batisms · 1 month
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she squints and his gaze also falls into a glare at the ridiculous accusation of jealousy. standing tall, cloaked in black & not amused. "someone like who? you're not fooling me, harley. last i checked, you don't have a twin that i've locked up before from the countless wrong deeds. you should try again." at her blatant lies.
Looks over at him. Squints. A real, hard, long glare at the guy....
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"Jealousy ain't a good look fa' ya, Batbrain. Ya clearly thinkin' a' someone else!! I'd nevah." She's lying through her teeth as usual, but the criminal record never does.
It's a good try, though.
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batisms · 1 month
you're running a fever. - rachel dawes
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"it's just a small fever, rachel. i'll be fine." alfred would say otherwise, since he wasn't taking anything for that fever which meant it wasn't just a fever in that perspective. but bruce was as stubborn as he had been about taking medicine for a sickness as he had been even as a kid. "you shouldn't be around me, you'll come down with something next." eyes squeezing closed in pain he was trying to mask before rolling onto his side and uncomfortably digging his face deeper into the pillow. ( @vntagetee )
from meme tag / always accepting / & always feel free to continue in separate post. <3
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batisms · 1 month
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*    i  told  her  i  trusted  her  with  my  life.  i  felt  tied  to  her  in  a  way  i  couldn’t  explain,  but  wouldn’t  change.  the  best  liars  always  tell  the  truth.
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batisms · 1 month
"no," his voice agrees not everything has to be educational; but his point still stands. "but it still seems like a vastly waste of time." dark haired boy replies, "and even encourages the reason why we have so many ted bundy's in the first place. especially in gotham." tv is not to be hundred percent held accountable, he is aware it starts with the brain; but it doesn't back up it's case for certain. one look of consideration to the television, blood spewing everywhere & bruce flinches before looking away. "you can go ahead..." he turns to start walking to the study next to the sofa, "i will be over here reading the latest paper." he wasn't going to admit out loud why it was disturbing him so much. "you haven't?" his attention trained back on selina once he sat at his desk. "then, we will do that. i'll ask alfred if we have enough eggs and flour."
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selina  briefly  diverts  her  attention  away  from  the  tv  screen  and  shoots  her  friend  a  confused  look.   ❝   bruce?  you  do  realize  that  not  everything’s  meant  to  teach  you  something,  right?  i  mean,  unless  you  plan  on  becoming  the  next  ted  bundy,  scary  movies  aren’t  supposed  to  be  educational.  it’s  just  entertainment.   ❞   she  can’t  help  but  lift  her  eyebrows,  wondering  if  this  kid  ever  does  anything  just  because  it  seems  fun,  not  because  he  wants  to  broaden  his  horizons.   ❝   mentally  disturbing.  it’s  really  not  that  deep,  bruce.  besides,  i  always  watch  your  movies  and  shows  with  you  and  it’s  not  like  secrets  of  the  whales  is  particularly  appealing  to  me,  you  know?  but  i  still  watch  that  and  pretend  i’m  interested  so  why  can’t  you  do  the  same  for  me?  just  sit  here  with  me,  eat  popcorn  and  try  to  enjoy  it?   ❞   she  frowns,  thinking  it’s  unfair  they  always  watch  whatever  it  is  that  he  wants  to  watch,  but  when  she  picks  a  film,  she  has  to  watch  it  alone  ‘cause  it’s  not  up  to  his  standards.   ❝   maybe…  could  be  gingerbread  cookies,  too.  we  could  decorate  them  and  stuff.   ❞   she  doesn’t  even  try  to  deny  the  obvious  —  she’s  very  much  into  the  idea  of  baking  cookies  later.   ❝   you  know…  i’ve  never  done  that  before,   ❞   she  admits  with  a  shrug,  looking  away  from  him  and  focusing  on  the  bloodbath  that’s  happening  on  the  screen  instead.  baking  and  decorating  gingerbread  cookies  is  something  she’s  only  ever  seen  in  silly  hallmark  movies,  never  experienced  in  real  life.
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batisms · 1 month
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"besides the hundreds of things you have done wrong."
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"Imma perfect lil' angel a' sunshine an' happiness... Ain't done a thing wrong in my life, honest!
"Anyone who tells ya otherwise is tha' real crook!"
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batisms · 1 month
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"well, that does bring me comfort not everybody feels that way."
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"-Not all of us took comfort in that thought, you know."
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batisms · 2 months
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"alfred doesn't have to see." the dark haired boy reassured, shaking his head; that shouldn't stop selina from coming over at all the way he saw it. "well, i suppose you converted me to being a dog and a cat person." he chuckled sheepishly, but wasn't that the ironic truth? and then he thanked her, smiling graciously at her help before he was seated on the floor.
"no... it's just an everybody thing, to those who don't wish to burn their mouths." he corrected, wondering why everything he did had to be a 'rich person' thing. "...thank you." smiling happily at the grilled cheese approval from selina, tearing off a piece of his and dipping it into the tomato soup. it was processed and not as good as alfred's high quality type of bread, cheese and homemade soup he made; but it would certainly do and it was an experience. a learning one and one that humbled him, that this is how most people had to eat. which only made him more eager to one day create a facility where the unwealthy could eat like the wealthy with top ingredients. it isn't fair.
"oh.." now he understood her reasoning. it was valid and he's grateful there is a genuine reasoning, but it still was a little disheartening. "i see. –i suppose you are right." even though he didn't entirely believe that, what he was saying. "i mean... sort of. my parents were boyfriend and girlfriend, but they married each other and stayed that way." bruce points out, thinking she needs an example that not all people are doomed to end. "but who says we have to be boyfriend and– girlfriend anyway..." that part had him shying up, "to go to a prom, i mean. we can go as friends."
❝   yeah,  when  alfred  sees  your  skinned  knees  fixing  me  a  cup  of  that  swiss  hot  chocolate  will  definitely  be  the  first  thing  on  his  mind,  mhm,  for  sure,   ❞   the  curly-haired  girl  muses  with  a  laugh,  sarcasm  thick  in  her  voice.  she  has  a  feeling  bruce’s  butler  doesn’t  particularly  like  her,  not  that  she  can  blame  him,  and  doubts  the  events  of  today  will  change  his  perception  of  her.  if  anything,  they  will  only  make  him  dislike  her  more.   ❝   for  starters,  i  didn’t  take  you  for  a  cat  person.   ❞   he’s  the  embodiment  of  a  puppy  dog  with  these  innocent  bright  blue  eyes  and  kind,  forgiving  nature.   ❝   and  honestly?  it  takes  a  lot  of  effort  to  domesticate  a  stray…   ❞   she  trails  off  with  a  shrug.  it  takes  effort  and  she’s  not  used  to  people  going  to  such  great  lengths  just  to  impress  her. 
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❝   wow,  wow,  wow,  where’d  you  learn  that?   ❞   she  giggles,  curious  eyes  watching  his  grand  entrance,  the  way  he’s  juggling  the  plate  and  cups,  and  quickly  scrambles  up  to  her  feet  to  help  him  out.  she  doesn’t  want  him  to  spill  their  drinks  and  stain  her  carpet.   ❝   huh?  you  eat  your  soup  cold?  is  it  a  rich  people  thing  or  something?   ❞   she  teases,  putting  on  a  serious  face  even  if  it  takes  a  lot  of  self-control  to  refrain  from  laughing.  she’s  too  impatient  to  wait  for  her  food  to  cool  down.  she  usually  just  gobbles  it  all  up  while  it’s  still  hot.  living  on  the  streets  and  fighting  for  scraps  will  do  that  to  a  person,  she  figures.   ❝   mmm,  you  make  real  good  grilled  cheese,  i’ll  give  you  that,   ❞   she  mumbles,  waving  a  hand  in  front  of  her  mouth  and  puffing  air  in  and  out  to  cool  the  chunk  of  bread  she’s  just  bitten  off.  finally,  once  she’s  able  to  swallow,  she  reaches  for  the  remote  and  presses  play,  pondering  her  answer.  she  can  feel  her  cheeks  flushing,  but  figures  if  he  asks,  she’ll  blame  it  on  the  hot  food.   ❝   because  boyfriends  and  girlfriends  break  up,   ❞   she  grumbles,  shrugging  her  shoulders  and  picking  up  her  spoon,  hoping  he’ll  be  satisfied  with  her  answer.  if  they  become  more  than  friends,  and  then  break  up,  what  happens  later  on?  they’ll  never  be  just  friends  again.  things  will  be  awkward  and  they’ll  stop  seeing  each  other  altogether  eventually.  she  doesn’t  want  them  to  be  strangers.
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batisms · 2 months
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gotham meme [3/8] characters ☆ bruce wayne ☆ “ you think we’re alike because there’s a darkness inside both of us, but the difference is, i know how to control mine. ”
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batisms · 2 months
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"that's true," he softly laughs at selina pointing that out. "and they do have the best hot chocolate. we even have some saved from our last trip, you'll have to try it when you come over next time." bruce suggests, piling their grilled cheese sandwiches on a plate with a paper towel underneath to soak up the excess butter. "of course i would really do that for you, selina. why wouldn't i." he would just be careful about the rabies thing, he doubted that was even necessary to worry over anyway as he finds a can of soda and ice. putting a few ice cubes in two cups and pouring the soda on top. he juggles the two cups and the plate of sandwiches, soon entering the living room behind her and sitting himself next to her in the floor with the things in his hands. "so am i. only now we'll have to wait for everything to cool." unfortunately. he took his spoon, giving his soup a stir, trying to coax the heat away faster. "i still don't understand how you'd lose me as a friend, though." the comment comes randomly, picking the conversation back up from earlier because he hasn't stopped dwelling about it.
continued from here / @batisms
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❝   are  you  kidding  me?  this  sounds  so  fun.  you  got  to  drink  hot  chocolate  in  swiss  alps!   ❞   emerald  eyes  shining  with  wonderment  as  she  tries  to  picture  this  breathtaking  scenery,  it  seems  like  something  straight  out  of  a  fairytale.  to  someone  like  her,  new  york  is  far  away,  let  alone  switzerland.  still,  part  of  her  wishes  that  she  could  go  there  someday  and  see  all  of  its  beauty  for  herself.   ❝   bruce!  stop.  it  tickles!   ❞   giggling  as  the  tickling  sensations  spread  up  her  leg,  selina  finds  herself  wriggling  around  on  the  counter  and  trying  to  get  away  from  the  other’s  hand.   ❝   well,  i  like  you  better  than  the  other  boys,  bruce.  but…  i’d  never  had  a  friend  before,  not  like  you.  i  get  upset  because  i  don’t  want  us  to  do  something  and,  i  don’t  know,  ruin  what  we  have,   ❞   she  admits  with  a  sigh,  filling  the  dirty  pot  with  warm  water  and  leaving  it  in  the  sink  to  soak  off.   ❝   would  you  really  do  that  for  me?  risk  contracting  rabies  just  to  bring  me  a  stray  kitten?  that’s  so  sweet,  bruce,   ❞   she  muses  with  a  laugh,  shaking  her  head  because  she  can’t  actually  picture  him  doing  something  like  that,  but  his  willingness  to  try  is  endearing.   ❝   don’t  be  sorry.  it’s  —  it’s  complicated,  okay?  like  i  said,  i  don’t  want  to  lose  a  friend.   ❞   and  earn  what  in  return?  a  boyfriend?  boyfriends  are  kinda  overrated,  anyway.  smiling  softly  as  she  watches  him  put  the  grilled  cheeses  on  the  two  plates,  she  finds  herself  licking  her  lips.  her  stomach  rumbling  at  the  mere  sight  of  food.   ❝   smells  so  good.   ❞   she  grabs  their  spoons  and  bowls  filled  with  hot  tomato  soup,  and  leads  the  way  to  the  living  room.  the  bowls  absorb  some  of  the  heat  quickly  and  begin  to  burn  her  fingertips.  she  hurries  to  set  them  down  on  the  coffee  table  and  sits  on  the  carpet  in  front  of  hers.   ❝   i’m  so  hungry,   ❞   she  admits,  rubbing  her  hands  as  she  gazes  up  at  her  friend  and  silently  encourages  him  to  take  a  seat  on  the  floor  beside  her.  
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batisms · 2 months
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"––sorry to disappoint."
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"You know...a lot of people thought you were dead. "
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batisms · 2 months
idk what took me so long to get back, but here i am. BACK!! where i belong!! so send me memes, tag me in starters, ect ect and i'll love u sm.
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batisms · 2 months
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Bruce Wayne in S3E18 Light the Wick
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batisms · 2 months
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𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬
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batisms · 5 months
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running out of breath , but i, oh i, i got stamina. running now, i close my eyes but i got STAMINA. don't give up, won't give up, i'm FREE to be the [ greatest alive ] .ᐟ
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indie rp blog for helena wayne, from dc comics. 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐧 & 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧. 🦇
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batisms · 6 months
why is the g*tham rp tag full of spammm tho. its so hard to find other rp bloggos. crying.
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batisms · 6 months
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batisms · 6 months
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"think what you want. i don't care anymore selina." especially since he's EXHAUSTED anyway proving and attempting to prove again and again that he has always loved her for who she is. but why? what for, anyway? for her to always circle back treating him like this, even when he didn't deserve a reaction like this despite earning one tonight. and in general, he's exhausted with everyone and everything in this sick world. there's no purpose to this life besides to suffer, he's just waiting to drink enough until he doesn't recover from it.
"you're insane." brows twitch in confusion, wasn't his intention at all. "or maybe just being typical you. entitled and throwing yourself a pity party." he corrects, since he's been long tired of dealing with selina giving him the line about how he's trying to feel superior towards her. it makes his blood boil that she always has assumed that and it's never been the truth. "i could fight you, but i'm not going to." that's the difference between them. and the last thing he gets out before she dissolves into the pool of people and he turns out of the hallway back into the party, but he won't be joining anyone this time.
he'll stumble his way to the drinks, find another one and go to his own darkened corner with it somewhere back out in the hall to down it and choke on it along with the tears getting stuck in his throat. head leaning against the wall as those tears drip off his cheeks, throwing the glass to the side and eventually staggering out into the night time. his thoughts incoherent and vision blurry, he barely has an idea where his home is or how to even get home.
falling into a trash can on his way out–– going the OPPOSITE way where he parked the mustang, grabbing on to the metal can, attempting to put the lid back on once it startles him. readjusting it several times before he even fails doing that, letting the lid fall and thud against the cement as he leaves it and proceeds to stumble back down the darkened street. arm lifting to wipe the sweat from his forehead, brows creasing and eyes squeezing shut at the pain in his temples, swiping away at his wet eyes while he's at it.
getting further and further away from the vehicle, until finally he gives up looking for it and finds an eerie dark alley to sit down in. using it to blubber and wallow in once he falls into the cement on his own, slicing his hand on a staircase and hitting his chin on it which immediately begins to throb in pain. wincing and gritting his teeth, he clutches his wrist and submits to his lack of sobriety from getting up. deciding he has no option but just lie here, weak, and pathetic, like selina said.
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selina  has  never  been  much  of  a  crier.  she  didn’t  cry  when  all  the  neighborhood  kids  were  flashing  the  gifts  that  santa  had  brought  them  and  there  was  nothing  underneath  her  tree.  she  didn’t  cry  when  she  found  a  bunch  of  kittens  behind  a  trash  can  on  a  cold  winter  night  and  failed  to  nurse  all  of  them  to  health.  she  didn’t  cry  when  her  mother  forgot  about  her  birthday…  so,  why  is  she  crying  now?  she  doesn’t  understand  it  and  can’t  really  help  it,  large,  hot  tears  are  rolling  down  her  cheeks  and  soaking  the  bodice  of  her  dress.   ❝   clearly,  neither  did  you.  you  never  really  cared  about  me.  you  were  just  bored  with  your  life  and  needed  a  distraction.  a  fun  project.  boo-hoo.  poor,  rich  orphan  boy  with  a  savior  complex,   ❞   the  curly-haired  girl  counters,  practically  seething  because  it’s  so  embarrassing  and  frustrating  that  she  can  no  longer  control  her  own  emotions.  but  then,  is  it  really  that  big  of  a  surprise?  no  one’s  ever  been  this  honest  and  straight-forward  with  her  before.  no  one’s  ever  confronted  her  so  boldly.  he’s  definitely  managed  to  strike  a  nerve,  comparing  her  to  the  one  person  that  she  hates  the  most  —  her  own  mother.   ❝   for  being  a  brat.  for  coming  here  tonight  in  the  first  place.  you  know  damn  well  i  work  here.  so,  why  didn’t  you  and  your  giggling  friends  go  to  some  other  place?  oh,  yeah…  because  you  wanted  to  show  me  where  i  belong.   ❞   how  she’s  so  beneath  him,  so  easily  replaceable.  dark  brows  furrowing,  she’s  a  little  confused  and  surprised  when  he  doesn’t  slap  her  in  retaliation,  even  somewhat  disappointed.   ❝   you’re  pathetic,  can’t  even  fight  me  and  defend  yourself…   ❞   nobody  ever  taught  her  how  to  use  her  words  not  her  fists,  and  so  she  finds  bruce’s  behavior  strange  in  a  way.   ❝   keep  telling  yourself  that  if  it  makes  you  feel  better.   ❞   is  the  last  thing  she  says  before  stepping  into  the  bright,  neon  lights  and  easily  mingling  in  with  the  crowd,  eventually  disappearing.
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