barre2barresg · 3 years
Barre 2 Barre Interview Series: Dheffany Lim (Part XIX)
Today we welcome our newest intern Dheffany! She will be taking over our studio managerial roles during her time with us as well as working on Sales & Marketing of our recently launched global platform Barre 2 Barre Video on Demand!
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What does wellness and being healthy mean to you?
To me, wellness is being able to balance and maintain both physical and mental wellbeing. This may sound easy but ultimately, faced with the many challenges in life, not many are able to achieve it. It is important to have a positive state of mind as well. Do not be afraid of doing and eating what you love. The keyword here is BALANCE!
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How did you get involved with Barre 2 Barre? What is your role within the team?
I came across the Internship recruitment post on my school portal and went to check out Barre 2 Barre. It caught my attention because I was in a tough situation - being injured from my passion, dancing - and was unable to continue what I love doing. I felt that it was time for me to get up and do something about it. It was like a push towards finding back my motivation. I ended up joining Barre 2 Barre Singapore as their Sales and Marketing Intern in May 2021.
Is this your first experience with barre? How do you remember your first class?
I was introduced to BarreAmped when I first joined Barre 2 Barre Singapore in May when I started my internship. I was new to barre and had zero clue as to what kind of workout it is. The first time I saw a class being held, I felt that the workout seemed easy. However, after trying it out myself, I realised I was completely wrong! I remembered my legs were shaking and my thighs were screaming for help. BUT! I felt great, refreshed, and motivated afterwards. Albeit slow, I would like to slowly get back on track to how I was before - fit and healthy.
What physical or mental benefits have you experienced in or outside of class since starting barre?
I gained weight after injuring myself and have been stuck in this slump for a very long time. I felt my motivation drop over the long run. After attending my first class, I felt more refreshed and regained the will to start exercising again. I have also started waking up early to get work done and do not feel as tired as before. At the end of this journey, I would like to regain my physique!
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What else do you like to do for your fitness and well-being?
I love cycling along East Coast Park with my friends. We would race back and forth, and see who can reach the starting point first. Afterwards, we would grab food and it is an opportunity to catch up with friends.
I am the type of person that would love to have some time to myself. During my free time, I would read articles and books, while listening to songs. It allows me to momentarily escape from reality and relax.
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List your 3 dinner party dream guests, what would you talk about and what dish would you prepare for them?
Lang Leav - I love reading the poems and stories she wrote. I would love to understand the process that went behind - the thoughts and the experience. I would prepare Vietnamese Pho as it is one of my favourite foods to eat to perk me up.
Kim NamJoon - I grew up listening to his group songs (BTS), and their songs address social issues such as mental health and injustice. As most of their songs are written by him, I would love to understand what goes into the mind of a person with a 148 IQ. I would prepare Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup) which is my favourite Korean food. It warms me up and provides a boost of energy.
Emma Watson - I first knew about her from watching Harry Potters, and eventually started following her. I admire her bravery and courage to speak up about gender equality and on the education of women. Despite being in the 21st century, gender inequality, albeit better, still does exist. I would like to have a conversation about it with her over dinner. As she seems like an adventurous person, I would prepare local food such as Lor mee or Laksa for her to try!
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List your 3 favorite travel destinations, and list 3 more that you want to travel to and why.
I haven't had the opportunity to travel much, so I only have two favourite travel destinations so far!
Taiwan - I loved exploring the small neighbourhoods for hidden gems! Often the best food is found in small alleys. The people I met there are friendly and I made a few friends there too! It was nice when they showed me around and introduced me to their culture. Of course, the street food is not to be missed! I enjoyed travelling to Taiwan and have been there 3 times. It felt like my second home.
Korea - Despite being unable to speak their language well, the people there are friendly and patient with me. There was this lady giving me an extra huge portion of fried chicken upon knowing that I am not local. She was very friendly and even treated me like I am her grandchildren. The people there are also very considerate. If they were sick, they would wear a mask on the public transport and also everyone would try to be quiet. Needless to say, I love the food there as well, especially the soup dishes.
Places I would love to travel to:
Krabi - I have seen photos of Krabi and heard good things about the place from my friends. I would love to visit and take a look at the stunning scenery that everyone’s been praising. It is definitely a place of heaven to relax at.
Perth - It seems like a place where I can slow down my pace and just wind down. I would love to visit the beach and enjoy the cool breeze while I take a stroll.
Thailand - It is a hotspot for travel but I haven’t had the chance to visit. I have heard so much about Thailand from my friends, and that it is a place of paradise for food and shopping.
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barre2barresg · 3 years
Barre 2 Barre Interview Series: Yenny Yee (Part XVIII)
A familiar face at Barre 2 Barre, Yenny Yee holds an integral position as taking on the role of studio admin, videographer, and event organizer. This week, we interview our resident studio manager!
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How did you get involved with Barre 2 Barre? What is your role within the team? Barre 2 Barre Hong Kong studio was super close to the Cupping Room where I used to visit. I was busy on a solo dance journey overseas and passed by without enough time to attend more fitness classes with the tight schedule. Fast forward two years, I was on a zoom interview with Barre 2 Barre co-founder Jessica during lockdown. I was surprised, truly. Hands-on studio operations was my main role.
What does wellness and being healthy mean to you?
My personal motto is: A Positive State of Mind. That's what defines 'being alive', at least to me.
I started dabbing in fitness more seriously when I was researching in SGH. At that time, being healthy meant keeping fit. Then, I came across a patient who had been doing bone marrow sampling for far too many years. My team knew his time was coming but he always smiled no matter how many times I had to aid the extremely painful process. He helped me realise various things, but what stood out was his state of mind; the strongest I've seen despite his age and cancer stage. Wellness became more than staying healthy. It was also our outlook on harsh situations we face.
Tell us about your barre journey
I started my barre journey about 4 years ago out of curiosity. After a minor car accident, I looked into alternative fitness while I take a break from street jazz and kickboxing. It turns out that only Pilates could help me re-work my spinal mobility. I only started pursuing Barre as a mind body practice during my Pilates Teacher Training when I was able to use what I learned from Pilates into Barre classes. I became an avid Barre student to purely enjoy the 'shake' even until now!
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What physical or mental benefits have you experience in or outside of class since starting barre? I was struggling with the sudden weight gain after hospitalisation during lockdown and I felt a huge drop in my performance as a dancer and fitness instructor. It was almost depressing. BarreAmped, the method that Barre 2 Barre teaches, helped me regain my physique. It was a strong head start to Yenny 2.0 =D
What else do you like to do for your fitness and well-being?
Sharing the journey to healthy tomorrow. I particularly enjoy learning new angles to tackle physical or physiological issues faced by people from different backgrounds. It's fun listening to others' experiences!
Tell us a fun fact about you
I enjoy creating and improvising. In recent times, it has been re-creating traditional recipes to make it gluten-free friendly. Here's my favorite Chewy Gluten Free Chocolate Cookies Ingredient List (heard it taste like Famous Amos!)
220g Oat flour
110g black sesame flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
270g maple sugar
2 tsp vanilla powder
2 beaten eggs
1 tsp soy sauce
180g butter
100ml avocado oil
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What's the most beautiful place you've ever been?
The most beautiful place I’ve been to would definitely be Lake Biwa 琵琶湖 in Kyushu Region. It was a solo trip because I needed to find my energy back after giving so much over 2 years of non-stop teaching. So, I woke up at 5 am that morning and cycled from the Ryokan (Onsen resort) for 2 hours to catch the morning scene of the famous Tori Gate standing over the gleaning lake waters. It was the most breath-taking picturesque I've ever seen and with little to no traffic, and I simply enjoyed the peace in an empty state of mind.
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barre2barresg · 3 years
Barre 2 Barre Interview Series: Seoen Lee (Part XVIII)
What does wellness and being healthy mean to you? I believe that “A sound mind in a sound body”. To me, wellness is about self-management with joy. Also, when I am doing well, I will be taking care of others. I think being healthy is “control over my lifestyle with good habits”. For example, not eating too much and not smoking are my personal values. Share with us a funny story related to barre. When I first entered the barre studio, I was prepared to dance gracefully while touching the wooden bar. Instead of becoming a ballerina, I learnt that barre is about alignment and patience with my body. I felt my thighs tremble in the quad’s exercises. I was shaking so badly that everyone started laughing. How did you get into BarreAmped and what are your future plan for barre? My first BarreAmped teacher is Denise. We met at another studio and she is a very good teacher. So, I followed her to Barre 2 Barre studio and learn how to tone my body using muscles I hardly work on. These barre exercises maximise muscle stimulation with small movements and it is perfect for me who wants to continue exercising no matter the age. It feels like a ballerina rehabilitation which I want to keep practising. What is your favourite way (aside from barre) to keep fit and find some downtime? I practise self-defence aside from barre. I believe in eating good food to recover during downtime. List your 3 dinner party dream guests, what would you talk about and what dish would you prepare for them? Firstly, I will invite my pastor Joseph Prince! Perhaps, we will have my signature Korean home cooked food over a warm religious conversation of love and blessings from God.My second guest is SMAP idol group’s Nakai Masahiro. He has made an unusual amount of sacrifice for the group as a leader. I will ask him how he managed to persevere those years over a Singaporean meal of chilli crab.My final guest will be Yenny since we share many interests in Japanese culture and dance! It will be an easy meal of Shaba Shaba and sashimi. List your 3 favorite travel destinations, and list 3 more that you want to travel to and why. 1.    Indonesia – The first country I felt my soul fulfilment especially doing missionary work on the second visit. The night was beautiful and it’s my dream to establish a school for children there where the black night sky is filled with millions of stars. This is my life’s bucket list. 2.    Japan – As a student majoring in Japanese literature, I spent a summer in Hokkaido where I met nice college students. Not forgetting the fresh sashimi! That summer was unforgettable. 3.    New Zealand – I would love to see a flock of sheep grazing in green meadows!
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barre2barresg · 3 years
Jen Wong
1) Tell us about your journey with barre and towards attending teacher training with Barre 2 Barre.
I’ve never considered myself a particularly active or sporty person and I had never stuck to any regular exercise regime. So when a very good friend gifted me a package of 10 barre lessons for my birthday, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The studio was quite near my office so I decided to walk there to check it out. I immediately felt so relaxed stepping into their tastefully decorated studio in Hong Kong Street. It smelt like a spa. I met Jess who taught me some modifications as I had a wrist and shoulder injury. 
After my first lesson, my knees almost buckled as I walked down the steep shophouse stairs! But I found it challenging and continued to return again and again!
What appealed to me was how systematic the exercises were about exhausting one set of muscles before moving on to the next. I had seen how exercising improperly could actually do more harm than good. But barre just involved very small movements so there was no damage or impact to the joints. But could one actually get fit and toned from this? I got my answer a few months later - I could feel myself getting stronger and those stairs down were no longer a problem after class!
After about a year of attending classes regularly, I decided I wanted to deepen my knowledge and practice of barre and signed up for Level 1 Teacher Training in Koh Samui.
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2) What new and useful discoveries did you make about yourself and/or your barre practice at the Koh Samui and Singapore teacher training? Any highlights of your experience at Teacher Training in Singapore and Koh Samui?
I signed up for Teacher Training because I wanted to understand what muscles the different exercises were targeting. This was all covered systematically during Teacher Training, and each of the exercises were broken down, including variations for each exercise and how to spot and avoid common postural mistakes when practicing each exercise.
For Level 2, we were each assigned to teach a mini 30 minute class to our own chosen playlist. I found the lesson planning process interesting and after the initial few minutes which were quite unnerving, I actually started to enjoy leading the mini class. Jess and my classmates were extremely encouraging!
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3)  Are there things you’ve learned or experienced in Teacher Training that apply to other areas of your life?
Yes, teaching a mini class was definitely a first for me. The first step may seem intimidating but sometimes you can be pleasantly surprised when you step outside your comfort zone!
As with anything you want to get good at; for barre, you only get as much as you put in and there are no shortcuts. Mindful practice and making sure you engage the right muscles for each exercise are so important.
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4) Who would you recommend Teacher Training to?
Those who already attend class and want to improve and deepen their practice of barre will find the course useful. There’s only so much you can learn in a 50 minute group class but during Teacher Training, you really do a deep dive into each of the exercises and cover parts of the human anatomy that are relevant to barre practice.
5) What are your future goals with barre and Barre 2 Barre?
I hope to keep up with my regular barre sessions and may consider other courses in future. 
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barre2barresg · 3 years
The Barre 2 Barre Academy Diaries: Julie Briers (Part II)
I found out about Barre 2 Barre online, through Google. I started with 10 days unlimited trial in May 12th last year. Now, I’m hooked!
*After every class, I was sore (in a good way)! 
Barre 2 Barre classes are only 50 minutes long. When I first heard this, I was disappointed. Seriously, just 50 minutes? What can I possibly accomplish in that short amount of time?But it only took 1 class for me to realize that they pack a lot into that 50 minutes class! I was so sore after my first class, I could hardly walk down the stairs from the studio.*I saw some definition in my abs for the first time in life!I committed to a monthly unlimited pass, going 6 times a week. Here are the changes I noticed.After just a few weeks of Barre 2 Barre, I noticed that when I stood with my hands on my hips, my tummy felt tight and strong. After a few more weeks, I could actually see visible changes in my abs! There is no denying that Barre 2 Barre is a great way to see results fast.
*My posture is better both in and out of class!
The teachers talk about posture the whole class. “Tuck your tailbone” and “pull your belly button to your spine” are phrases that I hear in my sleep now. Haha! But as I took more and more classes, I noticed that I was not only standing up taller in class, I was also more aware of my posture outside of class!
*Why I joined the teacher training in Jakarta last October.
I used to love Barre 2 Barre because of the cozy studio with great front desk service and they have plenty of classes in studio. It’s the workout I did for months before I read about their teacher training program. Missed out on the one in Thailand and then got injured on my finger preventing me to go to my favorite workout for six weeks.So, I signed up for the teacher training in Jakarta. Which was pretty hard for me during those 3 full days of training, as I stopped working out in studio for nearly 2 months. It was tough but so worth the experience.It’s an intensive 3 days training. The 3 days program covered 2 classes each day. Every exercise was first shown by the trainer.The training covered not only the workout but also anatomy lessons to better help understand the impact of each exercise. You are also taught how to call each position. Once we were split into smaller groups for individual practice sessions, we had to prepare a class of our own.The last day concluded with the official exam.I have to admit the money was well invested in this training.After I’ve attended the teacher training in Jakarta, what I love about it now is the BarreAmped method, not just the studio etc.The changes.I used to be a very cardio-intensive person. I started working out since 2010, five times a week. The reason why I’ve chosen Barre 2 Barre these days instead of cardio is because I realized that jumping and spinning will not be possible for me to do it every day till I’m old. We are aging, but BarreAmped method is different. It’s a workout that you can do at all ages.The principle of BarreAmped are Form, Neutral Spine, Small Movement, Harder Is Not Necessarily Better, Role of Cardio, Flexibility and Abs Breathing.I must say the BarreAmped Method is the best workout that I’ve ever had for the past 9 years and the workout that I have enjoyed the most.
*What lies ahead.
As an expat wife, having this BarreAmped certificate helps me to go anywhere I can, as this is an international certificate. If I can commit, I would love to be a BarreAmped teacher or else, I could join as a part-time teacher. I really like to share the knowledge and experiences I have to everyone if given the opportunity.
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barre2barresg · 3 years
Barre 2 Barre SG Interview Series:  Jennifer Feng (Part X)
What does wellness and being healthy mean to you?
To me, it is all about physical and mental balance. Instead of striving for physical and mental perfection (eg. always staying calm, never getting angry/upset, wanting to look a certain way eg having abs or skinny arms etc); aim to be the best version of yourself, be proud of your accomplishments and accepting of your perceived flaws.
I believe It also means being conscious of what you do, staying mindful, and being present.  
Share with us a funny story related to barre.
(I think (or at least hope) this has happened to many others)
After my very first barre class  (in Boston), my entire body was shaking so much that I had to rest for at least 20 minutes on the couches in the studio before walking home! Also, this studio (just like B2BSG) is on the second floor - so it was a huge challenge trying to make it down the stairs without falling on my face because my legs felt like jelly!
My muscles ached so much for the next few days - I was walking extra slowly and took a long time to sit down/stand up (this included going to the bathroom) because my quads were aching THAT much.
Everyone at work noticed that i was walking around with a slight limp and thought I had just taken part in a spartan race or something... but nope, just took ONE 50 minute barre class! Despite all of that, I attempted my second barre class 2 weeks after that first class!
How did you get into BarreAmped and what are your future plans for barre?
I became obsessed with barre and was attending classes almost daily at a different studio when I was living in Boston. When i moved back to Singapore, I was really looking for a studio that held the same vibe. I attended a few other barre classes in various studios around Singapore but somehow was never able to re-create the same atmosphere to my studio in Boston.
It took me a while to find B2B-SG; Rachel (one of my really good friends from high school) introduced me to Jess/Mylene as she had just become an instructor at the studio and I started attending classes as a client. After my first class, I knew this studio was my new barre-home :) Soon after, Jess/Mylene encouraged me to attend the teacher-training course to further my barre knowledge, and the rest is history!
In terms of my future plans for barre.. I hope to become a better instruction particularly in form correction and my ability to motivate a class (i want everyone to experience the same post-workout high I get after every barre class I attend). I also hope to get Power-stretch certified - i’m not the most flexible person around so this will be an interesting challenge! Last,
I would like to increase others’ awareness of barre as well as break the notion that barre is “only for girls” and “not that tough”
What is your favorite way (aside from barre) to keep fit and find some downtime?
I have to admit that barre is definitely my number one favorite workout.. Bounce/Bootcamp for cardio, Mixed Levels/Fire for working on form/posture/alignment, and Barre/Yoga for stretching it all out.
To keep fit, I try to walk and take public transport whenever i can. I also enjoy trying out different kinds of workouts at different studios. My next goals are to try out an F45 class and maybe find a yoga studio to join to work on my flexibility (or lack thereof!)
During my downtime, you can find me taking part in escape rooms, Binge-watching TV shows (currently trying to get up to speed on Game of Thrones. I’m currently on season 1 episode 7. 6 more seasons to go!), and reading (crime-fiction is my favorite)
List your 3 dinner party dream guests, what would you talk about and what dish would you prepare for them?
I Can only think of one!
My grandfather (dad’s dad) - He passed away when I was really young so I have a very vague memory of him. At the same time, I have heard so much about him from my dad! I want to hear about his life story, how he came to Singapore as a Chinese migrant, what it was like  growing up in Singapore in the early/mid 1900s, his experience going through the Japanese Occupation, and what  life was like in Singapore pre-independence. In terms of  food, I think he will probably do the cooking (he used to be a restaurant chef according to my dad!), and I would ask him to make me Hainanese Chicken Rice given our Hainanese heritage  :)
List your 3 favorite travel destinations, and list 3 more that you want to travel to and why.
Japan - every city i’ve visited in Japan so far has been amazing! Fantastic food, people are polite and helpful, amazing history and culture, and amazing shopping choices for Japanese makeup/skincare.
Washington DC, USA - there are so many historical points of interest and it tends to be super pretty in the spring. I also love museums (my favorite one is the Newseum, which is an interactive museum showcasing the evolution of communication and news).
Bangkok, Thailand - cheap and delicious food, endless shopping, cheap and good massages, exciting nightlife… what’s not to love?
Bali - I’ve never been there (which is ridiculous because it seems like every Singaporean/non-Singaporean has been there). I’ve heard so many amazing things about their food, culture,  and scenery
Iceland - northern lights! And I (might regret saying this) miss winter weather
South Africa - I want to see all the animals up close (but not too close) at a safari!
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barre2barresg · 5 years
The Barre 2 Barre Academy Diaries: Charlene Koh (Part V)
1) Tell us about your journey with barre and towards attending teacher training with Barre 2 Barre.
I was diagnosed with adult asthma just last year, and i had to stop all high intensity workouts, i was doing a lot of HIIT workouts and Muay Thai then and that all had to stop. I started going for barre classes under the encouragement of a really good friend of mine who was also a barre teacher. I actually scoffed at barre and thought it was easy. BOY WAS I WRONG !! My legs were still shaking after class, and i actually sweated more than i did at a Muay Thai class. I decided to take up teacher training as i realised how beneficial barre was, i actually had a little bum bum after 2 months at Barre 2 Barre!!! My non existent bum decided to come out of hiding after countless coaxing of "FEEL THE BURN.. EMBRACE THE SHAKE .." by Denise and Jessica =p
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2) What new and useful discoveries did you make about yourself and/or your barre practice at the Jarkata teacher training? Any highlights of your experience at the Teacher Training?
I realised how much I could push myself if i set my mind to it. Jakarta teacher training was very intense, i went to bed with my legs aching and wake up with my whole body aching, but i managed to push thru and i graduated !!! But what i really loved most about the training was the company and all my lovely classmates. There was so much positivity and love for barre that radiated from each and everyone of them. 
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3) When were you diagnosed and at what age? What stage were you diagnosed with?
Just last April, i was diagnosed with stage 1 HER2 Breast Cancer. I was very blessed to have found out early, and i found out by chance. 
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4) Did you face any obstacles during your treatment process? If so, how did you overcome these obstacles? Does your barre practice help you through the treatment?
Chemotherapy is very damaging to the body. It made my muscles soft and my joints very stiff.I couldn't walk for more than 10 minutes, let alone stand for 5 minutes. i was basically sitting down or lying down most of the time. Mentally, chemotherapy was very challenging or cancer in general. I was at the prime of my life (i still am) and my world just came crashing down when I was diagnosed, your life just comes to a stop. But i knew that i could concur this. I was still young, and i was physically very fit due to barre classes and regular gym workouts. Being fit really helped me thru this journey, and i kept comforting myself that better days were coming soon.
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5) What message would you like to provide women in the community?Cancer can happen to anyone, you don't need to have the BRCA gene to have breast cancer. My HER2 gene mutated and started going crazy. Get a genetic test done for yourself and cover yourself properly with insurance. Keep physically active too! But most important of all, whatever obstacles you face in life always be positive. Life may deal you a really bad card, but if you stay strong and keep positive, you can overcome it !!
Be kind, be humble, be joyful and be positive! 
Much Love,
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barre2barresg · 5 years
Barre 2 Barre Interview Series: Angela (Part XVI)
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Tell us about your journey with barre and towards attending teacher training with Barre 2 Barre.
I'm that person who goes around trying out new stuff. I was exploring what I could try out in dance, being the terrible arm-leg coordinator that I am. I thought adult ballet might be a little less embarrassing for me than say, street jazz. A google search and several clicks later, pictures of super sculpted women in wide second and seated chair poses turned up. The pictures made me a little intimidated, but also all the more curious to experience for myself what a barre class was like. I thought "how hard can it be?" Short answer - Quite. Quite. Hard. But I was hooked and kept coming back for more. The more classes I took, the stronger I became. My friends started commenting things like "Angie, those arms! What have you been doing?" and I also noticed myself getting more toned.
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After a year of attending classes at Barre 2 Barre, I decided to take my practice to the next level (and engineer a holiday into it as well) by signing up for the teacher training in Bali. It was an amazing week of learning the intricate details of setting up one in good alignment, giving useful cues, and discussing anatomy so that we understand movement and muscle activation. I am also happy to report that my arm-leg coordination has improved tremendously. 
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What does wellness and being healthy mean to you?
It's about treating your body right for all the hard work it does, but not becoming miserable in trying to be healthy. Balance is essential. If you are someone who fundamentally likes wholesome meals all the time, that's great for you! But if you're not, then embrace both the healthy aspects as well as the less-healthy, more indulgent treats. About 70% the time, I seek out delicious and healthy meals, like kale salad with salmon, to nourish my body. As for the remaining 30%, I allow myself to fully enjoy char kway teow, pizza and cocktail nights. Zero guilt, otherwise your mind isn't happy and that's not wellness. Then, apart from exercise, there is also relaxation. Allow yourself some me-time at least once a week. I like to spend mine reading a good book on balmy Sunday afternoons, looking up occasionally to stare at the greenery in the distance and thank God for a healthy body and the blessings in my life.
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How did you get into BarreAmped and what are your future plans for barre?
I had started out doing barre at another studio, and later found Barre 2 Barre when I searched for other studios and methods to try out. I chose to get trained in BarreAmped method because I like that it emphasizes on good form and is very much aligned to my regular pilates practice. The great thing about barre is that it never stops being a challenge - there is always room for improvement, something you can work on. I will be sharpening my teaching skills and gradually expanding my repertoire of exercises to keep classes fresh! 
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What is your favourite way (aside from barre) to keep fit and find some downtime?
Running is my go-to for decompressing and keeping my sanity. I love being outside, taking in fresh air, exploring new routes, and reliving old ones. When I'm running, I think about everything yet nothing in particular. While thoughts flow in and out of my mind, I focus on my breathing (sound familiar, barrerinas?) and will my muscles to continue working hard as I put one foot in front of the other. When I'm running outdoors and taking in the world around me, I'm reminded of how small I am, and in turn, how minuscule my issues are. It helps me maintain a broader perspective on things.
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List your 3 favourite travel destinations, and list 3 more that you want to travel to and why.
My 3 best travel memories are: 
(i) hiking to the crater of Ijen volcano in Indonesia quite unprepared for the sulphur fumes;
(ii) hiking through snow in Finnish national park Vaattunkiköngäs; and
(iii) sipping my way through a wine flight with my gal pals at MONA in Tasmania.
I would love to go to Iceland to see the northern lights (since I wasn't lucky in Finland), the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador to see the native creatures, and do some Greek island-hopping where I will be sun-soaked and eating amazing octopus. 
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barre2barresg · 5 years
The Barre 2 Barre Academy Diaries: Cheryl Koh (Part IV)
12 months ago, Barre was just another way for me to stay fit. 12 months later, I find myself having a better and deeper understanding of the BarreAmped method that I have been practicing, and in a position to share this newfound knowledge I’ve gained with other barre-enthusiasts.
How did I get here? Well, let’s rewind back to the start of 2018. I’ve just moved to Rotterdam for a school exchange programme - my home away from home for the first half of the year. I had a tight budget to stick to, so getting a package at a barre studio was out of the question. Instead, I signed up for Suzanne Bowen Fitness for video workouts and made my living room my makeshift studio. Thank God for Decathlon - I managed to get a mat, a ball and my 0.5kg weights for just 20 euros, and that, was my 5 month unlimited package. Hah.
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5 months whizzed by, and before I knew it, I was moving to Amsterdam for my last month in the country. Having stayed in contact with Jess throughout my stay there, she encouraged me to take my certification with Mylene while I was in Amstedam and then come back to Singapore to apprentice with her. I figured, why not? I have always been interested in deepening my practice and what are the odds that I’d be living in the same city as one of BarreAmped’s master trainers!  It would be a meaningful way to spend my last weekend in Amsterdam as well. So I said yes, and both Mylene and Jess started designing a training plan that suited my timing/living situation. Next thing I knew, I was taking a barre class with Mylene at PLTS Amsterdam before heading back to her boat house to start my training.
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I’d say that my training was slightly different from most. It was separated into two weekends - the first being more anatomy-focused since we lacked a barre on the boat, and the second covering all the exercises that involved a barre back in the Singapore studio.
On top of that, I was Mylene/Jess’s only student, which meant that I had both of their undivided attention. This was awesome of course, but slightly intimidating as well. I was never that kid who liked sitting in the front row back in school. Haha.  
So, about the intensive anatomy training that I got, it was truly an eye-opening experience for me. Having taken barre classes for about 2 years now, I’d always hear the instructors telling us to ‘maintain that neutral spine’ or ‘pull your belly button to your spine’ and make all these tactile cues that cause us to shake uncontrollably, but I never REALLY understood why or how. With this anatomy training, everything clicked. I learned how to determine anatomical movement -- where the movement is happening, which body part that is moving. I learned about the importance of having the balance we need in both our front and back body strength to stand in good posture and alignment. I realised that all these cues given in class were rooted in the extensive knowledge that the instructors received from their training. There were just so many lightbulb moments that weekend.
Through this training, it also made me realise how difficult it is to be a good instructor. I remember the first time Mylene asked me to try setting her up. My mind went INSTANTLY blank. All I got out was “uhhhhhh…. Stand with your feet… hips…hips what? Apart? No that doesn’t make sense.’ There was another time I said ‘bend your ankle’ when I meant the ‘knee’. Haha. Mylene shared with me a teaching formula that I try to adhere to in my classes.
1. Set them up in 3-4 instructions. Get them moving.
2. Alignment
3. Movement & Muscle Cues (Where should they feel it?)
4. Observe.
From giving clear and concise cues, to counting right (giving equal time to both the left and right side), to catching the beat, while spotting and correcting clients in bad form - it’s a LOT of multi-tasking that I did not realise and this realisation gave me a new-found respect for all BarreAmped certified instructors out there.
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Fast forward 6 months, I began my apprenticeship. I took classes and I observed classes on top of the practical classes I taught. It was such an amazing journey in so many different ways. The learning never really stops. Even with the intensive anatomy training that I got in Amsterdam with Mylene, putting that knowledge into action really gave me a deeper understanding about how each muscle gets activated differently through each targeted exercise. I also grew more confident to teach in front of a crowd with every class (I’ve this thing where my face turns tomato-red the moment my heart starts racing a lil faster than normal lol).
The best part though, was being able to witness first-hand how my friends have grown stronger with every class I taught. They were doing more reps than when they first started, and doing the exercises in good form - which to me is a testament that I’ve gotten better in guiding and correcting them, and articulating myself clearer so they could better understand and act on my instructions. It was definitely a confidence-booster.
All of which was only possible, through the guidance of Jess and Denise, who came down to give me feedback on how I was doing, and what I could improve on. I am also very thankful to have so many friends who were so supportive of my passion for barre. Never failing to turn up to ensure I have bodies to teach 3x a week. In fact, maybe this is the part I loved most about my apprenticeship. The way my passion for it brought people together. Family, friends, friends of friends. It was such a heartwarming experience seeing my different groups of friends mingle with one another, getting supper at BK Eating House after class (cause they felt they deserved it) haha!
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Guess the TL;DR version of this entire blogpost is… through this entire journey, it really opened my eyes to see why people do this, even as a side hustle. It’s that mind-body connection on an individual level, and that growth you see in yourself that spurs you on to continuously want to make little improvements, and then watching how these little changes you make reflect onto the clients you teach. It’s knowing that you are making a difference in someone’s life, however small, that gives you this sense of fulfilment that makes this journey such a meaningful one. So, if you’re a barre lover, I’d encourage you to take your passion to the next level, like I did. ◡̈
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barre2barresg · 5 years
The Barre 2 Barre Academy Diaries: Magdalane Xie & Lynette Chan (Part III)
Today’s blog post features an interview with two of our loyal and passionate barrerinas, Magdalene Xie and Lynette Chan. Magdalene and Lynette attended Barre 2 Barre’s recent Thailand Teacher Training Retreat and reflect on the deep physical and mental work they underwent there and their transformational experience. Our next teacher training is coming soon, from June 8th to 11th in Taiwan (in Mandarin Chinese)! Early bird prices are available until May 8th. Read on for inspiration, and see if you too would like to earn a BarreAmped certification this June!
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Tell us about your journey with barre and towards attending teacher training with Barre 2 Barre.
Magdalene: I haven’t been the sporty or fit type for most of my life - just slightly lucky to be slim and tall enough for people to assume I don’t need to workout to stay in shape. When you get older, however, being fit is about so much more than looking a certain way. My grandmother and mum do not have the best postures, and I’ve seen how it inconveniences their daily lives. Now, I’m just working towards being healthy and strong so that I am able to enjoy everything that I want to.
I’ve become more aware of having the right form and applying what I have learned in barre to my everyday life (for example, not putting extra pressure on my spine by overarching my lower back to cause pain and discomfort over time).
Lynette: I started ballet lessons at the age of six and continued dancing into my early twenties, which led to lower back pain even after I stopped, probably due to bad form and insufficient emphasis on core-strengthening. When I discovered barre as a workout a few years ago, I was thrilled to return to something somewhat familiar, yet still new and challenging! One class led to another and my interest in the BarreAmped technique grew because of its emphasis on form, alignment, and precision. When the teacher training was announced, I signed up for it wanting to enhance my own knowledge of the method.
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What new and useful discoveries did you make about yourself and/or your barre practice at the Koh Samui teacher training?
Magdalene: Everyone’s range of movement is different due to each individual’s body/bone structure, and I’ve learned to push myself to my own limitations. I’ve always known the core holds up our trunk and that having a strong core is important, but I learned that it is also what stabilizes the spine, glutes, pelvic floor, and so much more. We need a balance of both front and back body strength in order for our spine to maintain it’s optimal position. These are facts I wouldn’t have known had I not attended the teacher training!
Lynette: One of the main things I've learned is that being a barre instructor is not easy (don’t take your instructors for granted haha)! From giving the right cues to spotting and correcting bad form, teachers’ skills rely not only on experience, but also on a tremendous wealth of knowledge, which the BarreAmped method has strong foundations in. I became more aware of my own form and understood the barre exercises I have been practicing on a much deeper level, in relation to human anatomy.
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What were the highlights of your experience at the Teacher Training?
Magdalene: Anatomy workshops with Steve (our demo skeleton)!
An island snorkeling trip at Koh Tan Island!
TRX class!
The NON-HEALTHY fun dinner at Four Seasons Resorts after we completed our Level 1 exam!
The AM S.I.L.E.N.T T.I.M.E
The bunch of uniquely fabulous ladies who got confused between knee-ups and seated chair!
(in no particular order)
I could go on!
Lynette: There were so many highlights! What I loved most, though, was the sense of community and comradery that developed quickly yet firmly during the trip. Some of us still make it a point to meet for dinner, drinks, and brunch from time to time, and go for classes at Barre 2 Barre together when we can.
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What are your future goals with barre and Barre 2 Barre? What does your barre practice mean to you?
Magdalene: I want to continue to deepen my knowledge of barre for my own education and maybe even share with others what I’ve learned one day. I’ve discovered my barre practice to be my only personal time where I experience my mind listening to my body and I’m fully aware and present. I’ve never felt that with any other practice so far.
Lynette: My next goal would be to do my apprenticeship and proceed to the next level of teacher training, so that I can deepen my understanding of BarreAmped and the quality of my instruction. When I started barre, I never thought I would take my practice as seriously as I do now, but my barre journey has come to represent my own personal growth. I look forward to my barre classes as time that I carve out for myself, to strengthen myself both physically and mentally.
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barre2barresg · 6 years
Barre 2 Barre Beginnings on Hongkong Street
Confessions of a Barre Studio Owner
Barre 2 Barre has come a long way since our exciting beginning in 2016. It has been a labor of love, passion, and dedication, creating our lovely studio on HongKong Street, building a team and client base from scratch, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere, and delivering a top quality exercise experience. As the co-founder of Barre 2 Barre Singapore and in light of our upcoming move to a new location, I would like to share about my rewarding learning experiences prior to and during running this business.
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My personal barre journey began in Los Angeles where I grew up. A friend invited me to join her at my first barre class in 2008. At the time, the barre movement was booming in LA, and I too quickly became a fan. When I subsequently moved to Hong Kong in 2011, it took me a while to find the right barre practice I was missing and searching for. Before long, I met the co-founders of Barre 2 Barre in Hong Kong, Karen Lim and Mylene Mackay.
I learned that Barre 2 Barre offers the BarreAmped method, a syllabus from the US created by fitness celebrity, Suzanne Bowen. This barre method was the most similar to the one I was exposed to in the West Coast – funnily enough, I discovered Suzanne Bowen actually taught the founders of the barre studio I used to attend in California!
I quickly became obsessed with developing my practice, gaining a lot of mind and body strength through attending class with Karen and Mylene. In 2014, I decided to take the week-long BarreAmped teacher training course. I hadn’t yet considered actually joining the apprenticeship program or teaching; I was just so excited that my training certificate would get me discounts on Lululemon, Sweaty Betty, and Lorna Jane AND discounts on class packages at Barre 2 Barre! The more barre classes I took, however, the more interested I became in the apprenticeship program, and soon committed to it.
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Meanwhile, I was accepted to INSEAD’s MBA program in Singapore and decided to move. Before starting my MBA, I organized two pop-up Barre 2 Barre events in Singapore in the summer of 2015, both of which were fully booked and extremely successful. While getting further involved with barre was tempting, I was in no position to run a barre studio while attending a condensed 10-month MBA program.
Instead, I took entrepreneur classes which helped me practically plan and map out what opening a barre studio in Singapore would look like. At the same time, Mylene coincidentally happened to move to Singapore for a short period, so we decided to partner together to open Barre 2 Barre Singapore on Hongkong Street. We thought the street name was perfect given that Barre 2 Barre originated from Hong Kong!
The intention behind bringing the BarreAmped method to our clients was to offer a safe and effective barre workout for women and men of all ages, shapes, and fitness backgrounds. I believed in the method from first-hand experience, since I had once fractured and broke my ankle (the tibia and fibula) and managed to keep in shape by attending BarreAmped classes three times a week. It was the safest way for me to rebuild strength and heal before I could start running again. When I’m ninety years old, I know I will still be practicing BarreAmped.
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Building a team from scratch in a new country with a young barre market was difficult. Mylene and I trained Ahilya as our first teacher, given that we were connected through a family friend, that she had attended UCLA, was a dancer, and religiously attended barre classes in Los Angeles too. With Mylene, Ahilya, and myself ready to start teaching, we turned our attention to creating the studio environment we wished to.
My idea was to replicate the same feel and community that Barre 2 Barre provided me during my four and a half years in Hong Kong. I wanted to create a special business and environment for myself in Singapore, a place where I would potentially live long-term and raise a family.
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I wanted the studio to feel like a “home away from home” for myself and my clients, so a little feel of California and Hong Kong influenced my studio design. Our yoga mats are from Venice Beach and our yoga mat sprays are the same comforting, evocative, secret essential oil blend from Hong Kong. I believed the scent and quality of the products we used would also be a huge contributor to the atmosphere and aesthetic of the studio, which is when my partnership with Ashley & Co bloomed. I found it very important to provide a welcoming environment to people who might find Singapore intimidating or may be shy. Barre 2 Barre was meant to welcome all people, no matter their shape, size, nationality, age, or sex in a homey environment with a nice scent - we opened our doors to you, unless of course you’re late!
I can address our strict late policy here: I’ve been locked out of Karen’s class in Hong Kong, locked out of accounting class at INSEAD, and learned in business school how 15 minutes early is “on time” and being “on time” is late. Additionally, I’ve had a client pull a muscle without adequate warm up time during our first year of opening, and it is always distracting to our teachers and other clients when latecomers join class. All of this led us to implement our Swiss train policy - or should I say Japanese train policy - to avoid further injuries and create an environment where we respect time.
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Our studio at Hongkong Street has been filled with so much love and support, and it has been an honor to meet numerous clients who have been touched by barre to the point that it has become a significant part of their lives. Some clients have gone on to get their teaching certification to teach at Barre 2 Barre or other studios worldwide, while others have taken their certification for their own self awareness in practicing barre with good form and alignment. We are also proud to have introduced barre to men, which T Magazine covered in an article, describing how male athletes like kickboxers find strength and flexibility through attending BarreAmped classes! We have been so fortunate to partner with our lovely neighbors like Punch for Barre & Brunch, Vasco for Barre to Bar, and Box Office for Barre + Boxing among numerous others! HongKong Street has been a really cozy and vibrant home to us, but, as with life, all good things must come to an end for even better things to be welcomed into our lives.
Our new home on Pickering Street will be closer to the Central Business District, will feature parking space underneath the Great Eastern building, is right next to the Hong Lim Complex bus stop, and is close to the Telok Ayer, Chinatown and Clarke Quay MRT exit. There will be more peace and quiet in the studio since we are not facing the street directly, we’ll enjoy a cleaner surrounding area, and clients will get even better attention to detail from our teachers, as we will max at twelve students per class. In addition, we will be getting a second unit right next door to be able to host two classes simultaneously without compromising on quality and the attention to detail, form, and alignment our teachers provide.
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Managing a growing staff over the past three years hasn’t always been easy – I’ve hired, fired, engaged in serious talks, and generally learned a lot about communication, clarity of expectations, fairness, and managing people. Though sometimes taxing, the experience has been well worth it and I’ve learned a lot about others and myself. Despite any challenges or obstacles that have come our way, we are so proud of the community we have created and fostered over the past three years, and continue to be dedicated to the growth and success of our team and clients.
From starting with four hundred customers in our first month open, then growing to two thousand by the following year, we now have seven thousand customers in our database. We have grown from three BarreAmped certified teachers when we first opened to seven teachers and two more in training under our apprenticeship program. We also just began offering regular meditation classes at our studio. We have partnered with Oompf! Fitness on 130 East Coast Road to provide Barre 2 Barre classes to clients on the East.
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In regard to our Teacher Training program, we began with three in-house courses before opening to the public in Hong Kong, Koh Samui, Taiwan, Jakarta, and soon our upcoming week long teacher training and retreat in Bali! We plan to continue offering BarreAmped training and apprenticeship programs for barre teachers all over the world, and we can’t wait to share our knowledge and passion for barre with everyone in Singapore and Asia.
Thank you to everyone who has stepped into our doors at 42A Hongkong Street. We will forever cherish those memories and hope to create more together. We cannot wait to welcome you to our new studio on Nankin Row, 3 Pickering Street #03-01 and continue to build mental and physical strength at the barre together!
Love Always,
Jessica Felicia
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barre2barresg · 6 years
The Barre 2 Barre Academy Diaries: Julie Briers (Part II)
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I found out about Barre 2 Barre online, through Google. I started with 10 days unlimited trial in May 12th last year.
Now, I’m hooked!
*After every class, I was sore (in a good way)!
Barre 2 Barre classes are only 50 minutes long. When I first heard this, I was disappointed. Seriously, just 50 minutes? What can I possibly accomplish in that short amount of time?
But it only took 1 class for me to realize that they pack a lot into that 50 minutes class! I was so sore after my first class, I could hardly walk down the stairs from the studio.
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*I saw some definition in my abs for the first time in life!
I committed to a monthly unlimited pass, going 6 times a week. Here are the changes I noticed.
After just a few weeks of Barre 2 Barre, I noticed that when I stood with my hands on my hips, my tummy felt tight and strong. After a few more weeks, I could actually see visible changes in my abs! There is no denying that Barre 2 Barre is a great way to see results fast.
*My posture is better both in and out of class!
The teachers talk about posture the whole class. “Tuck your tailbone” and “pull your belly button to your spine” are phrases that I hear in my sleep now. Haha! But as I took more and more classes, I noticed that I was not only standing up taller in class, I was also more aware of my posture outside of class!
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*Why I joined the teacher training in Jakarta last October.
I used to love Barre 2 Barre because of the cozy studio with great front desk service and they have plenty of classes in studio. It’s the workout I did for months before I read about their teacher training program. Missed out on the one in Thailand and then got injured on my finger preventing me to go to my favorite workout for six weeks.
So, I signed up for the teacher training in Jakarta. Which was pretty hard for me during those 3 full days of training, as I stopped working out in studio for nearly 2 months. It was tough but so worth the experience.
It’s an intensive 3 days training. The 3 days program covered 2 classes each day. Every exercise was first shown by the trainer.
The training covered not only the workout but also anatomy lessons to better help understand the impact of each exercise. You are also taught how to call each position. Once we were split into smaller groups for individual practice sessions, we had to prepare a class of our own.
The last day concluded with the official exam.
I have to admit the money was well invested in this training.
After I’ve attended the teacher training in Jakarta, what I love about it now is the BarreAmped method, not just the studio etc.
The changes.
I used to be a very cardio-intensive person. I started working out since 2010, five times a week. The reason why I’ve chosen Barre 2 Barre these days instead of cardio is because I realized that jumping and spinning will not be possible for me to do it every day till I’m old. We are aging, but BarreAmped method is different. It’s a workout that you can do at all ages.
The principle of BarreAmped are Form, Neutral Spine, Small Movement, Harder Is Not Necessarily Better, Role of Cardio, Flexibility and Abs Breathing.
I must say the BarreAmped Method is the best workout that I’ve ever had for the past 9 years and the workout that I have enjoyed the most.
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*What lies ahead.
As an expat wife, having this BarreAmped certificate helps me to go anywhere I can, as this is an international certificate. If I can commit, I would love to be a BarreAmped teacher or else, I could join as a part-time teacher. I really like to share the knowledge and experiences I have to everyone if given the opportunity.
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barre2barresg · 6 years
Barre 2 Barre SG Interview Series: JD Cheong (Part XVI)
What does wellness and being healthy mean to you?
To me right now, wellness means giving myself the permission to take time to take care of myself and to be alone. As an introvert, it means that I have to manage my boundaries, say no when necessary and not feel guilty for not participating and responding to all of the demands all of the time; giving myself the space I need and the freedom to spend quality time with the people I truly love & appreciate. It is about embracing the JOMO – Joy of Missing Out.
Being healthy involves a mix of physical, mental, and emotional aspects that make us who we are – eating real food, getting sufficient sleep, moving my body & sweating it out, spending quiet time before the day starts, love with intention & living authentically  
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Share with us a funny story related to barre.
My first ever barre class was with Mylene back when Barre 2 Barre opened. You’ll be pretty surprised by this: I hated my first ever barre class. The burn was real & I almost fell down the stairs while climbing down because they felt like jelly.
Yet here I am today, training as an apprentice for Barre 2 Barre – loving the burn, embracing the shakes & completely in love with barre now!
Moral of the story: Don’t rush off after class if you feel like your legs are gonna give way. You don’t wanna risk a bad fall down the stairs haha!
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How did you get into BarreAmped and what are your future plans for barre?
In 2018, I wanted to do something for myself – push myself out of my comfort zones, grow my confidence as a person & to find something that I was passionate about. I came across barre when I was exploring different types of workouts. I felt that barre was something that was great for toning, rehabilitation & it challenged me physically & mentally; and I started to toy with the idea of getting certified in barre.
I wanted a training that was well grounded in research, safe (super important to me!) and accredited globally. That being said, I attended different barre studios in Singapore to see which I felt most comfortable practicing & which barre method sat well with me best. Singapore’s lucky to have so many barre studios offering different methods and I’m glad I took the time to attend trial classes.
While doing that, I chanced across Barre 2 Barre Singapore’s Instagram page where they were promoting their teacher training course in Koh Samui, somewhere in March 2018 or so. I prayed about it  & did extensive research on the various method before taking the leap of faith!
Attending the BarreAmped Teacher Training was one of the best decisions I’ve made and I am still truly grateful for this opportunity. The trainers were all so knowledgeable, passionate, excitement that same passion has rubbed off me. I really love & appreciate the teachers, mentors & the amazing community!
Exercising safely was extremely important to me as I had really bad shin splints & injured myself pretty badly from really hardcore HIIT classes. Hence, I saw the importance in learning the anatomy, understanding how each muscles gets activated differently through each targeted exercise.
The beauty about the BarreAmped method is the heavy emphasis on form & alignment – if you prioritize good form & alignment in your practice, you’ll really feel the muscle burn even as you move an inch.
Seriously, mind blown.
No further plans for now, but I do hope to continue teaching & spreading my love & passion for the BarreAmped method. I hope to deepen my knowledge in pre/post natal exercises perhaps, or even get certified in Bounce or TRX!
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What is your favorite way (aside from barre) to keep fit and find some downtime?
HIIT Classes at the Gym
I’m pretty active, in general I tend to work out alone and that’s the time that I get to de-stress, recharge & clear my head. If I’m not doing any of that, I’m probably being an absolute grandma, I’ll probably be in bed at around 8:00PM.
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List your 3 dinner party dream guests, what would you talk about and what dish would you prepare for them?
Wow this is difficult. I guess realistically speaking; I would have to say my closest friends & family! My family & friends really mean so much to me and I wouldn’t be the person I am without their love and support. That aside, I’d make a really good salad, guacamole & salsa with corn chips & a raw vegan cheesecake. Yum, I feel hungry already.
But I guess if I had to choose 3 special guests, I would have to say:
Ellen Fisher. She’s this amazing vegan mama who raises her children with so much love & tenderness and has such a wonderful outlook on food.
Niomi Smart. I think she’d cook really good vegan food so I won’t have to cook hahaha! She’s humble, inspirational & grounded. Needless to say, she has her own vegan cookbook so I could use her recipes – hey hey hey, making sure I score brownie points!!!
Deliciously Ella. I used to read her blogs & watch her videos when I was exploring a plant-based lifestyle approximately 5 years ago. My boyfriend was in the UK for his exchange program & he surprised me with a signed cookbook! It took a month to get to me but I was truly incredibly happy. I’d probably make her raw vegan cheesecake as well as her quinoa pizza. You have to try it!
List your 3 favorite travel destinations, and list 3 more that you want to travel to and why.
Melbourne. Hands down! The ocean, the weather (autumn & winter are my favourite!), the food, the plant-based options, the people, the laid-back culture, the crazy good coffee and the list goes on… I truly love Melbourne, it’s my happy place. I’ve been there three times and I can never get sick of it.
London. I love the weather – it’s cold, it’s gloomy, it’s cold, it’s gloomy, it’s my favourite kind of weather! I love the culture, the people, the scenery, the plant-based options, the coffee & there’s just too much to do in London. I had the opportunity to live & study there for 6 months when I was studying fashion after university. It was truly such a dream and will always have a special place in my heart.
Berlin. I love how chill & laidback Berlin feels, its rich history (I was a history nerd back in secondary school), the awesome food, wonderful farmers’ markets & so much more! I stayed there for a good one week when I was solo backpacking around Europe & I truly couldn’t get enough of Berlin.
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Three more that I really want to travel to:
Hawaii – Acai, ocean, sand, beach, sun, nature; everything that I love!
Bali (Omg, who hasn’t been right? Me.) – I’ve seen the crazy cafes with wonderful acai bowls, avocado toasts & the yoga studios. I can’t wait to visit some day
Canada – I’d love to see Canada in its full winter glory, especially Alberta! I’ve seen crazy YouTube videos on the scenery in the winter – beautiful snow-capped mountains, icy lakes, people decked up in their coats & scarves. I think it’d be such a dream to celebrate Christmas there!
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barre2barresg · 6 years
The Barre 2 Barre Academy Diaries: Camilla Lindberg (Part I)
Testimonial from the BarreAmped Teacher Training at Samahita Retreat, Koh Samui:
"An amazing, educational experience in a blissful setting! All of the teachers did such a great job and made it seem so effortless - the teaching, the organisation of everything, their undivided attention to the individual needs and interests of their students, the way in which they all were so positive, inspiring, available and supportive! As for my fellow aspiring barrerinas - a lovely, easygoing bunch of girls. Very enjoyable!" - Camilla Lindberg
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Camilla Lindberg: a bit about my personal intentions and my experience of the structure of the training and of the retreat:
BARRE TO ME. I discovered barre 2.5 years ago, when a friend invited me along to a class at the newly opened Barre 2 Barre studio in Singapore, and immediately fell in love with it. More than 300 classes later, I signed up for this 8-day combined Level 1 & 2 BarreAmped course in Koh Samui. My first ever retreat - and my first ever wellbeing-related teacher training course. The idea was to absorb and comprehend as much as possible, theoretically and practically - and to connect with girls equally passionate about the form and method. As for the course elements, I loved the anatomy aspects, the exercise breakdowns, the co-teaching (even if I also kind of dreaded it, haha - it was very useful!) the classes, the way each teacher explained everything, the way their own passion and creativity shone through, and the insights offered by the other students. I loved learning more about myself, my own anatomy, the anatomy of others and what to be aware of. I do wish I'd been less nervous and more confident at the exam, but at the same time I feel that I've now got the tools to connect the dots between what I know and love from my own practice and then the background and structure of everything from the individual muscle engagements to the movement variations to the class formatting. Still so much more to learn, including how to keep my own good form while communicating good form to others, haha :) It's very fascinating!
OUR MONEY’s WORTH. We went through an intense and intensive daily programme, from around 7:30am to 9pm, conducted in an idyllic wooden yoga studios on the beach: exercise classes, lectures on form and alignment principles of BarreAmped, anatomy overview using a skeleton called Steve, exercise dissection, pre- and post-natal and injury modifications, class framework and formatting, teaching skills, practice and code of conduct, co-teaching … THE LOT! A full body workout with traits from pilates, yoga and dance, BarreAmped is all about small, precise, mindful muscle engagements and movements, contractions within contractions, with isometric holds, to really feel a burn, shake and effect in all of the right places, i.e. create long, lean and strong features whilst protecting joints and supporting a good posture. Having happily practised it for over two years, I like to think that I always come to class with a focussed mind, carefully observing myself and each of the teachers, their different styles and cues, their words of encouragement, adjustments and troubleshooting. In this short week, though, I learn so much more, especially the vast difference between being a (passive) student and assuming the perspective of a teacher – and what it means that every body is different. And how much I still slouch although I’ve been thinking about keeping a neutral spine for so long – it’s all a process. Barre has always been a sanctuary for me: the good energy in the Barre 2 Barre studio, the lovely community, the nurturing attention to detail, taking classes at other boutique studios when travelling. When at night, my boyfriend asks me what my favourite moment of the day was, something barre-related often comes in as number one; I’ve brought countless friends visiting from overseas to classes and loved to see how they found it both challenging and invigorating; I’ve felt the positive effect on my own body and mind. The only other types of physical movement I really feel attracted to are running, swimming and yoga, partly because they allow me to completely switch off and focus on my breathing. Now, in order for barre to really feel satisfying, some cerebral effort is needed. Until this week, I never quite understood how much, haha.
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CHALLENGE! In one way, it was great to move straight from Level 1 to 2, as it meant I had a good idea of the general format and was in the zone ... In retrospect, though, I am a bit gutted that I was rather fatigued by Thursday night (i.e., one day into Level 2). I wish I'd had a half day of fresh and calm self-study time to slowly let everything settle. That said, part of my intention of going was to interact and socialise with fellow barrerinas and to unwind from months of work-related stress so I am glad I joined the Bootcamp and Fire classes as well as the snorkelling trip and the communal meals, which had been incorporated into our schedule for good measure. And I’m glad I went to bed early and got up to swim in the gorgeous beach-facing pool at sunrise. And even if it wasn't my best test performance in history, I do now have the resources (incl. nicely illustrated comprehensive books!) and memories of everything the teachers taught us to help me immensely going forward, in my own time.
THE RETREAT. Quaint, lush, wholesome eco vibes. Open, airy spaces. Natural, vegan, msg- and refined sugar-free food made fresh for every meal - perfectly matching my inclination to match healthy training with healthy nourishment. A cool salt water pool. Ocean view. Spacious, clean rooms. Impeccable service. It was the first time I’ve ever gone to a place and not left the hotel grounds (except for that snorkelling trip and a dinner out on the last night!). I simply didn’t feel the need - I was so immersed in the feel of it all, haha. Yogis and meditators staying at the retreat observed us with perplexed looks on their faces - what are these crazy people doing working out and studying ALL OF THE TIME??
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TIMING REFLECTION! When I signed up for this course in the early spring, I had no idea I’d be leaving Asia and my daily practice at Barre 2 Barre a mere month after the course, which makes it such a sweet way to say goodbye to this, the initial, part of my barre journey. Other than keeping a journal and taking photos, I kept the week free of digital elements. I wanted to be as present as possible. The days were packed full of good stuff, and whether or not I actually passed the exams and got the certificate (I did!) was less vital than the course itself and the self-care and -growth involved. All I cared about was the learning process and the barre community feel and the retreat situation. If I really want to teach, I’ll get there; but for now, the focus was on immersing myself in the process. Then perhaps sometime in the new year, if it makes sense, I might do a barre teacher apprenticeship. For now, I was excited and grateful that this was happening. Flying off alone to a tropical island. The opportunity to gain a deeper insight into and awareness the workings of the BarreAmped method, which I find so easy to love so much even if it makes me shake and ache, not to speak of my own physique and mind-body-connection and those of others. In the company of prima barrerinas from all over the world, but mainly Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia and Singapore.
DAILY RHYTHM AND HIGHLIGHTS. Morning swims and looking at the sunrise from the wide, white beach; physically and mentally exhausting and stimulating work all day; new friendships made through pea butterfly juice, endless amounts of raw veggies, sweat and laughter with a bunch of girls exuding good vibes – everyone was open and friendly, and it was interesting to experience our different dynamics coming together, our different motivations for being there, whether solely personal or also professional, and our different stages of progression, of fatigue kicking in, of needing some time alone to process, of connecting and supporting each other. Some of my favourite moments were when Karen taught a Fire class, Hayley and Jess taught Bootcamp classes, Denise taught a Barre Yoga class and Ali taught a TRX class… yes, there were the wooden yoga shalas, the beach and ocean view, the palms lining our little oasis rustling in the fresh salty breeze… but truly special about the classes was the radiant, vibrant, focussed energy emanating from everyone during the exercises and the teachers’ spot-on observant cues and heartfelt encouragements… that’s what was addictive.
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barre2barresg · 6 years
Interview with Inner Work Coach: Delphine Supanya
Barre 2 Barre is excited to host Delphine Supanya for her upcoming workshop series: Post-Pregnancy Neuromuscular Reboot. In preparation for the two special sessions we will share with her on September 22 and 29, we interviewed Delphine to discover more about her practice and journey to becoming an inner work coach. Read on to learn about Delphine, and join us for these next two healing Saturdays. 
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Tell us about your journey to becoming a meditation and inner work facilitator. 
I started meditating when I was around three years old. I grew up in a Vipassana Buddhist family and we practiced chanting and meditation daily. I particularly liked the ceremony around prayer- not in a religious sense, but in the way that it taught me to 1) check in with myself every morning and evening, 2) set positive intentions for the day and 3) express gratitude for any experience or lessons learned. This taught me to “check-in with myself” on a physical and emotional level and has helped me greatly in cultivating a sense of awareness from a very young age.
Meditation became an even bigger part of my life when I started to experience chronic pain due to the neurological illnesses I had to live with. This is when I started to explore the realm of meditation techniques (outside of the ones taught through vipassana) and discovered that meditation can be the simplest thing I practice seamlessly throughout the day - whether in stillness, during an activity such as a physical practice, or while eating, walking, picking my fruits and vegetables out at the store, and even while having a conversation. Meditation became my tool to manage anything that would cause emotional, energetic and physical imbalance or misalignment. Over the years, I fine-tuned my practices and found myself combining different meditation techniques to fit any situation or challenge I was facing. These are tools I enjoy sharing with the world now. 
One of the gifts or as I like to call them “side-effects” of having a meditation practice is that it teaches you to focus. It is not about emptying the mind at all but setting your attention (using the mind) on something very specific. We talk about Formula 1 drivers or rock climbers entering a meditative state of focus - it is the same thing. Until two years ago, I was in a state of chronic and often debilitating pain. Meditation helped me bring my focus to the task of completing five law degrees in three countries and working as an international lawyer in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment. I came to truly understand the concept of “Mind Over Matter” and the Mind-Spirit connection. 
My path to becoming an inner work facilitator started when I emerged on the other side of a Near-Death Experience or NDE. I was recovering from post-stroke paralysis and understood that the Body is an integral part of the human experience, and that the “Mind Over Matter” and Mind-Spirit connections were not sustainable for healthy living. It was through deep Inner Work that I was serendipitously forced to reconnect with my Body and understood the Mind-Body-Spirit connection. This is when everything shifted within me and I used what I now call Inner Voyage Integration, Neuromuscular and Somatic Movement practices and Yin Yang Nutrition to fully recover from paralysis, reverse years of chronic disease, eradicate pain from my life, restore my eyesight, and become healthy enough to be able to conceive a child again. All we need to heal lies somewhere within us. It is now my joy to facilitate others into finding themselves and their own path to self-healing and expansion. Everyone deserves and is capable of living a vibrant, joy-filled life. 
Could you describe/explain a few of the therapy modalities you practice?
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Through meditation and hypnotherapy, we address specific areas of the human psyche to kick-start the body’s natural ability to self-heal and change the structure of the brain. I like to combine a multitude of meditation practices that I have come to experience and integrate over the last twenty-five years. The variety of methods reflects the variety of situations and states we experience as human beings on a daily basis. It is easier to reach a meditative state once we have experienced it for a prolonged period of time (25 to 60 minutes). As practice makes master, I then advise to practice 60 second meditation series throughout the day. These short meditations can be prolonged but are initially very efficient to reduce stress by achieving balance and alignment anytime, anywhere. We are naturally able to seamlessly integrate meditation into our lives. In the 21st century, it is no longer required to join a monastery to learn how to live mindfully and holistically.
Inner Voyage Integration
Inner Voyage Integration (IVI) is a deep meditation practice which I facilitate during private sessions. It combines several of the most effective practices I have learned, experienced and integrated. IVI reestablishes communication pathways between the mind, body, and spirit in the gentlest manner to reactivate the human’s self-healing capabilities from the inside out. It addresses the physical, psycho-somatic, emotional, and energetic aspects of your being and has been described as “one of the most rapid and accessible approaches to transformation and healing". This is the method through which I recovered from paralysis, reversed disease, and improved my life in all ways. I continue to witness everyday how effective it is at changing people’s lives as much as it has changed mine. 
Neuromuscular Reboot
On the physical side, I also practice Neuromuscular Reboot (NMR), an easy to remember tool that can be applied anytime anywhere and only takes 15 to 30 minutes to practice and 2 to 3 hours to learn. NMR is a series of exercises which lay the foundation for a connected, efficient, leaner and stronger physique. If you wonder how athletes and dancers get the tone in their muscles, it is through neuromuscular therapy. My teacher, Melvin Hart, and I have taken this approach further by combining it with neuromuscular reprogramming to enable a full body reset (on a physical, neurological, emotional and energetic level). This method is so beautifully efficient to kick start a balanced and healthy lifestyle and any movement practice. We practice it everyday ourselves first thing in the morning and as part of our warm-up before any physical activity. 
What keeps you motivated to continue on your path as an inner work teacher? What are some changes you have seen in your clients that inspire you and reaffirm the power of your practice? And specifically with pain and pre-natal complications?
It is such a privilege to witness such deep transformations and self-healing. It has become my daily job to assist people in finding themselves and coaching them through their own evolutionary process. To me it is about reintroducing magic and awe into our lives and witnessing how rediscovering that changes people on a deep level. It is the most beautiful experience when someone rediscovers that all they need to find happiness has been residing within them all this time. The path to healing anything is through inner work and self-love. I enjoy accompanying others on that path very much. 
I have seen people who were in pain for years walk out of a session pain-free and come back to learn how to maintain that state. Some are even learning the technique now and facilitating other people through this process. 
One pregnant woman came to me as she was considering sewing her cervix due to complications during her second term. After one session together, all her bleeding stopped and she delivered a healthy boy through a beautiful natural birth. The work clients like her do extends to after birth as well, as parents are more and more interested in maintaining all things magical throughout their child’s education. 
I learn so much witnessing such deep transformations and we create such meaningful connections. I have seen hundreds of people in the past two years and look forward to assisting anyone who feels called to evolve and transcend what has been limiting their happiness. 
What is your experience in working specifically with mothers?
For the last two years I have worked with mothers and mothers-to-be, before and after birth. 
Through the inner work, the mother gets to connect very deeply with her infant in-utero and interact with it before it is born. It is one of my greatest joys to facilitate such experiences and see how a mother connects and interacts with her child. The inner work also helps greatly with any pre-birth complication such heavy bleeding, low-lying placenta, or ectopic pregnancy. 
This year, and especially since I experienced a miscarriage myself, I have been assisting more women with physical, emotional, and energetic recovery after birth. To clarify, by birth I mean any birthing constellation - namely birth, miscarriage, abortion, and false birth. Having experienced the physiological and emotional changes myself, I developed an easy to practice post-pregnancy program that aims to deeply reconnect a woman to herself while benefitting from a physical upgrade. I have come to understand, through my own experience and observing other women, that pregnancy is not only the birthing of a child, but also the birth of a stronger and more connected version of oneself. There are not enough programs for mothers that address the physical, emotional, and energetic realities that are all part of the experience, which is why I created the Post-Pregnancy Neuro-muscular Reboot workshop series. 
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Could you share one or two simple but effective tips anyone could incorporate into their daily lives to manage stress or anxiety? 
My favourite tools to manage stress and anxiety are the following: 
Tool 1: Check-in Body Scan 
Take 60 seconds a day to sit down, close your eyes and do a quick body scan. Scan your body from the top of your head all the way down to your toes, notice and acknowledge how you feel on a physical level (tension points, sore points, points which feel good), on an emotional level (am I angry, frustrated, stressed? anxious?) and on an energetic level (I am tired, I am energized, I am so-so). Whatever it is, I invite you to notice and name those sensations. We lead such busy lives, and we do not take enough time to check in with ourselves and notice how we feel and where we are at. The simple act of acknowledging a state of being is already very healing as what we are doing in that very moment is being present. Once we name the sensation, it has been felt, noticed, acknowledged, and it can now move into the past, i.e. no longer affects us on an unconscious level. This will reduce your level of stress, irritation, and anxiety. The best part with this practice is that during those 60 seconds, you meditated. 
Tool 2: Smile 
Take another 60 to 180 seconds a day (several times a day if you can) after the Check-in Body Scan to smile. Make the biggest full-toothed smile you can muster, feel your cheeks extend to almost touch your ears, and feel your eyes move diagonally towards the top of your head. Once you are there keep the smile and breathe. You can do this with your eyes closed or opened, in front of a mirror, and anytime, anywhere. Smiling releases pleasure hormones called endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and antidepressant hormones such as serotonin. It not only reduces stress but also boosts the immune system. Once you are done smiling, take a few seconds to notice how much better you feel and take that newfound sense of self and joy to continue your day in a more beautiful manner. 
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barre2barresg · 6 years
Barre 2 Barre SG Interview Series: Rachel Tan (Part XV)
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What does wellness and being healthy mean to you?
To me, health and wellness is the intersection of consciousness and self respect. Always be conscious of whether the decisions you make in life, your career, or in your fitness regime and diet are decisions that will lead to a fulfilling, sustainable way of life for yourself.
Share with us a funny story related to barre.
Teaching barre has now enabled me to get my parents moving again! I've always stressed the importance of strength training or light cardio to help strengthen their joints at this stage of life, but they have not made it a priority. Now that their daughter is an instructor, they cannot say no and have to support! They take frequent breaks and teach me how to teach in class, but training them is worth it.
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How did you get into BarreAmped and what are your future plans for barre?
I walked into my first class with no expectations, and ended up loving the challenge it brought in terms of alignment and muscle endurance. It has also helped me perfect my running form and improved my mental strength. I hope to continue teaching BarreAmped for a long time, motivating clients through humor and tough love, and getting them to love their bodies more!
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What is your favorite way (aside from barre) to keep fit and find some downtime?
Running to rap music, HIIT exercises, and yoga. To relax, I watch my fair share of Netflix, play with my rabbit (Poncho), and work on illustrations for Tinee Dino - my business and spirit animal.
List your 3 dinner party dream guests, what would you talk about and what dish would you prepare for them?
Van Gogh, Edward Hopper, and David Chang - my favorite celebrities from the art and food world. I would make a recent favorite - kimchi stew with lots of mushrooms and eggs! Plus a strong drink to help them forget about the meal in case they don't like it.
List your 3 favorite travel destinations, and list 3 more that you want to travel to and why.
Three Favorites: San Francisco, London, Venice
Three on the Wish List: Amsterdam (for the surroundings), Argentina (for the culture), New Zealand (for the adventure)
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barre2barresg · 6 years
Barre 2 Barre SG Interview Series: Imogen XIV
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1)How did you get involved with Barre2Barre? What is your role within the team?
If you told me a year ago that next year I would be Interning at a Barre Studio in Singapore I would have been overjoyed the way I am now. Coming from Glasgow, Scotland I had grown up around a ballet studio as I used to dance for Scottish Ballet. Therefor when the opportunity sprung to me to choose from various internships I knew straight away that working in a barre studio was the way forward, personally. I would be taking on a Marketing role within the business, including managing social media, helping with events as well as working with the others to create the best marketing ideas and plans possible that could benefit Barre2Barre the most.
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2)Is this your first experience with barre? How do you remember your first class?
As I mentioned I grew up doing ballet, however as I began furthering into my teenage years I decided to focus more seriously on my athletics. I could see quite quickly after losing my normal routine within ballet I was losing my form and I certainly became a lot less flexible (I would never stretch properly after running, oops!). Training in high jump would end up leaving me with a bad back in which I would have to do exercises every morning and night to try and mend it. Overall, this made me slightly nervous to come back to a barre even though I still enjoy yoga and Pilates at home! My first ever class at Barre2Barre was Bounce which I will state now I LOVE. I am so glad I tried this first as its super fun and you also feel all the right areas burning as it incorporates everything from balance to cardio. I remember sweating without even realising it which always makes you feel good because you know you’ve had a good work out and you have clearly enjoyed it if you haven’t noticed the trails of sweat running down your back.
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3)What physical or mental benefits have you experience in or outside of class since starting barre?
The first thing I think you notice straight away from doing barre each week is the change in your arms. Each class you will use weights at one point in which you do exercises which consist of tiny pulses for long periods of time (30 seconds/1 minute seems like forever!) which really make your arms burn! I love this because I think everyone wants to have toned arms and barre certainly gives it to you. Within barre you are always progressing with everything you are doing in class because whoever is taking the class will make sure your form and alignment is correct which helps target the specific areas that each exercise is specified to. This ultimately builds a much stronger version of yourself. Mentally, it makes you fall in love with exercise and open to try new things. I have been lucky in terms of enjoying exercise however it also makes you focus on not only what you’re doing in class but out of class too such as what you eat and how you feel. When you always find room to exercise you get into a rhythm which you don’t want to break, this means you eat well because you know if you eat badly too often your going to break this cycle as you can’t perform at your best.
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4)What else do you like to do for your fitness and well-being?
I like to go to the gym as much as I can, especially after my day at Uni, and I really don’t have any excuses as my gym is 2 minutes down the road! I love to run because when I get into a rhythm I don’t want to stop. I also enjoy Body Combat at home which is an amazing all-round workout which really works your entire body for 45 minutes, 3 times a week. I think as a woman its really important to go to some sort of self-defence class because not only does it make you feel stronger, but it also makes you feel like you can defend yourself if anything was to ever go wrong, especially at an age where you spend a lot of time out with your girlfriends in the city centre. If I was ever to try and keep any sort of food diet or restrict myself to any food groups it would just never work. I LOVE FOOD. Anyway, what I try to do is keep myself to healthy meals, try not to snack as much and drink A LOT of water during the week as well as work out which means at the weekend I can eat and drink what I want (to a certain degree ;) ) and I find that this works as it gives you something to look forwards to at the weekend even if you have no plans. You will always know that on Saturday you can eat that massive bag of popcorn or spicy crisps that are sitting in the cupboard. 
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