battledeb-blog · 6 years
ftr im not dead i just quit my job and the sony show is the 13th so after then ill be way more active thank u.... to all... i love u
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
high-fiving them (i dont see any symbols so like)
Inhale, shudder, exhale, shiver. She tries to wipe the grass-stains from her knees but they’re mottled with blood and dirt and pressed into the cuts (the stinging in her palms - taught around the bat - matches the stinging in her knees). The woods is so, so dark and the flashlight only lets Deb see trees and trees and tress. The moon is barely peeking through the canopy overhead - the eerie glow and worse silence of the grove give her goosebumps. Her steps are light and she hopes to god the lumbering, undead freak wandered off. (She wonders, briefly, while lost in the maze of pines if she is a bad person for this; surely if he doesn’t find her he’ll find someone else. Drag them off to die.)
When there’s ragged breathing behind her, Deb almost drops her weapon spinning around. Raising it and — “fuck! Vic….” Deb’s voice is shaky when she lowers her bat and the twigs crunch under her feet, racing toward the blonde. Vic doesn’t stop jogging - a halted pace and she’s holding her shoulder and she’s limping and it’s dark, it’s so dark, but she can see the whites of her eyes. When Vic slows a little, after Deb follows her out to the shore, out to a flickering campfire, theres a wrench in the silt. (In Vic’s hand, gripped so tightly her knuckles are white, which Deb never thought she’d see.)
The brush doesn’t even rustle when the blade slides through the branches. The blade is angry red and the fire-light is dancing on it, an animals toy distracting them from the shot. The mask comes last, peering through like a bloated, featureless face rising up from the lake.
When he approaches them slowly, dropping the blade into the sand with such an unearned softness. “Fuck off, fuck you,” Deb nearly whispers and separates from Vic, raising the bat again. “Coward.” (Move away from Vic, move toward the maze of trees. Lose him again. Move away from Vic, move toward the trees. Lose him again. Move away from Vic. Move into the trees. Lose him again. We both live. Maybe we live. We at least tried.)
“Why won’t you fucking die!!” Vic’s voice rings out in the silence.
When Jason lunges, they both lunge back like cornered animals. It doesn’t surprise Deb that Vic hits back, but in this condition? She’s surprised she can move her arm at all. It isn’t until Vic nearly shrieks in victory, letting go of her injured shoulder and holds up her hand to Deb. (Predator and prey, Jason is still. Dazed. A coward with a blade.) Deb slams her hand into Vic’s with a grin. Jason shifts.
When they run, back into the forest (Lose him; we live.) the ground crunches underneath their steps - slapping the earth in a hurry, a straight line toward a street light. Through the door of a cabin, fortified and trapped and silent and dark. Boxes strewn about the room leave them some cover while they sit and catch themselves.
Exhale, then hold your breath. Wait; listen. Is he there?
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
protector / protectee starters
“no. you can’t go, it’s too dangerous.”
“it’s not dangerous. i’ll be fine.”
“i’m not going to let anything happen to you.” 
“you can’t keep me safe from everything.”
“just be careful.” 
“i’m always careful.”
“you’re going to get yourself hurt.”
“i won’t get hurt, i promise.”
“i won’t let them hurt you.”
“you can’t save me from this.”
“please try and stay out of trouble.”
“if anything happened to you…” 
“i’m not sure how to keep you safe.”
“i’m not going to let you out of my sight.”
“this is the only way to keep you safe.”
“you can’t keep an eye on me twenty four seven.”
“everywhere you go, i go.”
“it’s not your job to protect me.”
“it’s my job to protect you.”
“don’t worry, i’ve got you.”
“no one will hurt you as long as i’m breathing.”
“you don’t understand how dangerous this is.”
“please come back in one piece.”
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
7. fixing their clothes (hat, tie, etc.)
When Tiff promised this wouldn’t be tacky, Deb trusted her. (She trusted her the last time too, when they were younger, back when Tiff was packing bright pink blush on Deb’s cheeks in the church-halls. Tiff’s mascara was thick and clumpy and they looked monstrous to everyone but each other at the time, but Deb thinks on it fondly.) There’s the horrible noise of taffeta being tugged and adjusted, Deb standing almost perfectly still while Tiff hm’s and haw’s over her.
“I’m not gonna go if you make me wear this,” Deb smooths her hands over the hideous fabric - it bunches back up over her stomach and reflects the light from the green-glass lamp and it makes such an awful colour, too. Tiff scrunches her face at Deb’s frown, and her neck turns red when Tiff carefully places a necklace on her. (It’s cold against the flush of her neck, next to the awful taffeta and below the heavy makeup. Made of fake shimmery stones and dull gold sets. The red crawls up and stains her face.)
Deb doesn’t do well at parties - she doesn’t drink (just in case), and she wears bulky sweaters and giant glasses (it would make her mom proud). The invite felt heavy in her hands until Tiff offered to dress her up - it’s 6:15 pm and she’s routing through her closet and it makes Deb smile. “I look like a bridesmaid and you look….” She can’t find the words.
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
Lorde - Ribs
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
                night in the woods → sentence starters
slightly edited in some cases to work for rp purposes. feel free to change phrasing or pronouns to fit your muse(s)!
❝ Do you think we’d be friends if we weren’t, like, stuck together in the same town? ❞
❝ My entire life feels like running after something that keeps moving away into the distance, while I stay in the same place. ❞
❝ I believe in a universe that doesn’t care and people who do. ❞
❝ We’re all gonna die if we don’t keep living. ❞
❝ Go legally braindead from lack of oxygen due to choking on my entire ass! ❞
❝ There is not one person on God’s Earth who doesn’t love tacos! ❞
❝ I am so scared all the time and the fear hurts. ❞
❝ Pretty amazing, to be something at least. ❞
❝ I have really up up days and really down down days. And I don’t know which it is until it’s over sometimes. ❞
❝ Plastic bags are the ghosts of supermarkets. ❞
❝ Being the only queer people in town sucks. ❞
❝ Not knowing how something worked used to seem like… magic. Now not knowing means it might be going wrong and I may not be able to fix it . ❞
❝ When I die, I want it to hurt. When my friends leave, when I have to let go, when this entire town is wiped off the map, I want it to hurt. Bad. I want to lose. I want to get beaten up. I want to hold on until I’m thrown off and everything ends. And you know what? Until that happens, I want to hope again. And I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something.  ❞
❝ It’s a fantastic ass right? ❞
❝ No fascists at this party! ❞
❝ You could vape. ❞
❝ You know when your body is like ‘Uh whoa I almost died,’ and you get all hyper because you’re filled with dolphins? ❞
❝ At the end of everything, hold on to anything. ❞
❝ If anyone’s going to ruin your night, it should be you. ❞
❝ I’m like, proud of us all, for having good-ass lives in a shitty, stupid, good-ass town. ❞
❝ Nothing is going to save us forever, But a lot of things can save us today. ❞
❝ And nobody cares! I wanted someone to notice things aren’t OK. ❞
❝ Once haunted, can a place be unhaunted? ❞
❝ We devote ourselves to something we barely understand, something we can never touch. We give it a name, and we give ourselves a name for doing so. All of it creates this connection. And that connection, that becomes the thing we can touch. ❞
❝ Oh my god. That was dangerous. I could’ve died. THAT WAS AMAZING! ❞
❝ There was until one afternoon… where something just broke. Reality broke. ❞
❝ They said I had an anger problem, but that’s not true. ❞
❝ I know this won’t save me in the end, but I don’t need it to save me forever, I just need it to save me now. ❞
❝ I have the worst face. I have a nightmare face. ❞
❝ Don’t panic but we’re maybe all gonna die soon. ❞
❝ Okay, I don’t feel comfortable with you objectifying my boyfriend. ❞
❝ I’m gonna go run around naked in the wooooooods! ❞
❝ You can’t take a woman’s husband just because he’s dead! ❞
❝ I am super, super gay. ❞
❝ I think my total gayness came through to the discerning reader. ❞
❝ I am extremely unhappy and you’re the only person who knows. ❞
❝ My dad/mom/parents didn’t like me. ❞ 
❝ My dad used to hit me a lot. ❞
❝ My mom like, wouldn’t feed me. ❞
❝ I’d be locked in there for a day sometimes, or overnight. So I’d try to develop psychic powers so I could like signal to the neighbors or unlock the door. Didn’t work, as you might guess. ❞
❝ I never told anybody. After a while, I started feeling guilty too, for some reason. Like this was something bad I was doing? ❞
❝ Being abused isn’t your fault at all. ❞
❝ I’m just glad I didn’t – yeah, anyway. ❞
❝ My dad had to stop drinking because he was a danger to me and my mom. ❞
❝ I want to grow giant and pick you all up and carry you somewhere safe. ❞
❝ Screw it! I’m doing two beers! I’m doing beer! ❞
❝ I guess beer is just one of those horrible things adults do. Like doing taxes and having babies. ❞
❝ Time makes most dangerous things less dangerous. ❞
❝ I stayed and grew up while you left and stayed the same. ❞
❝ I don’t even believe in hell and I hope they go straight there. ❞
❝ Hey you get that porn off your laptop? ❞
❝ You’re a smooth talker. you’re a smoothie. ❞
❝ Eff college!! All those rich kids and hot people all wring sex and having papers with each other! ❞
❝ I was just saying you look like crap because I love you. ❞
❝ Let’s steal from my boss, who trusted me! ❞
❝ ______ is probably bipolar. ❞
❝ I don’t know what this feeling is. ❞
❝ Don’t ever say daddy again. ❞
❝ I can’t not give a shit. ❞
❝ I thought you couldn’t leave home because of your… issue? ❞
❝ You’re home enough. ❞
❝ Isn’t it illegal to smoke indoors? ❞ 
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
ruffling her hair
There was so much about Adam she didn’t know.
He’s funny and wild and loud and stomps around behind her while she’s trying to fix the car, but it’s almost like a lullaby (rhythmic or hypnotic or something. The stomping is reassuring, anyway. Deb couldn’t tell anyone why.). He’s pacing and shadow-fighting the street lamp near her with his pocket knife, ducking and dodging himself and making the same noises little boys do when they play-fight.
“You’re gonna get us heard, you know.” Deb says without looking up, eyes fixed on the interior hood of the car, trying not to zap herself into next week. She used to be nervous around him, even though Chad says ‘not to bother’, but her hands dirty with oil and blood and the fresh-cut grass smell from stumbling. (At least Adam stopped to help her up those times. Didn’t make fun of her when she started swinging her bat either.) He can’t be that bad.
She almost jumps when he ruffles her hair, and she falls to her side, dropping the battery into place on accident. “Adam!!” She manages to gasp out, looking at him almost incredulously.
There’s a lot about Adam she learned at Crystal Lake. He ran up on a killer, once. He fought his own shadow, once. He scared her so badly by messing her hair that she fucked up repairing an escape route.
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
deb, tommy, and chad
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
@motherdevoted @deathhug @kikiimama
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
There’s blood all over his clothes - expensive and pressed and covered in red and red and red. It gleans (sticky and wet and dark) under the flashlight and moon, and all Deb can hear is the ringing in her ears, distracting her from the pain in her leg. Torn to shreds at the calf from a trap. The ringing is deafening and she thinks, maybe, this is what it’s like when a bomb goes off.
She felt stupid, jumping out a window in a panic just as Chad yells for her to not - she assures him it’s fine, Jason is distracted by Adam a house over - and when the thing slams down on her she doesn’t even scream. Just like what the kids say at school - go out with a whimper.
There’s blood on his clothes through the half hearted t-shirt bandages. ”I can walk, Chad, promise.” she says weakly; shakily, but he doesn’t let go or put her down and his breathing is rapid and scared but he doesn’t leave her behind.
”At least bring me to the phone box,” She’s faint now but still smart, and Chad has a bat and Jason can go fuck himself tonight.
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battledeb-blog · 6 years
* platonic prompts
send a symbol for my muse’s reaction to the following!
reading them a story
tending to their wounds
singing them to sleep
tucking them in
hugging them
ruffling their hair
fixing their clothes (hat, tie, etc.)
making their favorite hot drink
cooking their favorite meal and feeding it to them
holding their hand
high-fiving them
kissing their forehead
rubbing their back after a rough day
tickling them
carrying them (piggyback, over shoulder, etc.)
getting them something they need before they ask for it
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