bearcrossing · 6 years
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🎃 🐢 Watch the full video on YouTube
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bearcrossing · 7 years
I'm the lizard version of the bomb on the bus that brought Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock careening into a profitable future in hollywood
Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova
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bearcrossing · 7 years
daily reminder to not kidnap baby birds
It’s that time of year again! Somebody just showed up in my office with a baby bird.
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Turns out this “injured bird”, which is actually a baby northern mockingbird, was found right by a mockingbird nest I’ve been monitoring, where the chicks just recently hopped out of the nest. So this story had a happy ending, luckily: baby and family reunited!
But yes, it’s the time of year when you’ll see birds who are fluttering awkwardly, or just sitting still (FYI, a baby bird’s innate predator defense is to crouch down and stay quiet! If he’s not running away from you, that means he’s just hoping you won’t see him!!!!!! Give him what he wants and pretend you didn’t see him!!!!!!!). But fear not: they’re just dumb babies awaiting their next grub.
Put Him Back!
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bearcrossing · 7 years
daily reminder to not kidnap baby birds
It’s that time of year again! Somebody just showed up in my office with a baby bird.
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Turns out this “injured bird”, which is actually a baby northern mockingbird, was found right by a mockingbird nest I’ve been monitoring, where the chicks just recently hopped out of the nest. So this story had a happy ending, luckily: baby and family reunited!
But yes, it’s the time of year when you’ll see birds who are fluttering awkwardly, or just sitting still (FYI, a baby bird’s innate predator defense is to crouch down and stay quiet! If he’s not running away from you, that means he’s just hoping you won’t see him!!!!!! Give him what he wants and pretend you didn’t see him!!!!!!!). But fear not: they’re just dumb babies awaiting their next grub.
Put Him Back!
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bearcrossing · 8 years
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bearcrossing · 8 years
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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bearcrossing · 8 years
Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you
Where are those woke white people at!?
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bearcrossing · 8 years
been ugly laughing at this for the past 10 minutes and it keeps getting better
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bearcrossing · 8 years
How to call your reps when you have social anxiety
When you struggle with your mental health on a daily basis, it can be hard to take action on the things that matter most to you. The mental barriers anxiety creates often appear insurmountable. But sometimes, when you really need to, you can break those barriers down. This week, with encouragement from some great people on the internet, I pushed against my anxiety and made some calls to members of our government. Here’s a comic about how you can do that, too. (Resources and transcript below.)
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Motivational resources: There are a lot! Here are a few I really like:
Emily Ellsworth explains why calling is the most effective way to reach your congressperson.
Sharon Wong posted a great series of tweets that helped me manage my phone anxiety and make some calls.
Kelsey is tweeting pretty much daily with advice and reminders about calling representatives. I found this tweet an especially great reminder that calls aren’t nearly as big a deal as anxiety makes them out to be.
Informational resources: There are a lot of these, as well! These three are good places to start:
Find your representative at house.gov
Find your senators at senate.gov
Use the “We’re His Problem Now” scripts when calling (or write your own!)
Keep reading
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bearcrossing · 8 years
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bearcrossing · 8 years
it looks like jupiter
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bearcrossing · 8 years
We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe.
Elie Wiesel (via missrosemaryclaire)
(via floralwaterwitch)
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bearcrossing · 8 years
While stacking wood the other day i found myself a strange frumpy looking arachnid… i saw it had 2 main black stripes and figured it was a deformed wolf spider or possibly a common grass spider. Upon lots of scampering around on my knees and a much closer inspection…. the frumpy lumps on the abdomen were in fact… BABIES! Which meant that the lovely arachnid before me, was a momma wolf spider.   I have never had the opportunity to see hatch-lings on a wolf spider before, so you bet your ass i picked her up for some glamour photos before releasing her back <3
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Wolf Spiders are the only spider i know of that show much “maternal” instinct, a female will carry her egg sac around with her ( attached near or at the spinnerets i believe?) until the babies hatch. Once hatched, they climb onto their mothers back for several days until they are ready to hunt prey on their own. This is incredibly different from other spider species, usually the parents run off, eat one or the other and then run off, die or are their babies first meal upon hatching. 
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Wolf spiders have incredible eye sight, are nocturnal, cunning, smart and crafty. They even make little spider hobbit holes with tiny pebble doors or bark lids that act as a rain barrier. Despite what many may think, in majority of cases a wolf spider bite will merely suck for a couple days with some swelling, itching and discomfort. For some reason i hear most people correlate a wolf spider bite to the dreaded brown recluse….. not even close. A bit of excitable nerdy information on one of my favorite spider species.
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bearcrossing · 8 years
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bearcrossing · 8 years
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Source For more facts, Follow Ultrafacts
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bearcrossing · 8 years
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Septimus and Susu present: Sharing the Bed, a four part visual journey
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bearcrossing · 8 years
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