bbbslexie 2 years
When Did We Forget That Celebrities Are People Too?
Imagine you're standing on stage, performing for hundreds, thousands, or even millions of adoring fans. Youre living the dream; it's the life you've always wanted.
Everyone sees the smiles, the good natured gestures, and they assume it's all good, that there's nothing to worry about.
But they don't see behind the scenes. They don't see how hard you work to put on such a good show. Hours upon hours of sleep: gone. Physical pain from rehearsing. The mental strain of wanting so badly to out on a good show so they will keep giving you love.
At what point do we stop considering celebrities as humans? At what stage in their rise to stardom is it 'okay' to treat them like objects? Just tools for our amusement?
Do they not still have blood in their veins? Do they no longer have the capacity to feel scared or worried or to be hurt when those bright lights are on them or when their faces are splashed across pages upon pages in magazines?
Do they not deserve to be treated as humans still? At what point do we decide that they don't?
"Oh they're celebrities. They're famous. They should expect it."
A few photos and videos should be fine, yes, but how far is too far? Is it necessary to invade their personal space? Some folks say 3 feet, others may say 10; did you even take the time to consider what is comfortable for them?
Oh no, I forgot. They're celebrities. Their comfort doesn't matter because we spend money on them so they should become our show ponies.
You mob them, stalk them, take photos and videos of them with their families. They have schedules, you know? Time set aside by their companies and agencies during which is time specifically to interact with 'fans'.
Why then is it so important to create group chats and discuss the whereabouts of celebrities so you can 'pop up' for a photo op? You search flight details and book a flight in the hopes they'll be on the same plane.
They will smile at you and smile even when it hurts because if they don't you will turn around and slander them. 'They were rude to me!'
Truthfully, more of them should be.
How would you feel if you were having a private moment with your loved ones and someone just shoved a camera in your face? Me! Me! Pick me! That's all you'll hear.
You just bought a cute new outfit and step outside the store. BAM! Camera. A stranger trying to out their hands on your so they can take a PHOTO. So they can post it online later and gush about how gorgeous you were in person and how kind you were even though they caught you on your downtime.
Don't get me started on the time spent scouring the Internet to dig into your life, the late night calls from 'Anonymous' so they can profess their 'love' to you.
Celebrities are humans too. Society keeps them relevant but we have absolutely no right to demand anything from them. They are real people with real emotions and thought patterns. They can be happy, sad, angry, SCARED, just like you can.
Offer them at least a little bit of your consideration. Forget about the lights and the cheering and the money they have in the bank. Take that all away and what do you have? Just another person.
So whatever rights to them you conjures up in your brain, I recommend you double-check.
If you really loved them you wouldn't do anything to cause them pain.
(I may make this a two-parter because I also need to discuss dehumanisation when it comes to the sexualization of celebrities as well)
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bbbslexie 2 years
I had a sudden though scrolling through my twt timeline and I just wanted to write it down because my memory is shit and I very well may forget this.
I don't presume to know the relationship between anyone. These are real people with real lives regardless of whatever it is we may feel about their interactions with each other.
With that being said, however, there is one important factor I need you all to at least consider: energy transfer. When people engage on sexual acts in general there's always a transfer of energy from one body to the next. You can say it's on a chemical level with hormones and body fluids, or on a spiritual level with soul ties. Whatever direction you take it the end result is the same: ties.
There is no way for anyone to participate in a sexual act (simulated or not) wherein some degree of a tie is not formed. It just doesn't happen. Now when you factor in actors having only a protective layer between their genitals so those don't touch? There's still bodily contact, more than enough for the transfer to take effect. Co-mingling sweat. Mouth breathing. Prolonged eye contact.
Consider how many celebrities have had a SINGLE NC scene with their costar and ended up fucking them off screen? It's not rocket science. For the same reason that a lot of them jump into the marriage game and divorce so soon after. You think it's their sparkling personalities?
Also consider why you can't seem to stop thinking about that sweaty, nasty one night stand you had five years ago in a seedy motel but you've never spoken to or heard about that person ever again.
This long winded rant is just to say that just because someone is doing their job doesn't mean they can't lose focus and have a consensual workplace relationship.
Especially after filming wraps on an NC scene.
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bbbslexie 2 years
How long is too long for an initial smut scene? Asking for a friend
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bbbslexie 2 years
VegasPete vampire AU is almost complete. I got stuck but then I found these. 馃槏
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