baz4you · 7 days
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baz4you · 2 months
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"Humans seek vengeance in pursuit of peace and justice. What do peace and justice really mean? Are we unaware, or are we simply unable to coexist due to our foolishness? We kill one person in order to save another—why do we really need to resort to killing? To achieve peace or save people? I have seen infants dying of hunger, women aborting their children, humans smoking drugs laced with corpses' bones, humans eating corpses, humans cheating, betraying, lying, showing off, and committing gruesome acts against each other, fighting over land with their own blood, fighting over money, and many more. What I have been witnessing makes me wonder: are human beings always trying to be noble? We pretend we care about others, we pretend we love one another, we pretend whatever we're doing is in your benefit. I have been seeing humans as just egocentric, including myself.
Humanity is just potential. Humans are busy discovering how to plant on Mars while we are cutting down millions of trees on Earth. We are not smart; we are just a bunch of morons. We waste food, yet we don't offer it to needy people. 24,000 people die of hunger each day, approximately one million in a year. This world is cruel, not because of God, but because of us. Just look around, and you will soon realize it. There's not much more to say; I hope you all understand my point. Let's take a look at the chaos occurring in the 21st century caused by humans.
1. Syrian Civil War (2011-present): The conflict in Syria has resulted in over 500,000 deaths. It began with anti-government protests during the Arab Spring, leading to a brutal crackdown by the government and the rise of various armed groups and foreign interventions.
2. Yemeni Civil War (2015-present): The civil war in Yemen has led to tens of thousands of deaths. It escalated when Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, seized control of the capital, Sanaa, leading to a Saudi-led military intervention to restore the government.
3. Iraqi Civil War (2003-present): The Iraq War, primarily occurring in the 21st century, resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, including military personnel and civilians. It began with the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and subsequent insurgency and sectarian violence.
4. Afghan War (2001-present): The ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, which intensified after the U.S.-led invasion in 2001, has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths. It involves the Taliban insurgency, Afghan government forces, and international military forces.
5. Darfur Conflict (2003-present): The conflict in Darfur, Sudan, has resulted in an estimated death toll of over 300,000 people. It began when ethnic minority groups rebelled against the Arab-dominated government, leading to a brutal counterinsurgency campaign.
6. Second Congo War (1998-2003): The Second Congo War resulted in an estimated death toll ranging from 2.5 to 5.4 million people. It was fueled by political instability, ethnic tensions, and competition over Congo's vast mineral wealth, involving multiple armed groups and neighboring countries.
7. Sudanese Civil Wars (1983-2005): The Sudanese Civil Wars, particularly the Second Sudanese Civil War (1983-2005), resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. The conflict was rooted in political and economic marginalization of Southern Sudanese by the central government, as well as religious and ethnic tensions.
8. Colombian Conflict (1964-present): The conflict in Colombia has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. It involves government forces, leftist guerrillas, right-wing paramilitary groups, and drug cartels, with root causes including political, social, and economic grievances.
These conflicts have caused immense suffering and loss of life, with complex root causes including political, ethnic, religious, and economic factors."
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baz4you · 5 months
What is love ?
A love is an illusion and spurious statements. People often used to say of their beloved ones.
Does anyone love their beloved without any reason? nope!
Everyone has a reason, but they never gonna admit that but that's true,
might have a different reason, but they "exist".
No fucking gonna love you without any reason, so do you call it love? it's not love, it's just a business between two individuals and many more.
There's only one true love exists which is called death. You don't need any reason, whether you are rich or poor, handsome or ugly, tall or short, smart or dumb,
to be loved by Death. After death you are no longer to complain about anything. You become meal of insect without any return of benefits, you are not to complain water, cold, heatwave,
Death acts. Impartially, death gives the same love to everyone, it doesn't ask you whether you are a Alexander the great or a begger. It will love you without any partiality, might have different way to love you, but in the end that's treat you a same way all of you by decomposition.
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baz4you · 6 months
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baz4you · 7 months
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baz4you · 7 months
"People are often more foolish than they might think. This is probably not entirely their fault; human beings are prone to making silly mistakes. Who else can make these mistakes except humans? Not animals, robots, or non-living entities—there's not a single chance.
Sometimes, we know very well that it's a dire mistake, but we still proceed because we are human. After all the dire mistakes made by a person, they try to justify their errors, and often, we, as humans, offer forgiveness. What else can we do except that? That's how one stupidity leads to another.
Some individuals are aware that they can fix their mistakes, but they frequently choose to ignore them. I don't know why; also, how can I fully comprehend someone's pain? Who am I to judge? I can only make assumptions. Perhaps their mistakes overshadow their ability to rectify them, or perhaps there are numerous obstacles in their way. I don't really know. What I do know is that life is too short for any argument."
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baz4you · 7 months
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"There is no God except death. We all worship the same death in the name of different gods. We are denying ourselves; we are all meant to face death. We are cowards, just denying our true nature. We put God posters in vehicles so that we might not die in accidents. We recite prayers when we go to new places, hoping not to die. We start reciting prayers when any natural disaster strikes, and no one can say they are an atheist when stuck in the middle of the sea. We all worship death but indirectly.
We do so-called noble things here. So we later live an eternal life 😌..what a nonsense theory.
Foolish theories made to satisfy our death's fear..ohhh, it makes me sometimes vomit.
Yeehh noble speech yww only  either on the paper or stage. Never established in the real world.
Humans are really narrow-minded 🙄
Can't think beyond the wall, those who tried or trying said by people crazy.
When someone dies, their relatives visit either crocodile tear or flowers. Ohh how generous of them...
But never visited when they are alive.
How can they play both sides? God knows.
Humans, I detest them most.
Ohhh humans creepy, timid, narrow-minded think I'm superior..and treat others like either slaves or worse ways...they don't know, they're gonna be buried one day. Then why play the supremacy game?
Humans put animals under the prison, and they make money off that penny. They call it that's all benefits of theirs...how the heck does this logic work? Bullshit.
What if someone put you in prison and make money off you ? 
How's that, asshole?"
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baz4you · 7 months
"Our desires are truly ourselves. As we know, whatever we do is either influenced or under the pressure of someone. If you think deep down, you probably know that our desires are much darker than any evil. But we all follow a creepy law that is invented by human beings. Rules and regulations change from decade to decade. And someone's desires may seem taboo to someone else. We are all born to create chaos rather than peace. Our true desires are under our control. Those who cannot control them become evil for others because they do whatever their desires want them to do.Rules and regulations are made not to protect us but to control our dark desires. We all know that if our desires break the chain, it will probably be the cause of our downfall, as per the rules and regulations.We are all evil, portraying ourselves as noble humans."
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baz4you · 8 months
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When I met first time
Dear ____
"I always pray to Allah for the same thing after we met. May Allah keep you always the same, just like you always seem to us. When you wear the blue dress, you look like an angel. Those eyes are always shining like a star, and your waving hair always waves like the sea. Your smiling face changes any silent place into a happy place. There are so many things I could say about you, but if I started, it wouldn't stop until my phone battery drained out."
"What can I tell you about myself... I'm bored, discouraged, silent, and broken. I was searching for happiness, and then I found YOU. I'm unable to show my feelings, so I can't tell you how much you mean to me. Maybe online friendships don't last long, but I always pray to Allah that our friendship will last until the end of our lives. Maybe one day, we will find our partners, but I still want your company every moment of my life.
Maybe someday, some tension will pop up between us. After all, we are human, but I still want you to come forward and resolve any problems between us. I don't want any obstacles to stay for a very long time in our friendship.
I always pray to Allah for the same thing after we met."
"May Allah keep you always the same. May Allah burn every bad memory of yours this Eid and only leave good memories that inspire you to do great things in your life. May Allah keep away those who want to hurt you and keep away from you those bad things that intend to hurt you because I bet dripping pearls from your sparkling eyes doesn't look good on your face! May Allah help you complete all your goals and always keep you happy, healthy, and safe, just like you always seem to us.
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baz4you · 8 months
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25 posts!
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baz4you · 8 months
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A apology letter ,when I hurt her 💔 😔
"DEAR ______ "
"_____, do I need to apologize to you? I think I do. I know I make a lot of mistakes, but I'm always trying to correct them. I can't change who I am, but I'm trying to be a better person by not making the same silly mistakes over and over. I know I have a lot to learn, and I promise I will. I'm not perfect, but I'll try to become a better person."
"I wanted to reach out to you to apologize for anything I may have said that caused you harm or upset. I value our friendship, and I hope we can move forward from any past miscommunications."
"If messaging you is a mistake, then I would love to make that mistake forever until death. I thought that letting someone go who understands your problems and thoughts, and makes an effort to make conversations long. How can I let you go? If I let you go, it would be the worst mistake of my life. You are real and kind, and it's adorable. Unlike others who always pretend to be someone else, I think only a few people are left on earth who are real and kind and who think about others, and you are one of them.
Just because our debates don't match doesn't mean I won't support your point. I do and I will. Maybe our thoughts are different from each other, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate your perspectives."
" I enjoy our conversations so much. They're always meaningful to me, and I appreciate your company."
"I've never written an apology letter to anyone in my life before, but I feel like I should write one to you. You're such a special person to me, and I want you to know how much I value our friendship."
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baz4you · 8 months
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baz4you · 8 months
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baz4you · 8 months
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"Does this picture really need a caption? I believe the image itself is sufficient to understand the entire situation. It seems we all have blood on our hands."
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baz4you · 8 months
"Even the sharpest mind has invested several days to sharpen itself, but we often say it's all a gift from God. Yet, we don't see the toil, the investment of blood, and the soul behind their achievements."
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baz4you · 8 months
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"It would be unjustifiable for those who experience an inferno every day. If we continue to remain silent, it raises questions about our humanity. So, why do we insist that we shouldn't kill animals? Are animals more important than humans? What about humans who are dying every single day? Do we Belong to humans or animals?"
((Till today more than 5k kids are killed from bombardment)))
The horrific consequences have left me wondering, are we truly acting as humans? What about them? Their actions seem more deplorable than those of animals. They are attempting to build a city above millions of graves. What kind of face will they present to their God? If all this is commanded by God, then God must seem irrational."
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baz4you · 8 months
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"Often, you find yourself doing something that you never wanted to do, and your true desires are always overshadowed by moral ethics and societal laws. Whether it's driven by the darkest of desires or the noblest intentions, you always hide your true version of yourself."
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