#medialiescontinue mediabias 11112020 election
barbieqribbes · 4 years
Idiocracy Part 1
Really tired of the media being allowed to say shit that just isnt justified. Why do they have voices to spread disinformation and no one else does? I have though and fought about this for a long time starting as early as 35 years ago. If I get comfortable here I may have an ongoing breakdown of these nonsensical articles.
Link provided above. Not sure how long any yahoo links are good for. The article is below with my commentary embedded here and there.
Part 1 of the article:
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump, facing the prospect of leaving the White House in defeat in just 70 days, is harnessing the power of the federal government to resist the results How is that? The article doesn’t go on to state….of an election that he lost votes are still be counted people so this presumptive, something that no sitting president has done in American history.
In the latest sign of defiance, the president’s senior Cabinet secretary fueled concerns Tuesday Please tell us how he did that that Trump would resist handing over power to President-elect Joe Biden after legal challenges to the vote. And his opinion is news? “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.
Trump’s attorney general has at the same time authorized investigations into supposed vote fraud; his general services administrator has refused to give Biden’s team access to transition offices and resources guaranteed under law; and the White House is preparing a budget for next year as if Trump will be around to present it.
The president has also embarked on a shake-up of his administration, firing Defense Secretary Mark Esper as well as the heads of three other agencies while installing loyalists in key positions at the National Security Agency and the Pentagon. Allies who?? expect more to come, including the possible dismissals of the directors of the FBI and the CIA.It would be about time those corrupt jerks were fired
But the rest of the world increasingly moved to accept Biden’s victory Bidens what now? votes are still being counted and prepared to work with him despite Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the results. Speaking with journalists, Biden called the president’s actions since Election Day “an embarrassment” that will not serve him well in the long run. “How can I say this tactfully?” Biden said. “It will not help the president’s legacy.” Because that’s what liberals do when they dont get what they want is call people names and denigrate them anyway they can
The standoff oh we have a standoff now? is that an admission the election isnt over? left the United States in the position of the kind of country whose weak democratic processes it often criticizes. WE are a constitutional republic Rather than congratulating Biden and inviting him to the White House, as his predecessors traditionally have done after an election changed party control VOTES ARE STILL BEING COUNTED AND CERTIFIED HELLO, Trump has been marshaling his administration and pressuring his Republican allies into acting as if the outcome were still uncertain it is, either out of faint hope of actually overturning the results or at least creating a narrative to explain his loss. It aint over until the fat lady sings. Many margins have been too close to call. Real Clear Politics at this time while showing Biden in the lead, does not show a Biden victory. Contradictory to what Yahoo shows you. All counts within a certain percentage will have to be recounted. There have been MANY Allegations of fraud and corruption. No one is saying there has been an orchestrated movement except for the Democrats themselves who have done nothing since the Russia collusion dissolved except try to turn this election in their favor.
The president’s efforts to discredit with false claims These are not false claims both the election results and the incoming Biden administration is in many ways the culmination of four years of stocking the government with pliant appointees you havent been paying attention at all in the past 4 years have you? while undermining the credibility of other institutions in American life, including intelligence agencies Theyve proven themselves to be corrupt, law enforcement authorities What ?!? The people that endorsed Trump? I dont think so, the news media didnt have credibility in the first place just as I am demonstrating to you here, technology companies again - it’s very clear to see their obvious bias. one only has to look, the federal government more broadly well yes Trump is here to drain the swamp. and the more success he has, the harder they fight and now election officials in states across four time zones. 
I would be here all day breaking down news articles left and right for you. Here is a taste. Feel free to read the entire thing if you have that much time but some of us like to work.
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