We will not forget those who supported Palestine. You are in our prayers❤️
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Wait wait stop the presses! No more comparing Lois Lane to Luz Noceda. She's actually Korean.
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seriously WHY isnt 'tumblr update' or some variant trending?? you people just going to accept this crap?? in the last bastion of a tolerable webspace??? sure we can fix it with xkit eventually but that really shouldnt be the way im. hello??? is anyone here???
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For all self-shippers who needed to hear this: your fav loves you.
Don't listen to those who say "he would never love you", "he would kill you and not love you, stop dreaming".
If self-ship makes you happy, nothing should bother you. If it supports you, don't listen to anyone. Continue!
And for those skeptics who spoil people's fun, I want to say one thing: touch the grass on the street. Seriously.
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It’s the beginning of pride month and I just want to get something off of my chest regarding my writing. I am cisgender bisexual woman. I feel that it is not my place to write about characters being trans, gay (MxM), or any other sexaulities/identities WITHOUT THE HELP OF SOMEONE WHO IDENTIFIES AS SUCH. I barely can pass as a writer and write fan fiction as a hobby to pass time. My place is not to make assumptions on or fetishize any sexualities/identities. This blog is meant to be a safe place for all to enjoy. Which is why I use gender neutral terms and avoid using descriptive words on appearance whenever I can.
Please if you want to see me write a story for how you identify, help me. I will send you the proof read and we can work together on making a fanfiction that accurately represents you. Correct my writing, tell me how to fix things, make these stories comfortable to read.
Thank you. I hope no one takes offense to this. Any requests that get proofread will have their blog credited unless asked not to.
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I've Been Doing Some Reading Part 3
Summary: This is it guys, the roof top.
Warnings: FLUFF
Words: 1243
Authors note: Sorry this one took so long. I had a family member pass and took some time to grieve. But I'm back in action!
part 1 part 2
Before your feet could move Hunter was pulling you off towards the staircase causing you to fumble a little before catching up. Hunter was chatting away but you were so focused on how he was pulling you. Why was he so excited to go to the rooftop? He was never this excited before. 
If only you could see how red his face was. Internally, Hunter was losing it and was ready to chicken out. His grip tightened on your hand and he started to walk faster. If he chickened out now he would never take another chance. It said so in the books. Everytime the main character decided to go against their feelings ended up with them losing their lover for years. You were already starting to be pulled away from him. Months feel like years without you. Years are unimaginable. 
“What’s got you so excited today Goldie?” you huff trying to keep up with him. You having trouble keeping up?” Hunter glances over his shoulder with a cocky smirk. Slight annoyance fills you and you pull your hand from his. Zooming ahead of him but only for a few moments. Hunter starts running at top speed and reaches the stairs. Practically running into them he looks back and chuckles before ascending. By the time you reached the top of the stairs Hunter was sitting in the window. Excited eyes meet before he pushes himself out to ride his staff up. You stick your head out of the window, slightly out of breath, and let the wind hit your face. Finally pushing yourself out and letting yourself fall for a few seconds before hopping on your staff and jetting back up. As you landed Hunter was standing with his back towards you. Carefully you try to sneak up on him. Your hands were about to grab a hold of his shoulders when he turned around quickly. Gloved hands wrap around one of your wrists and he pulls you close so your faces are inches apart. “Still trying that move?” he laughs. Laughter bursts out of you and let yourself plop onto the hard cement. Hunter lays next to you, his hand grazing yours as he settles in. The air felt thick and full of tension as the stars shimmer above. Thoughts raced through your mind as you tried to recall any reason to explain golden boys behavior. But the harder you searched the less of an explanation came to mind. Something slipped into your hand. 
Peeking up you see that Hunter had placed his hand onto yours. The back of his hand resting in your palm. (E/C) eyes travel to his face in an attempt to gain an answer to the question bubbling inside of you. Golden locks blew gently in the wind and magenta eyes stayed glued to the sky above. Silently you take in how his lips curl ever so slightly into a smile. How his chest rises and falls with each breath. You take in the peace of this moment. Hunter's eye quickly flashes over to you and you smile even wider. Gripping his hand, a sigh of relief leaves you. This was not the Hunter you knew. The Hunter you knew would have filled the silence with random facts or summaries of books he’s read. Your Hunter wouldn’t have slipped his hand into yours without a reason. But this wasn’t the Hunter you knew, right now you laid beside the Golden Guard. A part of you was saddened at the change. It stung to think that perhaps things really never stayed the same. Hunter on the other hand was doing everything in his power not to ‘ruin the mood’ by spouting nonsense. In the books he read said that the best confessions happen after a bit of silence. Deep down he wanted nothing more than to tell you about how he started reading romance novels. Or maybe brag about how he now gets to sleep till six am. Maybe even give you some gossip he’s collected in the months he’s been away. Stealing quick glances he catches you staring at him. His face grows hot when your eyes connect. Slowly Hunter sits up and shuffles so his back is pressed against one of the larger cement blocks lining the edge. With a smirk he pats his lap, hoping you take him up on the offer. You turn on your side and give him a confused look. Sitting on his lap was not something foreign to you. After punishments you would find yourself sitting in his lap to hold goldie close. Hunter has sat in your lap for comfort as well. Affection and comfort was common before the Golden Guard came into the picture. No news of a punishment had reached your ears yet. Nor had any paperwork about a failed mission reached your desk. Still Hunter pats again so with a grunt you hop up and crawl onto his lap. Instinctively your hands land on his shoulders and Hunter folds his behind the middle of your back. Red flushed his cheeks and his false confidence seems to have broken as it seems impossible to maintain any eye contact. Gently you place a hand on his cheek. Hunter practically melts into your touch as his eyes flutter shut. How could he have forgotten how warm your hands always are? Taking a deep breath he steadies his shaky hands. “I’ve been doing some reading,” the knots in his stomach tighten as he finally meets your eyes. “And?” you ask, wondering if Hunter had hit his head. All the boy did was read and everyone knew it. “And the b-books I read had some interesting things to say,” the words were piling up in his throat faster than he could say them. “Out with it pretty boy, there’s only a few more hours of rest before we’ll be found,” if this was about another history book that he read you were going to kill him. “They had some interesting things to say about us,” slowly Hunter unfolds his hands and presses them against your back. Staying in the same spot but it made this position feel more intimate. 
“Us?” you whisper shocked. Electricity shot through you at the new touch. Before you could ask another question you felt lips press against yours. The kiss was stiff and awkward but still your eyes flutter shut. It couldn’t have lasted longer than fifteen seconds but it felt as if time had stopped. Pulling away Hunter realized what he had done and looked up at you in shock. A hand moves to cover his mouth and to possibly cover the red spreading across his face. “The things we do, they aren’t normal for friends. And I don’t want them to be normal for friends. I want to be more than friends,” golden boy squeaks out barely loud enough for you to hear. “Thank Titan you made a move,” you sigh and press your forehead to his, “I was worried I was going to have to confess first.” Hunter moves his hand to show the largest smile on his face. “C-Can I kiss you again?” He asks shyly. “You can kiss me as many times as you want,” You giggle.  Bonus >:3 “Those romance novels really helped me out. Maybe I should branch out to different genres!” “Hunter…. It took a romance novel for you to ask me out?” “Well like seven but yes.”
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aaron taylor johnson and charlie heaton were both groomed by older, more powerful women when they were new to the industry. terry crews spoke of being sexually harassed by an executive. brendan fraser was sexually assaulted and the experience was so horrible for him that it spiraled him into a depression, affecting his career. his assaulter never faced charges. the kevin spacey trial is coming up where he is being charged for sexual assault.
if you GENUINELY care for male victims, at least famous ones, you’d make some noise about these cases. however, these past few months, i have hardly seen a bolstering of these cases. instead i see a campaign of inappropriate memes and edits being made. is that your way to show you “care about male victims” lmao?? by making a mockery of a case discussing dv topics?? i think people like to hide behind the guise of caring about male victims when it’s really just an excuse to engage in inappropriate, obscene behaviors.
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St. Agatha City credits sequence :))
It's about 1/2 done. I'm really proud of it!!
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who up hit like
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I shouldn’t have done this for i have created something so perfect that I can never hold in my hands 😔
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Here’s the thing about LGBT+ vs. Queer.
I’m ace, nonbinary, and demiromantic. With LGBT+ I’m included in the plus. And I’m happy to be included! Indeed, folks pointedly using LGBT without the plus makes my hackles raise.
But. I am sick of being in the fucking plus sign like an afterthought.
And no, adding more to the alphabet soup doesn’t help that feeling. There’s a limit to what human brains can cram in. I don’t think it’s reasonable to make folks say an increasingly long acronym every time they mention the community. I appreciate the effort, but you’re always going to either leave someone out or cram them into the miscellaneous field the plus sign represents.
With Queer I’m just there, alongside my queer siblings. The details may be different, but I’m just as queer as a cis allo gay man or a trans allo straight woman or a genderfuck individual.
We already tried to meet folks who don’t like queer as a word halfway with MOGAI. Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignment, and Intersex. It’s inclusive without using the Dreaded Q-Word. Surely, if the objection was to “queer” as a Terribly Traumatizing Word (just like, oh, every other word used for us: “gay” was the slur of choice where I was growing up), MOGAI would be the perfect solution, yes?
And yet, that was thrown back into our faces and turned into an insult. So, at that point, I said fuck it and fuck you. I’m queer, and if its inclusivity makes you mad, good.
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Doodles :P
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Almost One Year Later
On June 29th, I began working on the St. Agatha City pitch, that would go on to be the basis for the demo, which we finally released the alpha of just over two weeks ago! Since then, we've gotten 400 views on the game's download page, and had 45 copies downloaded!
I just wanted to say thank you, again - all of you - for your support, kindness, and the joy you've given me being here for this journey. I'll try to have the first patch out by the 29th for our one year development anniversary, and we'll see about throwing another server party to celebrate!
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