beargryllsenvy · 4 years
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Still keep finding the decades old criticisms of Bear Grylls, on the Internet, and it always angers me.
Everything Bear does is for the sake of what he is teaching at the time, and in his Born Survivor/Man vs Wild programmes he used to put his body through some horrible places to show that it can be done  -  to empower those who may be one of those statistics of people in danger.  These statistics that he always started the programmes with, were revealing and informative.  In UK we don’t have too many dangerous places, there are some, but it’s those travellers going to out of the way places, that have really benefited from Bear’s teaching.  Whereas the rest of us just love the programmes and live through it with Bear.
The shows are not about proving that what some cynics want to believe as fake, when Bear always narrates the truth, but some looking for ‘fake’ behaviour just cannot manage to hear what he’s saying, they are too busy looking for something to accuse him of.  Thank God, that our wonderful Bear, does not let this attitude water down anything he does.
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
Breaking Point
Just purchased the Breaking Point series on DVD, so that I can re-watch and just absorb the amazing fearless nature of Bear Grylls
Available on Prime Video or DVD plus other media.
He will always say that he is not fearless, and I’m sure that’s true, in some ways but as I watch and re-watch his programmes, I can only look at him and be enthralled by how his faith in himself and the world around him, means that he can eat the unimaginable, deal with difficult people, situations and Mud and Grime. 
He learnt early in life how to be in control of his mind and not let his mind/imagination control him or his reactions.
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Water Episode
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
Two Boys Who Took the World by Storm
Both beautiful and articulate, both given the best schooling. One attacked by the press, one by his peers and on Twitter. Whilst they were good friends in their teens, their ways did not come together professionally, and they have both been on the end of vitriol because of jealousy and envy. 
Both with world records: Bear with the number of people watching his survival shows, right from the beginning, when they were first known as Born Survivor/Man vs Wild.    James, right from the beginning and with the continual high sales of his albums, and the awards he has won for his music.
Both brought up to know their own worth, not to suffer from the ‘I’m not good enough’/”I can’t do that” syndromes.  Yet both humorously self-deprecating, lovable and with a wisdom and humility/transparency and honesty that speaks volumes.  
Both well-trained and character-proved in different sectors of the army. Both doing what they were born to do with verve, vivacity, determination and total skill and talent.  And for nearly two decades. Both with a Christian underpinning - and both honouring and loving their parents
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And now Three Boys
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Great people have great friends. One of Bear’s oldest and best friends is #CharlieMackesy #TheBoyTheMoleTheFoxandTheHorse
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Bear with Charlie Mackesy rowing the Thames for the benefit of a friend of theirs - in need, year 2000.
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
James Blunt is a Hero
I have to do a piece on the envy towards James Blunt, who happens to be a good friend of BG’s.
I’ve just discovered how much I love listening to JB, especially his song ‘Cold’ [the YouTube video of him coming out from the sea is the best version]  and have been choosing some for my playlist on Spotify.  
So as I research and discover interesting things re JB, I read this:
At the Q Awards the year after the release of his album, he sat at a table while Noel Gallagher told the audience he was leaving Ibiza because he’d just heard Blunt had bought a house there (Blunt still lives on the island), Paul Weller announced he’d ‘rather eat his own s*** than work with James Blunt’ and Blur’s Damon Albarn refused to be in a photo alongside him. The NME named Back To Bedlam Worst Album Of The Year.
What an inflated bunch of chavs they all were at that time of their lives [more than a decade ago now]. The coarse Gallagher and the rude Weller, a magazine even decided to insult him.
Is this a man to be insulted in such a despicable way. He wrote No Bravery whilst serving in Kosovo [sic].
There is so much envy, jealousy and prejudice against our best and brightest.     This speaks of the over-socialised Brits, of which I am one, of course, who think that people who have the best education and upbringing have to be slapped down.
God gives the blessing, that’s how I see our privileged and well-brought up sector.  The word ‘Privilege’ is not an insult in my opinion, but can simply be a sign of blessing down the family line.
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Bear and James and Ed
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
LEGO TECHNIC Land Rover DEFENDER 90 – Bear Grylls’ smallest adventure yet!
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
Bear (the leader) Grylls
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
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My family have been a little taken aback regarding my love and interest into all things Bear Grylls
And yet this pastime to me has been a life-saver. I can go to my computer and get my fix of BG, whenever I need it!
The encouragement of discovering a man who encapsulates all that God intended us to be, just keeps me totally engaged with all his exploits.
Obviously, all people who live by the activities that Jesus promulgated for the Law of Love, are subject to all sorts of misrepresentation, and in fact, spite. It can only be called spite when it is put out all over the internet, taken up by newspapers repeating by rote, some so called ‘discovery of fakery’ or other foolish time-wasting.  Well - to them it’s not time-wasting - sensational headlines sell papers.
           But what is so endearing to me, is the fact that BG gets on with his purpose in life, and does not allow criticism to change his focus.  Consider that ridiculous accusation levelled at him, when he was
1.      Helping the Lifeboat association complete a simple rescue operation, where his son was safely and carefully arranged, by Dad, for the pick-up. Not to mention the fact that he could see his home from the rock.
2.      And the BIG headline all over a silly frog. So pathetic.
3.      So-called experts, given some clip from BG’s programmes, as if a show to promote skills in escaping from dangerous/isolated places, has to be pulled apart. WHY?
So you can see why I get so riled about it all, and especially because BG makes it a point never to bad-mouth anyone, and hardly ever defends his actions, thank goodness – because people who want to get noticed for bringing negativity to someone loved and followed by millions, won’t let anything stop them. They put on their blinkers, close their ears to common sense, and just draw in those like themselves.
            You see? Me - I’m nothing like the gorgeous BG unfortunately, I’ll batter anyone with words, I can’t help it.  And anyway, maybe the Lord God, wants someone to get a voice out there to do a little bit of equalising.
           For nearly two decades now, BG has gone from strength to strength. His exploits, his charity work, his beautiful example of kindness and consideration, goes on giving blessing to thousands.
I can’t help it, I adore him, and his family, they are just gorgeous.
  Titus 1:15  New King James Version
To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
Bear Grylls Can Touch a Person’s Life ~
Matt Crouch from Praise TBN, programme, said that it must have been a “defining point”, after his parachuting accident. And went on to say “he preached a sermon with his life” almost, that BG’s life was like the best sermon ever.  
Then BG said that he sees Everest as a state of mind, referring to the way we all have our own ‘Everests’ to climb.
MC rightly said that God created him to do what he is doing.
One Reason I love bear Grylls is the way that everything he does is geared towards example and teaching life skills.
In fact if anyone cares to do the research they would see that this comes through in all he says and does.
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There has been all sorts of nastiness on Twitter: toing and froing, mainly between Indians and Muslims because of BG taking Prime Minister Modi out into the wild.  
All of the discourse doesn’t really matter.  What does matter is that everyone is an individual and this is something that Bear Grylls shows clearly throughout his programmes where he takes people out into the wild.
BG says the wild can touch people, and he should know.  Personally, from what I have witnessed in all his programmes, BG also can touch people by his own humility and love.
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Headline ~ Bear Grylls FURY: Outrage at nature TV presenter as he BOILS frog
It was BG who should have been furious at this misrepresentation. Being the most knowledgeable survivalist as well as wisdom about conservation, he definitely knows what he is doing and would never do something against the law, I mean really – all over a silly frog.
It takes someone very special to ignore the sort of rubbish that is put out against one, on the internet.
People start manipulating pictures, they pull in so-called experts to dispute facts, and when the decade old attacks don’t have the effect they hoped for, they embellish their previous rubbish and haul it out onto the internet again.
To put up with it and not let it disrupt one’s focus, can only be a superhuman feat of mind over matter.
Speaking as a woman, I know it would incapacitate me and drive me right off my focus and into my safe secure flat, with door locked and unopened until totally necessary.
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This is such a strong and unwavering attitude that many of us love him so much more, for not being weakened by personal attacks.  In fact as we look back over the last two decades [almost], of BG’s enterprising life we can see he has given the world some extremely beneficent experiences
So when BG talks about not giving into fear, but to go right through it, we see that mindset in action through not succumbing
Bear (the one and only) Grylls
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
Bear (the one and only) Grylls ~ my comeback
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
What Goes Out on the Internet Stays on the Internet
Unlike other bloggers and journalists, YouTubers and commenters, I have researched thoroughly (interviews/articles etc) and watched most of his programmes many times. Therefore, I feel I have the knowledge and authority to write this blog.  In fact I get very annoyed when I come across decade old lies still out there. And then some disreputable internet magazines such as Looper, rehash these decade old lies.
 5          "Mount Kilauea"           December 1, 2006
Grylls is dropped by helicopter at the top of Mount Kilauea. Made up of an expanse of solidified lava which stretches for 33,000 acres, this environment is one of the world's most inhospitable. He first traverses lava fields, which catch his boots on fire, then heads into the jungles of Hawaii. Grylls uses a kukui nut torch to explore a lava tube and finds water, then uses smoke to placate a bee hive to get honey. Ultimately, he finds the sea (and people) by following seabirds. 
In the first season of Born Survivor the team were still exploring methods of filming to highlight what Bear wanted to teach. Most people would have understood this and not seen it as ‘faking’, but simply enhancing for the sake of good film-making.  It had no effect on the points that Bear was making, but it did show that there are certain dangers, if one is stuck in such situations. Sensible people know that things get misconstrued far too often, and that may mean a person’s reputation is unfairly affected.  Happily Bear does not brood over what is in the past, and knows that there are always people who end up in sticky and dangerous situations.  These are the ones he is teaching and showing, by example, how to get past the obstacles.  There have been many reports of how the programmes have helped someone, before they knew of the troubles coming their way. .
BG Himself, is an expert, taught in SAS survival techniques, as well as being an instructor to others.
It’s simply Envy, oh and one of the U.S. favourite pastimes: conspiracy theorising – always thinking someone is trying to hoodwink them.
BG, himself never bad-mouths or responds to insults, even when you get other TV presenters thinking they have the right to bad-mouth a better man than they.
BG’s Dad was his best and main example, BG will always say. When I watch him (TV video, etc) interacting with people or read his books and articles, and the way he is so at one with the world, ‘Embracing the World’, I believe that the best thing his Dad gave him was that total reinforcement of love and consequently knowing love, feeling loved, expecting love and giving love.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
1 John 4:18 English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
·If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy.
 If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient.
 If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
·If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate.
 If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
· If children live with security, they learn to have faith.
 If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
 If children live with acceptance and friendship, they learn to find love in the world.
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
The Reason Bear Grylls Extreme Survival Draws Us
I think that, apart from BG’s own focus and enthusiasm, it is his military training that has us enthralled - and brings to our screens the gem of survival which would never be seen by us (mostly) non-military types. The more than 1.2 billion who have loved his programmes around the world [before he started making the Running Wild programmes] are astounded that a man can live in such an unintimidated way.  His confidence in his own abilities is a testimony to us all.
Military Persona
Although I found some annoying stuff in Andy McNab’s novels, I was drawn to them because of the no-fuss military attitude which came through. He does bring some unnecessary [as I see it] sentiment in, which is a bit boring, but once we are over that, it’s good old action – military style. And I love the machismo of it. After all we don’t see so much machismo these days.
And that is another reason we love BG. He has a lovely boyish softness about him, but over and above all that, is his no-nonsense ‘taking the bull by the horns’ of life attitude.
 The other wonderful machismo-laden novels are Lee Child’s – although he too allows himself [i.e. Reacher] to get a bit bossed around by women. These too are a military-based-ethos novels, although I don’t believe Lee Child (Jim Grant) was in the military, at any time – but his novels really have the feel of it.
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I am on the internet most days, and I have to come out against those who think they know some vague truth about BG.
I just love the YouTube clips of BG climbing and there I read stupid comments by those envious ones who have an incontinent ‘mouth’.
I have watched all of his survival programmes several times, and I can see that what we have in BG is a very knowledgeable, skilful and courageous man. So let’s not fight it, by casting unfounded aspersions on a man who, thankfully, does not, himself, bother to reply to such stuff. He does not feed his ego that way.
 A Twitter post 15.5.19
The two exams that I‘m actually most proud to have passed in my life: ski instructor and advanced military mountain leader! Both have been more useful to me (& fun!) than many of the school exams that I struggled through (and sometimes failed at.) School exams can be narrow and very anxiety-inducing for those who are less academically gifted. (Although they do teach I guess discipline and focus which both matter.) But life is a journey and it can be so daunting when we start out, but a good place to begin, if possible, is with following your heart. ❤️www.becomingx.org coming soon to a school and university near you.
I don’t care if there are any unseen ropes this is still fabulous
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
A Man Who Embraces the World
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Bear (the one and only) Grylls
I do so feel I’d like to name and shame the sketchy ‘journalists’ who have bad-mouthed BG over the years as well as the more recent articles which do not show any proper research having been carried out, but they are just written to make the most sensational headline, whether it is based on truth or not.
Fortunately, I also want to be more like BG who never does retaliate or try to bring others down, so I have to forego that urge.
BG is the most wonderful mix of boyish innocence and enthusiasm – and the most focused, knowledgeable, and unwavering soldier. This is hard for many to understand and so they are looking for the pretence. No-one is perfect but in all my research I only see things which I admire and feel encouraged by.
In fact he describes himself best in the TBN interview with Matt Crouch
MC described him as a military John the Baptist. BG’s description of said John the Baptist, is also a good description of himself --  “wild and unrelenting, uncompromising  but gentle and strong, and untameable.”
So I find myself getting furious at detractors who think THEY know what is motivating him.
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Thank Goodness He knows how to N.G.U. 
So many of our British troublesome journalists [some American ones also] misrepresent him, mainly through their lack of research, and of course, once it’s out there we have similar ignoramuses spouting off in comments and YouTube clips. This attitude, I believe, mainly springs from an envious spirit; along with a negative spirit, always looking for a way to believe the bad: Cynicism.
What a difference the cynical British have to the mostly friendly and accepting Americans [speaking generally]. Researching the way BG is valued by the Americans puts the bad-mouthing Brits to shame. There are many of us here in the UK who understand that some people DO have integrity and that it CAN be seen shining through all that BG does; through the premise of his programmes and in his writing, his scout-work and his fund-raising for charity. Thankfully BG’s attitude is solid and unshakeable in what he knows he should be doing, and does not let those media headlines put him off his focus.
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The very cute trio of junior Grylls can often be seen as BG does his hundreds of visits to the Scouts camps etc.
I believe such negativity in the British media, comes from problems with self-esteem. More Americans tend to grow up with a clear identity which gives their self-esteem a foundation. Whereas many Brits don’t have that, and want to take everything as an attack on their own lack of identity, and so feel they have to bad-mouth the ‘offending’ person.
All of the criticising ‘news’ articles, I have discovered, have misrepresented facts - see my post: Journalists Lacking Research - left out what has been said in the programmes, which would mitigate such criticism and just down-right dug around for someone who wants to bad-mouth this man, BG, who stands out amongst today’s foul-speaking, critical [even others who are generally talking about nature, think they have the right to pass judgement on how BG makes his programmes]. or sexually overt celebrities, many with their own identity and self-esteem problems.
And when the interviewers think they will get better patronage by bringing up the extreme things, they forget, or more likely have not bothered to research the brilliant and beneficent things he has done. He never broadcasts his charity work and energy spent for our youth, but some of us notice and are extremely grateful.
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Chief Scout doing his usual - encouraging those with whom he comes into contact.
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With Julia Roberts for Red Nose Day, USA 2018 delivering vaccination stuff.
May 8th, 2019
I felt indignant that BG had not been awarded by our nation for his Scout and charity work. Finally this year he has been awarded the OBE. And about time too. Those who only call him a TV adventurer are once again misrepresenting him.
June 2019
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
Those Research-Lacking Journalists
Since discovering Bear Grylls and all his talents and virtues through the Freeview channel Travel now DMAX, (Born Survivor:Bear Grylls)  I am so encouraged to know that a man like this exists. 
And for the critics, here’s a bit of free research for you:
Man Survives the Outback Using Reality-TV Tips From Bear Grylls
Boy, nine, survives 24 hours in wilderness thanks to tips by Bear Grylls …
Bear Grylls Survival Technique Saves Mother And Son From Certain …
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Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of men with Bear-Grylls-envy, and plenty of women who also like to show their cynicism in their journalistic writings.  But what they all lack, in my mind, speaking from my own continuing and unending research on this unique man, is, that they fall short in the truth and honesty department. They wilfully misconstrue the premise of the programmes BG presents. And as BG himself has said, [in Piers Morgan’s Life Stories] they do not want the truth they only want the headlines.
I have watched the controversial episodes mainly on YouTube, which really are not controversial at all, But we all know that these ‘word-happy’ journalists can put a negative slant on anything they choose to.
·         the horses, had already been described by BG as most likely broken free from a nearby ranch. No one brought that up when attacking the programme as being faked.
·         blatant lies about hotels and other irrelevant facts which have no bearing on the premise of the show. This being a how-to show, what relevance does it have where BG sleeps?
·         watch the full episode of ‘Man vs. Wild - The Deep South’ for sensible information about alligators and hunting. It would be so good if people could stop sentiment clouding honest judgement.
Paul Mungeam [one of the crew] said it best in one of the sound-clips on ‘Life Stories’; “Let’s be a realist, we’re making a TV show, he’s not really surviving; of course he’s not. It’s about him showing you how you could survive in that scenario….” and Daniel Etheridge [one of the crew] picks up on another main reason for the attacks: “because the show was just about BG he was an easy target”. These two members of the crew hit the nail on the head.
1 - Firstly, the negative speakers are simply wanting to earn their uneasy living by trying to downgrade something popular and good.
2.- It’’s envy pure and simple, which makes these writers feel better about their own insecurities when they think they have something to latch onto in a negative way about BG. Although I have not come across one of these ‘naysayers’ who have their facts right.
Then of course we have the overly emotional people deciding to shout about killing animals. No doubt most of them enjoy hamburgers or a fish supper. But that’s the human condition, isn’t it. illogical thinking, turning things around so that there is something to complain about. And something to get their name noticed. It seems to me that the only person in these verbal skirmishes who has not set out to make a name for himself is BG. Many times he has refused programmes or product endorsements because he knows they are not part of his transparent and honest ethos.
I love what BG said in answering questions at the Chinese event to combat illegal wildlife trade, after giving a brilliant talk. He said that his mum and dad told him to learn from the rhino: have a thick skin, broad shoulders and go for what you really believe in.
What he does “is what he was created to do”, as Matt Crouch said in his TBN interview with BG. What a great interview that was.
And this lovely talk also  brought out the altruism in BG when he answered one of the questions saying that he is not trying to get people to know who he is or what he is…. his aim is to show that ‘it’s not about survival, and it’s not about the jungle/desert/mountains…. it’s about what we have inside [sic].
Yup,it’s mighty hard for those who don’t have such a motivation in their life, to actually grasp. But his parents, upbringing, schooling etc., etc., have produced this man for such a time as this. and I’m so glad.
Feb 19th, 2019
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
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The Anti-religion of Bear Grylls and Friend
The word ‘luck’ grates on the ears of many bible-believers. We want the word to be ‘blessing’ or ‘God’s Providence’; and that may be more accurate, but those Biblical words would exclude many in the listening and receiving of what BG has to say.
Which would be a great pity.
So whatever moves him always to speak of ‘luck’, it seems to me that it is just one more of his gifted - and maybe unconscious - ways of ‘inclusiveness’.
I listen to the way people ask BG about his Christianity. They want to understand. I too have wanted to stop hearing the talk of millions and billions of years, which is usually the thing we hear from non-Christian evolutionists.
BG’s anti-religious way of speaking is so perfect.
If he was a different person he might keep saying things like ‘I’m just doing the job God has called me to do’. Or ‘I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me’.
But instead he often replies to compliments of his achievements with these:
“I’m a small cog in a big machine.” 
We are all “Standing on the shoulders of giants”
The second one is a quote of Isaac Newton’s and is inscribed on the circumference of the £2 coin. It’s a great saying, meaning that all the understanding of those who have gone before, is added to our own understanding.  These two phrases remind us not to take the glory for something, because no-one of their own strength or knowledge can really attain their position, whatever position that may be. Remembering these two facts will help stop us from getting inflated with misplaced pride. 
 In one of his good friend, Charlie Mackesy’s talks he speaks of the promise he made to himself for never allowing a person to control him.  I don’t think that BG’s reason for hating the control by another person, is the same as Charlie’s but I believe they both have that same spirit in them.
And that mischievousness which they indulged in when younger. Below is the photo taken a little while after they had both fallen naked into a frozen lake. [hear BG tell the quick tale about 21 mins in] 
Two Out-of-the Box men.
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It’s great, to observe in BG’s public appearances how he comes against people trying to corner him, either by questions or some other way. We all need to learn how to come against control in all its forms and not to allow ourselves to be intimidated. Control is the bad side of religion. In times gone by the word ‘religion’ was used to convey faith and worship, but it has lost that pure meaning and has the connotation now, of ‘control’.The only way to be free of human control is to listen to and obey that inner voice that God has given us, which is also linked to our conscience.
He speaks in one interview of how he cannot answer the sort of difficult Scriptural questions that he may be asked. That is open, and honest, and the BG we know. One who is authentic and without pretence. This is where he is in his faith journey, and thank goodness, because I doubt he would reach the amount of people he does reach just by being an ‘extreme’ person.or one who feels the need to put his Christian beliefs over. He only has to be himself and BG is where he needs to be in his relationship with the God of the Bible - just as he also is to carry out the ambassadorship that he is here for.  
When he is speaking publicly or being interviewed he often brings in Scouts and the kind of reconciliation that can come through this ‘world-wide force for good’.   In fact his wonderful message at the political meetings in 2017 made clear that the Scouts is an inclusive institution. When asked about this and Muslim recruits, on another interview he made it clear that Scouting has a Faith-based heritage to it.  I have found that attitude a revelation to my understanding of how we accept people - of all faiths, and whilst listening to C.S. Lewis audio-book Mere Christianity, that revelation was enlarged. He wrote so many wonderful things which encourage that inclusivity, part of it I have included here:
“The Rival Conceptions Of God
I have been asked to tell you what Christians believe, and I am going to begin by telling you one thing that Christians do not need to believe. If you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all the other religions are simply wrong all through. If you are an atheist you do have to believe that the main point in all the religions of the whole world is simply one huge mistake. If you are a Christian, you are free to think that all these religions, even the queerest ones, contain at least some hint of the truth. When I was an atheist I had to try to persuade myself that most of the human race have always been wrong about the question that mattered to them most; when I became a Christian I was able to take a more liberal view. But, of course, being a Christian does mean thinking that where Christianity differs from other religions, Christianity is right and they are wrong. As in arithmetic-there is only one right answer to a sum, and all other answers are wrong: but some of the wrong answers are much nearer being right than others.”  Mere Christianity, Originally published: 1952
And going back to BG:
He has it right. Love and acceptance is the force that reconciles. Well, I’ve taken it a little further than his words normally go. To my way of thinking BG was blessed with an upbringing that enabled him to see the world through eyes of love.
Lines from a poem i found long ago which I tried to implement in my own children’s lives, but the trouble is if you have been brought up by the first four lines, it is probably going to go wrong.
 If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
·If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
 If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy.
  If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
 If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient.
  If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
·If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate.
  If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
· If children live with security, they learn to have faith.
  If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
  If children live with acceptance and friendship, they learn to find love in the world.
Another interesting perception he makes is how when he went to school he discovered that Christianity was not like the simple faith that he had grown into as a young boy; and it seemed that the Christians were the judgemental ones. (from the TBN interview)
How true that can be.
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Mar 1st, 2019
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beargryllsenvy · 6 years
Bear Grylls says “Live in the Moment ….
Because the only moments we really have are the NOW.”
To me these phrases infer Mindfulness, that rather interesting word that has made its way to the school curriculum.
All of the above is about being self-aware, of not letting emotion or other out of control elements steal what can be something productive and up-building in our lives.
 One of the first things that drew me to wanting to know more about BG was his peaceful facial expression. He has one of the most expressive faces ever, but if you watch on YouTube or the like his jumping from helicopters etc. there is just such a lovely unworried look as he looks into the camera, filming his every move.
Many of us need that same peaceful aspect in our expressions; I often find myself squinting and screwing up my face just out of the tension I hold within me. This is where I attempt to be self-aware, live in the now, and concentrate on calmness and centring myself.
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He has learnt to stop and assess, probably the strongest teaching for this was in the Special Forces training. Instead of allowing emotion, panic, fear to take over he has programmed himself to stop and assess and look for the way through.
March 23rd, 2019
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beargryllsenvy · 6 years
A Book To Love
I so loved the picture on the first edition of the little book With Love, Papa, that I had to get it. I might give it to my little granddaughter and the later edition (below) to her brother, who is a few years older. Or I might keep it. Not sure yet. They have such great quotes to benefit anyone, of any age.
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 I previously bought ‘To My Sons -Lessons for the wild adventure called life’. What a gorgeous little book it is; and it can be given with the proviso that the bible tells us in Galatians 3:28 In Christ - Neither Male nor Female - so it’s just as good to give to girls also.   The lovely little pictures will draw them in and help them digest the wonderful phrases that go with them. I’m going to give it to my little grandson and granddaughter.
We see BG in the pages, he lives it.
This may very well have something to do with the ancestral heritage from his great-great-great-grandfather, Samuel Smiles, the writer of: Self-help: with illustrations of conduct & perseverance,
I discovered Smiles’ wonderful book when I was writing a dissertation on “The Victorian Novel: an exploration into the conscious instruction of the day, held against political correctness of the present day.”:
 “Each era has its zeitgeist and to define that of the Victorians we may look to Samuel Smiles’ Self-Help. Asa Briggs’ introduction to the centenary edition proves the book’s importance:
There are few books in history which have reflected the spirit of their age more faithfully and successfully than Smile’s Self-Help….It appeared in Dutch and French, Danish and German, Italian and Japanese, Czech and Croatian, Arabic and Turkish, and ‘several of the native languages of India’. …An English visitor to the Khedive’s palace in Egypt asked from what source the mottoes written on the walls were derived. ‘They are principally from Smeelis,’ he was told, ‘you ought to know Smeelis! They are from his Self-Help; they are much better than the texts from the Koran!’”
Samuel Smiles, Self-help: with illustrations of conduct & perseverance, Centenary ed., London: John Murray, 1958
Feb 28th, 2019
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beargryllsenvy · 6 years
A Faith Hero of Bear Grylls – John the Baptist
[Wild, uncompromising and unrelenting, gentle but strong] from the interview on TBN.
Living on locusts and honey – does that ring a bell?
Living in the wilderness – does that also ring a bell?
Well it’s true that BG’s times of doing the above are now basically just for the TV programmes he produces; but I do think about those nights he has spent on his isolated own in the shelters he has made: some more protective than others; thinking of him gazing into the fire, with the moon rising, I also get the impression that he has received Holy Spirit revelation during those ‘retreat’ times. That is my own assumption; not something that BG has ever mentioned.
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I love the way he speaks of the spiritual side of what we, as humans, can instigate and reminds me of David Yonggi Cho who also focused, from a Biblical aspect, upon those things that were needed in his life. But BG says :
“Life is funny. You get focused, start pumping out certain vibes into the universe, and things often begin to collude in your favour. I have noticed that on many occasions.” Mud, Sweat and Tears [kindle edition Page 302].
Here’s a great insight also:
“Manliness and cool is just something that if you chase them they run away, and actually you just need to stop and be yourself, and follow what you love, and be kind and a good person; and then before you know it you’re both cool and a man.”
His wording is very different to that which most Bible believers would use, but, to me, they speak of those secret things which God reveals; and is active faith.
Maybe these times of isolation are where he developed his first ideas for his shows, particularly the fantastic Endeavour.
This is how I interpret the many insights he seems to receive. Some of his helpful phrases are like rain from heaven.
James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights [ English Standard Version Anglicised]
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