barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
Caroline rolled her eyes playfully at Ryder's temporary nickname for her. Of course, it wasn't the first time she'd been named that. She watched him contently, hoping that whatever he chose for the deal wasn't too horrible. To be honest, just after the first couple of sips, she was already a bit tired of the beverage. Upon finally hearing his consequence to not finishing, her eyebrows raised and she straightened out. "Okay, now I'm starting to get the feeling you just want me drunk." A small laugh vibrated in her throat before she took another harsh sip of her beer, making a small face afterwards.
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"Alright, alright, sassy pants." Ryder grinned at the blonde as he tipped his glass bottle full of alcohol into his mouth. He cleared his throat as he thought of something they could bet on. He wanted to make it good. Especially since she seemed so sure that she would finish her bottle. "How about, if you don’t finish that bottle, you have to…." he trailed off as he continued to think of a good bet. "You have to take two shots of whisky." He smirked at her.
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
wow hi everyone
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
Again, she couldn't help but to laugh after taking a sip of her bottle. "Okay, and what would you like to bet?" She asked, leaned her elbow on the back of the couch, then the side of her head on her hand, while wearing a wide smile. She glanced at the tv, grabbing the remote quick, before he had the chance to. "They're called romantic dramas, and no." She said bitterly before switching off the television, then laughing a bit afterwards.
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"I’d like to make a bet on that." He grinned at her before tipping the bottle into his lips. He leaned back against the cushion, folding his legs as he rested his feet on the coffee table. "What are we watching, anyway? Some girly vampire romance?" He teased, raising a brow at her.
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
i think i'm going to be going on a hiatus starting tonight. it shouldn't be long. probably just after new years or something. and it's only a semi hiatus. i should be replying to my longer threads very very soon. i'm looking at you ofscorn because i know i'm horrible at replying in a reasonable time. :/ i'm sorry !! but i won't be gone for long. i love all of you guys. <3
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
Caroline's smugly smiled when he mentioned all of her unfinished alcohol. It wasn't her fault she was kind of a lightweight. She didn't drink all too much, so when she actually did have a few, they hit her like a ton of bricks. It was a curse, but also soft of a blessing. She never actually got completely wasted and she looked at that in a good light. "Well, tonight, if I don't finish it, I don't know. I'm cut off or something. I don't care, whatever you want. But I'll finish it." She playfully snatched the bottle opener from his larger hand, then laugh and spoke a 'thank you' as she opened her bottle. 
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"Mhm," Ryder grinned at her, handing her the bottle before taking a seat next to her. "You can never finish your own, Care. I’ve emptied tons of beer bottles left on my counter half full.” He grinned at her again, his hand reaching for the bottle opener resting on the coffee table. He pressed the metal against the cap and popped it off before handing it to the blonde next to him.
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
probably an unpopular opinion: i don't have a problem with caroline being comforted by stefan and that stefan was the person to tell her her mother was dying. i don't think they're making it all about steroline. is it kinda of putting stefan back in the circle of caroline life, sure. but i don't think that its going to be all about steroline. i think caroline needs stefan to be her best friend again, and he's trying to be there for her more, now. this is just how i feel about it. 
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
"Is that so? And what do these plans involve you doing?"
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"I do now."
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
starting tomorrow my activity is going to go up again i promise!
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
What is it like with Sophie instead of Lydia? (v; yes master)
              “I think the biggest difference with Sophieis that she’s always around. And I really                like that. With Lydia, it didn’t seem like   she wanted to be there, half of the time.                And after a while, I kinda figured out why.   But yeah, I really like Sophie. She’s really                nice, and gorgeous, obviously.”
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
no n o why does it have to be over?
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
When Ryder turned around with two bottles in his hands, she wore a slightly brighter smile and moved over slightly, making a bit more room for him on the couch. She reached up, only to have it snatched from her near grasp. Her mouth fell open a bit as she acted as if she was offended by what he said. "I would never. Beer is my favorite. I might just finish your's too if you're not careful." A small laugh escaped her lips once more as she reached up again for the bottle, wearing a cute innocent smile.
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Ryder chuckled as the girl spoke. He dug through his fridge and pulled out his last two bottles of beer before walking over to the couch and handing her one. He quickly pulled the glass bottle away from her hand just as she was about to reach for it. “Ah - this is my last bottle.” He grinned down at her. “So if you take it, I expect you to drink all of it. Not take a few sips and leave it half full on the counter before you leave.” He teased her.
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
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       "Well, I'm sorry. But you promised         you'd help me get a tree. And         while I might still hate you, I          still need your help. So get up."
[ barbiielf ] liked this post for a starter
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
Caroline's body jumped a bit upon hearing the man's voice suddenly. She wasn't expecting him to be home so early. But when she saw him, she straighten up on the couch and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry. I called the locksmith and he told me he won't be able to come til later tonight." She let out a small laugh, shaking her head softly. "I didn't drink all of your beer. But I'll take one now if you'll let me." She offered a wide smile his way.
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"Making yourself at home, I see?" Ryder grinned at the girl on his couch as he walked through his front door, tossing his bag on to the counter. "I hope you didn’t drink all my beer!" He teased her, walking over to the fridge.
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
send one for my muse's reaction;
"What are you doing here?"
"Of course I moved on!"
"I can’t wait for you."
"Why didn’t you wait for me?"
"Aren’t sunrises a little cliche?"
"As long as it doesn’t require me pants, I’m in."
"It’s your time to shine."
"And we’re sure that’s not illegal?"
"And if I say yes?"
"Dude, what the hell?"
"Wait, since when are you gay?"
"What the hell did I miss?"
"I was gone for for five minutes!"
"She/he’s been my bed for the last twenty four hours, and I can’t remember their name. Think it would be rude to ask for it again?"
"I don’t see anything wrong with a shotgun Vegas wedding."
"If you don’t shut up, I will personally stab you in the eye with a spork."
"Is that really your version of an apology?"
"I hope you step on a lego every day for the rest of your life."
"Now that’s just stupid."
"I’m prepared, I think."
"We finally got it right."
"I choose you. No one else. You."
"I gave up a long time ago."
"In what world was that okay?"
"This is not a bad vampire romance novel, please shut up with the dramatics."
"Kinda wanna have sex, but also kinda wanna eat pizza."
"We could always just run away."
"I’m dying. How’s that for a dinner conversation starter?"
"Please stop asking me out."
"Love is a fairytale told to children."
"That wasn’t me."
"I didn’t do it!"
"That may have been my fault."
"Is this your first date?"
"You’re the biggest wimp."
"You’re pretty shy."
"Are you trying to hold my hand?"
"Let me sleep."
"There’s no way that I’ll say no."
"I don’t want to get up."
"Why don’t you love me?"
"I don’t want to live in a world without you."
"There’s a fire inside of you."
"I don’t think I can do this anymore."
"Oh good. Just what I needed to hear."
"Tonight as perfect."
"It’s just for the night!"
"I didn’t steal it. I borrowed it. Possibly for a long time."
"It hurts."
"We could go backpacking?"
"What do you mean you want to go home?"
"You don’t know me!"
"I skipped class today."
"I bought you a ring even."
"You bought me flowers?"
"What are you doing home so late?"
"Sorry I’m not what you expected."
"I burned my tongue."
"What a fake smile."
"Did you just laugh at me?"
"I can do it!"
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
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                                                 wouldn’t    kill    you    to                                                      have   a   little   bit   of                                                                          f a i t h .
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barbiieforbes-blog · 10 years
Send me "Don't go!" If you never, EVER want me to delete this blog
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