barbarelle · 11 months
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Lots of kinda inconsistent Liets :D using this template by @samrut
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barbarelle · 1 year
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Japanese promotional adds for Please (1986), Actually (1987), and Introspective (1988)
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barbarelle · 1 year
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((A/N #1: I had accidentally deleted this ask by yesterday, Anon! Thankfully I had been able to save a screenshot as I was writing in my phone’s notes! I had no idea the previous ask had been cut off and I’m definately more than glad that you had called this to my attention! On the other hand, I hope you enjoy this short scenario I had whipped up! Sorry if it’s quite brief! Enjoy~!)
((A/N #2: NSFW at the begining, you have been warned!)
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barbarelle · 2 years
Scumbling- Leonardo Da Vinci x Reader (Fluff)
Summary: When you express to Leonardo that you're not a huge fan of your stretch marks, he shares his perspective on the matter.
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"What's the pout for, belleza?" Leonardo quirked an eyebrow as you examined yourself in the mirror, having recently taken a dip in La Thermae. You sheepishly hugged your towel tighter around yourself, shaking your head.
"Nothing, really. Just thinking." Your eyes didn't leave the mirror, like you were making eye contact with a girl who was equally unconvinced by 'nothing' as Leonardo was.
"You wanna tell me what you're thinking now or do I have to get it out of you myself?" He dropped the book he was leafing through and sat forward.
"...Leonardo, I'm going to ask you something, and please be honest with me." You turned back to face him as his face took on a serious expression.
"I'm listening." His voice was low and you paused, before slightly lifting the towel to show the stretch marks that adorned your skin on your hips.
"These...I don't like them at all. They make me feel...ugly. Leonardo, do you thi-" Big strong arms enveloped your frame as he appeared behind you in the mirror.
"Don't even ask me if I think they're ugly, cara mia." Leonardo wrapped an arm around your waist and with his free hand took hold of the towel where your hand was.
"But I just-"
"You like paintings don't you? And all the pretty techniques involved?" You nodded, now looking at his reflection before you instead of your own.
"Mhm. Have you ever heard of Scumbling? It's a technique that's been used for a while now. The strokes are layered in such a way that the colours of the painting look broken or speckled, like these..." His fingers traced lightly over your skin as you dropped your gaze.
"Someone up there spent a lot of time on my beautiful cara mia. Be it Venus or Apollo, someone seems to have perfected their scumbling to make these precious little strokes, hmm?" Not taking his eyes off of you, he cupped his hand over your hip and gave it a loving squeeze.
"I'm and old man, Y/N. I've been around for a long long time. I've seen more works of art than you can imagine, enough paintings to fill the Louvre a thousand times over. Do you want to know something, micetta?" His chin rested on your shoulder and he nudged your face forwards again.
"Of all of those artworks whipped up by geniuses and the like, I've never been more in love with any of them than the one I see in front of me. You see a flaw, I see details. And all of these details make up the only thing that's ever truly taken my breath away." Leonardo's golden eyes were still piercing you with that knowing gaze. Not able to resist the smile that overcame you, you laid your head against his and finally glanced back up.
Your cheeks were warm by now as you let your hand rest on top of his, interlocking your fingers with his own.
"I never looked at it that way. When did you get so wise, huh?" You grinned at him as he gave you a squeeze.
"I'm not all that wise, but I know masterpiece when I see one. But don't worry, I'm not going to let anyone stick you up on a wall in some stuffy old museum." Leonardo chuckled.
"Well I appreciate that a lot, and I appreciate what you said. You know, about the..."
"Scumbling? Yeah, just don't go showing these off to anyone else. If they see how beautiful this painting is they might try to steal it right from under my nose. Everything under this towel is mine alone, cara mia." Your eyes widened as your cheeks grew hot again, his hand squeezing your hip. Leonardo shot you a wink in the mirror and you nodded quickly, earning you a kiss on the shoulder before he released you.
"Good girl. Now, let's get something pretty on you and we'll go get dinner, okay?" Your hand remained on your side for a moment even though his own was gone. Put it down to experience from his 'long long' life, but Leonardo Da Vinci always found a way to change your perspective, to nurture the seeds of doubt in your mind into beautiful blooms. It might take a little while, but you were on your way to loving your scumbling as much as he did.
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barbarelle · 4 years
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Fascinating vintage photographs capture life of French children in the 1930s and 1940s by Robert Doisneau.
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barbarelle · 4 years
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icons 80s
oogieboingo on twitter
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barbarelle · 4 years
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Smash Hits magazine covers 1980-1989
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barbarelle · 4 years
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this was a great read. “Laziness Does Not Exist” by Devon Price
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barbarelle · 4 years
Germany, hosting a meeting, about to implode: Is there a max to the height of stupidity going on in this room?!
England, pulling out tape measure: Give me one moment please Germany
Germany: What are you-
England, measuring America: 177 centimetres 2 millimetres exactly.
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barbarelle · 4 years
My dearest beloved,
as you know by now, emotions do not come easy to me. So, I will use this opportunity to try and put what I feel for you into words. 
First off, I want to thank you for staying with me for so long despite everything. You have seen me at my lowest, drunk out of my mind and a self-pitying mess barely managing to stay seated in a bar stool and yet you, for some reason that escapes me, have chosen to stay at my side. 
Despite me being an avid reader of literature both old and new, I´m certain finding words to properly describe my appreciation of and adoration for you would be impossible.
But I´d be a fool if I didn’t attempt it. 
So here goes nothing:
Before meeting you, I was lost even though I didn’t want to admit it to myself. I was content with being a coward, hiding my heart behind a wall of sarcasm and misplaced anger, instead of facing my issues head-on. You have opened my eyes to a way of life I had long since forgotten. 
The many nights I´ve spent in pubs were slowly but surely being replaced by homely nights in, peaceful strolls in the crisp evening air and nights gazing at the stars. It was only then that I realized just how much had been missing from my life. In an effort to make myself feel better, I ended up achieving the exact opposite. When I wanted to live, I ended up just surviving, days and eventually months passing me by in a grey blur.
Even when we´re apart, I can´t stop thinking about you. Simply the thought of your smiling face is enough to lift my moods, no matter how sour they may have been. If I didn’t know better I´d think you’ve bewitched me. Even if that was the case, I wouldn’t dare complain. I don’t want this lose this happiness; I don’t want to lose you.
I can´t thank you enough for being with me and never giving up on me. In light of everything you’ve done for me, even my most earnest efforts pale in comparison. I can only hope that my best is enough for you.
I look forward to spending the day (and night) with you.
With love, from England
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barbarelle · 4 years
England’s old clothing
Ah yes, quarantine. There´s no better time to catch up on that one TV show, book series, or simply deep clean the house from top to bottom. Latter being exactly what you set out to do. Normally you´d have preferred to spend time with your boyfriend, but unfortunately, he got stuck in another country with all means of transportation suspended.
And just sitting around in the living room with the TV playing in the background could only keep you entertained for so long. You wanted to feel at least some sort of accomplishment.
Which brings you to the present, climbing up the ladder to the attic. You´d lie if you said you weren’t at least a bit excited. Despite you living with England for quite for some time now, you’ve never set foot on the attic before. There were a lot of things you expected, maybe some old clothing or some of his magic books, but you didn’t expect this.
If you didn’t know better, you would have believed to have somehow ended up in a small museum. Bookshelves upon bookshelves, some books so old the authors´ names on the spine, if there were any to begin with, had become faded to the point of illegibility. While you would have loved to browse through some of them, some of them seemed so fragile, held together by a thread, they´d turn to dust if you looked at them wrong. So, you were content to simply let your eyes wander.
Speaking of letting your eyes wander, the next thing that caught your attention was a huge wooden closet, engraved with intricate symbols and sigils. It seemed important, which is why you just had to know what was inside.
Lots of dust that’s what, your sneezing seemingly endless. As the dust cleared, you grinned. In front of you were clothes spanning multiple centuries, all of which still in peak condition, a perk of magic you guessed. Carefully you took out outfit after outfit, giving it a glance over before holding it to your figure. Although quite old, you couldn’t deny that each article of clothing had its own unique charm. There would be no harm done if you just tried them once and pose in front of a mirror to snap some pictures, right? You`d make sure to put them back the way you found them once your impromptu fashion show was done.
Fixing your neck tie and frock coat, straightening out stray wrinkles, you smiled. If you closed your eyes, you could almost feel yourself transported into another time period. You wondered what he was like back then. Sure, you have read up on the history of England for both his and your sake, in an attempt to feel closer to him. After all he was still a nearly immortal being, a nation whose many different facets, you`ll never manage to quite grasp. But even the most thorough amount of reading and research can never compare to having experienced it firsthand.
It was a shame he didn’t have any female clothing counterpart, you two would certainly be the eyecatcher of any costume party. Maybe you would have to address it once he arrived back home.
Your favorite was his clothing from the eighties. While you wouldn’t say it was ugly, it was quite eccentric when viewing it from a modern point of view. After trying on multiple articles of clothing and envisioning yourself in different time periods and as different personas, your original plan was long forgotten as was the time.
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barbarelle · 4 years
Slacking and snacking
an England x reader lemon
M for Mature
England is a busy man. It definitely did not surprise you to find him in his study, slouched in that uncomfortable chair of his, finishing some important "paperwork" matters. The room was dimly lit, as the evening was soon to come, and you couldn't help feeling a little neglected. You understood the importance of world economy, of course. But the way your beloved Englishman sat – definitely uncomfortably, christ, he'd been in there for too long – while filling empty forms with his handwritten text... left you with butterflies in your stomach and hopes of something delicious to come. A break sounded nice, no?
"Arthur, dear. How is world economy doing?" you asked, stepping into the room.
"Love, nice to see you," he responded, sighing a bit, fatigue evident in his eyes. He looked so good though. His work attire was a bit messy, the first few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up, and you frankly lived for this look. You decided to pamper him and reward him for working hard. You started:
"Would you like a cup of tea or something? Please, you need to rest, the papers won't run anywhere." – At this point, you began massaging his shoulders gently. He let out a soft whimper; perhaps he missed being touched as much as you did. You gave him a little peck on his neck and felt goosebumps forming on the skin. Trying to control himself and get his work done, he, however, said:
"Darling... I've missed you very much. But these can't finish themselves. I'm running out of time, you see? I-I..." The rest was lost as you started unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. Protests were magically gone.
His chest was now on display, you had the chance to see it go up and down as he was breathing. You opened the shirt wider.
"Arthur. I obviously do understand the importance," you stepped between him and his papers to face him, "but a little break never hurt anybody. Besides... I have a nice snack in mind. If you let me indulge?"
With that, you kissed him. On the lips, just in case he wanted to protest, on his cheeks, nose, and on the lips again. Then you trailed soft kisses down his torso and before he knew it, you were kneeling before him.
Before unfastening his belt, you looked at him, as if to ask if it was okay. What you saw surprised you a bit: the Englishman was smirking at you, quite ready for you to literally suck his cock right there. All of your doubts were gone and you unfastened the belt, then unzipped the zipper.
"y/n, you naughty little thing. Taking me right here with no shame... I do hope you let me return the favor later?" he said, stroking your hair, playing with it. You loved the way he talked to you. And the way he touched you. At this point, you were very excited for what was to come after this. But for now, you continued.
With his trousers now off, you moved to his underwear. Taking his cock out, you gave it a few gentle strokes. England seemed to like the cold air in contrast with your nice hands. Needless to say, he loved the show.
"My sweet y/n, ah-" – you suddenly took him in your mouth, to which he whined a bit.
Deciding to tease him, you went up to kiss him on the lips, passing his flavor: "this is how delicious you are, Arthur," before returning on your knees. You couldn't get enough of him. And he couldn't get enough of you.
You worked your magic on his cock; you licked, sucked, kissed... made sure to pleasure every spot. You often switched your mouth for hands to tell him how much you loved him or to say something utterly filthy. He stroked your hair, sometimes pushed himself deeper into your throat, and at some point he held your hand as you were satisfying him orally.
England is a gentleman, mind you. Before he came, he alerted: "y/n, darling, christ, for the love of god, I-I... be careful, I am... ah!" And with that, he finished into your mouth. You gladly accepted the essence and even gave him a taste of his own medicine by kissing him again.
But now, look: It seems that you have a nice evening ahead of you, because England whispers in your ear:
"I suppose it's time for my snack now, darling?"
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barbarelle · 4 years
NSFW APH England Headcanons (Arthur Kirkland)
Author’s Notes: Although the fandom isn’t as active as it was years ago, I feel that it is my duty to provide more content to readers and I have the burning need to rekindle my love for this lovable Tsundere and no one can stop me from writing the much-awaited NSFW list for Arthur Kirkland. Please enjoy, darlings~!
PS. I warned you.
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barbarelle · 4 years
Hey, can I please get some headcanons or short scenarios for America, Japan, England, Germany, Russia, Lithuania and Romania reacting to their very petite (short and scrawny) s/o wearing one of their shirts? And since she's so short, it absolutely just drapes over her and it's all super fluffy and cute? Thanks so much!
A grin spread across his face as you came out of the bathroom. His shirt from the night before was drapped over you. It went past your knees and the sleeves were much to long. Not to mention it was one of his favorites. It was a white dress shirt that had an America flag sewn into the collar. His possessive side practically melted at the claim. It also didn’t help the fact you had some dark brusing on your collar bone and neck. Pushing his glasses further up his nose he cleared his throat to grab your attention. Your head snapped away from the drawer you were digging through to look at him.
His bare chest was on display and the sheets hung extremely low. His chest and body was covered in a layer of fat but you knew as soon as he moved his muscles would pop out. Light traces of hair ran down his chest getting thicker the further you went.
“Come back to bed baby girl.” He stated lifting the covers, making you blush. His voice was deep and raspy from just having woken up 5 minutes ago. Biting your lip you crawled back into the bed, curling yourself up against his side.
His dark brown eyes watched as you bit your lip, to engrossed into the show to notice his staring. You were wearing one of his favorite sweaters. It was a dark grey and was probably made from the softest fabric in the world. Your knee high socks make him swallow harshly.
Turning his head away he tried to focus on the anime playing infront of his eyes. But he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering back over to you.
You groaned as one of your favorite characters made another stupid decision. Adjusting yourself you moved so your shoulder was pressed against his side and you tucked one of your legs under your butt.
“What is he thinking?” You asked rhetorically. You leaned your head against his side, the top of your head almost going into his pit.
(He’s always clean so don’t worry)
His arm was thrown over the back of the couch but he brought it down so you were pressed closer against him. You looked up at him not expecting him to do that.
He was still staring at you but flashed you a small relaxed smile making your heart flutter. Smiling broadly you snuggled against his chest as he breathed in the combination of your sent and his.
“Love have you seen my bl”- he cut himself off seeing your small form wrapped in the same shirt he was looking for. It was a plain black shirt that he always wore under his uniforms.
“You’re what?” You asked tilting your head to the side. The action cause some stray hair to fall in your face but you quickly blew them away, making his knee buckle from cuteness.
“Nevermind.” He quickly stated, coming around the counter so he could get a better view. You just shrugged and turned back to your mixing bowl. He had a meeting to go to in a few hours so you were making him some scones.
His emerald eyes scanned up and down your form. His shirt went down past your knees and he swore when you reached up to get something he could see the very bottom of his boxers on your form.
(They were clean calm down-boxers are hella comfy. I buy them for myself to waltz around the house in)
Smirking softly he came up behind you and placed his strong hands on your hips. He pressed a hard kiss against the back of your head before he rested his chin on top of it.
“You’re so beautiful.” He murmured leaning down and softly kissing your neck and down your exposed shoulder. He chuckled against your skin when he heard a sharp gasp and felt your body melt against his.
After all he did have 3 hours to kill.
All of the loneliness he had gone through had been worth it and he would gladly do it again if it meant he could always come home to this sight.
He had come home from a long and boring meeting with his boss, wanting nothing more than to escape from the cold and feel you curled up against his chest.
As soon as he came home he was greeted with the sight of your sleeping form curled up on the couch in one of his shirts. It was an old soccer jersey that had his last name on it.
He was 100% going to wear it after you.
His insides practically purred as he quickly took off all of his clothes except for his boxers. He carefully lifted you up making sure you didn’t wake up and laid down placing you on your designated spot on his chest. You instinctively buried yourself deeper into his slightly chubby body. Grabbing the faux fur blanket off the back of the couch he draped it over both of you and held you tightly against him.
He couldn’t contain the smile as he watched you dance around the bedroom in nothing but his shirt.
It was dark green and went all the way down to your knees. And every time you lifted up your arms he caught a small glimpse of your bare bottom.
Your dog/cat watched and even ran around you as you sung to it.
He will never get how someone like you could ever love someone as scarred and broken as him. But who is he to complain.
As the song ended your dancing slowed down and eventually halted as the closing lines became quieter and quieter.
Panting softly your turned around and looked at your boyfriend who had a lazy smile across his perfect face.
He straightened up so he wasn’t leaning on his arms and held them out to you. You took his unskpoken offer and rushed into his arms, practically jumping on him. Once you were in his arms he fell back so you were on his chest and listened as the sappy lyrics of your favorite love song played through the happy room.
His eyes couldn’t focus on the pages infront of him as the kept finding their way back to you. You were laying on the bed next to him on your computer paying Poptropica :) and you silently cursed to yourself when your character catapulted themselves off a cliff on accident.
His eyes scanned themselves down your form bitting the inside of his cheek when he saw his large shirt pooling around you.
It was dark red and had a few small rips in it from being so old but it was his favorite shirt- and as it turns out it was yours too.
Putting his book down he turned off his bedside lamp and leaned over and grabbed your computer away from you. He quickly pressed save and then closed the device and also place it on his night stand.
“I was just about to figure out who had been ruining all the carrots!” You declared glaring at your boyfriend.
“You can play tomorrow.” He replied smiling lightly. He reached over and turned off your light. He then softly grabbed you and pulled you so you were his little spoon. “I love you.” He murmured against your head.
He watched you protectively as you climbed up the rock trail. He always walked behind you to make sure if you ever did fall he was right there to catch you before you could even react. Reaching out he put a hand on your hip lightly guiding you up the steep climb.
He tried to focus completely on the path infront of you but he couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from you.
Well that wasn’t unusual- but this time it was different.
You had both decided to go on a hike and you just decided to throw on his shirt and a pair of workout shorts. It was a black shirt with a big German flag printed on the back. The fact you were wrapped up in his flag made his protective and clingy side melt. It was like a warning to every person who even dared to look or god forbid touch you. It was a warning sign that screamed;
“Don’t touch what’s mine.”
And he was living for it.
Once you finally made it to the top he gave your hip a light squeeze before releasing you. He bent his arm behind him grabbing a water bottle out of the side pocket of his backpack. Handing it to you he watched as you took a few large gulps before handing it back to him. Bringing the water bottle up to his lips he quickly finished the rest of it and threw it in a nearby trash can.
“Look at how pretty it is!” You giggled grabbing his huge arm and pulling him to the edge. He instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist preventing you from getting to close.
The view was outstanding.
But he wasn’t talking about the same one you were.
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barbarelle · 4 years
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APH. Arthur Kirkland
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barbarelle · 4 years
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APH. Francis Bonnefeuille
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barbarelle · 4 years
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APH.Arthur Kirkland
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