sylvigee-blog · 7 years
“do you mind not makin’ so much noise? some of us are trying to sleep.” there’s a slight groan slipping from his lips. sleepy undertones were still present as he lifted his body to sit up just a bit more. “what do you want?”
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Cheeks were quickly turned to a rosy red, eyes subtly widening. “I--I--I’m sorry! I--” Her hands were waving in a panic close to her body, her eyes flickering between Griffin and the shattered vase that was scattered a few feet away. “Could you--Do you--I need help, Jason--He’s going to kill me.” Sylvi’s face looked as if she actually might believe that, that Jason would have her head for a broken decoration. This would definitely be the last time she tried to navigate at night without turning the lights on. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
“That’s cool.” Ryder smiled. “What’s your favorite dish to cook?” He looked at her and nodded. “Yeah, we did a bunch of shots and then Griffin came down and you wanted him to do shots because you thought he was being a Party Pooper then I don’t remember much after that.”
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She paused in conversation to think for a minute. “I actually--Breakfast stuff, crepes specifically, are--that’s my favorite.” Excitement laced itself in her response. Breakfast was a time her mother typically was sleeping during, which meant Sylvi could cook in peace. She giggled out at the mention of Griffin, a blurry memory finally appearing to her. “O-Oh, right! I w-was definitely, trying to--I wanted everyone to have, have fun.” She could only recall about as much as pulling the two boys through the kitchen before it ended. As they finally neared the kitchen, a hospitable smile looked up at Ryder. “K-Know what you want?” 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
Reflecting, Sylvi sat on the steps that prefaced Safe Haven’s main entrance, soothed with the gentle breeze. Her hands were tucked under her legs as to hold her dress flat against her, keeping up with modesty even when alone. Her eyes fluttered closed with a content sigh. This was much better than her apartment. “So I guess I ran away too,” muttered from her lips, stutter completely nonexistent. “I get why you did now. I do. I just wish...” Her voice was gradually increasing now, coming to a standard level for conversation. “You should’ve taken me. You shouldn’t have left me with that vile, grotesque person I had to call my Mother. I didn’t deserve that. Now I’m surrounded by people who I can’t even speak complete sentences to because--” 
The sound of the door cracking open touched her ears, causing her eyes to snap open instantly and her head to whirl around. Seeing who it was, her lips curled into her typical, warm smile. “Oh, you--you startled me,” a nervous laugh came hand in hand with her sentence, demeanor changing almost instantaneously. Swallowing hard, she hoped they didn’t hear her babble. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
Ryder nodded and walked with the girl into the kitchen. “So, do you like to cook?” He asked. “I remember you from the party.” He added. “I remember taking shots with you, it was Sylvi, right?” 
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She was happy he couldn’t directly see her face, because it scrunched up, recalling mostly the searing pain in her head afterwords and not much of the actual night. “Er--Y-Yeah, I remember that... Kinda.” She knew she spent time with someone that Ryder could fit the description of.  “Sylvi, yes,” Her head bobbed once or twice to agree. “I, uhm, I cooked a lot--For my mom. B-Before this. It’s--It’s fun, yeah.” She answered his first question second, mentally cursing herself for failing to even structure her conversation skills. Looking to her companion, her brow furrowed while struggling to remember. Yeah. Ryder. That sounds right. “Did--Uhm, was the party... Fun for you?” Perhaps he could help fill in some of the blanks, considering Elijah was incapable, or rather just didn’t know. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
Ryder thought for a moment and shook his head. “Actually, I haven’t.” He admitted. He put down his pen and paper and stood up and looked at the girl. “I’m not much of a cook either, so got any suggestions?” He asked
A few blinks occurred when Ryder stood up, Sylvi still not used to being around taller men people. After a moment, she smiled a wide, warm smile up at him. “I can--Well--Name something and, and I’ll see if we h-have stuff to make it.” It was most likely that they did have it, so she didn’t worry much on that. Taking comfort in the idea of cooking for someone once more, a content sigh followed not long after her words. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Ryder asked. He looked up from what he was doing and looked at the person who had spoken to him. “I wasn’t paying attention.” He admitted
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Embarrassed of needing to repeat herself, Sylvi’s face grew a soft red. “I--I said, did you--have you eaten today?” Coming to Safe Haven was a struggle for the blonde, her previous duties as a care taker were just.. dropped. And for some reason, people around here were awful at remembering to eat. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
As far as Elijah was concerned, his night had ended a while ago. Even as he was rested in bed with Claire, still able to hear the commotion the two had left behind, he had decided to conclude his night on a high note, feeling more than satisfied with his turnout. He usually set out with high hopes at parties, and though he hadn’t actually thrown many of his own, he had never found himself falling short. Slipping back into his pants; not bothering to do up the zipper, the boy draped his t-shirt over his shoulder before making his way back downstairs. One last glass of water and he would probably be content enough to sleep. Though, just as he was turning into the hall, he was smacked into an embrace.
Instinctively lifting a hand to place on the girl’s arm, in a partial-return of the hug, Elijah craned his neck, already chuckling lightly before having the chance to realize who had latched onto him. Catching a quick glimpse of blonde hair, the boy hadn’t entirely pieced together who it was until she continued, finally finding familiarity in her voice. Laughing again at the girl’s drunken question, Elijah shook his head. “I wish I was a wizard,” he said, finding it particularly easy to dance around the subject of his whereabouts whilst dealing with her intoxication. Allowing his fingers to caress her forearm as she tightened her grip on him, he turned in his heel to face her again. “You enjoying yourself?” He had spotted her with a few others before he followed behind Claire like a lost puppy, and though the thought was fleeting, he was happy to see Sylvia fitting in.
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Sylvi gave a nod, though it was half-assed and sluggish due to the alcohol. Her hand quickly shot up to grab at her head, moving it around like that was not doing her any favors. Shaking herself from it, she returned to answer with real, actual words. “I waaaas,” she dragged out, eyes looking around the space they inhabited. It was much quieter and empty now, bits of her memory failing her on when exactly that happened. Her eyes squinted as if she was trying to see the nights events and recall them. “I’m reeeally lost. Sooo lost.” She admitted, giggling in a mockery of herself. She could barely find her way out of a wet paper bag sober, let alone 7 shots deep. 
Trying to make her feet listen, she stepped forward to look around, but instead ended up stumbling--Her balance was piss-poor like this. Sylvi managed to grasp back onto Elijah (some part of his arm, she wasn’t entirely sure), steadying her balance while she gripped him. It was then that she registered this entire time he had no shirt on. A stupidly drunk, almost flirty grin came over her, feeling the fire in her face relight behind her drunken blush. Looking up at him, her eyes were full of excitement and realization. “Yooou know where I sleep! We’re neighbooors,” dragging out her words was hilarious to the blonde, scattered giggles falling in her words. By now, she had wrapped herself around his arm, clinging to him. Her head rested gently on his upper arm, definitely making her head feel better. Somehow. “Please?” She asked, the pout on her lips almost audible. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
Jason allowed an apologetic smile to find it’s way onto his features as the girl practically jumped out of her skin, and he reached out to place a bracing hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t intentional. I mean, I don’t walk around the house just waiting for people to come out of a room so that I can scare them” He joked with a small shake of his head. As he listened to the girl speak, Jason nodded his head, allowing for his understanding to show itself on his face. The house was quite large, although, he couldn’t help but think there had to be a bit more to it than just that. He felt a genuine  joy when Sylvi shared that she felt this house was better than her old one, and allowed that joy to shine through on his features, although he neglected to let his pride show as well, because he knew that expression well, and it made him think of his father. “I’m glad to hear that” He said with a nod. “As long as you’re feeling comfortable here, then Safe Haven is succeeding in what it’s supposed to do” He was a little taken aback by the girl’s offer to help, although he didn’t allow it to show on his face. Instead, he put on a smile and shook his head slowly. “You don’t have to do that Sylvi. You’re a guest here. Plus we have a full staff here to do that stuff, and I don’t think they’d appreciate it if you took away their work” He said with a bit of a shrug and a small chuckle. “Just.. try to keep enjoying yourself here”
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Through a laugh, she addressed his apology. “O-Oh, I mean--I know that,” she assured him, she was used to getting frightened by anything, even herself. It was just common reaction that she had long thought of anyone doing it intentionally, especially someone like Jason. From what she knew of him, he seemed genuine and good-hearted, though everyone was entitled to being playful and pulling pranks.  “Though--That’d be, pretty funny--If you did go around, uhm, s-scaring people.” A grin full of mischievous intent grew on her face, putting that in her back pocket for later. At least for Halloween, come the time. Sylvi’s face wrinkled with disappointment when he said no, feeling at a loss. “Y-Yeah, okay, but--” her hands tucked behind her, grabbing each other for therapeutic purposes. “I--I guess, I’m so used to... Doing all of it. It’s--I feel weird.” This confession came with pursed lips and a furrowed brow, the blonde realizing this information. Coming here was a dream, but it changed absolutely everything she knew about living. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
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A gentle grin rested on his lips and he nodded a bit, allowing that to conclude the conversation about her mother. A small chuckle escaped his lips at her reaction, and he pulled his lip between his teeth, squinting slightly as he considered what she might mean. Jetlag, of course, was something one would experience if their sleeping schedule had only ever been suited to their timezone. “Yeah, I get what you mean.” He said, though he didn’t exactly relate. His eyelids had felt heavy since arriving. Elijah had been to America a few times growing up and always remembered feeling exhausted however, perhaps it had something to do with the fact that his stay this time would be somewhat of a permanent one— or at least long term and indefinite— that it seemed to actually affect him this time. “But, yeah… England.” He repeated in a breeze of laughter. “It’s a bit far, but I think that was intentional.”
Elijah blinked slowly when she explained that he was her first friend since she was nine years old. He wasn’t certain of her age now but he thought it would be a safe guess to say that would mean he was her first friend in over a decade. He sensed some sort of insecurity in her when she admitted this to him and couldn’t help but wonder what she thought he would think with this piece of information. Sitting up again, he put his hands in his lap and his eyes focused on her bit steadier than they had been a moment before. It probably shouldn’t have but the idea intrigued him more than scared him again. If the boy was being honest, it made him curious, and almost edged him in the direction of finding out exactly what her life had been like. “Why don’t people like you?” He murmured; his eyes drifting to her lips briefly.
The boy’s eyes lit up at the sight of her flushing cheeks and a friendly grin rose to his lips. “No…” his tone was incredulous, and for a brief moment he thought she might have been joking. “You made that dress?” He said, gesturing to the one she had on. Without much of a pause or warning, Elijah reached out to feel the material along the hem of her dress. “It’s so nice,” he offered simply, pulling his hand away. “I definitely wouldn’t have been able to tell.” The glimmer in the girl’s eyes was unmistakable. His brows pulled together a bit and a bit of laughter escaped. It wasn’t usual for someone to be so excited about sports, at least, not someone who hadn’t been particularly passionate about them themselves. “No, I mean… yeah, I could teach you! —There are  few I’m not too sharp on but uh– which were you thinking?” At her following question, a quick smirk lifted a corner of his lips, but not at the question exactly, at the clear enthusiasm, and her slight shuffle toward him. Shifting his gaze to the ceiling, Elijah thought for a moment before returning his eyes to hers. “J. R. R. Tolkien, mainly… and not just because I’ve had years to develop my outrageous obsession with Lord of the Rings.” He explained briefly. Much briefer than he expected he could have. “Other than that, I’ve probably read Lord of the Flies a few too many times…” His gaze skirted along her features and he scooted a bit toward her now. “What about you?”
A look that seemed similar to a bemused child overcame her when Eli confirmed he did, in fact, come from England. “I--I used to have this, it was a book for photos, but I--I filled it with post cards. The ones that... The England ones, they were very pretty.” It was becoming more and more apparent that Sylvi’s hobbies were highly solitary in nature. Post card collecting came from her Father, who used to grab her ones when he traveled. He spent a lot of time in England and often she wondered if maybe he was there now. The slightest shake of her head occurred, trying to push it from her mind. “Did you--You didn’t like it... there?” she questioned, wondering why anyone would choose to leave. 
Trying to explain out loud why people didn’t like her was difficult. She wasn’t entirely sure, all her assumptions were just that: assumptions. Flopping backwards into the bed, she laid there, staring up at the ceiling while piecing together a good enough sentence. “I grew up... N-Not really with people. Mom was--She got hurt. I had to... care for her.” She bit her lip when she realized it was generally her mother and the abuse she brought down on Sylvi that made people dislike her. “My upbringing... I-I panic. Get anxious. I don’t--It’s hard to follow people sometimes. I normally just... They don’t want to deal w-with me.” She sighed out, hoping that made a lick of sense to the boy. “I’m--I’m different, and people don’t deal with, with different.” That was the conclusion, along with her scrunched up face looking at the bare ceiling. 
Elijah touching the dress triggered an immediate jolt in the direction opposite him. Sylvi couldn’t tell if it was because of the dress, him, or the fact a boy had reach out and grabbed any bit of her clothing. Exhaling out after being spooked, she sat back up and looked to him with an apologetic smile. “Er--S-Sorry. But yes... I made most of my clothes.” The hobby started out of necessity; Her mother was never keen on buying new clothes and just gave her old, unfitting ones from family and friends. “I-I picked it up re-purposing hand-me-downs and... I guess I--It never stopped.” She hadn’t thought much before on it, even after she could have a job and buy clothing, she still preferred to make them. 
The compliments were starting to cause a consistent blush on her face, which she hoped he was ignoring. When Elijah mentioned teaching her sports and agreeing to it, it only got worse. “A-Any is fine, really! Whatever you’re--What you’re most comfortable with I suppose.” Sylvi hadn’t actually thought he would agree, and her heart rate was reflecting that. He almost seemed too good to be true, like it was some sick joke. The thought made her feel ill, wrapping her arms around her body in such a way to soothe her anxiousness in a self embrace. Calm down. Smiling through the mild panic, she was pleased at the book choice. “J. R. R. Tolkien is--is good,” a small laugh mixed with nervousness and joy came out. Sylvi didn’t even need to think on a favorite author. “V-Vladimir Nabokov, a lot of his stuff--He’s my favorite. He’s most well-known for, uhm, Lolita, I-I dunno if you’re familiar.” Many people who were younger had issues justifying reading Lolita purely based on it’s plot summaries.She’d be surprised if Elijah had read it. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
While she had lost count a while ago, Syvi’s shot count was up at at least 7. Nobody told her that the reason you limit your alcohol was for the day after, and not for the now. At this point in the night, things had blurred together, people had come and gone, and the drunken blonde found herself curled up on one of the regal chairs in the downstairs sitting room near the action. 
She had no idea what time it was, or where everyone had went, but it seemed to have mostly died down. Head resting on her arms which subsequently rested on the arm of the chair, her eyes spotted movement. Squinting, she struggled to make out the person, but moments later she was gasping in excitement. 
Rising from her spot, she stumbled a bit with her initial dismount from it. Brushing herself off, she tailed the figure closely before haphazardly pouncing on them from behind, locking them into an embrace. “Eli!” A sizable giggle came out with the name, her face pressing deep into his back. “I missed you! It’s like, like you were here, but you weren’t! Are you a wizard?!” the words came out child-like, slurring mixed in, yet somehow she was better composed than when her stutter was present.She had seen him around during the party but, had actually failed to interact with him despite her busy agenda of forcing everyone to do shots have fun. Giving a squeeze, she pulled herself off him and a large, stupid grin was on her face. It took her a minute to get her footing before tucking her hands behind her back, rocking back and forth for no apparent reason. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
❝ yeah, i guess, ❞ she responded, her face still scrunched up from disgust of what she had just consumed. she poured the rest of what was in her glass into the sink and sighed.   ❝i think i’m just going to find a different method, though. maybe something less… repulsive. ❞ 
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Eyes widening, Sylvi realized she screwed up. She had been thinking of the best way to get the garlic flavor out of Elena’s mouth and-- “Uhh, Okay so--Don’t hate me,” She laughed nervously, as if the girl would attack her for the harrowing event she just went through. “Y-You can try a lemon. It will--It gets the garlic taste... out.” Her grin was sheepish, already moving to the fridge to grab one and chop it for her. Quickly, she sliced it on the near by counter, rushing a slice into Elena’s hand with an apologetic smile. “...Sorry.”
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
“You can talk to me you know.”  His eyebrow raising slightly as she indicated that she was withholding some information still. He stood up more straight as a ghostly smile painted his face. “You don’t care…that she died?” He nodded, mouth formed into an impressed frown.”But you strike me as s u c h a momma’s girl.” He teased.
He was confused as she spoke. He thought maybe she was interested in him, but was she only trying to nurture him? “You want to care for me?” He looked confused yet happy. He wasn’t going to argue if someone was offering to take care of him, lord knows he can hardly care for himself anyhow. “I bet you want to know why I’m really here…It’s because I’m horrified by the colour red.” He teased before looking down at his shirt and jumping back. “Holy shit?! Did you put that there?!” He gestured to the red colouring of it before laughing again.
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Sylvi bit her lip, debating whether or not it was really that easy. “I... I know this might be--It’s gonna sound weird,” She put her hands up in front of her, the same way you try and ease people down. “But I... My brain gets fuzzy when--Well, if I think about her dying? It’s like it’s...” Gone? No. It was definitely there. She knew it was there, but just like when something is on the tip of your tongue, she could not form it into coherent words. “It’s almost like I can’t--I swear I was home? But I guess... I went out,” she shrugged, though her face continued to be plagued by the thought of it. “She was kind of--She was a monster. I--I’ve come to terms with that. Life is... Better without her.” She admitted, probably for the first time out loud. Sylvi’s face contorted in an odd fashion at the mention of being a ‘momma’s girl.’ “Actually, I’d say--I’m definitely more a Daddy’s girl.” Her eyes averted any inch of Axel while saying this, inwardly hoping he didn’t purse that comment. 
A moderate red hue found it’s way back to her cheeks. “W-Well! I mean..” She began fidgeting with the hem of her dress, tugging and wringing it. “You--I like you, I--” Her mouth instantly closed with a small, alarmed gasp. “I-I mean I, I, I think you deserve it. A-And, Er, I’d--I’d be happy to do it, too. I would-- Uhm. Really enjoy that.” God, what? She decided to shut up before she dug herself into an even deeper hole. Her eyes had been avoiding his, but she was certain he was probably irritated, or disgusted, even. She only perked back up at him mentioning why he was here, eyes traveling to look at him, but face cast downward as a whole. What started as a giggle grew into full blown laughter, easing her out of the whirlwind of anxiety she was in. “You’re silly,” she giggled out. After a few blinks though, she was curious. “What’s the--Why actually, though, are you here?” She asked, innocence in her face. “I--If you want to share, anyway...” was tacked on afterwards, knowing not too many people like to share with essentially strangers. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
Looking over to Sylvi, she noticed the discomfort in her tone. “Uh, yeah. Are you?” She asked, furrowing her brows in confusion, a small hint of a grin on her features. “I just forgot why I came in here.”
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A sigh of relief left her lips. “Oh thank god...” muttered out after. She straightened up a bit, brushing off the front of her dress--a bad habit she picked up when she was nervous--and offered a meek smile. “I just--I was worried you might have, er, been sleep walking.” Her voice hushed towards the end, as if speaking it were going to invoke it instantly. “W-Were you hungry?” She asked, trying to aid the temporary amnesia. 
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
“Can you promise me that you’ll come to me for anything?” Kennedy asked. “Like if you’re having boy troubles or just want to vent or anything, just come to me? I wanna be here for you.” She looked into the other girl’s eyes as she spoke.
Her face fell to worry more--but from the mention of boy troubles. Axel. She was so awful with boys, she typically avoided them like the plague. In a romantic way, anyway. “Oh, well--” her breath huffed out in her stereotypical release, being so caught up she forgot the breathe. “S-sure, but, I mean--Why?” Right as the words left her mouth, she felt incredibly rude. “I--I mean, don’t people normally...Uhm, Like, spend more time together first?” She hoped her explanation sufficed.
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sylvigee-blog · 7 years
Kennedy nodded. She slowly reached out and took Slyvi’s hand. “Can uh, can you promise me something?” She asked. “I know we just met and all and if you don’t want to, that’s okay, but can I still ask?” She looked into the girl’s eyes and waited
The blonde’s heartbeat picked up once again, almost deafening in her ears. With a hard swallow, she stuttered out a reply. “U-Uhm, y-yeah, okay, wh-what is it?” Sylvi didn’t believe in promises, not after years of false promises on her mother’s behalf. Her optimism wanted to believe, and she believed herself, but other people... It made her nervous. Kennedy seemed serious though, so she should at least hear what she had to ask, right?
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