barsfrommars · 8 years
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barsfrommars · 8 years
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barsfrommars · 8 years
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@ Lipstickandtitties
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barsfrommars · 8 years
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barsfrommars · 8 years
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barsfrommars · 10 years
Untitled Black
I sometimes liken my being To that of the appleseed. The Appleseed, black in nature But surrounded by the oppressive white fruit. And no matter how many apples you get, it's all the same. But I was taught that with the faith of a mustard seed I can not only succeed But I can move mountains. So with that I will NOT SENSOR myself To make you Or anyone Feel comfortable. They tell me to say that "All lives matter" To make my white counterparts Not feel left out.. What they don't understand is that When I chant "Black Lives Matter" I have never been said that All lives don't matter And the fact that you must Attempt to correct me Means That you Do Not Truly Understand! It's okay if you don't understand. I can't expect you to. You'll never understand how it feels To be black. You'll never understand how it feels To not be able to walk into a store or down the street wearing a hoodie. Without fear for your life. You'll never understand how it feels To wake up not knowing if today will be the last day you see your friends and family because those that are supposed to protect you, are killing you and your race like flies. You'll never understand how it feels To be praised for your ability to bounce a ball, Then in the same swift breath bounced of the sidewalk like your name is Spalding. You'll never understand how it feels To be called a nigger. You can turn off your awareness at anytime And continue to live within the scope of your white Privilege. My race and I are not afforded that same opportunity. We are constantly demonized and scrutinized by The country that we built. You'll never understand how it feels To be me. And I can't expect you to.
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barsfrommars · 10 years
I am black sheep,
Passive in pastures
No one dares to graze in.
I do not fit into petty places you call the norm,
I stand alone;
But you best believe I eat well.
I am black panther,
Aggressive in concrete jungles
No one dares to preserve.
I do not hunt with the majority,
I stand alone;
But you best believe I eat well.
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barsfrommars · 10 years
First Post
New to Tumblr! 
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barsfrommars · 10 years
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barsfrommars · 10 years
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Hit and run
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barsfrommars · 10 years
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Similarities between Blake Brockington and Leelah Alcorn
1. They were both Transgender.
2, They were both rejected by their families. (Blake was in fostercare because his family kicked him out)
3.  Their ages. (Blake had just turned 18, and Leelah was 17 turning 18)
4. They both commited suicide.
So explain to me why this well known Transgender activist, Blake Brockington, who raised thousands for charity and became the first black transgender homecoming king is getting almost no media attention. Leelah Alcorn trended across Twitter and Tumblr—even got her own Wikipedia page and article in People magazine. 
This is by no means a comparison or a contest for opression. But Blake Brockington deserves the same memorial Leelah Alcorn was given— if not more.  Three thousand to three hundred and sixty four( and that is including articles about him winning @ HOCO) .The only clear difference between them is his race. Preserve this young man’s life.
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barsfrommars · 10 years
Ayeee ! My dude!
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barsfrommars · 10 years
It was never intended for it to happen like this
For black boys to become viral the way they have.
The media has martyred us without consent.
Has drafted our faces for an unworthy cause
And here I am wondering if I will be next.
Here I am wondering if my name,
a string of syllables meant to...
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barsfrommars · 10 years
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Photo via buzzfeed’s Joel Anderson. “WE ARE FED UP” spray painted in #charlottesville where black #uva honor student #MarteseJohnson was bloodied by abc agents on Tuesday. #JusticeforMartese #BlackLivesMatter
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barsfrommars · 10 years
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Everytime a black man falls, a black woman rises and takes a stand. Black women in the front lines fighting for justice at UVA.
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barsfrommars · 10 years
by Xena
"Priscilla Perez was engaged to 22-year old Alex Alvarez. Alvarez was a police officer in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. They are no longer engaged. Priscilla and Alex had an agreement to check each others cell phones to make sure that neither were behaving badly. Priscilla wanted out of...
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barsfrommars · 10 years
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The injustices of the Martese Johnson case are not exclusive to the University of Virginia but are found all over the country. As a student at this University, I am disheartened by this injustice but realize that there is a dialogue that we must have as a community and this conversation is something that all Universities should engage in. #NotJustUVA is our story. Please Share Your Own. 
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