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Maybe, if we share a piece of ourselves, we can break out of our old cycles of violence, and pain. Create a new world for you, Nora. A better one.
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Some things they get right
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BARRY ALLEN AND IRIS WEST-ALLEN | THE FLASH, Season 9, Episode 11, “A New World, Part II”
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they’re so cute omg 🤍
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THE FLASH Season 9, Episode 10: A New World, Part One
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Is the person coming back a guy or a girl?
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Are you sure about that? — I’m sure about you. Whatever happens next… we’ll do it together.
THE FLASH Season 9, Episode 1: Wednesday Ever After
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No problem, take all the time you need! I hope you feel better. ❤️
Fic idea:
Iris fires the nanny hired to watch Nora Bc she keeps flirting with Barry.
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YES. 😍
Fic idea:
Iris fires the nanny hired to watch Nora Bc she keeps flirting with Barry.
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Hey there
Favourite flash episodes from any season?
Hmm, I don’t really have a favorite episode, but if I did, it would probably be somewhere in season 3 or the beginning of season 7. Thanks for asking!! ❤️
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@cygnetofthesea are there any more chapters of this??? it’s amazing 😭
WA AU: Finding Home
Boxing AU: In search of her father, Iris comes across Barry, the famed boxer of Central City. What started off as a quest to find a home, Iris finds love and a partner in her journey.
Iris watched his movements through the cage, focusing on his hands as a means to distract herself from what was actually happening.
She didn’t know if she much succeeded if her thrumming heart was any indication. Or the hitch in her breath as she watched Barry’s head snap back with the blow from his opponent. She wanted to call out to him. She didn’t know what she’d say, implore him to just tap out or to throw an uppercut before going for the solar plexus?
But she remained silent. She knew if said a word or made the slightest noise, he would hear it. He always did and she knew he’d get distracted, worrying more about her being in distress than the fact he was meant to focus on winning the match.
They both hated that she had to watch him fight but both felt a sense of comfort with her being there. At least they were within reach of one another.
Iris tracked his movements, the sweat making his body shine under the floodlight over the ring, his feet moving swiftly as he dodged a blow. Barry was a slim man, tall and lanky, that when she had first met him she couldn’t believe this was the intimidating champion fighter of Central City.
She had let out a startled laugh when he introduced himself, shaking her head as she glanced at him, head to toe.
“You’re just a slip of a person,” she blurted out before she could stop herself.
He stared at her in response, taking in her slight figure and she blushed. Iris supposed she was one to talk.
“Can I help you with something?” he asked when she struggled to rectify the situation.
“Um yeah actually, I was wondering who I’d see to train.”
His stoic expression faltered then. Once again, those green eyes roved over her and she couldn’t help but become entranced by that particular shade. It wasn’t deep green, but it wasn’t seafoam green either. It was somewhere in the middle….like a pond green. Pond green eyes framed by thick lashes.
He did not have the makings of someone who was supposed to look intimidating and yet, he stood with an air of someone who could quite possibly incapacitate someone in a minute flat. His arms were wiry but with thick bands of defined muscles. They made themselves known as he crossed his arms across his chest.
He was examining her, she could tell, his head cocked to the side. She felt heat creep up her body, but she wasn’t going to be swayed. She may be small but she was big. She had always been scrappy but bouncing around from foster home to foster home had taught her to fend for herself just enough to get to safety.
People always underestimated her small frame but Iris had learned to use it to her advantage. She wasn’t going to let anyone dismiss her. It was with that thought, Iris straightened, leveling him with a stern look.
“Anyone ever tell you it’s not polite to stare?”
Those eyes flickered up to look at her, a hint of amusement, as he slowly straightened his head.
He shrugged, “Never had a mother to teach me manners. Besides, if you’re here to fight, I’m going to have to size you up.”
Iris filed away that information. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “Neither did I, but at least I didn’t rudely stare at you.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Oh didn’t you? And what about that ‘just a slip of a thing’ comment? Pretty rude, if you ask me.”
Iris bristled, heat traveling up her neck. “Well, I’m not asking you. I was, however, asking about a trainer.”
“Right, I don’t train. I’m a fighter—”
Keep reading
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she’s too beautiful 😫😍
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i feel attacked along with you 😫 but it’s very true 🤩
I love how the fandom went from "please let S8 be the last" to "we need 10 more years of Barry and Iris raising their speedster toddlers. We need Uncle Jay babysitting, we need Uncle Wally babysitting"
As one of these people, I feel attacked but well warranted
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Definitely my favorite. 🥰😍🥰
The renewal kiss is one of my favorite kisses. Barry pulling Iris into Flashtime 🥰 Barry telling Iris he wanted that moment to last forever 😍 Barry going in for a second kiss ❤ Absolute perfection
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(credit: fyeahgrantgust.tumblr.com)
This kiss is truly perfection, nonnie. 😍 Absolutely gorgeous.
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when i tell you i cried in this moment. they most definitely deserved this, and so did i.
this moment is just 🤌😩
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This kiss 😩😩
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how it started 🥰 | how it’s going 😍
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They’re so sexy back to back bro, something about it. 🥵🥵
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im gonna cry. i love this family bro. 🥲
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🥰 🥰 🥰
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