batzine-blog · 11 years
A mysterious disease that devastated bats in the Northeast is now turning Virginia caves into similar killing chambers, wiping out 89 to 99 percent of some populations.
The grim figures, previously unreleased, come from a survey of 21 Virginia bat caves that scientists conducted from January to mid-March.
Scientists once hoped the disease, caused by a cold-loving fungus, might be less deadly as it moves south. In Virginia, at least, that’s not happening.
“We don’t see the disease really slowing down,” said Ann Froschauer, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The disease is called white-nose syndrome. It is caused by a powdery white fungus that often coats the muzzles of its victims.
Everything about this disease is so awful and devastating. :(
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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Reasons why bats are perfect:
They are like little flying cats
They can be either extremely adorable, or extremely badass-looking
They eat bugs
People are afraid of them
They are nocturnal
Sometimes they’re actually vampires
Bats are perfect ^-^
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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Honduran White Bats - aka: wild cotton balls in their natural habitat
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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nothing could be wrong this summer. July in Australia and Animal Crossing in June… life if bliss and so are bats. 
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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batzine-blog · 11 years
This certainly puts your cat’s bristly tongue to shame.
(Source: Wired)
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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An epidemic in bats threatens billions of dollars in crops—so why is it being ignored?
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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actual weather.com image
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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little brown long-eared bat
image source and more images here
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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Batty photo shoot!! That is one cute intruder.
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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Check out this little guy! Yes, I got that close to him. #bats #urbannature (at Artspace Building)
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batzine-blog · 11 years
This is an adult male Sinaloan Mastiff Bat chewing a mealworm.  He was found acting strange and not flying. We still don’t know what happened to him and he is still not flying.  But we are continuing to keep him warm, give him fluids and feed him insects and mealworms.  I know some people may have mixed feelings about bats but I dare anyone to look at this face as it moves back and forth and not think it’s cute!
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batzine-blog · 11 years
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not the first time I see a bat on my property.
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batzine-blog · 11 years
I recently read an article in Science Daily about how bats may actually be able to determine the deviation between a bat they roost with and a bat outside of their roosting group. They bats used were false vampire bats (Megaderma lyra), at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover,...
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