beardraws2 · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 30 (12K Follower Special)
(Check out the previous parts here)
I want to thank you guys for being so patient with this fic. Its hard to believe its been a year since I first wrote part 1. I have been agonizing over this part for so long, I hope you all enjoy it. PS, I would love to hear what you guys think. And please share it around.)
Lila used her key to unlock the front door. She quietly entered only to see her mother smiling at her.
“I was wondering where you were. How is everything honey?” Her mother greeted.
Lila put on a smile for her and greeted her with a cheek kiss. She was not expecting to see her mother up. She would have sworn she would be asleep. The work at the embassy often left her mother drained, it was rare when she was up an about at night when she was home.
“I had to slip by the school. Make sure that I had everything I needed for tomorrow.” She answered.
“Studious as always. I am so proud of you.”
“Of course! If I want to be as amazing as you I have to keep up with my school work.”
Lila knew her mother would eat up the flattery. Her mother was a gullible woman that loved to be complimented. She was not stupid, but she was far too trusting. The brunette knew all too well that her mother had often had her kindness taken advantage of by others.
“I was listening to the answering machine messages, and I noticed your principal called. He says that he is glad to have you back from your leave of absence?”
Lila didn’t bother sweating the comment.
“It’s an error with the school computer. Remember how my old school had similar issues? I will clear it up this week.”
“Of course. School systems don’t really change much wherever you go, we really need to discuss that at the next meeting.”
“Don’t worry Mamma, I am making the most of it.”
“Mia stellina I know you will. That is why I got you a gift.”
Lila watched as her mother pulled out a small box that was gift wrapped. Handing it to her daughter.
“I am sorry I had been gone most of last week. Things have been hectic. What with the… oh you don’t need to worry about all that. I saw this on my way back and I was saving it for your birthday, but I figured now would be a good time.”
Lila opened the present to reveal a lovely silver bracelet, with a small charm in the shape of an eye mask. Her mother knew Lila had a love of masks and would make sure that if there was some place she went that was interesting, she would get her a mask from that place.
“Thank you, Mamma, it is lovely.” Lila hugged her mother. Managing to hide how little she actually cared about the gift.
“I knew you would love it. It will look so lovely on you when we go out to dinner with your boyfriend.”
“The handsome blond model you told me about. Adrien?”
“Oh! Right. Yes of course. My boyfriend. Though I am not sure he will be able to have dinner with us anytime soon. His father has him on such a strict schedule.”
Mrs. Rossi frowned.
“We can work something out another time. I’d really like to meet him.”
“I’m sure he feels the same way.”
Lila began making her way to her room.
“I think I’m going to get ready for school tomorrow.”
“Alright dear, I will be here all day tomorrow, maybe I can swing by your school and we can have lunch together.”
“Sounds great. Looking forward to it.”
Lila closed the door to her room.
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beardraws2 · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 30 (12K Follower Special)
(Check out the previous parts here)
I want to thank you guys for being so patient with this fic. Its hard to believe its been a year since I first wrote part 1. I have been agonizing over this part for so long, I hope you all enjoy it. PS, I would love to hear what you guys think. And please share it around.)
Lila used her key to unlock the front door. She quietly entered only to see her mother smiling at her.
“I was wondering where you were. How is everything honey?” Her mother greeted.
Lila put on a smile for her and greeted her with a cheek kiss. She was not expecting to see her mother up. She would have sworn she would be asleep. The work at the embassy often left her mother drained, it was rare when she was up an about at night when she was home.
“I had to slip by the school. Make sure that I had everything I needed for tomorrow.” She answered.
“Studious as always. I am so proud of you.”
“Of course! If I want to be as amazing as you I have to keep up with my school work.”
Lila knew her mother would eat up the flattery. Her mother was a gullible woman that loved to be complimented. She was not stupid, but she was far too trusting. The brunette knew all too well that her mother had often had her kindness taken advantage of by others.
“I was listening to the answering machine messages, and I noticed your principal called. He says that he is glad to have you back from your leave of absence?”
Lila didn’t bother sweating the comment.
“It’s an error with the school computer. Remember how my old school had similar issues? I will clear it up this week.”
“Of course. School systems don’t really change much wherever you go, we really need to discuss that at the next meeting.”
“Don’t worry Mamma, I am making the most of it.”
“Mia stellina I know you will. That is why I got you a gift.”
Lila watched as her mother pulled out a small box that was gift wrapped. Handing it to her daughter.
“I am sorry I had been gone most of last week. Things have been hectic. What with the… oh you don’t need to worry about all that. I saw this on my way back and I was saving it for your birthday, but I figured now would be a good time.”
Lila opened the present to reveal a lovely silver bracelet, with a small charm in the shape of an eye mask. Her mother knew Lila had a love of masks and would make sure that if there was some place she went that was interesting, she would get her a mask from that place.
“Thank you, Mamma, it is lovely.” Lila hugged her mother. Managing to hide how little she actually cared about the gift.
“I knew you would love it. It will look so lovely on you when we go out to dinner with your boyfriend.”
“The handsome blond model you told me about. Adrien?”
“Oh! Right. Yes of course. My boyfriend. Though I am not sure he will be able to have dinner with us anytime soon. His father has him on such a strict schedule.”
Mrs. Rossi frowned.
“We can work something out another time. I’d really like to meet him.”
“I’m sure he feels the same way.”
Lila began making her way to her room.
“I think I’m going to get ready for school tomorrow.”
“Alright dear, I will be here all day tomorrow, maybe I can swing by your school and we can have lunch together.”
“Sounds great. Looking forward to it.”
Lila closed the door to her room.
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beardraws2 · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 12
( Parts 1 - 4) (Parts 5 - 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11)
“Adrienne, please open the door.” Maggie pleaded. “That Lila girl was clearly trying to make you mad, you shouldn’t listen to her.
They didn’t hear anything from the door. Not even her crying. It had just suddenly stopped.
They hear a hard knock on the door.
The three other girls scramble back.
The door opens revealing something the other Adriknights were not expecting.
Adrienne’s hair that was kept down in braided pigtails was more fiery and moving upward, and moving like a flame. She had a golden crown on her head with green gemstones in it reminiscent of Adrien’s eye color. Her eyes were red as opposed to their normal blue color. She had a red mask that looked similar to that of a butterfly on her face.  Her fan garb was transformed into intimidating regal armor that was a mix of white and gold. On her chest plate was a heart with the Adriknight logo. (Which consisted of the Letter A and K over top one another and the Long end of the K was a sword, while the downward parts of the A were swords, surrounded by a small shield. She had a white cape with a golden logo of the Adriknight logo on center of it.
On her hip, she had her golden bag which decorated the side of her waist, filled with an infinite number of buttons contained in a small pouch.
“Adrienne? What happened to you.”
The akuma laughs.
“I am not Adrienne, I am Fandoom! Adrien is not someone who should be used for one person’s gain. We, the Adriknights will stop this, we will grow and take Paris under our crest.” Fandoom exclaimed.
“Adrienne please… you aren’t yourself.” Maggie approached cautiously. The other two girls tried to run, but Fandoom grabbed two buttons from her bag,  launched them at the the two runners like ninja stars, The pins began to glow and the two were transformed. They gained a white armor with the Adriknight logo on their chests, protruding out like a button. Their eyes were white, not showing their iris. They had a similar pouch to the one she had on her side.
Fandoom’s hair became slightly larger with the two new additions 
“You two! Spread out and expand out ranks!” She commanded.  “Make sure to grab plenty of skilled fighters to defend our cause,  snag a few reporters and bloggers to get our presence known. as well as musicians and artists for the creative side. We want to be diverse in our expansion.”
One of the knights raised their hands.
“What about writers? Should writers be included?.”
“I guess, but no one really cares about writers as much as artists.” Fandoom answered with an eyeroll.
Maggie was stunned as she watched her two club mates obey. The two knights grabbed the bags and headed out, keen on obeying their orders.
Fandoom moved to her.
“Join us Maggie. The Adriknights are going to be all over Paris. I am going to bring the club to new heights. Once we are all over Paris, we will be able to give Adrien the best, like all good fan clubs should.”
“Vivienne please stop this. You have gone too far. You are my best friend, you are letting your obsession get the better of you. I want my friend back.” Maggie cried out.
Fandoom looked at her, shaking her head.
“Maggie, I am doing this for us. No more being pushed aside. No more weird looks from people that don’t understand. Soon Paris will be just like us. We will all be a massive club… no,  a kingdom of people that love the same thing. It will be perfect.”
Maggie took a step back, horrified at what her friend has become.
Fandoom’s fiery hair became bigger.
“Seems they already recruited more members. I am already feeling them contribute.” Fandoom stated. “I think you should join as well.”
She took a pin from her bag. She shakes her head
“For the Fandoom.”
A bell dings to alert the audience and the host that the show is on commercial. The stage lights dim and the lights over the audience brighten so the crowd couldn’t see Adrien or sonny that well.
Sonny’s smile eases up and she appears less hyper and more subdued.
“I don’t remember those questions you asked being mentioned at all when I was told about this interview.” Adrien asked, clearly more concerned then he was during the interview.
“Look superstar, we got the okay from Gabriel to ask more personal questions. It cost us a good amount of cash, but considering the gold we are mining from this interview the network will make back its investment.” Sonny responded.
“My father approved of this? Even if he did, that still didn’t give you the right to show Marinette on the air without her consent.” Adrien pushed.
“It was on the visitor’s form. You know all that paperwork you two signed, that is written consent. It isn’t my fault your girlfriend didn’t read the papers.”
Adrien narrowed his eyes at the reporter, he decided he would deal with her after the interview.
“I am going to go talk with my guest.” Adrien stood up. “If she is upset, then I should apologize to her.
“Hold up. We are back from break in 3 minutes. You don’t exactly have the time to chat.” Sonny exclaimed. “Besides, it seems like she doesn’t want to talk right now. I really don’t get why though, most designers would kill to get that free exposure.”
Adrien looked to where Marinette was standing and noticed she was gone. Adrien could feel his anger at the host boiling.
“I have to go apologize. I will be back after I am done making sure she is fine.” Adrien began to walk off the set, Sonny caught his shoulder. 
“Re-lax. You can talk with your little girlfriend after. We still have the other half of the interview. I will have security find her and you can have all the time in the world to talk after. But you are on My time.” Sonny answered. “So be a good model, and do what you are told.”
Adrien shot the tv host a look that made her let go of his shoulder. It was for a brief moment, but they looked like the sharp eyes of someone ready to fight, almost like a wild cat.
“I will be back after I talk with Marinette and not a second before.” Adrien heads off.
“Wait but the interview.” Sonny spoke before noticing the blond ran off stage. She touches her ear piece. “Get security on that damn model. I want him back here yesterday.”
Adrien had taken off, running to try and catch up to Marinette.
Plagg popped out.
“Look at you kid, directly disobeying an adult. You are really growing up.” Plagg commented.
“I need to make sure Marinette is okay. I am use to my feelings being ignored, but she shouldn’t have to deal with that.” Adrien answered.
“Kid, No one’s feelings should be ignored.” Plagg stated flatly as the two kept running.
“Marinette please calm down.” The red kwami assured.
“I messed things up! Of course I had to be bold now of all times! I should have known my lip gloss would show up on his cheek.” Marinette berated herself.
She had ran back into the green room, now trying to find a way to fix everything. The interview Adrien was having was going so well, but then it shifted so quick. She was pacing and she felt so guilty.
“Adrien is going to be given so much trouble over this. I don’t want people thinking I claimed him or something! What if he is furious with me? I thought things were going so well, he was saying such sweet things about me and…”
“Marinette!” Adrien called out as he entered the room. He sounded like he sprinted after her. He closed the door and the sound of footsteps ran past.
“Adrien? What are you doing here? The interview is not over yet right?’
“Yea, but I really needed to talk to you.” Adrien replied.
Marinette looked down, he probably wanted to clarify how embarrassed he was about what happened. “Adrien… I am really sorry I caused this whole mess.” 
Adrien looked at her with confusion.
“Marinette, this isn’t your fault. That interviewer was getting a bit too invasive. If anything, I should be apologizing. I am sorry about all of this Marinette. I didn’t think they would try and drag you into all of this just to get more ratings.” Adrien answered. “I should have known they would have done something like this.” 
Marinette was surprised that the model was taking the blame, he didn’t do anything wrong.
“I-I-I-ts not your fault. If anything, you were the one that has it worse. They are making it seem like we are … an item. I can imagine how badly it would impact your life.” Marinette stammered before recovering.
Adrien moved closer to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Badly? Marinette, I wouldn’t be mad about that at all.” Adrien responded, unsure of how on earth having the world think he was dating her would be a bad thing for him. “I was worried about what you thought of the whole thing.”
“Me?” The designer felt her face heat up.
“Yea, When you headed off I assumed you were upset about being on camera. I am not worried at all about what the fans think, most of them will have their own opinions of me that I will never know about them or even if I do, they aren’t about who I am, just what they think I am.” Adrien explained. “Like I said in the interview, your opinion of me does matter. So I hope you can forgive me for dragging you into all of this.”
“I am not mad at you at all, I am actually really happy that you think so much of me.” Marinette answered. She felt relieved he wasn’t mad at her. The two share a moment of silence as the words hung there.
Marinette smiled at him, but noticed the lip gloss was still on his cheek.
“Hold on.” She spoke before taking a make up remover wipe out of her bag and wiping his cheek.
“Hopefully now you won’t get anymore questions about the that.” She said as her smile made the model’s heart skip a beat. “You should get back out there, you shouldn’t keep the audience waiting. I’ll be here when you’re done, it will take more then some gossip to make me leave. I have your back no matter what happens.”
Adrien couldn’t help but see a faint image of his spotted partner when she said that.
She really is an everyday Ladybug.
Adrien returned her smile, feeling relief that she wasn’t mad. He gave her a quick hug.
“Thank you, Marinette.” He spoke sweetly just before heading off back to the stage.
On the deck of the Couffaine houseboat, Kitty section was taking a break from band practice to try the new band shirts they commissioned Marinette for.
“These shirts really are amazing.” The drummer exclaimed as he wore his XL band T-shirt. “Marinette did an amazing job.”
“Right? I told her she really made an amazing design.” Rose singsonged as she did a twirl in the the band shirt.
“Ivan is right, Marinette really killed it with these.” Juleka answered, more subdued but content with the shirt. 
“What do you think Luka? You were the one that suggested she make the design?”
A black haired teen with teal tips looked at his shirt and smiled.“Marinette always does good work.” The guitarist answered. “Its too bad she couldn’t join us for practice.”
“Yea, but she is going to that interview with Adrien so I think she is having a good time.” Rose answered.
“She was pretty excited to go, and her new outfit was definitely impressive.” Juleka responded.
“New outfit?” Ivan asked perplexed. The metal fan never really paid much attention to clothes, though everyone’s fashion choices always seemed to blend together, like they were always wearing the same thing everyday. 
“Yea, she had the cutest chat noir themed dress with a leather jacket! Hold on, I have a picture.” Rose pulled out her phone to show the drummer. Luka moved to see the photo, curious of the look. His eyes went wide when he saw her.
“Wow, she looks cute. Almost Myléne level cute.” Ivan answered.
 Luka thought she looked absolutely stunning, it was amazing how pretty she looked. The guitarist felt a pang in his heart, knowing that she looks that good to impress another guy. 
He smiles softly. He knew how Marinette felt about Adrien, so he can’t blame her for trying to go after him. 
“I am sure Adrien thinks she looks great.” A sudden clink on the deck made the four teens turn. They looked towards the direction of the sound to see a figure clad in white armor.
“Did you say Adrien?” The mysterious figure asked with a smile on her face.
The guitarist could tell this was not a good sign
Crap! that boy needs to get on stage in the next 20 seconds, I had the producers run  extra commercials to stall for time. Where the hell is security? How did he even sneak past them? The host mentally panicked as she noticed the timer counting down before they were back on the air.
As if answering her prayers Adrien was back in his seat, significantly calmer.
“Oh good your back. about time. You lucked out.” Sonny forced a smile.
“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t want to keep the audience waiting.” Adrien responded enjoying the annoyance he had caused her. He glanced back stage to see Marinette back in the spot she was before, reassuring him that she was fine.
The On air light went on and the show was back on.
“And We’re back!” Sonny greeted as the audience cheered.“Now we are at the part of the show where our viewers submit questions  and we ask our lovely guest to answer them. ” 
The first question popped up on the screen.
“If you could change any part of your life, what would it be?”
Adrien thought about it for a second.
“I would say I would change my schedule, I want to have more free time to hangout with my friends. But I doubt that will happen anytime soon.” Adrien responded.
The crowd got a bit of a laugh at that line.
Sonny went to the next question.
“What is something that you wish you could do really well?”
“I would say the guitar. I wish I could play the guitar. I play the piano, but it would be really cool to be able to carry around the instrument I play.” Adrien responded.
Marinette imagined Adrien being able to play the guitar. She agreed that might be too much for her to handle. He would be too cute playing a guitar with that sweet smile.
Sonny faked her smile but continued to the next question, her smile turned more genuine after being a juicy question.
“What do you look for in a future girlfriend?”  Sonny read the question. “Ohh, now we have something.”
Adrien thought about it for a second.
“I guess if I had to think about it, mainly two things. Kindness and bravery, both are aspects I really want to find in someone. Someone who can sweet and helpful, but also can stand up for the right thing and isn’t afraid to do what she feels is right.”
The crowd clapped at the boy’s answer, it was a respectable answer.
Sonny swiped to the next question, now with a lot more interest.
“I recently got this app called soulmate searcher and when I finished, I noticed you weren’t on my list. I am sure we are meant to be. Is the reason you aren’t on the list is because you don’t have an account?” Sonny read aloud.
Sonny turns to Adrien.
“That is an excellent question. That app has been all over Paris the last few weeks. So tell us Adrien, do you have an account?” Sonny prodded.
Adrien needed to think of a way out of this one, but thankfully he came up with one. Though he might need to pull a bit of a playful cat for it.
“Now where would the fun be if I said if I did or didn’t. Who knows, maybe you can find me on there. If I am on the top of your list, feel free to message me.” Adrien gave a playful wink.
The crowd ‘Oooohs’ at that statement.
Sonny smiled at that.
“Quite the Casanova. So here is a follow up question. Do you believe there is credibility to the app or do you think its a cheesy gimmick?” Adrien pondered this for a moment.
“I think there might be something to it. I know my best friend and his girlfriend are both on it and have high compatibility, so I would say that there is a good chance.”
Sonny nodded she realized it was time to up the ante.
“You know we had a LOT of submissions stating that you were on someone’s list. Why don’t you have a look at some.”
The screen was flooded with different submissions of lists. Most of them had Adrien at the top of the list, and it was clearly photoshop. They sorted through a few of them.
“Ooh, looks like this one is compatible with you and XY, do I smell a love triangle.” Sonny teased.
“Sadly no, I wouldn’t want to ruin XY’s chances at true love. So I hope them the best.” Adrien said with a smile.
More compatibility lists appeared. The host and Adrien spent a good 10 minutes commenting on each one, Adrien being sure to be funny yet polite with each comment. Sonny on the other hand was a bit more cut throat. The crowd laughing and reacting to the two, mostly positive responses.
“Wow, I guess I am compatible with a lot of people.” Adrien commented, knowing full well that these were fake. “As well as Jagged stone. There is no way I could compete with him.”
Sonny laughed.
“Seems your fans do want you on their list, and its a mystery if you do have a list. So tell me, if you did have a list, would your lovely guest be on it?”
Adrien felt himself freeze, this was a question he was not expecting at all.
Sonny noticed the blond tense up, she had him now.
“Where would you put her on the list? Based on the lip gloss mark I saw earlier, I would guess pretty high.” Sonny twisted the dagger.
“Well I um…” Adrien tried to respond but thankfully (or rather unthankfully) there was large noise that sounded from the outside.
The audience looked worried and unsure of what to do.
Sonny, tapped her ear piece.
“What is going on outside. We are in the middle of an interview.” She whisper shouted.
“There seems to be a bunch of people in armor trying to get inside. They are… oh no. They are turning us into them! Help!” The transmission was cut off.
Adrien’s eyes went wide. 
An Akuma!?
“We will be right back after a message from our sponsors.” Sonny stated to the camera, making sure it was turned off.
Kagami was bored.
She was aware that Adrien wouldn’t be in practice because of the interview he was going to, but she didn’t expect to be so bored with the rest of the team.
That wasn’t to say they were bad, but compared to the fencing prodigy they were hardly a warm up. Adrien was the only one that could really give her a challenge.
The fencer considered heading home early, today did not seem like a good day for fencing. As she started to head to the locker room, the sound of the door shattering across the room caught her attention.
The fencer turned to see several figures with white armor. They started flinging these circular pins at her and the other fencers, she quickly parried the one headed her way with her blade.
“Oh, now this will be interesting.” The prodigy stated with an amused smile.
Lila slipped into the back of the studio. She was amazed at how quickly the akuma took affect. She had been doing her best to avoid those knights that had taken to the streets and began putting pins on everyone in sight. It would not benefit her to be turned into one of those mindless minions right now.
She was able to sneak into the studio thanks to the chaos that was happening outside as security was dealing with the overflow of minions.
“I just need to get Marinette’s bag, get the recording, and get out.” Lila told herself. “It shouldn’t be that hard.”
Part 12 is finished I loved all of the versions of Fandoom, a lot of you got really close. I kind off hope the reveal of her isn’t as disappointing now that there are  such cool fan art guesses.
Please Keep up that amazing feedback. I love seeing those notes and comments, It really feeds my impulsive need to write.
Below are all the people who are tagged. If you have not been tagged, and want to be tagged, or requested to be tagged and want to be from now on (PLEASE Check to make sure you are tagged in case there is an issue with the system):
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beardraws2 · 4 years
Miraculous Fanfic
(au in which Tom and Sabine divorce causing Marinette to move with Sabine to London. Alya and Adrien are her best friends, and in this AU Marinette doesn't like Adrien...yet teehee. Read for some super fun surprises!!) Ps : they are about 16/17 here
Chapter 2 : The Divorce pt. 2
I immediately called my best friends Alya and Adrien, and the agreed to come over right away. I decided to sit on the back porch waiting for them when it started to rain. I didn't want to go inside so I just sat letting cold rain mix with hot tears, letting my hair and clothes get drenched as they clinged to my body. I pulled my knees to my chest and didn't move.
I saw Adrien pull up to the sidewalk across the street, and he started running towards me as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. saw Marinette completely drenched. "Marinette!?" He crouched down in front of me but I didn't dare look him in the eyes. I felt his warm hands touch my cheeks and lift my face to look at him. I could see the worry in his eyes as i stared into them. "Adrien, I- " I put my on his as they held my face, and the tears started all over again. He hugged me as I pushed my face into his chest. Adrien gently pulled me up, not letting me go. He rocked me back and forth, running his fingers through my sopping wet hair.
I've never seen Marinette look so broken before. "Adrien I-" She started and I could see the tears well up in her eyes. I felt her cold hands come up to mine, and as the first tear fell I pulled her into a tight hug. I slowly pulled her up into a standing positions and I could feel her pushing her face into my chest. I didn't care that I too was becoming soaked from the embrace we shared, I just wanted her to be okay. He didn't even care that he was too becoming soaked from their embrace, he just wanted his best friend to be okay. He wanted to see her smile. Adrien pulled away from Marinette and wiped her face off with his hoodie sleeve, looking into her bright bluebell eyes. "Lets go to your room, and wait for Alya, okay?" She nodded and started up the stairs. I followed close behind. She opened the door to her apartment, and climbed the stairs to her room. "Mari? Don't you want some different clothes?" She looked up, "All my clothes are in the wash." She sighed. I thought for a moment "I uh brought some extra clothes and stuff in case you wanted us to stay, me and Alya that is, and you can wear some of mine." I pulled out a t-shirt and some shorts and handed them to her. "Thanks Adrien."
She went into her bathroom and changed. After leaving her wet clothes in her hamper and fixing her hair into a ponytail, she left the bathroom. Iturned as he heard the bathroom door open, and felt my face go ablazue as I looked at her. Even though the shirt was way to big on Marinette and she had to roll the waistband of the shorts so they wouldn't fall down she still looked beautiful. "I think your clothes might be just a tad bit to big on me." She said with a small giggle. I gave a her a small smile. "Wanna go downstairs and wait for Alya?" He suggested.
She grabbed his hand and ran downstairs. She pulled him to the couch, "Stay here." She said and tapped his nose. She ran to the kitchen and started pulling out bowls, measuring spoons, a hand mixer, and a ton of ingredients. "What are you doing?" He asked with a tilt of his head. "I'm going to teach you to make croissants!" She walked over to the bookshelf looking for her fathers recipe book. Marinette noticed it on the very top shelf, and stood on her tippy toes to try and reach, yet she still couldn't.
Adrien watched his friend struggle for a minute and decided to walk over and help her. He easily grabbed the book she was reaching for, "This one?" He said looking down at Marinette and turning towards her. "Yeah, uhm. Thanks." He quickly noticed how close they, were his chest mere inches from her face, as he heard the door open. They both turned their heads and in came Alya.
"Hey Adrien, hey girl. Im so sorry." Alya said as she walked towards Marinette to pull her into an embrace. Marinette accepted her hug with a sigh as she was reminded why her friends came over. "I'll be okay." She pulled away. "Plus I was just about to teach Adrien to make croissants. Wanna join?" Marinette held up the cookbook.
"I think I'll work on the blog I just started." Alya said walking over to the couch. Adrien shrugged, "Fine with me
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beardraws2 · 4 years
Miraculous Fanfic
(au in which Tom and Sabine divorce causing Marinette to move with Sabine to London. Alya and Adrien are her best friends, and in this AU Marinette doesn't like Adrien...yet teehee. Read for some super fun surprises!!)
Chapter 1 ; The Divorce.
"Honey, dinner!" Sabine called to Marinette from downstairs. Marinette put away her homework and headed to the kitchen to eat with her parents. Dinner turned out to be very awkward, and Marinette couldn't quite understand why. Her parents weren't as flirtatious at all like they normally were. They barley even spoke to each other. "Marinette dear, we have something to tell you." Her father nodded. "Okay, what is it?" Her father looked at her mother with concerned eyes. "Oh my god, did someone die? Is Grandpa okay?" Sabine looked at Marinette, "No honey, Grandpa is just fine. Its, well, your father and I are getting a divorce." Marinette's jaw dropped as her parents waited for a response. "W-w-what? But you guys love each other and and and," Tom raised his hand to cut her off. "Now, we know this is hard for you, and we want you to understand this is in no way your fault, and we still love each other," Sabine nodded in agreement. "But, we have both been seeing other people for a while now."
"YOU WHAT?!" Marinette exclaimed. "You know what, no. Nope. Im going to my room."
"Marinette!!" Tom and Sabine yelled in unison but their daughter was long gone.
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beardraws2 · 4 years
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Hi! My name is Bear, and I’m glad to become a part of the Instagram & Tumblr community! © me ( @beardraws2 ) #bear #miraculous #ladrien #adrienagreste #adrinette #marichat #ladynoir #redraw #miraculousladybug #marinettedupaincheng
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beardraws2 · 4 years
We are going to get more Marichat, right?
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