beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
moonstudentmagus ♫
Hakuno smiled and nodded her head, then rose to her feet.
“Of course. I’d love too.” She looked at the CD sitting in her bag and gave a small chuckle. “Don’t feel obligated to have a CD every time though.”
With this, Hakuno turned to return home, the notes from K.K.’s guitar sitting warmly in her ears. She would be back to listen to him again, if she could catch him. Just had to follow the sound of his guitar she supposed.
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
shizutary ♫
 “Ehehe, well, guilty as charged…!” She honestly couldn’t deny that she loved how his songs sounded. For the brief times he was in New Leaf, she always made a point of visiting him and his concerts, even if she was too shy to actually request anything.
 Coincidentally, it seemed that she would get a chance to request one right here and now!
 “No way! That would be fantastic, thank you!” Was she about to get a personalised concert from K.K.!? Oh, she could just faint, right here! She could tell he was hardly a morning person, just by his personality, and yet he still wanted to play for her? Had Katrina visited, or was she just incredibly lucky!? She sort of wanted to know what he meant by “hearing some later,” but she didn’t dare ask - she might look stupid for not getting him! “Only one song, though… Hm…”
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 “Well, there is one I have in mind - do you still play ‘Two Days Ago’…?”
Well, you were right. K.K. Slider was indeed not a morning person, but music came rather natural to him. Why wouldn’t he play a tune for a fan? He played them constantly for himself! Half asleep or not, his own tunes were easy peasy to himself. Like catching a ball thrown at you.
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“Two Days Ago...?” If he had to categorize that song, he would say it was “a little sad”. K.K. Slider rarely played that song for others, and it wasn’t requested often either. Now that a dedicated fan had done so, it brought a strange joy to his dog heart. He knew music was changing with the years. So much, that he even changed up his rhythms to become more pop for the youth to enjoy. Going with the flow, you know? Like a groovy DJ. So... 
He hadn’t actually expected his sad-ish songs to become remotely popular. Some people liked them, but they were... a little sad. It was K.K. Slider singing them because he wanted to. To comfort himself. Those songs were never written specifically to please others.
“I do.” K.K. Slider smiled, paws stroking the guitar’s string as he tried recalling a very familiar melody. “It’s been a while, but if m’lady asks, I will deliver.”
And with that, he played the tune of Two Days Ago, singing along with any emotion he could muster up in this early morning.
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
nonalcoholicyakuza ♫ 
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“Well, yeah. Most people here are humans we have never seen a talking dog before, so…”
But, damn. Was this guy (dog?) just from a place with really weird humans, or was it a place that genuinely consisted of fucking… Talking animals? It seemed impossible for such a place to exist, except maybe if it was a factory producing these… Things. They weren’t really toys, even if they looked huggable. Fuyuhiko, he… Wasn’t really sure to believe in an actual place filled with talking animals yet, but the longer he spent in Stella City, the less implausible it seemed. Eh, maybe he was from some place that was like Stella City in some ways. Who knew. Fuyuhiko sure didn’t.
Well, he figured he’d just listen to the music. He wasn’t sure if this was his thing or if he really ‘understood’ what it was about, but… If someone’s playing a song for you, you better have the fucking decency to listen and appreciate it. Anyone could be impressed by a dog who plays guitar to begin with, anyways. So he just stood and listened, watching the dog (guy??) play his guitar until he was done. Man, this sure was something different than what Ibuki played. A strong reminder that a guitar could be used for many different types of music, he supposed.
“… Huh. That’s pretty good. You learn to play the guitar by yourself?”
Come on, Fuyuhiko! Chillax a bit more! Stella City had talking sheep, right? So why would a place with talking animals be weird? If anything, it only seemed to be more normal than were you were from. Think about it, you and your human world are the odd one out.
Well, K.K. Slider wasn’t going to judge people. After he finished his song, he became appreciative of the fact the other had listened silently all the way through. A good listener, he supposed. Fuyuhiko would make a good pal.
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“Sure did, Your Groovitude.” He answered, his paw fiddling with the strings. “When I was just a puppy, I often played with my mama’s guitar. She had it around for decoration, or something. I decided to let it free. Music wants to be heard, yanno? Instruments want to be played.”
“When this puppy grew a little older, I took the guitar and went for adventure. Inspiration doesn’t come when you are stuck in a home alone. You have to go out and chase it. That’s the true essence of music, you get what I mean, dude?”
“It’s all about being free.”
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
moonstudentmagus ♫
Hakuno took the CD and gladly put it in her bag, shyly smiling as she did. She hadn’t expected that!
“Thank you, Mr. Slider…K.K.?” She wasn’t sure which was the right way to refer to him. K. K. Slider didn’t really strike her as the ‘mister’ type. Then again, just ‘K. K.’ seemed off to her too, but it seemed closer.
“…Kishinami Hakuno.” She said at last, after what seemed like an eternity of pondering to herself. “My name is Hakuno. I forgot to introduce myself.”
"You can call me K.K. Slider or just K.K.” The dog said to that, having noticed the slight inner struggle. He plucked at a few strings as he let his mind wander again. “Just K.K.”? Why, that could make for a great title for his next tune.
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“Well, it’s been nice to meet you, dude. Hakuno, was it? A groovy name. I made sure to catch that. Say... if you’re in this territory again, I’ll let you hear more of my tunes, alright?”
He played a new tune once he was done, but it seemed to be random notes instead of a new song. Too bad.
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
Throw a dog a bone, will you? The weather's cold outside and my fur ain't that thick... so I'm going to crawl into one of the rooms of Moonpie Motel if that's alright. Groove on, dude.
Your request has been heard! We know you love to hang with the dear Koro-chan, but afterwards, you can snooze in Moonpie Motel Room #03!
Groove on, music dog.
♈ aries
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
shizutary ♫
 As if she wasn’t embarrassed enough already! Who had told him things like that!?
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 “Oh, no, no, not at all! I mean, I may have helped the Mayor off at the start, and advised him, and… picked up his duties when he went adventuring, and… picked all the weeds…” The longer the list got, it was almost as if she was slowly realising how much she really did. She suddenly popped back from her list of memories into a more enthusiastic expression, realising she’d trailed off. “B-But even still, it was all thanks to the Mayor that it got so nice! … I guess it’s nice to hear something that nice about me, though.”
 When he asked what she was doing here, though, all of that went out the window, as she realised that they were, in fact, not in New Leaf anymore. “Oh, right! Well, I guess that depends on what you mean by ‘here’. Like, here as in the city, or the shop, or…”
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 “… Or what am I doing here, rambling like an idiot to a famous guitarist? Ehehe…”
That was... cute. That wasn’t something K.K. Slider had actually remembered about her. What he knew was mostly the positive opinions others had of her.
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“I see, Sweetheart. So you’ve been enraptured by my tunes, is that what I hear?” He flicked one of his ears, satisfied. No one had recognized him in this town so far. It was a good feeling. “Hm... it’s still early, but how about a song? Don’t be square, take a chair.”
The dog shoved out a chair for himself and sat down, placing the guitar on his own lap. Ready to roll?
“Listen… don’t spread it around, but I’m secretly taking requests. You can pick your favourite or tell me how you’re feelin’. All’s cool with me. Name your lick and I’ll belt it out, Bellz.” 
“But I know you’re a busy bee, so tell you what, I’ll throw you a bone. I’ll play one tune, then let you hear some more later. How’s that, m’lady?”
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
moonstudentmagus ♫
Hakuno closed her eyes and let the tune flow through her ears. She had never heard music live before, the closest she had heard would probably be classified by others as an offensive maneuver. This was positively heaven in comparison.
After sitting in front of the dog for a moment, simply breathing in the music, Hakuno slowly slide her eye open as if waking up from a dream. No, he was still there.
“You have a lovely singing voice, Mr…?” Did the dog have a name? …why wouldn’t the dog have a name? it was worth asking at least.
Of course dogs had names, m’dude. That part was obvious. This one even named himself!
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“The name’s K.K. Slider, pal. I thank you for the compliment. Mucho appreciated, amigo.” He smiled at that, clearly happy with the positive comment. It was all he needed, really.
K.K. Slider dug around in a small box beside. He reached for the right CD and showed it to Hakuno. “Tell you what... Why don’t I slip you a boot of K.K. Aria on the house, man? You can take the tune and play it whenever you want.”
No payment for this song needed, dude. Just a free tune for a free pal.
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
shizutary ♫
 At this point, she was thankful that her fur hid most of the blush on her cheeks. She’d just yelled his name in the middle of the shop - she felt like she could just melt, and not just because a legend was right in front of her! Definitely not because he remembered her from the live shows!
 “Sorry, sorry, I’m just…” Regaining some semblance of composure, she steps out of the line she’d kept waiting, her expression stuck somewhere between immortal embarrassment and a shy smile. “I mean, I just didn’t expect to see you here!”
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 “Mm, that’s right - I was the Mayor’s secretary over at little old New Leaf,” she reminded him with just a small bit of pride. She would have told him her actual name, but who would deny a nickname from K.K.? “Honestly, it’s a little embarrassing you remembered… You must go all over the place doing what you do! Was the town just that good?”
New Leaf, huh? That sounded a little familiar.
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“The town? Hm... it was a nice place, indeed. Groovy... inspirational. Brought me some tunes.” He thought about what the town had to offer, but he honestly couldn’t remember. Isabelle was just a face he happened to remember. For good reason. “But they say that the one who brought it life was the Mayor’s Secretary.”
“And that’s you, right? Hm... I dig. I think I remember. The memory ball has not been thrown too far for me to fetch.” Mumble mumble.
“So why is the Mayor’s diligent helper here, m’pupper?”
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
@hachikocomplex ♫
It was a strange experience, you know? To wake up in the parking lot like that. K.K. Slider’s first reaction, of course, was to reach out to his guitar and to make sure it was still okay. Yeah. Groovy.
To be honest, K.K. Slider had woken up in stranger places so far, so he wasn’t really surprised. Maybe he should have laid himself in a patch of grass, though. His back started to hurt from the concrete.
No matter, it was time for a tune. K.K. Slider adjusted the strings and started playing one of his favourites, Only Me.
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After he finished, he finally noticed the dog that sat in the parking space beside him. “Oh... hey dog, what’s up?” He softly murmured, taking a good look at the other. “You here by yourself as well?”
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
nonalcoholicyakuza ♫
Fuyuhiko had been trying to think, about this place and home and whatever else tried to worm its way into his head, but had his thoughts interrupted by some noise in the distance. Or, noise- once he paid attention to what he was hearing, it turned out to be music. He didn’t recognize whatever song it was, but he doubted he was completely up to date with this stuff, anyways.
Well, maybe something interesting was going on, or worth inspecting, so he could always go look. It’s not like there was much else to do here. So, although slightly dubious, he’d set out to see where the music came from- only to find what was apparently a dog sitting on a crate way too much like a human, playing a guitar. And then it spoke to him, too. It was… Less shocking than he felt like it should’ve been, but being surrounded by sheep you can communicate with 24/7 does that to a man, he supposes.
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“…. Uh? Oh, uhm. I guess? I don’t know a whole lot about music, so…”
He found that his general disposition towards a dog that calls things ‘groovy’ was comparatively more positive and relaxed than it was to most people.
“… Not particularly, either. Hey, do all animals talk and behave like people where you’re from?”
He still figured there was a pretty big chance this dog was also a stuffed animal with an extraordinary AI, but hey, apparently, everything just fucking goes in this place.
Ah, a newbie. A greenhorn. Someone unfamiliar to the world to music. That meant K.K. Slider had to give them a treat, for sure.
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“You know, dude... a lot of people in this town ask me that.” Only once, K.K. Slider. You had only been asked once so far. “But yeah... Lots of talking animals from where I’m from. Some with fur, others with feather... there’s wool too. But you know, we’re all the same in spirit. Free, humble... ready to groove. You catch my dig? Hm... Sorry, I’m rambling.”
Paws played with the guitar strings as he slowly started a song. “Maybe this is a song you will dig.” So he continued, playing Lucky K.K. in a hope to entertain the curious person in front of him.
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
shizutary ♫
【 @beaglebeats 】
 Habits, it seemed, were still habits, even in a city like this. It was almost impressive how quickly she’d found a coffee shop to visit before work, but she wouldn’t be starting until next week… Well, that, at the least, gave her an excuse to go in at a slightly more realistic time to scope it out.
 (Not that it helped her be any more awake for the experience. Her sleeping schedule was still as wonky as it had ever been.) As she waited for her order - Mocha, three sugars, lots of milk, also as always - she caught sight of familiar white fur amongst the piles of white wool. Somehow.
 “Good morning, K.K…” she hummed, hiking up onto the tips of her paws to reach the counter and her order. Eventually, her morning-slowed mind whirred into life, realising what she just said. Now that woke her up!
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 “… Wait, K.K.!?”
What’s this? A fan? Or maybe a very dedicated groupie? K.K. Slider yawned as he tried to remember, but his mind had wandered too far off. Mornings, man. They weren’t as groovy as the night. K.K. Slider was a free spirit that roamed at night, but found himself awake that particular morning.
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“Morning, pal.” He resisted laughing as he watched the other dog’s behaviour, slightly amused by her surprise. Oh. That face looked familiar. Wasn’t it-- “Bellz, right? Yeah. I think I’ve seen you around before.”
“It was when I visited... uh... hm. I can’t really recall the name anymore.” A soft chuckle. “No matter, a groove is a groove. You just gotta catch the ball they throw you. What can I do for you, m’lady?”
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
moonstudentmagus ♫
Hakuno stood dumbfounded. She had heard the music playing as she explored the city and, not being familiar with sudden music playing in the streets, followed it to the city center. She didn’t expect a dog. She didn’t expect him to talk to her either.
“…Oh, no. Don’t mind me. I’d be fine with just listening.” She muttered as she sat down in her knees in front of the dog, ever curious about this strange person she’s found.
“…Are singing dogs common in this town?”
If singing dogs were common in this town? K.K. Slider wasn’t so sure about that. He had just arrived, after all!
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“Hm... no clue, Your Groovitude.” He poked at a few strings, his mind wondering about what song to play. Maybe a lazy tune will do. “How about I’ll throw you a bone? I think I know a song you might dig.”
And with that, he started playing K.K. Aria.
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
Hm... far out. I got to say, your city looks pretty groovy, pal. I can dig. How about I'll play you a song? [ K.K. Slider here without prior reservation! ]
Play me a tune Mr Guitar ManDog.  Play Wonderwall.  Play Freebird. Play…. Sandstorm by Darude.
YIKES with the ever full Moonpie Motel, you’ll be docking with your fellow ‘dawg’ in the Moonpie Motel Parking Lot Space #2.
Enjoy ya wanwan
♐ sagittarius
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beaglebeats-blog · 8 years
Say, why don’t you go explore the city? There’s an abundance to see in this world, you know? Like a dog, who sits on a small crate in the middle of city center, playing acoustic tunes that are likely unfamiliar to you. Come on. Approach him! 
Once you do, the dog raises his head to look at you and stops playing.
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“Hm? Oh, hey. You must be digging the cheers I bring to your ears, you hear? Groovy.” A barky laugh escapes him. “You after a song?”
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