bcldbaela · 24 days
There was not much she could say. War would last until either Aegon or Rhaenyra was dead. The other was sitting on the throne, but something told Baela it wouldn't be either of them, and their House was going to suffer for all of this. The Stranger was walking hand in hand with House Targaryen, and Baela could only imagine what would happen next. "Do you believe everyone is trustworthy?"
Baela hummed at her grandmother's words. Her hand rested on the crossbow she had acquired. "How far will it go? Who can we truly rely on in these times?"
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bcldbaela · 24 days
Baela hummed at her grandmother's words. Her hand rested on the crossbow she had acquired. "How far will it go? Who can we truly rely on in these times?"
Sentence starter for @korzion
"Treachery on treachery. Is there no end to it?"
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bcldbaela · 28 days
Baela hadn't slept all that well since Jace had parted from Dragonstone and even worried about Luke as well. The condition he had been found in and brought back had been something she wasn't prepared for but she was glad it had not been worse. Pulling back her silvery locks and wrapping a thin piece of leather around it, she pushed herself to leave her room, exhaustion had flooded her features and all she wanted to do was crawl back into her bed and sleep for as long as she could. Yet, that wasn't possible. There was much to be done and discussed today so that option was certainly out of the question for her. A smile formed on her face as she saw Luke and even if he had to use a cane, he was alive. "Good morning.." She spoke while covering her mouth as a yawn escaped her. She didn't have too much of an appetite but the time with her family gave her some peace. These moments could be everyone's last and Baela wanted to commit every moment of it to her memory just in case. They were her family. Her family that she loved and cherished more than anyone could ever know. "I was thinking about it. Can I walk with you? I find the walk there alone dreadful." Baela grinned while crossing the floor to stand at his side. "How are you feeling this morning?" She asked while standing beside him and overlooking him just to make sure there wasn't anything amiss. Baela wanted him to be careful and not overdo it.
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The echo of his cane hitting the marbled floor reverberated off the walls and felt deafening to Luke as he made his way down the corridor towards his chambers. A week had passed since he was able to get up for the first time again and though his right leg was still stiff and almost useless, he tried not to let it limit him, tried not to think of how he got into this situation. During the days he could almost forget, but at night he kept reliving that sickening feeling in his stomach of plummeting from a great height, Arrax' screeches ringing in his ears.
A door opened behind him and Luke whirled around, always on edge, even though he knew that he was safe here. He exhaled sharply when he saw his sister Baela exiting her chambers, probably equally startled by his behavior. "Good morning", he greeted, the corners of his lips curling upwards into a smile that didn't reach his tired eyes. "Are you on your way downstairs to break your fast?" He had taken all of his meals in his chambers in the last few weeks during his recovery, but perhaps the stairs would be a nice challenge for today.
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bcldbaela · 28 days
mccndancer has evolved into bcldbaela.
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bcldbaela · 28 days
Baela had a crossbow and I am living for it.
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bcldbaela · 3 months
Baela and Jace are somewhat matching. The outfit he's wearing at Lucerys Funeral and what she to be her riding leathers. That's real love right there friends.
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bcldbaela · 3 months
Baela while being on Driftmark spent plenty of time on ships as well. She is just as comfortable there as she is on Moondancer and it was a way for her to bond with Corlys before he left. Baela wouldn't mind leading her fleet should it ever come to that or earning a title like the Sea Snake.
Baela truly enjoys both of her houses and tries to honor them both. She loves to study the maps that Corlys has acquired and even has thought of one day going to undiscovered lands.
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bcldbaela · 3 months
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"...up to meet him rose Baela Targaryen, Prince Daemon’s daughter by the Lady Laena, as fearless as her father."
BAELA TARGARYEN and MOONDANCER In House of the Dragon, Season 2
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bcldbaela · 3 months
super sorry for bothering so many of you..
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bcldbaela · 3 months
Sentence starter for @halfyearsqueen (I can't help but bother you..)
"It is so hard. To be strong. I don’t always know what I should do."
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bcldbaela · 3 months
Sentence starter for @idanazaldrizes!
"Not all risks lead to ruin."
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bcldbaela · 3 months
"You are dangerous desire, and I am your prisoner."
Baela did not believe a dragon could ever be a prisoner so it was surprising to hear such words, especially from Balerion. The Black Dread. He was one of the conqueror's dragons and one of the largest dragons around. So many had wanted to claim him but none were as brave as Baela. Baela the Brave and therefore she had done what her mother had. Her mother had ridden Vhagar and it was only fitting she had bonded with Balerion. "Dragons cannot be a prisoner, especially not you..." She chuckled before looking to the skies, a storm was coming and part of her wondered if she should take a quick flight but then again she wasn't sure just how bad the storm could be.
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bcldbaela · 3 months
It’s different for women, isn’t it? We have no choice where we go. We grow up in a prison and then get married into one. (sansa)
It was always different for women. They were expected to be seen and not heard which bothered Baela and she had never shied from voicing her thoughts, concerns, or anything else that came to her mind. Why should she? Men never held their tongues and she wouldn't either. Marriage was a subject Baela often avoided given she wasn't ready to settle down but her love for Jace went beyond what most thought. It was indeed rare to find someone who would treat one as an equal and both of them had a mutual understanding in certain aspects. "Anything to keep us in line and not question them. They fear us and they should." Baela spoke as they walked through the gardens. "Women could rule much better than men and I think they aren't ready for that. We deserve to be in seats of power just like them. Our only duties should not be just marriage and giving children. Our battles should not just be in a birthing bed and or used to secure alliances." Baela didn't think she would ever be ready to have children of her own. The memory of what her mother had endured was forever in her memory and she did not wish for a similar fate. One day Jace would be king and require an heir but there was so much time and perhaps by then she would warm up to the idea but for now, she would not dwell on it. "We should always have a choice, we rule the realm more than realize. We are the foundation given what all we have to give. Surely without us, they would all fail. We can build and destroy empires." Baela sighed and shook her head. "Forgive me for being so harsh, sometimes I speak without thinking."
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bcldbaela · 3 months
Sentence starter for @zobrieperzys
"You made a mockery of them."
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bcldbaela · 3 months
Sentence starter for @korzion
"Treachery on treachery. Is there no end to it?"
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bcldbaela · 3 months
Sentence starter for @lcveblossomed's Rhaena!
"Every princess needs a dagger. Here. Use this one until we find you something more impressive."
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bcldbaela · 3 months
Rereading my old Baela HCs and crying!
(You can check them out here! ʙᴀᴇʟᴀ ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ ᴍᴜꜱɪɴɢ)
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