is a mineral with the main component mercury sulfide (HgS). Artificial cinnabar, used by the Romans since the Middle Ages. This pigment is named Vermillion, has a color index name PR 106. Vermillion is much more vibrant than natural cinnabar, but both are quite toxic.
Besides the red pigments obtained from minerals, history also records some organic red pigments obtained from plants such as kermes tree, brazilwood or some palm species in Asia. The Incas also had their own red pigment for dyeing their robes, obtained from the Cochineal - a beetle that feeds on cactus.
The age-old reds made from lead and mercury, though toxic, have been commonly used throughout human history. The real alternatives have only appeared for more than a century, with the development of modern chemistry.
Red Cadmium (PR 108) is a dual product of zinc ore. PR 108 can include many different shades of red, for example Cadmium Red Light leans more towards orange, while Cadmium Red Deep is slightly maroon.
Naphthol red pigments PR 5, PR 9, PR 112, PR 170 and PR 188 are a large group of synthetic organic red pigments. While PR 5 can serve as the primary, medium-tone red in the palette, PR 9 is more of an orange hue. PR112 has a soft bright orange color, PR 170 includes Naphthol Red Light with an orange-red color and Naphthol Red Deep leaning towards purple.
Alizarin Crimson (PR 83) has a deep, cold red color and has high tinting intensity. Mixing PR 83 with Viridian Blue (PG 18) or Phthalo Blue (PG 7) creates a very deep black. PR 122 – Quinacridone Magenta is a vibrant red with a blue tint that makes them almost purple. The same Quinacridone family also has a red color PR 202 which is a bit greener than PR 122, PR 206 - Quinacridone Maroon has a red color that turns brown, while PR 207 - Quinacridone Scarlet is bright coral red.
Yellow pigment
Of all the pigment groups, yellow is the largest and most diverse because there are many substances in nature that can produce this color.
The oldest yellow pigment in prehistoric cave paintings, is yellow ocher, also crumbly clay colored by iron oxides. They are still in use today, with the pigment code PY 43 for natural yellow iron oxide and PY 42 for synthetic yellow ocher. Both natural ocher yellow and synthetics are both great colors in art, as they will produce very natural looking greens when mixed with blue pigments.
In early civilizations in Asia, Egypt and Greece, human used a yellow substance called Orpiment, which was synthesized by subliming a mixture of sulfur and a small amount of arsenic oxide. The Babylonians used Napoli yellow, which was prepared by heating a mixture of oxides of lead and antimony. Napoli yellow currently has a pigment code of PY 41.
Another well-known yellow is Indian yellow, which is said to be made from the bladder gravel of cows eating mango leaves. However, the original Indian yellow color dating from the 15th century no longer exists. Today's Indian yellow is Diarylide yellow (PY 83).
The 19th century saw the introduction of more modern inorganic pigments such as chromium yellow (lead chromate), cadmium gold (PY 35 and PY 37), nickel gold (PY 53 and PY 150), …
Some other yellow pigments include: Hansa yellow group (PY 3) with bright greenish yellow, PY 65 with deep yellow and PY 97 medium yellow, Barium Chromat lemon yellow (PY 31), Strontium chromate (PY32), cobalt yellow (PY 40), arylide yellow (PY73 and PY74), Isoindolinone yellow (PY 110), Diazo yellow (PY 128), Quinophthalone yellow (PY 138), Benzimidazolone yellow (PY 151, PY154 and PY 154). PY175), …
Blue pigment
Blue includes sky blue and navy blue which are very rare colors in nature. Less than a tenth of plants have this color, and in animals it's even rarer. Even if they're blue, it's not because they actually have a blue pigment, but they've actually done light tricks to achieve.
In plants, blue color is achieved by mixing or altering natural pigments, most commonly by altering the acidity on red anthocyanin pigments such as in canaries, bellflowers, and hydrangeas.
Instead of mixing or changing pigment, the blue color in many animals is caused by structures on their bodies that are able to change the wavelength of light. For example, the Morpho butterfly is blue because the scales of its wings are ridged, causing light to bend, making the only wavelength of light it reflects is blue. The only exception in nature is the Obrina Olivewing butterfly, the only animal known to have a real blue pigment.
The raw material of mankind's first green pigment was "lapis lazuli", a precious stone originating from mines in Afghanistan. "Lapis" means "stone" in Latin, "lazuli" comes from the Persian word "lazuward", meaning "blue". The blue created from this stone is called Ultramarine Blue, is a most perfect pigment, with its qualities said to be unique and unsurpassable. The color index name PB 29 is assigned to both natural and synthetic Ultramarine blue pigments, but today's natural Ultramarine Blue is actually exhausted. Lapis lazuli contains sulfur anions held in an ordered lattice. These sulfur anions have charged particles that move from molecule to molecule, traveling along the surface, helping to create a spatial effect and a deep blue color.
The synthetic blue pigment Ultramarine was discovered in 1826 by the French chemist Jean-Baptiste Guimet. He made a pigment chemically identical to lapis lazuli, by heating kaolinite, sodium carbonate, and sulfur. Synthetic ultramarine usually has a warm red-blue color, which is even more vivid than natural ultramarine blue but is not as pure and has the same depth.
Lapis lazuli is very precious and expensive. Faced with the need for an available and affordable blue pigment, the Egyptians invented the world's first synthetic pigment: Egyptian blue. Calcium copper silicate is calcined at extremely high temperatures, producing a blue-green compound resembling glass. When ground into a powder and mixed with a binder, they create a pigment that persists over time.
Across the ocean, the ancient Maya also found their own color of blue: Maya blue. Scientists are all confused about the origin of this brilliant blue color. It was not until the 1960s that scientists were able to determine the origin of this pigment. It is made by mixing a rare clay (attapulgite or palygorskite) with a dye from a plant in the indigo family.
In 1704 in Berlin, the first modern pigment was accidentally discovered by a dye maker named Diesbach: Prussian Blue (PB 27), also known as Berlin blue. Pigments made from iron ferrocyanide quickly became popular, simply because they were much cheaper than the earlier blues.
Phthalocyanine dark blue was first sold commercially in 1935 under the trade name Monastral Blue or Phthalocynanine Blue. This is a transparent, highly pigmented and reliable blue pigment. PB 15 is divided into 2 types: PB 15:1 – Phthalocyanine Blue Red Shade is more red and warmer, while PB 15:3 – Phthalocyanine Green Shade has a shade closer to green.
Mangan blue (PB 33) is produced by heating a mixture of sodium sulfate, potassium permanganate and barium nitrate at high temperature. This pigment is inert, unaffected by light, heat, acids or alkalis. Manganese blue pigment has now been discontinued due to concerns about the environmental impact of the manufacturing process.
The most common blue color is cobalt blue (cobalt aluminum oxide), which includes a range of pigments such as PB 28 which has a slightly greenish blue tint, PB 29 which is a bit darker, PB 35 which is sky blue, PB 36 is blue with a green tint, while PB 74 contains a little bit of red. Various cobalt minerals have been used since ancient times to color glass and ceramics, but the first synthetic cobalt blue pigment was discovered in 1802 by Louis Jacques Thénard. He discovered that the combination of cobalt oxide and aluminum oxide produced a highly stable blue pigment. Of all the blue pigments, cobalt blue is the only one with opacity.
It was not until 2009, more than two centuries after the last blue was discovered (cobalt blue), that humans found a new blue pigment, and also the last blue pigment up to the present time. It was YinMn Blue (PB 86), which was discovered by chance by a graduate student at Oregon State University. This pigment gets its name from the elements within it including Yttrium (Y), Indium (In) and Manganese (Mn).
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baobikhangloi · 1 year
Perforated agricultural film products Between the conventional coating and the perforated film, users often choose the non-perforated type because they are significantly cheaper. Pre-perforated coatings are more expensive not because the cost of the perforating equipment is too high, but because this perforation will slow down the overall system productivity considerably. However, in our opinion, the high price of these products is completely worth the performance they bring. If you've ever used mulch for your growing work, you'll understand that punching holes for seeds or seedlings is a tedious and time-consuming task. Before the advent of perforated mulch, farmers around the world thought of many ways that this perforation could be done faster and easier.
On the smallest and simplest scale, they use knives, scissors or any other sharp object to make a cross in the membrane, then fold the excess plastic underneath to create holes shaped like square. This manual folding of 4 pieces of plastic takes a lot of time, the strength of the film is also weakened and it is easy to tear at the location of the cuts.
More advanced cutting tools for making circular holes in the coating have also been invented. Old milk cans are drilled with 2 small holes and inserted electrical wires to make handles, then hot coals are inserted. When the can of milk is hot enough, the farmer carries it away and places it on top of the mulch already spread in the garden, in the places where they want to drill holes. The plastic at this location will melt into the shape of the bottom of the box, and another farmer can go behind to collect the excess plastic. Plants or seeds can also be transplanted at this time.
In the same way as above, there are places where it is very popular to use wire mesh frames in old car air filters, especially those of light trucks and pickup trucks. The sharp edges on the mesh combined with the temperature of the coal inside will cut through the plastic film more easily. Instead of coal, one can also use kerosene or scrap plastic, or whatever as long as they are capable of burning for a long time.
Some people also use old PVC pipes, using a grinder to cut the pipe edges into a serrated shape to create a hole punching mold. When we forcefully press the water pipe into the covered ground, we will also get round holes like other methods. However, in hard areas, the plastic saw teeth will easily wear or break. Currently, metal punching tools with a similar design have also been sold a lot on e-commerce platforms. There are even variations that use electricity from the battery to heat. However, no matter how creative these tools are, they are still manual, still consuming a lot of labor to perform on large agricultural lands. To cater for farming on such a scale, automatic agricultural film punching machines have been built. They are integrated right on the film production line, to produce pre-perforated agricultural films. Machined perforated agricultural film will have holes with uniform size and spacing according to pre-set parameters. These distances will be calculated to leave the most reasonable space for the growth of the plant's roots. Currently, our Khang Loi company has invested in machinery system to produce perforated agricultural films, perforated on both transparent films and 2-layer films with one black side and one side. grey. Although our large format plastic films or agricultural mulch can reach up to 8 meters wide, our mulch punching machine currently only works on films up to a maximum size of 8 feet. 3 meters. We will give you the option of 1 to 4 rows of holes. Each hole is 8cm in diameter and the distance between holes is customizable. Our perforated agricultural film products use virgin resin as the main material, blended with special additive formulations to increase UV resistance and durability. Flexibility is also an advantage worth mentioning. This property makes our products resistant to the tension that occurs during installation, and is compatible with all mechanical punching operations, seeding operations, seedling without worrying about damage. membrane will be torn. If you have a need or need more advice on the product, please contact us at 0902.732.168, or leave us a message in the contact section. Thank you very much!
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baobikhangloi · 1 year
What is a piping bag?
Piping bag is a triangular shaped nylon bag, used to squeeze cream to decorate cakes or used to store flour and other food materials. This is a new innovation in the culinary industry, helping to create a variety of decorations on different cakes, making them beautiful. Before using, the user will cut a pointed end of the bag to fit and attach it to the cake tip, then pour the prepared cream powder into the bag and start decorating the cake.
Plastic piping bags in Vietnam usually have a square triangle shape with 2 common sizes: 30x 40x 30 cm and 22x 30x 22 cm. In addition, adjustable piping bags are specially manufactured on request, with the parameters of the size as well as the sharpness of the corners being changed.
The most popular triangle nylon bag with HDPE material. This material creates rigidity to shape the bag, and roughness makes it easier to hold.
How are triangle poly bags produced?
Triangular plastic ping bags have the same manufacturing process as regular bags, only different in the final stage of cutting and shaping the bag. On a conventional cutter, a horizontal cutter with the direction of movement of the raw nylon roll will continuously perform this operation of cutting this nylon roll into small segments, a heat press bar will simultaneously press down, heat to shape the bottom of the bag. On the triangle poly bag cutter, there will be 2 knives that can be crossed with each other. The combination of stroke and speed of the 2 heat cutters will be adjusted to the right level to create the desired product.
The cutter on the triangle bag making machine will also be responsible for cutting the bag and heat pressing at the same cutting position, similar to the seal bag making machine. This form makes the edges of the bag free of excess plastic to increase aesthetics. But the seal cutter will need more frequent maintenance than the knife on a regular plastic bag cutter, and the mechanic will also have to constantly check the quality of the seal cut to ensure the quality of the weld. Productivity is therefore also much slower, making the cost of this type of bag quite high compared to ordinary plastic bags.
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baobikhangloi · 1 year
How to know if the plastic packaging that you are using is good or not?
Not only with plastic packaging, quality control of any material or product requires a systematic analysis process. Starting from the quality of the raw materials, the production stages and then controlling the quality of the finished products. However, it is difficult for packaging buyers to access and inspect these production stages. Checking whether the packaging you are using is of good quality comes mostly from the experience during your use of them. However, there are also some methods to help you better control the input quality of plastic packaging that we will share below.
Check the product quality certificate
There are many quality standards for plastic packaging in the world, both in terms of product quality and in terms of machinery and working environment, green standards on environmental impact. The most prominent are the American Society for Testing and Metrology (ASTM) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which are the most trusted organizations in testing and providing evaluation criteria. Many countries also have their own standards such as: JIS standards in Japan, Normes Francaise in France, Deutsche Industrie Normen (DIN) in Germany, British Standards (BS) in the UK... The choice of which standard to use as a criterion for packaging often depends on the market your business targets. To which country your product is exported, it will comply with that country's testing standards. Usually this will be one of the specific requirements in the order.
Regarding the Viet Nam plastic packaging market, we also have our own laws and standards, such as: Standard for commercial packaging, plastic bags (TCVN 5653:1992), standards for testing methods compressive strength for transport and packaging (TCVN 4869:1989), Quality management system (TCVN ISO 9000:2015), Environmental management system (TCVN ISO 14001:2015) ...
The cost of testing and evaluation to get certification is not a small amount, and in fact there are many companies that think they can't afford it, or the benefits are not big enough for them to pay this cost. Tests for packages are mainly carried out when they are exported to markets with very high standards, or the parameters to be tested are of particular importance to the product. To be certified, the manufacturer will send product samples to organizations with testing functions and wait for the results. This means that these certificates are valid only for the sample of the product they have submitted. There is no guarantee that every shipment from a manufacturer will always be of the same quality. Therefore, the test results, although expensive, are only relatively meaningful.
However, quality control is still essential in many cases, especially for packaging used in the food industry. The standard commonly used for this application is the National Technical Regulation on safety and hygiene for synthetic plastic packaging and tools in direct contact with food (QCVN 12-1:2011/BYT), Substances used as basic components of food contact surfaces (CFR 177.1520 FDA).
Check the characteristics of the packaging with test equipment
Mechanical testing of packaging materials is very important, to ensure that they will meet actual environmental conditions, and the products that they protect will reach the end user unharmed. Depending on the application, each business may need different types of packaging, for example, outdoor pallet bags will need UV protection, heavy duty bags will need to be tough and durable, medical instrument bags need to be more resistant to temperatures for sterilization... The above specific characteristics will all have specialized equipment for testing, and on the market there are also versatile testing machines with the ability to evaluate many criteria.
As the trend towards single-use plastic and paper packaging continues to expand, multi-purpose or specialized testers, despite their high cost, are still a worthwhile investment for manufacturers. They can use it to evaluate the functional properties and performance of both the packaging, the raw materials and the final product. Especially as more sustainable recycled materials are developed to replace plastic and paper, it will also be essential to have a tool to fully evaluate their properties to compare them with other materials.
test the tensile strength of the material.
In the test, packaging materials are slowly stretched until they break to measure the maximum tensile force they can withstand, and also the final elongation of the material before breaking. This test is an uncomplicated mechanical test and can be performed with any material in sheet or film form. The test is usually performed in both directions: the direction in which the material runs along the machine is called the machine direction (MD), the other direction perpendicular to the machine direction is called the horizontal (cross direction - CD). The reason for such a distinction is because materials can have different tensile strengths in the direction in which they are subjected to the force of impact. Common standards used for tensile testing for plastic films are ASTM D882 and ISO 527-3.
Test for puncture resistance
The most undesirable but often occurring thing is that the packaging is torn or punctured during transportation before reaching the consumer. ASTM F1306 is a widely used standard for testing the puncture resistance of thin film materials. The test is carried out with the upper hanging metal tip fitted with a load cell. This metal end will be pushed slowly down the tensioned test piece by clamping at the ends. The force of impact when the material is punctured will be recorded, and this is the threshold of their resistance to puncture. The average value that is spread over many tests will be used as a criterion for quality control, or for comparison with other materials.
tear strength test
Similar to puncture or tensile tests, this tear test is also one of the most basic ways to assess the strength of materials, with less complicated equipment.
Unlike tensile strength, which simulates the force of stretching action (usually due to load), tear strength represents the ability to resist the force of tearing the film (for example, the packaging got caught in an angle and ripped off). There are several methods of testing for tear resistance, but the most common is to use an instrument called an Elmendorf, which measures the energy required to tear a material.
check the coefficient of friction
ASTM D1894 and ISO 8295 are standards primarily used to determine the coefficient of friction for thin films or plastic packaging materials. Test performed to establish both static and dynamic friction values for a material when rubbed on itself or on other materials. This index of friction will be closely related to the wear resistance of the material. In the test, a weighted slider is pulled across and over the material under test to determine the coefficient of friction. The friction force is the feedback force against the slider pull generated on the machine. This index is divided by the weight of the slider to calculate the coefficient of friction of the material.
Gas Permeability Tester (GTR) test
If you bring a piece of paper to your mouth and cover it with one hand, then and blow air through them, your hand will feel the hot air escaping from the paper. This indicates that the paper has little or no ability to prevent air from passing through. Although plastic films are known for their waterproofing and airtightness, they actually have the same properties. The only thing is that the permeation rate of plastic film is much slower than that of paper.
The gas permeation rate test measures the volume of various gases that penetrate the packaging material, and is commonly used to test vacuum bags, medical packaging or specialized films. The test is performed by placing the test material in the form of a thin film between two small gas chambers, each of which is subjected to a different gas pressure. One chamber with higher pressure will push the gas through the membrane to the other chamber. The volume of gas that penetrates the membrane represents the gas transfer rate of the material, determined at a given temperature and surface area, in cm³/cm²/min.
water vapor transmission rate test (WVTR)
The water vapor permeability test is similar in principle to the gas permeability test, but the difference is that instead of measuring volume, it is measured by weight. In addition, water vapor permeability measurements are usually measured at equilibrium at a temperature of 38 °C, and a relative humidity of 90%, in grams/m²/day.
gas chromatography test (GC)
Chromatographic testing is a chemical analysis technique in the laboratory to separate a mixture back into its components. For plastic packaging, this test is carried out to ensure that the amount of solvent remaining in the plastic does not exceed 10 mg/dm², according to EU Regulation No 10/2011 plastic materials and articles that come into contact with food.
pasteurization test
Food and medical devices are often pasteurized or sterilized after packaging. Plastic bags used in these applications must be able to be sterilized without the creation of harmful substances, without deformation and changes in properties. The pasteurization test simulates the actual use conditions of the materials to ensure they withstand repeated sterilization cycles (including chemical, steam or gamma radiation sterilization, etc.).
check for anti-fog
This test is performed to determine the anti-fog properties of the material, ensuring that condensation does not form on the inner surface of the packaging material. This test is quite simple, the material sample will be placed in a refrigerator between 7 – 10 °C and monitored for 24 hours.
layer measurement test (Film Layer Analysis)
Multilayer plastic film technology is complex and is widely used in packaging for the industrial, medical and food industries. Multilayer laminates are usually composed of several layers of different materials, each of which provides a unique characteristic such as gas barrier, adhesion, chemical resistance, oxidation resistance, etc. The combination of different layers creates a multifunctional product with outstanding performance.
This layer gauge test is useful for determining the thickness, number of layers that make up the laminate, and for determining the exact material that makes up these layers. Testing will be performed using an energy dispersive scanning electron microscope (SEM-EDS) or an optical microscope (OM). Although energy-dispersive spectroscopy has a much higher level of detail, optical microscopy is particularly useful when performing color film analysis. Optical microscopy is also often used as a premise to identify certain focal areas on a specimen, before using energy-dispersive scanning electron microscopy for further analysis.
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baobikhangloi · 1 year
Compare PP and PE plastic, which material is better?
Both PP and PE resins are thermoplastic materials, derived from olefin monomers - a term for the characteristic carbon double bonds in the molecular structure of these monomers. The obvious common origin has given these two plastics many similarities.
So, what is olefin, and the characteristics of polyolefin family resins?
Olefins are a group of hydrocarbons belonging to the alkene family, with the feature of containing a carbon-carbon double bond in the structure. Alkenes include: Propene (C3H6), Butene (C4H8), Pentene (C5H10), Hexene (C6H12), Heptene (C7H14), Octene (C8H16), Nonene (C9H18), Decene (C10H20), …
Polymers made from olefin monomers are called polyolefins or polyalkenes, which are classified as thermoplastics. They are much simpler and easier to manufacture than other plastics, extremely easy to shape, and can be reshaped over and over again, just by repeating the heating, molding, blowing and cooling processes.
Polyolefins are not much different from crude oil in terms of molecular structure. This is both an advantage but also a major drawback, as they have very similar properties to oil and are not fire resistant. But in return, they are considered as the cleanest plastic with a simple and pure structure. Their production does not require the addition of harmful chemicals such as styrene, chlorine or bisphenol A. In addition, most olefins float on water, making polyolefins very easy to distinguish from other synthetic materials, especially during sorting for recycling.
Commercially dominant, the most produced of the polyolefin group are polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). There are also a number of specialized but less common polyolefins such as polyisobutylene and polymethylpentene...
Polyolefins can appear as oil-like liquids or colorless or white solids, and their properties are mainly determined by their molecular weight and degree of crystallinity. Polyolefins with a low degree of crystallinity (between 0 and 20%) have elastomer-like properties. A moderate degree of crystallinity (between 20 and 50%) is associated with a plastic resin, and a degree of crystallinity above 50% constitutes a hard resin.
Most polyolefins are made by treating monomers with metal catalysts, and the polymerization of this resin is highly exothermic. Polyolefin surfaces will not be effectively bonded together by solvent welding or adhesives, as most of them have excellent chemical resistance, unaffected by common solvents. While they are extremely chemically inert, their strength degrades at very low or high temperatures. Therefore, for plastic films in this group such as PE or PP, heat sealing is a common technique for bonding between layers. However, with the development of modern science, people have successfully developed a number of super adhesives such as cyanoacrylate and acrylate, that can be used to glue these materials.
Both PP and PE plastics, as well as other polyolefins, can be easily processed using common forming techniques such as injection molding, blow molding, extrusion and heat pressing. Easy handling, low cost combined with good physical and chemical properties make them a popular plastic, a good choice for a multitude of applications in the plastics industry.
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baobikhangloi · 1 year
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baobikhangloi · 1 year
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baobikhangloi · 1 year
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
To be fair, plastic can be considered as one of the greatest inventions in human history. They have proved to be far superior to other materials in the past, and it is hard to imagine a modern life without the presence of plastic. Televisions, refrigerators, motorbikes, cars, airplanes, phones, computers... all would not exist without plastic.
In addition to the fact that there is no material that can replace plastic yet, plastic manufacturers also believe that the environmental problems that humanity is facing are entirely due to human consciousness. Plastic waste is left indiscriminately and unsorted, making post-consumer recycling extremely difficult. Thermoplastics themselves can be completely recycled, and they are also very valuable. Clean, unblemished scrap plastic is always in great demand.
Durability is the biggest advantage of plastic, but also a curse, as they are too difficult to decompose in natural conditions. But they are not alone in having these characteristics. Petroleum and coal are the things that make up plastic, or metal deposits have also existed for millions of years without decomposing. The fact that only plastic is considered an environmental disaster is considered unfair by plastic manufacturers.
The concept of decomposition in nature almost alludes to decay. Evolution has created bacteria that eat carcasses of plants and animals to convert into energy. But plastic has only appeared recently, and for a species of bacteria to appear that can digest them, nature can take millions of years. There is no guarantee that in the future there will be no such microorganisms. Many scientists have also begun to study environmental protection solutions towards creating bacteria that can digest plastic, and some of them have also achieved certain success.
The plastic manufacturing process consumes more energy and releases more emissions into the environment than most other materials. But from another perspective, if creating products with alternative materials with comparable performance to plastic, it may consume more resources. As an example, manufacturing plastic uses 10 times more water than glass. but a glass water bottle weighing 1 kg can only hold up to 3 liters of water. Meanwhile, with 1 kg of plastic, people can produce plastic bottles with a capacity of 30 times more than that. For this reason, any environmental comparison between materials can be lame.
As can be seen, plastic manufacturers always present reasonable views to protect their interests. But on the other side of the line, those who claim to reduce plastic production also have strong arguments and extremely convincing evidence.
Plastic has been found in the intestines of deep-sea creatures, microplastics also appear in the most remote places in the world. The plastic production process from petroleum distillation to cracking plants and polymerization reactors all consume huge amounts of heat, and at the same time release huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the environment.
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
In addition to small-size nylon rolls, recently our company also invested in machinery to provide larger sizes up to 3 meters (double film) and 6 meters (single film). This product can be used to cut out. make large bags or press directly into the product by pressing machine, automatic vacuum suction. Single film can be used as greenhouse film, garden lining film, nylon pool lining for concrete floors. These types are usually not Due to high aesthetic requirements, we can use recycled plastic beads to help reduce costs to the maximum. Depending on the needs of our customers, we can use PE, PP, HD or HDPE materials accordingly. nylon roll, nylon floor Rolled nylon, nylon floor liner manufactured from virgin plastic Advantages of nylon rolls and other types of plastic packaging Rolled nylon, concrete floor nylon in particular or plastic packaging in general have many outstanding advantages. This is the most economical option for packing and transporting goods, they are much cheaper. much more than paper packaging or wooden crates , planks . The air tightness and water resistance of plastic packaging can be said to be excellent, in addition to the transparency that helps to clearly see the product inside. Scratch resistance is also quite good. They are especially suitable for storing flexible products such as cloth, cotton, foam or grains, animal bran... roll nylon products
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
Method of recycling Polyethylene plastic into Propylene
Plastics that start with the word “Poly” can be understood as a chain, and the words behind are monomers made up of hydrogen and carbon bonds. Each type of bonding creates a different monomer, and it is this type of binding that determines what kind of plastic resin which bonded chain will become and what properties it will have. Examples include Polyethylene resin which is made up of ethylene monomer, Polypropylene which is derived from propylene and PS Polystyrene resin which is a collection of chains of styrene monomers.
Polyethylene is a long chain of ethylene molecules, each consisting of two carbon atoms and four hydrogen atoms (C2H4). These hydrogen-carbon bonds are very strong, which has given the plastic's non-biodegradable properties, but has also presented enormous challenges for researchers in recycled plastics.
With a grant from the US Department of Energy, professor Hartwig and graduate students Steven Hanna and Richard J Conk at Berkeley Lab came up with the idea to break the carbon-hydrogen bond on ethylene with an iridium catalyst, and then uses platinum-tin and platinum-zinc catalysts to create a carbon pair bonded to an individual carbon molecule (which is the structure of propylene). This structure can react and form the Propylene polymer chain.
The method is based on removing a few hydrogen molecules from the carbon, and in the position where the hydrogen is removed a double carbon bond is created, which is more reactive than the single bond. They will then use a reaction called the olefin reaction, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2005, with successfully cleaved the carbon-carbon double bond on ethylene. At this point, you've broken the long polymer chain into smaller pieces that contain a carbon-carbon double bond at the end, which are molecules of C3H6 propylene.
The addition of a second catalyst, made of palladium, allows the three-carbon Propylne molecules to be cut apart repeatedly in the reaction, until the entire polymer is cut into 3-carbon fragments. And the result is that 80% of the polyethylene resin is reduced to propylene.
Hartwig's lab has also recently used other innovative catalysts to create a process that turns polyethylene bags into a binder, a very valuable product. Together, these new processes could inhibit proliferation, and even tackle the vast amounts of plastic in landfills, rivers and eventually in the oceans.
Both are far from commercialized. But it is easy to see that this new process has the potential to convert the accumulated plastic waste for a long time into a huge source of chemical raw materials for other purposes.
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
1.      PP Plastic granules Hanwha Total HF400
HF400 is a homO polypropylene for cast film, with good slipperiness and high transparency, excellent physical properties. Hanwha Total HF400 meets the FDA requirements in the Code of
Federal Regulations for food contact.
Typical properties:
Melt flow 8 g/10min 8.0
Density 0,91 g/cm3 0.91
Tensile strength at yield 380 kg/cm2 380
Elongation at break % 400
Heat distortion temp 110 ℃ 110
Technical data sheet of PP Hanwha Total HF400
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
Somewhere in Viet Nam
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
1.      InnoPlus' LLDPE LL7410A plastic granules
LL7410A is a linear low-density polyethylene with butene comonomers, without slip and anti-block additives. Plastic film made from InnoPlus LL7410A has high tensile strength, elongation, good toughness and outstanding puncture strength. LL7410A can also be used to blend with HDPE to increase ductility. InnoPlus LL7410A is recommended for the production of bags, general purpose films and bags, liners, heavy-duty packaging, food packaging and agricultural films.
The density is 0.918 g/cm3, and the recommended setting temperature is between 160 - 180 °C for extruders and 170 - 190 °C for die zone.
This product complies with US FDA regulations for polyethylene used in food contact products.
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
LyondellBasell's Lupolen 2421F is an antioxidant fortified low-density polyethylene, with the characteristic strength of good melting strength, which provides good bubble stability during blown film extrusion. This product is not intended for use in medical or pharmaceutical applications.
This type of plastic also has good heat sealing and optical properties, is often used to produce agricultural films, bags and pouches, food packaging films, hygiene film for diaper products and surgical film, lining for other packaging, shrink film, market flexible packaging...
The density of Lupolen 2421F is 0.923 g/cm³, blow-up ratio 2.5:1, should be extruded at 170-220°C melting point
Technical data sheet of LDPE Lupolen 2421F by LyondellBasell
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