bdaman · 5 months
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four years later and finally i've been set free
An update on the new doujin!
Enjyu's surname is now confirmed. In the original tweet, Inuki said that a fan had suggested "Kounoki Enjyu" for his full name and he liked it but he wasn't sure if he could use it. The update states that he got in contact with the fan and has received permission to use it, so Enjyu's official surname is Kounoki.
Please note all of Inuki's doujin are all set in the manga-verse of Battle B-daman so it is possible for this doujin to reveal a backstory for Enjyu that may contradict the anime.
Bonus preview:
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(Note it's a fairly common occurrence for Inuki to use fan suggestions, a number of characters and details that were added to B-daman canon via his website were actually submissions of OCs from fans.)
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bdaman · 2 years
Battle B-Daman Lost Lore 2: Biarce’s Family.
For my second entry to the series, we’ll be touching upon everyone’s favourite mysterious demon-child, Biarce!
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More specifically, his lovely little family.
The only boy in a surprisingly large family (compared with other characters of the series), Biarce almost sticks out like a sore thumb amongst his much less apparently evil kin.
Left: Arche* (アーチ) is bright and adorable. But she's weak-willed, and a complete worrywart over her big brother Biarce. Despite this, she's a very cheerful girl. She is right handed, and the twin of Sacha.
Right: Sacha* (サーシャ) is also cheerful and spirited. Nobody can beat her energy! She has her amusing goof-ups from time to time, but she's a good little sister who is kind to everyone. Her favourite thing is comedy. She is left handed, and the twin of Arche.
Top right: Alice*, (アリス) Biarce's 15 year old sister, is a little bit like him in that she's very cool. She's a good, caring girl but sometimes has a sharp tongue and snappy comebacks. She once was by Ababa's side with her brother, but left as Biarce was far better at what they were doing than she was. (She is good at divination, however). Since then, she now works as a referee for the IBA.
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Sadly, nothing was said about their grandmother.
Their surname is Romadik* (ロマディック).
*Transliterations by me.
All art by Inuki Eiji.
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bdaman · 2 years
Battle B-Daman Lost Lore 1: Joshua’s Family
I will be commencing a small series of posts called ‘Lost Lore’, focusing on things mentioned on Inuki Eiji’s old, now-defunct blog, that weren’t mentioned elsewhere.
Inuki would often take art requests from his fans, and many a time discuss extra aspects of Batobi’s canon. One such part of this was his accepting of fans suggestions in regards to relatives, and coming up with more information about their families on his own.
I believe his blog is where it was once stated that Michael and Grace were the names of Gray and Liena’s father and mother, and thus where their children had taken their middle names from. This page, however, is lost to time and cannot be confirmed, but as even Japanese fans seem to agree on this fact, I choose to accept it.
But this post is about another family, specifically the family of Joshua. While Cain’s familial relationship (at least with his father) was an important plot point, we know little and less of Joshua’s... in canon, that is. Thanks to Inuki’s website, we are able to know that he had two loving parents and a little brother! And that’s who I will be discussing in my post.
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From top left to bottom right: Jade*  (ジェイド) , Angelina*  (アンジェリーナ) , Abel* (アベル), and Joshua. Their surname is Bennet* ( ベネット). *Transliterations by me.
While little was said of the parents, Joshua’s brother Abel is somewhat of a different story. Abel is 12 years old, standing at 156m / 5'1 and weighing 45kg /99lbs. His blood type is A, and his birthday is on April 2nd.
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While little is explicitly said on Abel's personality, it can be inferred from Eiji Inuki's illustrations of him that Abel is a typical, happy child, but has a protective streak towards Joshua, and warns Cain to not push him too hard.
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It is implied that Abel does not get along with or like Cain, although this sentiment does not seem to be reciprocated, and Cain seems more confused by Abel's actions than anything else. Joshua is often seen being the mediator between them when they do argue, or when Abel gets angry at Cain.
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Despite Inuki not having known the Biblical reference of Cain’s name when conceptualising him, it can be inferred that Abel’s name was chosen deliberately to play towards it. Abel’s dislike towards Cain can be seen as a darkly humorous nod towards this, as Biblical Cain is known for murdering his brother Abel. It also fits in well with his brother Joshua, whose name also has Biblical theming.
All art by Inuki Eiji.
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bdaman · 4 years
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bdaman · 4 years
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bdaman · 4 years
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“That was so much fun!”
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bdaman · 4 years
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“We’ve no choice but to believe in them.”
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bdaman · 4 years
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bdaman · 4 years
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“I’ll get strong, so I can protect you!” 
“Then I’ll get strong too! I’ll be strong, and I’ll protect you too, Brother!”
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bdaman · 4 years
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“You’re supposed to battle with me in the finals, remember?”
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