barbieondvd · 1 year
-ryke immediately high tailing it down a MOUNTAIN and booking a flight to paris bc daisy called him having a panic attack
-ryke chopping daisy’s hair off w a knife bc she wanted a haircut
-ryke making lo soup when he was sick (even though ryke was ALSO sick)
-ryke delivering lily’s baby in an elevator (i can’t remember if he actually did that or if he was just preparing to have to but either way)
acts of service king
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barbieondvd · 1 year
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Richard Connor Cobalt’s instagram before fame
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barbieondvd · 1 year
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ryke meadows’ instagram before fame
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barbieondvd · 1 year
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Loren Hale’s instagram before fame
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barbieondvd · 1 year
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lily calloway’s instagram before fame
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barbieondvd · 1 year
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Rose Calloway’s instagram before fame and during the first book
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barbieondvd · 1 year
-ryke immediately high tailing it down a MOUNTAIN and booking a flight to paris bc daisy called him having a panic attack
-ryke chopping daisy’s hair off w a knife bc she wanted a haircut
-ryke making lo soup when he was sick (even though ryke was ALSO sick)
-ryke delivering lily’s baby in an elevator (i can’t remember if he actually did that or if he was just preparing to have to but either way)
acts of service king
279 notes · View notes
barbieondvd · 1 year
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daisy calloways instagram profile before fame and during the first book
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barbieondvd · 1 year
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barbieondvd · 1 year
The humble paper clip, a small yet essential tool in our daily lives, serves as a powerful metaphor for the unlimited potential of the human spirit. Just as a paper clip can be used for its intended purpose of holding papers together, or repurposed in countless creative ways, such as a makeshift lock pick or a piece of jewelry, each individual possesses their own unique abilities and talents that can be utilized in a variety of ways.
The key to unlocking this potential is creativity. Like the paper clip, we must be willing to think outside of the box and see beyond our intended purpose. We must be open to new possibilities and take risks in order to discover and develop our talents. It is through creativity that we are able to find new and innovative ways to use our skills, whether it be in our personal or professional lives.
It is important to note that just as a paper clip can only be used for so much, we too have limits to what we can achieve, but those limits should never stop us from trying. The beauty of the paper clip is its simplicity, yet it's ability to be used in a multitude of ways. Similarly, every person has their own unique abilities and talents, and it's up to each of us to find how to use them in the best possible way.
We should all strive to be like the paper clip, embracing our creativity and using our talents in ways that are not just limited to what is expected of us. By doing so, we can achieve greatness and make a positive impact on the world.
In conclusion, the paper clip serves as a reminder of the unlimited potential that lies within each and every one of us. Through creativity and an open mind, we can discover and utilize our unique abilities to make a difference in the world. Let us all strive to be like the paper clip, embracing our potential and using it to the fullest.
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