beacon-feels · 5 years
The Australian gay penguin couple, Sphen and Magic are in fact DEREK AND STILES. You don’t believe me? Check this out:
-Magic is a three years old gentoo penguine who is excitable and playful. He chases after toys and anything that shines(cough cough ADHD cough cough) He greets visitors.
-Sphen is six years old (so he’s older than Stiles, I mean Magic) he is taller (remember hoechlin does have an inch or two over dylan) and has a bigger beak. He’s quieter, more serious and less interested in toys and humans.
The couple had a baby penguin together and they’ve adopted another. And while other penguins look for other partners over the years, Sphen and Magic have stayed together cuz like STEREK, SPHENGIC IS ALSO ETERNAL!
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beacon-feels · 6 years
I hope that you don’t mind a Monday morning drabble inspired by the pic of the Derek lookalike.
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Stiles stood in the doorway, breath caught in his throat.  He had always found his husband Derek beautiful,  And there was nothing sexier than Derek wearing a thumb-hole shirt or in this case a hoodie.  Stiles hadn’t thought it possible to find Derek even more handsome then he already did, but whenever he saw Derek holding their son in his arms. Stiles saw Derek’s true beauty.  Because there was nothing more beautiful then Derek holding this tiny human in his big strong arms..  Stiles knew that he was the luckiest man in the world to get to call them his family.
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beacon-feels · 6 years
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THIS IS JUST GOLD!!!! based on @incorrectsterekquotes ‘s post -> [X]
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beacon-feels · 6 years
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I have never watched Teen Wolf so all I know is that there is the big angry one and the silly cute one and that there is gay subtext and wolves.
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beacon-feels · 6 years
Enemies to “ugh I can’t believe I’m saving your life” to “ugh we have to work together or the world ends but it’s not like I like you or anything” to “oh we actually connect pretty well but that doesn’t mean anything” to “I would die for you but don’t read too much into it” to “I’ll kill anyone who lays a finger on you” to Lovers.
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beacon-feels · 6 years
A List of Things I Hate to Read in Teen Wolf/Sterek Fics: A Lesson on the Damage of Tropes.
Just a few things I’ve noticed in Teen Wolf (and for the most part, Sterek) fics. What are these you ask? Well, these are some observations I’ve made while reading fanfics, ones that have–for the most part–become uncontested Tropes. These tropes have been grossly reiterated to the point where they actually hurt the characters and the show as a result. They have also become the fanons’ “Canon” or “accepted head canon” without any proof given within the parameters of the show from which these characters spawn.
I am here to set the “canon” straight.
P.S. this post is an explosion of high photo content. Your internet connection is advised.
2. Stiles is the Pack Momma! He’s such a wonderful cook! Look how he dotes with tender loving care for his little puppies! He can even clean up after their messes and kiss their booboos away!
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beacon-feels · 6 years
dammit, gym
i need gym teacher!derek who tries to peacock around music teacher!stiles. and just failboats. maybe a triangle serenade over a track meet chaperoned event 
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beacon-feels · 6 years
How can you even ship sterek?! They don't even like each other. Is not canon and its never going to be, you should just accept that and ship the couples on the show that obviously have more chemistry (which is why they're canon!). Tyler and Dylan look so awkward together
I mean yeah
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They TOTALLY HATE each other
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See they can’t even look at the other
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In fact they can’t stand any sort of contact between them
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Nope, no touching here
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Stiles would never save Derek
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Nope. He wouldn’t even consider it
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He WOULD NEVER worry about Derek
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And don’t even get me started on Derek
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He wouldn’t risk his life to save skiny defendless Stiles
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Derek does not care at all for Stiles
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And they have like 0 chemistry
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Sexual tension/flirting pff None of that here
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Not at all
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How could I even think of linking them together. No one thinks that
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Oh and yeah Tyler and Dylan look
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So awkward
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around each other
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Thank you anon you’ve opened my eyes
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How could’ve I been so blind?!
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Sterek? Ugh, no thanks.
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I’ll go right on shipping all the canon couples
Because Sterek 
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could never 
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Be real. 
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See ewww. It’d be horrible.
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beacon-feels · 6 years
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Damm god this is so hot!
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beacon-feels · 6 years
Jeff Davis really gonna try and convince me Derek and Stiles arrived together after a who-knows-how-long road trip and they didn’t bang once???????
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beacon-feels · 6 years
Daddy Derek and the triplets
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beacon-feels · 6 years
question: is the teen wolf fandom dead on this site?
like the frickin post if you still here
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beacon-feels · 6 years
Sterek will always be the ship that never dies for me.
No matter where I try to go or who I think I’ve moved onto, I’ll be lying in my bed at night or pouring a bowl of cereal, and just when I think I’ve made it safely off the ship and onto dry land my brain will go
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and I will go
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And honestly?
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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beacon-feels · 6 years
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This is by far my favourite one line ink portrait i have ever done!
Hope you like it! ❤❤❤❤
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beacon-feels · 6 years
Anyone want to take over this blog?
Maddie doesn’t have much time anymore and Sammy sort of lost interest.
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beacon-feels · 6 years
I’ve been in the sterek fandom for many years, I have 34k+ posts and the vast majority of them are sterek related and every week i STILL manage to find fanart or edits made years ago that I never saw before. This fandom really was a force of nature
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beacon-feels · 6 years
“Sometimes i feel like i wanna make out with you is that a friend thing to do?” Sterek
It’s ten am on a Saturday and Derek has never been so dumbstruck in his life.
He’d been happily eating his pancakes when out of nowhere Stiles decides to say, “Sometimes I feel like I want to make out with you. Is that a friend thing to do?”
Derek hadn’t even had a chance to respond before Stiles had continued on his diatribe  which was still going.
“I know that’s not a normal thing to ask, but I’m curious like if other people ever have those thoughts. I think at some point I’ve thought about what it would like to kiss all my friends. Like Scott would be incredibly weird obviously. Lydia would be great, but probably a little scary. Allison would just be funny. Erica would be hot. I don’t think I could kiss Jackson under any circumstances. But you would be good, I think. Like I think I would like making out with you.”
And with that Stiles is back to his food, humming along to the song the diner is playing.
Derek’s not sure if Stiles is expecting a response, but he certainly doesn’t have one yet.
He’d never thought about it.
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