The Library Meme
📰 - Do you have any new headcanons for your muse?
📓 - Do you have new verses you’re working on at the moment?
📔 - Is there a thread you want people to take note of?
📕 - Have you noticed your muse picking up any bad habits lately? 
📗 - Have you noticed your muse picking up any good habits lately?
📘 - Do you see any signature habits in your own writing?
📙 - What has been your proudest muse moment so far?
📖 - Will you share a secret about your muse?
📒 - How many drafts do you have waiting? 
📚 - Is there a part of your muse you want to explore but haven’t yet had the chance? 
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Nsfw headcanons for Thes, Newt and Credence
Theseus has an above average length cock, his particular virtue is being able to cum on command once he’s been properly stimulated. He’s also quite the size queen, but he’ll never tell anyone that. Thes is a closeted gay, so unless you’re expecting romance he’s available for all people.
Newt has a large cock and is a sexual degenerate. There isn’t much he hasn’t tried yet or is unwilling to try. Just make him an offer and he’s good to go. Newt is Bisexual, so he’s available for all people for both smut and romance.
Credence is hung TM and despite being sexually repressed he’s eager to learn once you get him going. He’s very gay and only attracted to much older men.
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Send "Unf" if your muse finds mine sexually attractive.
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Send 😷 to have your muse take care of my sick muse
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Rules and Guidelines
1. Do not rp with me if you’re under 18. Smut is going to happen, knowing me and I rarely rp threads without it. (I do rp threads without smut, just to be clear.) I don’t want to go to jail, so I’m not going to rp with you if you’re underage. (If I find out you’re lying to me you’re getting blocked.)
2. Following me is fine, so is asking questions of a non sexual nature or educational questions about sex/love/gender identity.
3. Do not send me anon hate. I will find you, I will report you, I will out you for the world to see. You’ve been warned.
4. Do not pester me for replies. Ask me if I haven’t responded in a few days, but don’t start within the same hour or day. It annoys me after a few times and I will ignore you.
5. Let’s just have a good time. I will not rp underage smut or animal abuse. Everything else goes, including incest.
6. Not all ask memes will result in a thread, I reserve the right to choose.
7. I’m okay with people reblogging memes from me, I’d appreciate an ask back but I don’t consider it mandatory. Just be nice about it okay? That’s all I ask.
I reserve the right to choose my own rp partners and decline a rp request. That said I am very friendly so don’t be afraid to talk to me.
I have very little triggers, can rp most anything and am not picky about what I like.
This blog is an nsfw blog and you’ll find mature content on it. Viewer/reader discretion is advised when visiting this blog. I always tag my nsfw content with nsfw or don’t touch the goods.
I have bios and headcanons for all of my muses, if they are up on the blog I ask that you read them before rping with me. I always read yours if you have them up, so I ask for the same respect.
I do answer asks but it may take awhile to answer them. Same with drafts, I’m not always in the mood to do them or I may be to busy. I ask for patience or if you really wanna rp with me just shoot me a message. I don’t bite, I promise.
I am a multishipper, meaning I don’t stick to one specific ship or verse and I’m open to almost any ship. So if you’re looking for a ship just message me and I’m sure we can work towards a fun and awesome ship. I do broships, romantic ships, enemy/rival ships, love/hate ships and just pretty much any kind of ship you can imagine. Although I will not ship my muses with underage characters.
I am not my muses, anything they say or do isn’t supported by me. If my muse hates/dislikes your muse it doesn’t mean I don’t like you. Chances are I absolutely love you and my muse is just a dick. Please don’t assume I am my muse.
Don’t send me hate. Don’t like it, don’t appreciate it, don’t take it. I will discover who you are and report your sorry little ass to the tumblr staff. You’ve been warned.
I rp smut, I enjoy it if our characters click and it’s something that I just love to write. If that’s not your cup of tea just tell me. I won’t judge you or force you, I’m not that kind of person.
I love plotting, plotting and plotting. Au’s, new verses and what not are high on the list too, so basically just approach me. I don’t bite, I promise. Talk to me, ask me stuff and let’s have fun.
If you’ve read all of my rules, please comment: I don’t want to control it.
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Reblog this if you’re 18+ or 21+.
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“Hello Credence,” Graves greeted and beckoned the boy down into the alley. 
“I have brought you something,” he said taking out a necklace with a cross on it, simple by design so it would not attract too much attention and even if spotted would be a normal thing for Credence to wear. “The cross is enchanted. If you hold it in your hand and count to ten, I will know you need me and I shall come to you. Do not use it frivolously, especially not in your church or we might be discovered.” 
Graves took the two sides of the cord and tied them behind Credence’s neck, bringing his body within a semblance of an embrace.
“Mister Graves..”
Credence followed mister Graves dutifully, looking curiously at the necklace. He shuffled nervously, allowing the other man to put the necklace on him but flushing at the contact. He unconsciously leaned into Graves, not quite touching him but being so close he practically could. Credence closed his eyes, shaking a little as he fought the urge to find comfort in the older man’s arms.
He really couldn’t or shouldn’t do so, he reminded himself. 
“I won’t, mister Graves. I’ll guard it safely, I will not disappoint you.” He tucked the necklace under his shirt just to be sure. “I- I don’t know who the child is yet- I wish I had better news.”
The perks of being an obscurus || closed with realpercivalgraves
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Credence X Percival Aesthetic
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Requested by @loveisforchildren-percivalgraves a long time ago
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How is this the same character??
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When Credence was done, Graves escorted him outside of the diner.
At Credence’s words he laid a hand on his cheek and turned his face up gently. “I’m sure you will. I have faith in you.” He let his hand drop away. “Now I must go, but I shall see you tomorrow after work. Goodbye, Credence.” 
They weren’t far from the Woolworth building, so Graves chose to walk back instead of apparating.  His afternoon proved to be more eventful than expected courtesy of Tina kicking up a fuss and dragging Theseus’ younger brother of all people into MACUSA. 
He came home late and nearly forgotten that he had promised to enchant something for Credence. He settled on a necklace: easy to conceal and keep on on your person at all time. 
The next day after work Graves went to look for Credence again, even though he did not expect him to have any information this fast. 
Credence watched the older man go, feeling something strange stir in his gut at the sight of him retreating. He pushed it away, reminding himself that such thoughts were impure.
When he got back he managed to avoid his mother for the night, hiding himself in a supply closet and sneaking out at the first sign of dawn with some of the left over pamphlets. He’d be beaten for it tonight, that he was sure of. But for now he was safe from his mother’s wrath. 
He stayed near the bank, the one his mother frequently held her lectures at and tried to pass the few pamphlets he had left onto bystanders. He looked up with a slight smile when he spotted Mister Graves and quickly reverted his gaze back to the ground.
The perks of being an obscurus || closed with realpercivalgraves
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Percival: You’re not stupid, Credence. Credence: I am actually. I’m failing almost everything. Percival: There must be something you’re good at. Credence: I can fit my whole fist in my mouth. Want to see? Percival: No, thank you.
Mean Girls (2004)
for anon
Now for something completely different
(Requests now closed)
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He looked sympathetic. “I can only imagine..” He said softly, carefully pulling the sling to the side so Lilith could see the boys a bit better. “About two weeks ago. They’re not identical, just resemble each other a lot. This is Ethan and that’s Evan.”
A letter had come from Lilith to credence asking for him to visit her and it had grave news. She had just lost her husband during a mission and not long after both her daughters while they were helping their brother with dragons in germany
Credence quickly snuck away at the first oppertunity, two week old twins, Ethan and Evan, in tow. He carried them in a sling as he walked, making his way through New York with swiftness as he found Lilith’s apartment. He knocked on the door. “Lilith? It’s me.”
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He steps inside, unsure of what to do or say as he walks into the apartment. “I’m- I’m really sorry Lilith. I received your letter a few days ago.”
A letter had come from Lilith to credence asking for him to visit her and it had grave news. She had just lost her husband during a mission and not long after both her daughters while they were helping their brother with dragons in germany
Credence quickly snuck away at the first oppertunity, two week old twins, Ethan and Evan, in tow. He carried them in a sling as he walked, making his way through New York with swiftness as he found Lilith’s apartment. He knocked on the door. “Lilith? It’s me.”
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A letter had come from Lilith to credence asking for him to visit her and it had grave news. She had just lost her husband during a mission and not long after both her daughters while they were helping their brother with dragons in germany
Credence quickly snuck away at the first oppertunity, two week old twins, Ethan and Evan, in tow. He carried them in a sling as he walked, making his way through New York with swiftness as he found Lilith’s apartment. He knocked on the door. “Lilith? It’s me.”
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Graves noticed Credence’s blush at the contact. Interesting. This was something to investigate further. 
“I will come see you every day. I know where to find you.” He thought about it. “If there is an emergency and you need to find me quickly, I will bring you a token tomorrow for that. I need to enchant it.” He patted his hand. “Now eat up. I’m afraid I have to go back to work soon.” 
He hailed the waitress and paid their bill. 
He quickly did as he was told, eating two sandwiches and packing two more in a napkin for his little sister. He wasn’t sure how he was going to sneak them inside later, but he’d find a way. He was getting better at seeking creative solutions. He just had to make sure Chasity or Ma wouldn’t see him.
Credence felt a great deal of sadness wash over him at the thought of being left alone again, of having to return home. But he consoled himself with the fact that it wouldn’t be for long. Mister Graves would return tomorrow after all, he said so himself. “Alright Mister Graves...”
He waited obediently for Mister Graves to pay the bill, wishing that there was something he could do to repay the man who was so very kind to him. But he had nothing to his name, so his service in finding this child would have to do. He accidentally brushed past the older man, cheeks turning red as his gaze cast down. “I’m so sorry Mister Graves, I’ll make sure I’ll find the child..”
The perks of being an obscurus || closed with realpercivalgraves
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