barbieqribbes · 2 years
Wednesday 12/07/2022
In typical winter fashion, hibernation has begun. Although winter itself hasnt actually started it has seemed that way here in CA already ever since summer made it's exit sometime in October.
I don't want to socialize with anyone necessarily nor even communicate with friends so that's why I am here. Seems like this is a better place to put my thoughts anyway. And its not for wanting to make friends here because surely I do not. I need to be more discriminating with who I allow in my life moving forward. instead of accepting everyone as they are and then complaining later about it.
Winter has been tough to do anything. There is no motivation. There never was in any winter truly but it seems like all the best laid plans are still much more difficult than they were 2 months ago. And is it me or is it winter? I'd like to blame winter but at the same time I don't want to waste time which seems to always be in short supply to get things done, spend time with those I love, invest in quality activities, and achieve some goals of which there are always plenty. Much like some people I know, I can never stop moving because it will mean death. Or worse, apathy which is death of self. Not sure which is more scary at this point.
Have had lots on my mind wanting to type out and when I get here I'm just not ready so this will suffice for now until I can get back into those thoughts. Have a lot I want to accomplish still even with a fairly loose schedule for the day and week.
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barbieqribbes · 2 years
Apocalypse Dreamin' 12/06/2022
Weird dreams last night. Never sure if theyre a product of what I put on the TV before I sleep or not but it does seem likely. Just wanted to write it down to remember.
I only have fragments left so this will be jumbled. One big fragment was I was in a restaurant attached to a hotel. It seemed to be open air. There were a couple people there milling about but not eating as the place was closed but employees were present. It also seemed to be several stories high but not "roof top-y" I was looking for a wifi signal to make a phone call. I was snooping around for a sign that might have stated the restaurants wifi password. An employee was watching me. I managed to get to the edge of the building closest to the hotel which was actually across a freeway - in order to pick up the wifi signal from there because I had that already in my phone from a previous stay. My objective was to call Ryan who was out running errands as usual. Perhaps to get to the homestead.
Another fragment of this dream was - and to tie things together - there were creatures everywhere - deadly ones - like A Quiet Place and basically we were all trying to be quiet and not draw attention to ourselves lest we get killed. My husband Dave and I were going back and forth about driving a vehicle. I saw my friend Donna - we were at a house. Dont know who's house but the creatures were around there and we were being quiet but not really worried. In another segment we were trying to wrangle people to travel somewhere (Ryans homestead?) and an older woman went into the back of the U-Haul alone to ride in there and I thought is that really necessary? She didnt look happy about it. May have been a distant relative. Gray hair, slender, attractive but that worried look on her face. I could see it thru the windshield of whatever I was driving as we were organizing.
In yet another fragment, I was going to a Target store (sort of - but it didnt look like a Target store) and apparently I had worked there before or something, knew some of the employees. When I walked in, it was small and cramped with people "hiding" and being quiet. IT was all on a slope too. I walked down to the back where I could walk across the back of the store and the next office room in the employee area was there. There was a Dr I knew and some nurses. The Dr had already gone mad. His shirt was open and he had a large red painting on his chest. I got away as soon as I could.
There was more I am sure but this is all I can recall for now. The movie I put on before falling asleep was the Amazon original called Them and I don't think I got 5 minutes in before I was fast asleep.
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barbieqribbes · 4 years
Idiocracy Part 1
Really tired of the media being allowed to say shit that just isnt justified. Why do they have voices to spread disinformation and no one else does? I have though and fought about this for a long time starting as early as 35 years ago. If I get comfortable here I may have an ongoing breakdown of these nonsensical articles.
Link provided above. Not sure how long any yahoo links are good for. The article is below with my commentary embedded here and there.
Part 1 of the article:
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump, facing the prospect of leaving the White House in defeat in just 70 days, is harnessing the power of the federal government to resist the results How is that? The article doesn’t go on to state….of an election that he lost votes are still be counted people so this presumptive, something that no sitting president has done in American history.
In the latest sign of defiance, the president’s senior Cabinet secretary fueled concerns Tuesday Please tell us how he did that that Trump would resist handing over power to President-elect Joe Biden after legal challenges to the vote. And his opinion is news? “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.
Trump’s attorney general has at the same time authorized investigations into supposed vote fraud; his general services administrator has refused to give Biden’s team access to transition offices and resources guaranteed under law; and the White House is preparing a budget for next year as if Trump will be around to present it.
The president has also embarked on a shake-up of his administration, firing Defense Secretary Mark Esper as well as the heads of three other agencies while installing loyalists in key positions at the National Security Agency and the Pentagon. Allies who?? expect more to come, including the possible dismissals of the directors of the FBI and the CIA.It would be about time those corrupt jerks were fired
But the rest of the world increasingly moved to accept Biden’s victory Bidens what now? votes are still being counted and prepared to work with him despite Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the results. Speaking with journalists, Biden called the president’s actions since Election Day “an embarrassment” that will not serve him well in the long run. “How can I say this tactfully?” Biden said. “It will not help the president’s legacy.” Because that’s what liberals do when they dont get what they want is call people names and denigrate them anyway they can
The standoff oh we have a standoff now? is that an admission the election isnt over? left the United States in the position of the kind of country whose weak democratic processes it often criticizes. WE are a constitutional republic Rather than congratulating Biden and inviting him to the White House, as his predecessors traditionally have done after an election changed party control VOTES ARE STILL BEING COUNTED AND CERTIFIED HELLO, Trump has been marshaling his administration and pressuring his Republican allies into acting as if the outcome were still uncertain it is, either out of faint hope of actually overturning the results or at least creating a narrative to explain his loss. It aint over until the fat lady sings. Many margins have been too close to call. Real Clear Politics at this time while showing Biden in the lead, does not show a Biden victory. Contradictory to what Yahoo shows you. All counts within a certain percentage will have to be recounted. There have been MANY Allegations of fraud and corruption. No one is saying there has been an orchestrated movement except for the Democrats themselves who have done nothing since the Russia collusion dissolved except try to turn this election in their favor.
The president’s efforts to discredit with false claims These are not false claims both the election results and the incoming Biden administration is in many ways the culmination of four years of stocking the government with pliant appointees you havent been paying attention at all in the past 4 years have you? while undermining the credibility of other institutions in American life, including intelligence agencies Theyve proven themselves to be corrupt, law enforcement authorities What ?!? The people that endorsed Trump? I dont think so, the news media didnt have credibility in the first place just as I am demonstrating to you here, technology companies again - it’s very clear to see their obvious bias. one only has to look, the federal government more broadly well yes Trump is here to drain the swamp. and the more success he has, the harder they fight and now election officials in states across four time zones. 
I would be here all day breaking down news articles left and right for you. Here is a taste. Feel free to read the entire thing if you have that much time but some of us like to work.
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barbieqribbes · 4 years
Today is the greatest...
Day Ive ever known. Can’t wait for tomorrow...
just kidding.
So far while it’s not the worst, it’s on the side of depressing.
The first sign of weather as arrived. That’s a good thing! But it’s brought the coldest start with it as the jet stream dips on us. Todays high will be about 20 degrees colder than yesterday. And moving forward in the 10 day it’s not getting much warmer. Theyre closing all the passes today in anticipation of the storm coming for this weekend. I knew I should have gone to Lake Alpine yesterday one last time!
Brandi is not making it in today. She went to be with Amanda since Amandas mother passed. Altho she was in hospice care and not expected to live long, it still came quicker than anticipated. Brandi has experience here and is happy to be where she is most needed. Truly a world class heart. No doubt her absence here is part of todays depressing mood.
And the election rages on. It doesnt look good for America. How could this be so bungled? How could states be allowed to jerk off so much? There should be legislation to stop that. The mail in ballot scheme of the Dems has worked in their favor surprise surprise. How is that? All of a sudden people can vite that never voted before? No. It just made all their attempts at fraud that much easier with an easy scape goat to boot: The USPS. This is like the biggest joke ever. And as usual, shit is being declared without all the ballots even being accounted for. I’m not sure my vote has ever been counted. They have it, theyve had it since election day. 
So the things I should be doing today, I am not. It’s a hard go to convince myself to get anything done but I must so if I keep moving, stuff will get done at least.
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barbieqribbes · 5 years
I still havent found what I’m Looking for
why dont these things have dates on them? Pretty sad if this is the best available for blogging. Back to Word Press?
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barbieqribbes · 6 years
Again without youuuuuu
Yah whatever
Alone is a state I’m used to for good or ill. Doesn’t seem to matter what I do because when the shit hits the fan, it’s just me left to deal with it. Whether I’m in a relationship or not, whether close friends are nearby or not, no matter what, when I could use a friendly ear or compassion, it’s simply not there for me.
That sounds self pitying but it’s the truth. And it’s not for lack of nurturing otherwise. It’s simply in this capacity the one infallible thing that happens time and time again. I’m beyond used to it which makes me strong. Nonetheless I’m also tired of it. Which makes me think things like... should I even be married? Should I relocate and start over? Yet again?
I don’t care for these thoughts and yet there they are! And tomorrow will everything be different like usual? I don’t know. Since I have more means now I’m inclined to just disappear....
The thought is delicious
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barbieqribbes · 6 years
It’s been along time since I’ve tried to blog. So of course I’m going to try and preface this a bit and offer an excuse for me being out of touch for so long.
I won’t be linking this to anything but it will be out there for family friends and strangers in case you don’t know anything about me I come from the 360 and multiply family of bloggers who are forced to commute to a common place called Facebook for communication. Where the flaws are many and require no explanation. So whether or not you join me here you are welcome. Feels great come back a little bit
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