missenmast-blog · 9 years
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
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Forever 21 Faux Pearl Ring Set ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more Forever 21)
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
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Choose Me (2015) Corah Norton Photography
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
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“ძველი წიგნის სუნი” :333
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
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page 48 of “Emblemi politici del Signor caualier Guido Casoni” (1632)
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
Answer in the tags : )
Aries: what would your superhero outfit be?
Taurus: sunrise or sunset. Why.
Gemini: name your top three movies.
Cancer: what do you have on the walls of your room?
Leo: favorite comedian. Who is it.
Virgo: what Hogwarts house are you in?
Libra: barefoot, heels, or sneakers?
Scorpio: what country are you from?
Sagittarius: what's your favorite clothing material?
Capricorn: lemonade, iced/hot tea, or coffee?
Aquarius: what's the best song you've ever heard?
Pisces: what's your motto?
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
ket i appreciate that talk
i really do
i knoww i should get back ari i just
i dont know i feel like if im not makin progress then im just betrayin the people i set out to help like my real job is doin wwhat i did for nestra
i feel so worthless an TIRED
an im healed but im still not seen as anythin other than a useless wwader to most a them
im just tired i been fightin my wwhole life an im not gettin anywwhere
Fucking hell! Okay what you need to do is stop drinking so much. Like a drink a night wont fuckign kill you but also, it has been an instagater of some of your problem. Im going to also tell you to do something that I suggested to Sea, though for a completly different reason. Start up a journal. Write in it every night. Hell if you have a dream, write it down, your job beating your ass? write it down and complain to the paper if it fucking helps when you fill the damn thing burn it and start a new one.
But you cant just give up. Fef has no way of contacting you, that doesn’t mean he has given up on you. He has had no reason to. He is dealing with the disappearing bubbles. Once he can contact you he will im sure. and as for Ari, Im still working with my wriggler. I mean she has been clingy sense she wriggled. Im sure Ari misses you. get her from the sitter and use her as a distraction from the shitty days you have at work. Play with her. She needs you just as much as you need her.
You need to take care of yourself before you can help trolls like me. You need to remember why you are working where you are and why you decided to take care of ari instead of getting rid of her or leaving her like most trolls would. I wish I could help you remember but its not my place. I can only advise you to look for yourself. I know things are fucking hard as hell but it is no reason for you to put on a theatrical show and drop everything and stop caring.
You are so much better than that. Ive watched you be better than that. So show me im right. Fucking fight it.
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
okay so if you didn’t pay any attention.
I am literally dirt broke. I lost my funding for school like, months ago, and now i don’t have a dime to my name. I was supposed to be doing stuff for a dog walking place, but people kept cancelling on me and i barely got any visits  so my whole month was wasted. I have nothing, and right now i’m sort of panicking. So uh..
I set up a donate button and I kinda need to make like $400 dollars asap? More would be helpful but that’s like the bare minimum for me to be able to survive the month and hopefully get a job. Haha. You could also commission me if you wanna but I’m hella slow and behind on them so. either way…i need help.
Please, my options are to make it out here or go back home to my nana who is kinda hella biphobic and like actually everythingphobic i don’t wanna go back there…
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
i’d like to formally apologize to anyone i’ve disappointed with my terrible friendship skills
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
haha no im fuckin sunk right noww im so beaten dowwn by it i cant evven think anymore it feels like im dyin ket
i aint heard from fef since wwell before the shit wwent dowwn with your clowwn girl an im so scared that ivve lost him too
an nes is around but shes wworkin an fuck im so desperate evven my kismesis has more appeal as a shoulder to cry on than wwhat i do havve
i cant evven keep up wwith ari right noww shes been at that sitter ivve been usin almost all wweek im such a terrible caretaker
i dont evven knoww wwhat my plan used to be anymore
Well fuck. Thats all just fucking great. Man… Well, whats done is done. Even if its fucking stupid as hell. Your job is definitely fucking stupid and I am so sorry you have to deal with it… What have you done about it so far? do you even have a fucking plan right now?
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
uh wwell
i started drinkin again
he wwas alwways awway an wworkin an i nevver got to see him
an wwe started to argue ovver thins an i kept feelin wworse and wworse cause a this STUPID job
so i just started to drink again cause it made me feel a little calmer
an he got really upset cause his last mate was like that an he just
Oh shit. What the fuck? You two were going strong and seemed to be in a pretty good place from what I saw… What happened if you dont mind me asking.
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
yeah uh thats probably for the best
i dont knoww wwhere to start here though um
k kan left me
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
Im online if you want to talk. Sorry ive been dealing with Kannia for most of tonight but im free now if you want to talk.
did she hatch already
yeah i dont wwanna step on any toes cute i really
need to talk to someone
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missenmast-blog · 9 years
wwoww this is great i lovve bein reminded that no one has time for me anymore
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