bat-merrn · 2 years
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Vivienne Westwood heart shaped lighter
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bat-merrn · 3 years
Shocking how many people don’t know that hens lay non-fertilized eggs and think the yolk they’re eating is a baby chicken
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bat-merrn · 3 years
okay but if i spam reblog to your posts i'm not a stalker ok i just want those in my lil home too
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bat-merrn · 3 years
he was a boy she was a $&*!
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bat-merrn · 3 years
hey hey you you i dont like your g1rlfr13nd
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bat-merrn · 3 years
How tf is tumblr going to ban the tag queue??
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bat-merrn · 3 years
i love abortion and i love divorce
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bat-merrn · 3 years
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candlelit 🕯️
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bat-merrn · 3 years
i wish i was one of those girls from classical mythology……. i could just turn into a cypress tree or a crystalline lake and be done with it
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bat-merrn · 3 years
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Cathedral Cavern, Lake District
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bat-merrn · 3 years
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An experiment!
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bat-merrn · 3 years
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bat-merrn · 3 years
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bat-merrn · 3 years
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bat-merrn · 3 years
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Park signage evolution.
Following its accidental discovery, the Mystery Flesh Pit and the unique phenomena surrounding it were targets of a headfirst and furiously paced campaign of commercial exploitation. Once architects, engineers, geobiologists and clerical members of the development team had done their work to make the park safe and viable, marketing teams faced the daunting task of selling the public on the intriguing and miraculous phenomena of the Mystery Flesh Pit while downplaying the visceral cosmic horror of the pit itself.
Families were a particularly difficult sell, as children often displayed an overwhelming fear and aversion to descending into the throat of the pit. One strategy early in the park’s history was the creation of friendly cartoon mascot Caver Coop. A brief animated film starring Caver Coop was shown at the park’s visitor center, where the character would attempt to assuage worries about being “eaten alive” or “swallowed”, reassuring children (and often parents) that the pit was perfectly safe and reinforced.
When the attraction was absorbed into the National Park System in the early 1980s, signage and other graphic materials were updated to the NPS Graphic Identity. The architecture of the park’s surface facilities was also expanded and renovated during this time to better fit with the “Natural Resort” image of the Mystery Flesh Pit brand, drawing inspiration from the local Santa Fe style integrated with unique bone formations discovered within the pit itself.
-Excerpt from New York Times Bestseller Unearthing the Unholy: Exploring the tragedy of the Mystery Flesh Pit, written by Dr. Rachel Frost, published 2011.
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bat-merrn · 3 years
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bat-merrn · 3 years
girlboss? no. girlunion. girlstrike.
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