bcginski · 3 years
for:  open  starter  @moorbrookestarters​
location:  the  beach,  late  evening. 
❝  why  is  it  always  such  a  SURPRISE  ?  ❞  a  blank  monotone  curls  on  robin’s  tongue,  head  lulled  toward  the  distant  pearl  in  the  sky.  ❝  the  moon  ———  even  though  we  KNOW  it’s  coming.  every  time  we  see  it,  it  makes  us  pause,  and  hush.  ❞  her  words  had  a  lovely,  MISERABLE  ring  to  them.  &  though  the  utterance  was  more-so  directed  toward  the  faint  voice  in  her  head,  the  woman  can’t  help  but  to  divert  her  hazy  sights  toward  the  figure  she  had  only  just  realized  had  been  stood  beside  her.
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bcginski · 3 years
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arms  LADEN  with  as  many  succulents  she  could  carry,  rob  diverted  her  gaze  over  a  squared  shoulder.  revolving  on  the  scuffed  heels  of  her  sneakers,  the  woman  faced  the  stranger.  GET  A  FEW  PLANTS  TO  BRIGHTEN  UP  THE  PLACE.  rob  had  only  found  herself  at  the  local  nursery  on  account  of  her  support  group.  plant  therapy  was  their  latest  endeavor  &  though  she  was  skeptical  of  the  results,  anything  was  better  than  the  usual  drab,  PAINT-CHIPPED  &  exposed  brick  walls  of  her  apartment.  ❝  dunno,  ❞  that’s  all  the  woman  can  offer  as  she  adjusts  her  grasp  on  the  armful  on  potted  plants.  ❝  just  water  them  every  now  and  then  ?  i  kill  just  about  everything  i  touch,  so  i  might  not  be  of  much  help  to  ya’.  ❞
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open @moorbrookestarters​
This was a stupid idea, Malachi thought as he clutched the small potted plant in his hands. Between his schedule and Athena’s exuberance, this little guy was doomed. Still, his place needed some brightening up and plants were the easiest way to do that, weren’t they? “For clarification purposes.” he began, turning to the person beside him. “Cacti are virtually indestructible, right?”
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bcginski · 3 years
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❝  JESUS  FUCK,  RIVER  !  ❞  a  haphazardly  frightened  jolt  followed.  &  pardon  her  french,  but  his  sudden  appearance  from  beneath  the  sheath  of  the  table  top  NEARLY  caused  rob  to  drop  her  sleeved  cup  of  tea.  ❝  you’ve  got  to  stop  smoking  that  shit  man,  ❞  an  utterance  made  out  of  disbelief,  rob  bore  witness  to  his  inebriated  ANTICS  on  more  than  one  occasion,  so  it  only  crossed  her  as  more  of  a  surprise  that  the  scraggly  cat  was  in  fact  beneath  the  table.  ❝  oh.  ❞  the  woman  concluded  with  a  huff,  dismissing  her  previous  suspicion  with  brows  knit  together.  rob  sat  herself  across  from  him,  ❝  how’d  you  get  that  THING  in  here,  anyway  ?  ❞  robin  cant  help  but  to  ask  ———  the  fleabag  on  a  leash  appeared  as  if  river  had  just  abducted  him  from  the  nearest  alleyway.
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location: delia’s cafe when: anytime status: open || @moorbrookestarters​
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‘woah! hey! spot’s taken, geez.’ river exclaimed as he slithered up into their spot after hiding under the table. he shot the other a glare for half a second before a smile spread on their face. ‘fine, i’ll let you in on a secret. i’ve got my cat under the table and he’s a on a leash, just being a goof. go on, have a look! he was rolling around going crazy.’ they looked under the table too and grinned down at garfield, the crusty orange cat who was indeed going wild after getting a bit of catnip. ‘did you want to sit here, though? with me? because i’m not going anywhere but i wouldn’t say no to company!’
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bcginski · 3 years
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Undersong, ‘The Evening News’ (1979) by Audre Lorde
[ID: any wound will stop bleeding / if you press down / hard enough.]
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bcginski · 3 years
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2K notes · View notes
bcginski · 3 years
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600K notes · View notes
bcginski · 3 years
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Snatch → 1.05 “The Smelt Down”
671 notes · View notes
bcginski · 3 years
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532 notes · View notes
bcginski · 3 years
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robin “rob” baginski ( she/her ) is a cis woman, forty year old record store owner who has been living in moorbrooke for basically all her life. she was born on december 21st and right now, she is currently residing in maple court. it has been said that she looks suspiciously like kate siegel and if she had to choose a song to describe herself, she would choose cherry bomb by the runaways.
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stage name:  rob ledger
full name:  robin baginski
nickname(s):  robbie, rob
age:  forty
date of birth:  december 21st
place of birth:  moorbrooke, maine
gender:  cis woman
pronouns:  she/her/hers
sexual orientation:  questioning, sexual preference for women.
religion:  lapsed roman-catholic
occupation:  ex lead vocalist of post-punk band ‘earthworm’, current owner of dolphin records.
living arrangements:  a studio apartment in maple court.
spoken languages:  english, and some conversational french.
label(s):  the virago. the wanderer. the accidental protagonist.
positive traits:  charming, independent, altruistic, cogent, perceptive.
negative traits:  cunning, headstrong, domineering, mercurial, self-serving
mother:  mina novak
father:  josef baginski
sibling(s):  paulette ”polly” kowalski  ( older sister, deceased )
rob was born to a family of polish immigrants in the midwest, somewhere in the expanse between the city and real corn country, but she grows up on the outskirts of moorbrooke.
she’s born with her elbows already flying, mouth primed between a spit and a hiss, never quite blinking enough. never quite loved enough. 
her parents were never officially together, but by the time polly & rob started school their parents really weren’t together, her mother disappearing one night after a fight that left the cops at their door.
rob found solace in music, and though she never took to playing instruments she found her voice behind a mic, and thus, earthworm was born. 
what initially started as a riot-grrrl sort of collective between close friends had quickly blossomed and at the turn of y2k, the band had officially formed with rob at the helm on lead vocals & her sister, paulette on backing vocals and bass.
they made their claim to fame with their hit song ‘you’re just like me.’ and their popularity only grew upward from there. at the peak of their celebrity, the band had been touring up and down the east coast, and were on the cusp of releasing their first official album when tragedy struck.
[ tw: mentions of death & gun violence. ]  following a fan signing, the group went out for a round of drinks at a local pub. after leaving the watering hole, they were approached by a self-professed fan who rob initially waved off after pestering them for a picture. though the man initially obliged, it was when they had supposedly parted ways that the man opened fire on the group, leaving three members of the five members badly wounded.
though rob was merely grazed by the bullet, her sister had been struck in the abdomen and had been declared d.o.a. by the time they were wheeled into the hospital. disbanding shortly afterword, rob returned home to moorbrooke to bury her sister & attempt to move onward with a life without her band. a life without her sister.  [ tw end ]
surviving members from the band  /  fellow musicians  /  store regulars  /  friends  /  drinking buddies  /  acquaintances  /  flings  /  support group folks  /  fwb  
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