barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
I see this post alot
One that says something along the lines of ‘If I could just see what I look like at my ugw, that would be my greatest motivation’
I’m here to tell you something like that exists
It’s called http://bodyvisualizer.com
Obviously it won’t be you exactly, however it will give you a good idea of what your body will look like. All you have to do is put in your height, sex, age, what your gw is and it will give you an estimate of your body at that weight.
💕 stay safe 💕
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
Quick 100 calories:
40 jumping jacks
30 crunches
20 squats
10 pushups
(I can’t do pushups, so I just do 40 more jumping jacks)
Thigh Gap:
10 toe touches
20 lunges
30 squats
40 jumping jacks
50 second toe touch
60 second wall sit
5 arm swings
2 burpees
5 bench dips
20 wall pushups
3 burpees
1 divebomber pushup
5 bench dips
5 kneeling pushups
3 renegade rows on each arm
2 inchworms
1 pushup
:30 downward dog
2 burpees
5 arm swings
:30 arm circles (forward and backward)
15 front lunges (both legs)
15 back lunges (both legs)
20 squats
30 leg lifts (each leg)
:20 plank
:30 downward dog
15 front lunges (both legs)
15 back lunges (both legs)
Slimmer waist:
30 crunches
30 reverse crunches
30 butterfly crunches
30 bicycle crunches
30 side plank dips
30 other side plank dips
30 Russian twists
Ab work out:
30 jumping jacks
20 crunches
10 vertical leg crunches
20 oblique crunches
30 Russian twists
:20 plank
10 sit ups
20 bicycles
30 scissors
20 vertical leg crunches
10 jack knife sit ups
:20 side plank (both sides)
30 Russian twists
20 oblique crunches
10 sit ups
20 scissors
:30 plank
Slimmer Legs:
20 windshield wipers (both sides)
20 bent side lifts (both sides)
20 leg pushes (both legs)
20 thigh twists (both legs)
:30 leg lift (both sides)
Here’s what I do at the gym:
16 crunches, knees bent
16 crunches, legs straight
16 crunches, legs in butterfly position
8 crunches, knees bent
8 crunches, legs straight
8 crunches, legs in butterfly position
16 crunches, knees bent
16 crunches, legs straight
16 crunches, legs in butterfly position
4 crunches, knees bent
4 crunches, legs straight
4 crunches, legs in butterfly position
2 crunches, knees bent
2 crunches, legs straight
2 crunches, legs in butterfly position
(Total of 138 crunches)
Cardio work out machines are actually best in intervals. It allows more fat to be burned in between intervals while your heart rate is still up.
20 min elliptical
5 min stretch
15 min elliptical
5 min stretch
10 min elliptical
5 min stretch
10 min stationary bike
If you don’t have a work out machine at home or a membership to a gym, you can also jump rope, which is great exercise, walk, jog, or dance. Look up all the ways you can mindlessly burn calories such as tapping your foot.
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
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A few diet plans if you’re struggling or are just keen for something new ✹
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
Hair falling out? Depressed? Anxious? Acne? Vitamins + Minerals 101 for people who suffer from an ED
So I have noticed I havent seen a lot of posts that extensively go into the deficiencies of vitamins and minerals that people with EDs face. I am not here to tell you to stop doing what youre doing. But I want everyone to stay safe!  And these problems are not just osteoporosis, cancer, thyroid problems, heart problems. These are small things like your hair falling out, bruising super easy, skin problems, fatigue, depression, anxiety etc etc. Long term affects of these deficiencies are super serious as well. Personally I would like to be skinny but also keep some form of health also. is there a way to have both?  So I decided to make this post. Feel free to add onto this post with experiences and knowledge as long as it is constructive! I am trying to educate and inform since i feel like this topic is a little neglected. I also would like to say i am not a doctor and neither are you (probably) This is just a tool to help people choose supplements/foods based on the problems they are experiencing. There is information about hair falling out, acne, there are even vitamins that can help your metabolism on here. I highlighted things that i felt were common and “safe foods” these are obviously my own personal standards. There is a grocery list at the end of the foods mentioned the most that i think are the safest in calories and what not. (I choose to cut out gluten, red meat, milk and dairy for the most part)  
Be safe my lovely people <3
“More than half of patients with Anorexia Nervosa failed to meet the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D, calcium, folate, vitamin B12, zinc, magnesium, and copper when assessed by diet history.”
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D defiency symptoms: Brittle and fragile bones, burning in mouth and throat, diarrhea, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, low blood calcium, myopia, nervousness, pale skin, poor metabolism, rickets, sensitivity to pain, soft bones and teeth, Osteoporosis and Osteopenia, and hypocalcemia. Vitamin D also enhances the immune system. 
Found in fish and dairy products fortified with vitamin D. Also: Eggs, butter, milk, oatmeal, salmon, sardines, sweet potatoes, and tuna. And, vitamin D can be converted from the action of sunlight on the skin. 
Folic acid: 
Found in beans, beef, bran, barley, brown rice, cheese, chicken, dates, green leafy vegetables, lamb, lentils, liver, milk, oranges, organ meats (like liver), split peas, pork, root vegetables (like carrots), salmon, tuna, whole grains, whole wheat and yeast.
Body parts affected:
Metabolism, red blood cells, overall growth and development, and nerves.
Deficiency symptoms:
Sore tongue, B12 deficiency, depression or anxiety, and fatigue. Folid Acid is needed for energy production, protein metabolism, the formation of red blood cells and it vital for normal growth and development. A deficiency of Folic Acid may contribute to depression and anxiety, a B12 deficiency, and birth defects in pregnant women.
ONE OF THE ESSENTIALS IN MAINTAINING ELECTROLYTE BALANCE – FOUND IN dairy foods, seafood and green leafy vegetables, sea vegetables (arame, dulse, hijki, kelp, wakame), molasses, nuts, almonds, asparagus, broccoli, buttermilk, cabbage, carob, cheese, shell fish, kale, oats, parsley, prunes, whey, tofu and yogurt.
Blood (acne!!!), bones, circulatory/ digestive/enzymatic/ immune and nervous systems, heart, muscles, skin, soft tissues and teeth.
DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Arm and leg numbness, brittle fingernails, eczema, fragile bones, headaches, heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, irritability, muscle cramps, nervousness, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, osteopenia, periodontal disease, rickets, tooth decay; Irregular heartbeat and slowed nerve impulse response, decreased muscle growth, aching joints, and arthritis. Calcium is an essential mineral for overall health. Vitamin D is essential for proper calcium absorption and utilization.
Vitamin B12: 
Found in: beef, blue cheese, cheese, clams, crab, fish, eggs, herring, kidney, liver, mackerel, milk and milk products, pork, seafood and tofu. It is not found in vegetables - only in animal sources.
(all vitamin B supplements should be taken together). BODY PARTS AFFECTED: liver, nerves, red blood cells, gastrointestinal tract.
appetite loss, diminished reflex responses, fatigue, irritability, memory impairment, mental depression and confusion, nervousness, pernicious anemia, unpleasant body odor, walking and speaking difficulties, weakness in arms and legs. A deficiency can cause problems with digestion, absorption of food, metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, nerves, fertility, growth and development. There can also be hallucinations, memory loss, eye disorders, and anemia. 
 Found in: fish, meats, poultry, seafood and whole grains, beef liver, egg yolks, lamb chops, lima beans, liver, mushrooms, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sardines, and soybeans, wheat germ and whole grains.
BODY PARTS AFFECTED: Blood, bones, eyes, heart, joints, liver, and prostate gland.
DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Acne, brittle nails, decreased learning ability, delayed sexual maturity, eczema, fatigue, loss of taste and smell, poor appetite, poor circulation, poor memory, prolonged wound healing, retarded growth, skin problems, splitting hair, sterility, white spots on nails; Problems with prostate gland function, and immune system, liver damage. Zinc intake and absorption is needed to maintain the proper concentrations of vitamin E in the blood. Zinc levels can be decreased by diarrhea, kidney disease, cirrhosis or the liver, diabetes. Consuming “hard water” can upset zinc levels.
  ONE OF THE ESSENTIALS IN MAINTAINING ELECTROLYTE BALANCE – Found in most foods, especially dairy products, fish, meat and seafood. Also: apples, apricots, bananas, brown rice, figs, garlic, lima beans, peaches, salmon, sesame seeds, tofu, green leafy vegetables, wheat and whole grains.
BODY PARTS AFFECTED: Arteries, bones, cells, digestive/ immune/ nervous and reproductive systems, heart, nerves, and teeth.
aching muscles, anxiety, broken nails, confusion, decreased blood pressure and body temperature, disorientation, easily aroused anger, hair loss, hyperactivity, insomnia, muscle tremors, nervousness, noise sensitivity, rapid pulse and sound sensitivity. Deficiency interferes with the transmission of nerve and muscle impulses, causes depression and dizziness, muscle weakness, twitching, heart disease and blood pressure problems, and disruption in proper pH balance. Magnesium plays an important role in the formation of bone, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism. It is vital to enzyme activity and assists in calcium and potassium uptake. Use of diuretics, laxatives, vomitting and diarrhea can significantly contribute to the body’s need for magnesium.
Found in: almonds, avocado, beans, barley, cauliflower, nuts, lamb chops, oranges, organ meats, peanuts, pecans, raisins, salmon and seafood (especially oysters), legumes, green leafy vegetables, radishes and soybeans.
BODY PARTS AFFECTED: Blood, bones, circulatory system, hair, and skin.
depression, elevated serum cholesterol, fractures and bone deformities, general weakness, impaired respiration, skin sores. Osteoporosis, slowed healing procsss, poor hair and skin coloring and loss in taste sensitivity. Copper works in balance with zinc and vitamin c to form elastin and aids in the formation of bones and red blood cells.
FOUND IN eggs, clams, fish, liver, meat, poultry, dark green leafy vegetables, enriched breads and cereals, brewer’s yeast, dates, dulse, egg yolks, kidney and lima beanss, lentils, millet, parsley, peaches, pears, dried prunes, pumpkins, raisins, rice and wheat bran, sesame seeds and soybeans.
BODY PARTS AFFECTED: Blood, bones, metabolic system, muscles, nails, skin and teeth.
Breathing difficulties, brittle nails, dry or falling-out hair, dizziness, iron deficiency anemia (pale skin, fatigue), constipation, sore or inflamed tongue. Iron is vital for it’s production of hemoglobin and oxygenation of red blood cells. Needed for healthy growth and the resistance of disease, and for a healthy immune system and energy.
FOUND IN: vegetable oils, whole grains, vegetables (dark leafy green), nuts and seeds, spinach, almonds, herring, kale, peanuts, brown rice, cornmeal, eggs, milk, oatmeal, organ meats, sweet potatoes, soy beans, unrefined cereal, and wheat germ.
BODY PARTS AFFECTED: Arteries, blood vessels, heart, lungs, nerves, pituitary glands and skin.
Enlarged prostate gland, gastrointestinal disease, dry or falling out hair, impotency, miscarriages, muscular wasting, muscle weakness, sterility. Decreased circulation, slow tissue healing, leg cramps. Vitamin E helps prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts and reduces scarring from some wounds. Zinc and Vitamin E work together.
Things to consider adding to your grocery list
-sweet potatoes
-black, pinto, kidney, lima beans
-seafood (muscles, clams, crab, sea vegetables, shrimp, salmon, fish, oysters)
-pumpkin seeds
-whole grain bread
-wheat germ 
-sesame seeds
-vegetable oils
Also would like to say that some items on the list can be expensive and *scary foods* for some people, and I want to recommend getting supplements as well for the things you think you are missing in your body. Treat your body well and it will treat you well!!! YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT
if you have any questions feel free to ask and i will answer as best i can! 
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
Reblog for meanspo/sweetspo
I’ll try to DM as many as possible! (:
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
*clock hits 00:00 on 01 January 2018*
oh woW I haVEnT eAten SIncE LaST yeAr lMaO aNA fTW
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
I relate so much
i wished someone would hit me in the face everytime i want to eat something unhealthy
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
IF YOU NEED TO CALL 911 BUT ARE SCARED TO BECAUSE OF SOMEONE IN THE ROOM, dial and ask for a pepperoni pizza. They will ask if you know you’re calling 911. Say yes, and continue pretending you’re making an order. They’ll ask if there’s someone in the room.
You can ask how long it will take for the pizza to get to you, and they will tell you how far away a dispatcher is.
Here is an example video
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
15 of these 🌾
Reblog if two or more applies to you:
You’re an adult (18+)
You’re LGBT+
You’re far from your UGW
Your UGW is less than 95 lbs
You’re POC
You don’t have many followers
You’re an active thinspo page
You want an ana buddy
You just want a buddy
You have something you want to get off your chest (DM me)
You like Overwatch
You like the Elder Scrolls (specifically, Skyrim)
You smoke weed
You’re terrified of gaining weight
600 calories a day is more than enough
You’re an artist who hates their art
Reading makes you happy
Coffee doesn’t taste good to you
You like Hamilton (The Musical)
You don’t feel valid
You like scrapbooking
You like photography
I’ll follow đŸŒ» maybe I’ll message
Need more like-minded people :*
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
Okay so I get so many messages asking how I lost all the weight in three months and I can’t be bothered replying to everyone so i’m just going to write a post about it. So basically my weight loss took exactly one hundred days and I set myself a lot of rules that I didn’t break in order to lose it all.
1. Sit down as little as possible. There’s so much you could be doing that doesn’t involve sitting on your phone like cleaning your room (wiping all the surfaces, making your bed, vacuuming, doing a load of washing etc.), organising your draws and cupboards, pampering yourself (painting your nails, washing your face, moisturising, doing a face mask, tanning etc.). Just basically anything is better than sitting down, even when i’m on tumblr I walk around my room I never sit still.
2. Only ever eat one meal. I actually never counted calories when I was losing weight. I would have a coffee in the morning and allow myself to eat one meal at any time with any calories during the day. I found as long as I kept up all my other rules and only ever ate once I would lose weight so yes I was still eating McDonalds while I was losing weight and no I would not gain.
3. Set yourself a daily beauty routine. Not only did I want my body to look good but I wanted to look good too so I started a beauty routine for my hair, face and body that I did everyday. Not only was it a good distraction but I always looked good and got a shit tonne of compliments.
4. Exercise for at least an hour a day. This is where heaps of people fuck up. And no i’m not talking about going for a walk for an hour or sticking strictly to cardio I did a lot of ab and glute exercises because if you’re only doing cardio you may be losing weight but you can still be flabby, if you want a body that you see on tumblr you’re going to have to tone yourself up. I always did my muscle building exercises after dinner.
5. Drink 2L water everyday. Every single night before bed I’d fill up my water bottle and put it in the fridge without fail so every morning I would have 2L of cold water for the day.
So yeah, it’s more about being consistent and having a routine that you don’t fuck up then being really obsessive about calories and then accidentally slipping up and binging.
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
Me: *loses 15 pounds*
Me: it’s just water weight I haven’t lost any actual weight yet
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
After 12hrs of fasting, your body starts burning fat
There aren’t any more calories to burn.
Imagine how much weight you could lose after 24 hours of fasting.
After 48 hours of fasting.
After 72 hours of fasting.
After a week of fasting.
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barbie-is-thinspo · 7 years
Honestly, not eating isn’t the hard part for me. It’s the waiting. Every moment of the day I just want it to be over: so I can go to sleep, wake up, and get back on the scale, so it can tell me I’m one step closer.
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