bat-collector-all · 1 year
BAT #4 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
Suborder: Yinpterochiroptera
Super family: Pteropodoidea
Subfamily: Cynopterina
Genus: Balionycteris
Name: Spotted-winged fruit bat (Balionycteris maculata)
The SMALLEST megabat in the WORLD, found in Indonesia and Malaysia. They have dark brown wings with pale cream polka dots!!! Like a cute flying mushroom. They love elevated rain forests as well as costal mangrove forests. Their favorite foods include figs, persimmons, and spiders 🕷️. Amazing fact???? They peep whilst foraging!!!! They also make complex sounds and squeaks whilst socializing!!!! I think I’ll die of joy UGH. They dig roosts between fern roots, which is super uncommon. Sometimes they will even take over and or termite nests. They can have two pups per year, and don’t form monogamous partnerships. Pups weigh 0.1 oz at birth!!! And grow to 0.46 oz as adults, with a 2 in length. F r e a k i n g t i n y.
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bat-collector-all · 1 year
BAT #3 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
Suborder: Yinpterochiroptera
Super family: Pteropodoidea
Subfamily: Cynopterina
Genus: Alionycteris
Name: Mindanao pygmy fruit bat (Alionycteris paucidentata)
Weighing only 0.57 oz with a 2.5 in length 🥺 this little cutie is from the Philippines. They love mossy and montane forests with high elevation. Tourists are stealing their spaces though!!! Thankfully they are not considered to be endangered, but they are vulnerable and moving to higher mountains in the area. Poor little guys. A young / baby Mindanao pygmy fruit bat is called a 'pup', and a Mindanao pygmy fruit bat group is called a 'colony or cloud'. A cloud of bats in a cloud forest 🥹🥹🥹 10/10. This little guy isn’t often photographed so I only found one photo taken in 1969 that I’m certain is of the species. That’s the year they were named!! Ofc it doesn’t do the lil guy justice </3
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bat-collector-all · 1 year
BAT #2 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
Suborder: Yinpterochiroptera
Super family: Pteropodoidea
Subfamily: Cynopterina
Genus: Aethalops
Name: Borneo fruit bat (Aethalops aequalis)
This guy is besties with the Pygmy fruit bat 💕 and they live very close to each other. This little guy likes to live in BANANA leaves and in small groups in trees, palm fronds, and man-made structures. First discovered in 1938!!! They have reddish brown fur and are one of the smallest fruit bats <3<3. They LOVE elevation and are only found on Borneo.
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bat-collector-all · 1 year
BAT #1 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇 🦇
Suborder: Yinpterochiroptera
Super family: Pteropodoidea
Subfamily: Cynopterina
Genus: Aethalops
Name: Pygmy fruit bat (Aethalops alecto)
Also known as the grey fruit bat, this little guy happily thrives in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra (island of western Indonesia) and Java (another Indonesian island). They like the forests!!! Specifically montane forests which are tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests, also known as a cloud forests!!! What cuties!!! There aren’t many and they have only been studied a couple times ever!! They weigh 0.5 oz 🥺🥺.
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bat-collector-all · 2 years
First I will focus on the suborder Yingpterochiroptera and the superfamily Pteropodoidea, or family Pteropodidea, commonly known as “Old World Fruit Bats”, of which there are nearly 200 species. 🦇🌸✨
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bat-collector-all · 2 years
Scientific Classification of Bats 🦇
Kingdom: Anamalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Clade: Scrotifera
Order: Chiroptera
Suborders: Yinpterochiroptera (Formerly Megachiroptera) and Yangochiroptera (Formerly Microchiroptera)
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bat-collector-all · 2 years
Fun Fact 1: Bats make up 20% of all mammalian species!!! My life has never been the same since I learned this fact.
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bat-collector-all · 2 years
For this project I will be using the Wikipedia list of EVERY bat (placental mammal in the order Chiroptera) as well as “Mammal Species of the World 3rd edition”. I will then source additional photos and information for each bat. 🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎
There are an estimated 1,400+ bat species. I WILL try to give ALL of them the ATTENTION they deserve.
🦇 Comment if I make any mistakes or miss anything. 🦇
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