be-a-nice · 7 years
If you’re analyzing symbols in novels but you're stuck, you can use dream interpretation dictionaries to help you figure it out! Just find a prominent item--or any item, really--and look up the dream meaning! Usually, different dream dictionaries have random or vague meanings associated with the item and they can help you look in a different way at how the item may function in the story.
Here are some sites you can use:
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be-a-nice · 7 years
Phew today was eventful and I'm exhausted. Tomorrow I plan on doing my very best! (*≧m≦*)
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I did a lot of my tasks today! Not much of the homework tasks, but I’m gonna say it’s quality over quantity, haha...
I’m pretty satisfied, though. Got a lot of housekeeping done.
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I got a lot done today, so I’m glad! I hope to do more tomorrow.
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I did quite a lot today, so I'm pretty pleased! I was super distracted, but I'm happy with the end product overall.
I think my essay is pretty great. I just need to do some final polishing. I have no idea how great my teacher would think of my ideas because I feel like I'm going off on a tangent there but I think it's pretty great and I'm happy with it at least. That's good enough.
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be-a-nice · 7 years
Okay! Didn’t end up waking up early! I felt sleepy all day and didn’t do much. I realize it’s because it’s because I don’t want to write my essay so I just did some other homework instead. Tomorrow, for sure, I’ll write my final draft of my essay! I got to get it over with! I can’t let it hold my life captive!
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I ended up waking up at the middle of the day and reading for fun so I didn't get much done. I didn't post yesterday because I ended up falling asleep early and not wanting to move or do anything whoops. Tomorrow, though, for sure I plan on waking up early and getting things done! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I took a huge destress break after the exam. I'm pretty relaxed now and I'm ready to do my best!
I also got bored while destressing because I was just saying and aimlessly surfing the internet so I was doing some thinking. A lot of my friends are doing so much stuff and I feel so left behind because I'm doing nothing. Trying to do everything at once is pretty overwhelming so I'm going to stick to doing one thing at a time and going at my own pace for now.
I'm not going to worry about being left behind. My path in life isn't their's and the best form of me is not the best form of them.
I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight!
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be-a-nice · 7 years
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I finally went through all my notes for my class! I wish I reviewed earlier but I can't change the past. Given my current circumstances though, I think I did my best and that's good enough.
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I regret the extent I prioritized my essay above studying for a class because I wasn’t able to review everything and ask the teacher my questions. So, lesson for next time. Give myself maybe two days to focus on studying before the class before the exam.
Other than that, life had been great. Gonna continue doing my best!
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I slept in, but other than that, I was pretty productive! I also realized my essay had, like, 0 analysis so I highlighted every line and had it correspond with a key that identified it’s purpose and I can visually see how little analysis it is. So I’m gonna work on that tomorrow!
I really think I made some progress in life today.
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be-a-nice · 7 years
It took me a while to get started, but I had a period of productivity today so that's great.
I got none of my dailies done though, and I don't intend on doing them. I'm gonna sleep and then do my best tomorrow!
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I hardly did anything but I slept all day and then hung out with my friends, so it’s understandable??? I looked at my essay, some, though, so that’s good.
I’m gonna do my best tomorrow, though!
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I worked a bit on my essay. I could’ve been so much more productive but I didn’t feel like doing anything at all today. I’m a bit disappointed but hopefully I’ll feel more energized tomorrow! I at least got some work done, which is better than none, so I’m glad!
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I’m still very pleased I finally caught up with my homework. I edited my essay today and I’m very pleased about that.
Overall, I’m very pleased.
I’m going to sleep now.
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I am sleeping past midnight for the first time in forever. But I’m fine with that because I slept really early yesterday and I finished all my homework for this week so I can sleep early tomorrow/tonight! I have the most classes today so that’s a bit anxiety-inducing, but I’m sure I’ll be fine!
After doing my very best, I finished my first draft for my essay! I would’ve probably finished before midnight if I didn’t write my story for most of the day but I don’t regret anything. It’s not like I can change it.
Okay! Goodnight! Tomorrow will be a good day!
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be-a-nice · 7 years
I’m so glad I’m all caught up on everything I need to do this week! I just need to finish an essay by Thursday next week. Also!! I finally have the time to write my story now.
I got this.
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