baretklap · 27 days
State of Blog Address:
Hello, (former) shotgungt followers! I decided to change my Tumblr nickname to the one I used in DeviantArt (and Discord, and Hypnopics Collective) as a hypnosis/mind control content creator. Hope it's not too confusing for those who has only followed me at Tumblr so far.
While I haven't created any content since November of last year, I don't consider myself retired, that means I might get back to manipping or maybe even writing full stories someday.
Thank you for all of your patience,
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baretklap · 30 days
my diss manip "meet the carpenters" is about to drop within 200 to 670 business days
Gonna start beef with another hypnomanniper, everybody will hate it
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baretklap · 1 month
lmao finally got the boot from deviantart
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baretklap · 1 month
you were meant to say "se tonight"
Anyway all of this is to say I've always wanted to do like a Carpenter State playlist or something but I'm so scared that my taste in music will read so obviously as "was in high school in 2011"
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baretklap · 1 month
party rockers in the hou
Anyway all of this is to say I've always wanted to do like a Carpenter State playlist or something but I'm so scared that my taste in music will read so obviously as "was in high school in 2011"
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baretklap · 2 months
martin also wrote himself into a plotline that's so complicated that he can't work out how to get out of, that's where the comparison comes from.
how well do you write food though
I always try to vary my story releases between my several different series but lately Assimilation is just the only thing that's calling to me. I think Alphas has just reached a level of complicated that's been really hard to work through. Recently scrapped 2,000 words of a new chapter because it just wasn't the right direction for what I want to do with it.
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baretklap · 2 months
he has worked himself into an alphese knot. truly the george rr martin of our fetish
I always try to vary my story releases between my several different series but lately Assimilation is just the only thing that's calling to me. I think Alphas has just reached a level of complicated that's been really hard to work through. Recently scrapped 2,000 words of a new chapter because it just wasn't the right direction for what I want to do with it.
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baretklap · 2 months
it pains me that i can't take credit for it. i saw it originally on reddit or some place like that.
Based solely on failed projects and falling outs with different productions, Henry Cavill seems to be the most unlikable person in Hollywood but weird DC nerds on Twitter treat him like a political prisoner lmao
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baretklap · 2 months
henry cavill is basically what would happen if an incel got 3 wishes from a genie
Based solely on failed projects and falling outs with different productions, Henry Cavill seems to be the most unlikable person in Hollywood but weird DC nerds on Twitter treat him like a political prisoner lmao
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baretklap · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 30: Showcase
Coloured Version:
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Monochrome Version:
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Which effect is your favourite? Do you prefer the coloured version or the monochrome version?
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baretklap · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 29: Service
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baretklap · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 28: Coup
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"Wretched monsters dressed in human clothing, heed my words. You die as easy as any human, if your guards are an indicative of yours, so I suggest you to pay close attention to what I'm going to say.
You will release my hypnotic Mistress right now or I'll shoot every single one of you. I don't even know how you managed to kidnap her in the first place but your plot ends no-
Oh! Mistress! You are alive! I'm so happy!
Yes, of course I will look into your eyes, I always loved looking at your brilliant, mesmerizing ey-
Huh? The shine ... the way your eyes shine ... feels different .... so odd ....
... like usually .... they don't ... ugh ..... look like that .... how ...
.... ah ..... you obey .... you obey them? B-but they kidnapped y-
....yyyessss ... not my place ... to question. I am your slavegirl, I must obey you. And if that means that these men are my new Masters from now on ... then comply I shall ... and I will take the honor of serving my Masters alongside my Mistress..."
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baretklap · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 27: Visit
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baretklap · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 26: Charmed
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"Hello there, Mister Siren Song. I don't think you should be surprised that I decided to show up in your couch after your songs had such an impact on Saoirse. Didn't think even fae could be impacted like that but I suppose you are really good at what you do.
Oh, of course I know about Saoirse's fae heritage. Why wouldn't I know my best friend's secret? Obviously, that means I know about your siren heritage too, she told me as much. Now, she was infatuated with your voice, but you probably know how playful her kind is.
That's why she sent me here. Think of me as a ... trial of sorts. Saoirse has put some ... interesting triggers in my head and she expects you to send her a list of all of them tomorrow.
How will you discover them, you ask? Cute. Don't just sit there, pretty boy. Start singing."
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baretklap · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 25: Prophecy
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"I put the love charm under his childhood friend's pillow. I spiked the drinks of his headmaid with the obedience potion. At least three of his father's concubines now directly serve him because of my magic.
I have interfered enough. It is the turn of the young prince now. It is his time to take advantage of everything I did for him and start taking control of those beautiful women ... and his own life too.
He will either realize his destiny as the dominant conqueror of these lands ... or this kingdom will be doomed forever."
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baretklap · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 24: Caution
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baretklap · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 23: Within
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"Master, come on! You know that word gets around your harem pretty fast. Everybody knows that Elizabeth has joined us ... and you also know that I'm going to tease her so badly for this! So please, pretty please with a cherry on top, pleeeeaseeee throw your slave the bone she desperately craves here! And no, I'm not talking about your cock this time..."
"What method did you use on her? How easily did she fall under your control? What triggers did you give her? I want every single detail Master! Every. Single. Detail."
"What? Of course I'm asking because I also want to play with her! Duh! You know me. Don't ask questions that you already know the answers to."
"Oh, information comes with a price? Do, tell. In return, you're also going to give Lizzie my enslavement details as well? The triggers that make me tick, the weakest spots in my body, everything..."
"Heh-heh, silly Master. As if I'd have it any other way."
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