basket-whore · 3 years
I’m so much more productive after the sun goes down. While the sun is up I feel the weight of having to do things and it just overwhelms me.
But when the sun has gone to bed suddenly my time is my own. I can do with it what I will and oftentimes that means the cleaning I’ve been meaning to do, the projects I’ve been putting off. They suddenly don’t seem overwhelming to me.
I like it when the sun goes down.
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basket-whore · 3 years
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Sorrowful no more
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basket-whore · 3 years
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Historically Sacred Items/Offerings to each of the Ouranic Theoi! I made this for my Hellenic polytheism group on discord, so I thought I’d share this information with all of you as well.
All information has been taken from theoi.com as well as various historical books on the gods, and I have decided to make this powerpoint so that other people don’t have to sift through all the pdfs and books themselves.
Make sure to click each image to get a fullview! Ευχαριστώ!
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basket-whore · 3 years
A Reminder From A Mentally Ill Witch
If you are hearing voices, seeing things others can't, having out of body experiences, having grandiose beliefs that you have super powers but can't back it up with other people, or are experiencing anything out of the ordinary, please rule out mental illness first.
I know that might sound a little rude, but as someone who has dealt with hallucinations, you need to make sure your mind is in a good state and that whatever you are going through isn't a mental illness.
Spirituality is only good when it's not hurting you. And if you end up interpreting a mental illness as something spiritual, you are going to get hurt. You deserve to be healthy while you practice your witchcraft <3
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basket-whore · 3 years
lovecore this. cottagecore that. what about the reactor core its going to explode
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basket-whore · 4 years
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basket-whore · 4 years
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basket-whore · 4 years
¢αи уσυ fєєℓ тнє ιитєиѕє єиєяgу?
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basket-whore · 4 years
💧Emoji spell to summon fog and mist on the west coast 💧
If you can, please donate to fire relief organizations I will link below. Everything counts- even if it is just a few dollars. Put as much intention into this post as you possibly can. Pray, do a rain spell, send vibes, do anything. You have more power than you think, and collecting energy is what this post needs to make it work.
☔️California wildfire relief 👩🏿‍🚒
🌧Oregon wildfire relief🧑🏽‍🚒
🌦Washington wildfire relief 👨🏻‍🚒
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basket-whore · 4 years
talents include:
being a public menace
denying god’s will
petting dogs
being dramatic
quoting classic literature even when no one asked
befriending a murder of crows
being gay
covering up my emotions by being “the funny friend” when in reality i’m really going through it
wistfully staring out the car window
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basket-whore · 4 years
“Paganism itself attracts many people because its worship of the divine feminine is a breath of fresh air in a world that worships the cult of toxic masculinity, but the divine masculine is just as important and should not be ignored or seen with aversion. Every deity, even the ultra-masculine ones, can teach us something if we are open to learning.”
— Tomás Prower, “Queer Magic”
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basket-whore · 4 years
If you look up “hex” and “moon” right now there’s like hundreds of Twitter accounts sincerely upset that kids on TikTok tried to perform a hex on the moon and they’re all taking it dead serious. Exactly what I needed for a boring Sunday afternoon
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basket-whore · 4 years
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Black Created Tarot Decks Masterpost
Dust II Onyx Tarot - Courtney Alexander
Afro Goddess Tarot & Oracle - Andrea Furtick
Afro Tarot & Oracle - Jessi Jumanji
Adinkra Ancestral Guidance cards - Simone Bresi-Ando
Akamara Tarot & Okana Oracle - Lolu
Melanade Stand Tarot - Fontaine Felisha Foxworth
The Black Gold Lenormand - Tea
Melanated Classic Tarot - Oubria Tronshaw & Julia Goolsby
If you know any deck that should be on this list, please let me know! I want to make sure that any black created decks are spotlighted!
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basket-whore · 4 years
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Here are a few of the very first three-card spreads I learned when I was first starting out with Tarot. Even now, I use a lot of these spreads for my daily readings or to gain insight if I don’t have time for a longer spread. For me, my personal favorite is the Stop/Start/Continue. It’s sometimes helpful to get in touch with what I need to quit doing, what I should be doing instead, and what I’m already doing right. I also really enjoy these 3-card layouts because you can use them as a jumping off point for making your own spreads. What are your favorite 3-card readings?
As always, you can reach out and chat with me here or find me on Instagram @readingsbylily. I have recently opened up an Etsy shop too where you can find my readings!
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basket-whore · 4 years
spell to
feel the summer air against your lips & hair,
and a sunray kissing your fingertip
leaving warmth in its wake.
you’re golden honey
and everywhere you go
people will bask
in the warmth of your glow
like to charge, reblog to cast
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basket-whore · 4 years
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As a black woman, I am furious. I have no words. I have no more patience. I am angry. I am tired. WE are tired. Oh and our president is a piece of shit racist and unfollow this account if it hurts your poor little feelings to hear me say that. I have spent my whole life watching and experiencing racism and white silence. No more being nice. No more staying silent. If this hurts your feelings and you feel personally attacked by the sentiment then you ain’t ready to hear the message yet. I don’t have any more time for white fragility. I’ve been tip-toeing around it my whole life and I am done. For those that are using their privilege to speak up and make a difference, thank you. You are on the right side of history. ✊🏽 Artwork By Me: @BrooklynnMusic on Instagram
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basket-whore · 4 years
The Most Powerful Tarot Cards
every reader will tell you something different, and spreads/context (!) can shift things around, but for the sake of knowing when there’s a strong impulse in your reading — what tarot cards pack a punch?
the major arcana
being long-term trends, they always compel. out of the 22, these 8 can be a rather big deal in your spread:
THE MAGICIAN — an urgent message to start now.
DEATH — a metamorphosis that stops before no one.
THE TOWER — tarot’s great shake-up.
THE EMPEROR — an authority steps in.
STRENGTH — a brave, bold act.
JUDGMENT — the big reveal.
JUSTICE — dreaded or fair consequences.
THE CHARIOT — vast success.
court cards
pages, knights and queens do have questions where they are the most powerful answers. however, the kings are last in the court with good reason. they rank rather straightforwardly.
KING OF WANDS — power itself.
KING OF SWORDS — toughest master strategian.
KING OF COINS — money/survival is power.
KING OF CUPS — family and great compassion.
the suits:
watch for these folks; they carry a lot of intensity.
ACE OF WANDS — the firestarter of the tarot.
ACE OF SWORDS — breakthrough!
FOUR OF CUPS — a crippling loss.
FIVE OF WANDS — a brawl gone right.
FIVE OF SWORDS — a brawl gone wrong.
SIX OF WANDS — coming out on top.
EIGHT OF SWORDS — trapped and lost.
TEN OF SWORDS — ultimate defeat.
TEN OF COINS — hitting the jackpot.
TEN OF CUPS — every wish fulfilled.
as for the remaining suits, before someone underestimates them — it’d like to quote gwyn mcvay: 
“Obviously Gandalf and Saruman are very powerful good and evil wizards, respectively, in The Lord of the Rings, but it’s the Hobbits—small, not magically or physically powerful — who get the actual main quest accomplished.”
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