#young bear grylls
rosemarydisaster · 3 months
I made some sort of alignment classification based on whether they're impulsive or if they plan ahead for the Batfam. Feel free to correct me (politely please, I'll cry) or to add your opinion. I'm not trying to be super canon, just based on their characters' vibes.
Bruce Wayne: 100% planner. This man could be a Bene Gesserit, plans within plans, and they always work even if they shouldn't (because DC can't have him be wrong). It's like a choose your own adventure, you follow the plan and each time something new happens that is sure to chase things up he pulls a subsection specifically for it. Senior Justice League Members just don't question him anymore no matter what. "You had a contingency for getting invaded by mind controlling ballerina spiders? Yeah, sure, tell us all about it".
Barbara Gordon: she plans around her impulses. She is self aware enough at this point to know she's a bit of a hot head. It is what it is, she's called Batman an Emo Boy's idea of Therapy enough times to his face to know she just can't help herself with some stuff. So instead of working against it she plans around it. In the end, it was her plan all along. Canary thinks she could just hold her tongue, but considering the vigilantes Oracle manages, her experience in planning for these situations is invaluable.
Dick Grayson: Impulsive, not because he can't make plans or because he isn't smart. Quite the opposite. He just has that ADHD dog in him. He would be guiding the Titans through a mission and they'd be thinking "Woah, everything is going according to his plan", meanwhile inside his head is Bear Grylls saying "Improvise, Adapt, Overcome". It's not so much that he comes up with plans on the spot but he ends up changing it along the way because he thought of something better for that specific situation. He may use B's protocols for a general structure but then trusts his instinct to come up with something better on the spot.
Cassandra Cain: Neither. She's not one to be coming up with elaborate schemes but, as much as she relies on her instinct, she's able to stop before jumping. She doesn't need to plan, she knows what works. She observes and then takes the best course of action. When Bruce goes on and on about the importance of planning she just answers "Skill issue" and leaves.
Jason Todd: impulsive planner. This is a man that makes plans, okay? He's theatre kid coded, he needs to know his little monologues by heart. The thing is, he's also very emotional and has the impulse control of a toddler in front of the cookie jar. He can't help himself, he has to punch the asshole and make the witty comeback or he will explode. The outlaws have been grilled to death on the importance of following the plan but then watch him like ten minutes later throw it out the window. They find it both endearing and annoying.
Stephanie Brown: Queen of Chaos. She can plan. She's good at it too btw, she just doesn't want to if she can avoid it. She works best when she's improvising and it drives Bruce and Tim up the walls. They just hate to see women winning. She's the best one out of all of them at turning a mistake to her advantage in a matter of seconds. It's quite impressive.
Tim Drake: Chaotic planner. Everyone is so sure Tim is a mini Bruce and to a certain extent, if you squint your eyes, then yes. But Young Just Us know the truth: his plans are extremely effective but only in the most chaotic way possible. There's the Batman plan, and there's the Red Robin plan, which is like the first one but faster and with more fire. He also has to be periodically reminded to take into account his own wellbeing when making his little schemes.
Duke Thomas: plans on the go. I don't know how else to explain it but it's like those sequences in the Sherlock movies (the ones with RDJ) where he's watching his surroundings and opponents almost in slow-mo till he puts together a plan. It's similar to Dick from the outside, but if you pay attention you can see the wheels turning in his head as he goes along. He actually stops and thinks (metaphorically, most of the time his thinking is done while he distracts enemies).
Damian Al Gul Wayne: he's a strategist, not a planner. This is an important distinction because whenever Batman or Red Robin are explaining one of their convoluted plans he feels like he's actively losing braincells. He's closer to Cassandra in the way he prefers a more direct solution. He also gets palpitations anytime Jason or Stephanie just start doing things without thinking. If he knew what Dick's thought process was he would have probably developed an anxiety disorder in his time as Dick's robin. He doesn't understand the need for such high detail planning and hates the idea of making it along the way. No, he just needs to come up with the most efficient strategy and that's all.
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popchoc · 1 year
Maya & Carina - 🏕️ 🤕🌷 please
Maya & Carina, ⛺️ 🌷 🤕
Maya is strong. Strong enough to carry someone for quite some distance. But she's also realistic. She knows that carrying Carina would slow her down, a lot, and that they'd never make it back before nightfall. They'd might get halfway, but that would be anything but an advantage.
Their last hour of daylight is way too precious.
"You can make it though," Carina suggests, while biting through the pain. She leans forward to re-adjust the improvised brace around her ankle, careful to avoid the broken bone. They lost a lot of time after her fall, needing to take care of her injury first, but Carina is convinced that Maya can still finish the last part of the trek, especially if she'd take a run for it. "You can reach the parking lot before dark and get help. Or maybe your phone picks up a signal before that?"
Maya shakes her head. "No way," she tells her, a serious and determined look on her face. "I'm not leaving you here. Never."
"But Maya—"
"Carina, no! If we split up and something happens to me as well, we don't stand a chance. Besides, we don't need that risk. We can make it through the night, and then take our time first thing in the morning." Maya takes Carina's hand in her own, giving it an encouraging squeeze. "We'll be okay. Alright?"
Carina just nods. She knows Maya feels responsible. Even guilty maybe. She took Carina out here. Persuaded her it would be a great hike, now that winter was finally over, making the Washington woods accessible again. Accessible and beautiful, with spring breaking through in every possible way.
Not wanting to waste any more time, Maya jumps up.
"We need shelter first. I'll try to build us some kind of tent," she says, already scanning her surroundings. "I can make a fire, too. I think we've got some water left, and we can do one night without food."
"Look at you," Carina grins through gritted teeth, as another wave of pain hits her, "Watching that Bull guy all the time finally pays off."
Not understanding, Maya furrows her brow, but then a sudden snort escapes her - despite their unfortunate situation.
"You mean Bear," she chuckles, remembering the moment when Carina finally agreed to watch the show with her, only to take off in disgust within a few minutes, when Bear Grylls was about to drink his own pee. "And like him or not, but he does know survival. I'm sure you'll send him a thank you note as soon as we're out of here!"
By now, Maya has wandered off a little, still searching around for anything useful. Spring might indeed come with some lovely flowers, but it also means a surplus of buds and fresh, young and most of all tiny leaves. Now why couldn't they have been stranded on some tropical beach, surrounded by giant palm trees?
"This isn't gonna work, is it?" Carina asks, her already existing worry fueled by the now thoughtful expression on Maya's face. Maya turns back to her, alarmed by the tone in Carina's voice.
"Of course it is!" She isn't sure who she's trying to reassure the most, but she has to believe that things will work out. That she can do this. "I- I'm not completely sure how yet. But I'll figure it out. I promise," she goes on, quickly speeding back to her wife. "Hey, look at me. I promise, okay? I know I've been… absent. But I'm here now. And I'm getting us through this. I'll get you through this night."
When she takes Carina in her arms, cautious so she doesn't hurt her even more, Carina looks up at her.
"By building us a roof out of daisies?"
"If I have to," Maya quietly nods, before pressing a kiss to her temple. "I mean, how many would it really take? A thousand? Two maybe?!"
Carina narrows her eyes. "And if that doesn't work?"
"Then I'll cover you," Maya shrugs. "I know it's not much, compared to a roof of daisies, or a bed of roses, or a freaking sheet of tulips, but if it's enough for you—"
"It is," Carina cuts her off. "See, this Bear of yours might be the expert here, and he might very well be right about needing shelter first. But he doesn't have what I have."
Now Maya is the one to frown. "Which is?"
"You, silly!" Carina laughs. "I've got you. And you, my love, are - and will always be - more than enough."
Mix & Match Writing Prompts 
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phanfictioncatalogue · 10 months
Reality TV show Masterlist
A drop in the ocean (ao3) - ShippingFangirl26 (IceQueenJules26)
Summary: Dan had been ecstatic when his manager had informed him that strictly come dancing wanted him in the next season, until he found out HE would be there.
A Perfect Pair (ao3) - husbants
Summary: Dan, a struggling actor who works retail by day, and Phil, an ex-YouTuber-turned-porn-star, end up matched together on the new reality show, Perfect Pair.
a white-hot pride for you to see (ao3) - keeplovinanyway
Summary: There's different sorts of prides: quiet and personal, loud and happy - and there's the angry one, that makes you want to fight those who are the reason your life is so hard sometimes.
On the airplane aisle across from Phil is a homophobe who doesn't like him watching Queer Eye. So what if he has a little fun with this?
Famous Last Words (ao3) - potatoesarenotforsex
Summary: Dan is on his way, early in the morning, hope in his heart and trepidation in every step. He never expected to bump into a friendly stranger at the train station, nor could he ever have predicted how that boy would change his life. Friends, rivals and strangers join together for a reality tv experience that no one could have predicted.
How I Met My Boyfriend on Queer Eye (warning: super gay) (ao3) - danhoweiis, twoheadlights (fizzfic)
Summary: au where dan is a hero on queer eye and accidentally falls in love with one phil lester
If These Walls Could Talk (i hope they wouldn't say anything) (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Dan and Phil are both contestants on Love Island. There's an upcoming recoupling, but Dan doesn't know where Phil's head is at, and where they stand.
Phan - Survivor AU (ao3) - superbcandyangel (orphan_account)
Summary: Phil Lester is on Season X of Survivor, he meets Dan Howell.
Sidetracked (ao3) - phanimist
Summary: Dan and Phil are both contestants on 'The Bachelorette', but fall in love with each other instead of the girl.
Stirring in Love (ao3) - andthenshesaid-write (ladyknight1512)
Summary: When Phil applied to be a contestant on the Great British Bake Off he didn’t even expect to make the long-list, let along make it into the actual tent. But make it he does and there he meets Dan, a baker unlike Phil in every possible way. After a rocky start, Phil realises that maybe he can learn some things from Dan after all, and the biggest things have nothing to do with baking.
The Bachelor (deviantart) - unicyclingelephant
Summary: One Bachelor. 25 beautiful contestants. 1 chance at love.
The Island - yougetusedtonotknowing
Summary: Based on the TV show ‘The Island with Bear Grylls’ in which a group of ordinary people are challenged to survive on a deserted island for a month. Dan expects the rain, the hunger, the exhaustion, and the frustration. What he doesn’t expect, is friendship.
Total Drama YouTube (ao3) - ReallyPham
Summary: Inspired by the TV Show, Total Drama Island.
28 YouTubers have agreed to participate in the new TV Show, Total Drama YouTube where they'll have to do real life YouTube challenges and try to survive the cruel judgement of their fellow peers. They'll sacrifice it all just to win 1 Million Dollars on TOTAL DRAMA YOUTUBE!
You’re Poison (ao3)- DarkEyedDreamer
Summary:When Dan signed up for Big Brother he didn’t expect it to be that difficult. He always thought himself to be a level headed guy. But that was before he realized his arch enemy and former celebrity crush were both going to show up. Troye didn’t like bringing up the past. He always preferred to act like it didn’t exist. Things were a whole lot easier that way. But now he was going to be trapped with his past for the next three months, and all of a sudden pretending like nothing happened wasn’t going to work. With all the drama that young people seem to bring to the table, anything can happen. Adding in challenges and a chance to win $50,000? All bets are off. So who will be going home with the gold? And who will be causing the most drama along the way?
YouTuber Big Brother (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Twelve hopefuls are locked in a house together for up to a month, all battling it out to come out victorious and take home £100,000. All they have to do is survive the tasks, the rations, each other, and the all-seeing eye of Big Brother and the viewing public.
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yisanged · 2 years
does anyone remember. god i just remembered it but vaguely but i don't know like what it is. there was this guy in these videos that i think? were like interactive like decision making choose your own whatever type things but they were all animal based like the guy was out in nature interacting with beasts. the scene i remember most vividly was like he was in front of a tarantula den thing and he got super close to it and he was chill about it and at the end of the video he got up and turned around and walked away and there were a bunch of tarantulas like on his back and it was so scary to me back then because i was young this is like a childhood memory. i think there was a video where bro had like leeches on him or something and you had to choose if he should like leave them there or scrape them off. these videos are associated with animal jam in my brain but idk if it actually has anything to do with animal jam i might just be making the connection because i related most animal things with animal jam back then. there's also a chance i'm completely making things up or mixing stuff up i remember watching bear grylls you vs wild thing on netflix when it came out but these memoreis don't feel that recent. maybe the leeches thing could be from that but i could swear the tarantulas is from something else. does anyone have any idea what i'm talking about that could enlighten me. please
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madscientist008 · 1 year
Who is Bear Grylls?
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If you are a fan of adventure, survival and outdoor challenges, you have probably heard of Bear Grylls. He is a British adventurer, writer, television presenter and businessman who has become famous for his daring exploits and wilderness skills. But who is he really and what makes him tick? Here are some facts you may not know about him.
He has a royal connection
Bear Grylls was born Edward Michael Grylls on 7 June 1974 in London, England. His father was Sir Michael Grylls, a Conservative politician and member of the Royal Yacht Squadron. His mother was Sarah “Sally” Ford, a descendant of William Augustus Ford, a first-class cricketer. His grandfather was Neville Ford, another cricketer who played for Leicestershire. His sister Lara Fawcett gave him the nickname “Bear” when he was a week old.
Bear Grylls attended Eton College, one of the most prestigious schools in England, where he started its first mountaineering club. He also studied Spanish and German at the University of the West of England and Birkbeck College. He is fluent in English, Spanish and French.
In 2000, he married Shara Cannings Knight, a former model and author. They have three sons: Jesse, Marmaduke and Huckleberry. They live on a private island in Wales and also have a houseboat on the River Thames.
Bear Grylls has a close relationship with the British royal family. He is friends with Prince William and Prince Harry and has taken them on several adventures. He is also the youngest-ever Chief Scout of the United Kingdom and Overseas Territories, a position he has held since 2009. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in 2019 for his services to young people, the media and charity.
He has a military background
Bear Grylls joined the British Army in 1994 and served in the 21st Special Air Service Regiment (Reserve), or 21 SAS. This is a reserve unit that trains and supports the regular SAS, one of the most elite special forces in the world. He underwent rigorous training in survival, combat, parachuting, climbing and explosives.
In 1996, he suffered a serious injury when his parachute failed to open during a free-fall training exercise in Zambia. He broke three vertebrae in his back and had to undergo several surgeries. He was told he might never walk again.
However, he defied the odds and recovered from his injury. He left the army in 1997 with an honorary rank of lieutenant colonel. He later said that his military experience taught him discipline, resilience and courage.
He has broken several world records
Bear Grylls is not one to shy away from challenges. He has embarked on numerous expeditions that have tested his physical and mental limits. Some of his most notable achievements include:
Climbing Mount Everest at the age of 23, becoming one of the youngest people to reach the summit.
Crossing the North Atlantic Ocean in an inflatable boat with five other men, facing storms, icebergs and sharks.
Flying over Mount Everest in a powered paraglider, setting a new altitude record.
Trekking across Antarctica on foot and by kite-skiing, covering 1,700 miles in 94 days.
Leading a team of injured veterans to climb Mount Everest again, raising funds and awareness for wounded soldiers.
Hosting a live TV show from the top of The Shard, London’s tallest building.
Completing a solo paramotor flight over Angel Falls, Venezuela’s highest waterfall.
Eating maggots, snakes, spiders and other disgusting things on camera.
He is a media star
Bear Grylls is best known for his television shows that showcase his survival skills and adventurous spirit. His first show was Man vs. Wild (also known as Born Survivor), which ran from 2006 to 2011 on Discovery Channel. In each episode, he would be dropped into a remote location with minimal equipment and demonstrate how to survive various scenarios.
He also hosted other shows such as Escape to the Legion (2005), Worst Case Scenario (2010), Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls (2013), The Island with Bear Grylls (2014-present), Running Wild with Bear Grylls (2014-present), Mission Survive (2015-2016), Bear Grylls: Breaking Point (2015), Bear Grylls: Survival School (2016), You vs. Wild (2019) and World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji (2020).
He has also written several books based on his experiences and expertise, such as Facing Up (2000), Facing the Frozen Ocean (2004), Born Survivor: Survival Techniques from the Most Dangerous Places on Earth (2007), Mud Sweat and Tears (2011), A Survival Guide for Life (2012) and Soul Fuel: A Daily Devotional (2019).
He has also appeared in movies such as Ghost Flight (2014) and Animals United (2010) as well as video games such as Man vs. Wild: The Game (2011) and Kinect Sports Rivals (2014).
He has also launched his own brand of clothing, equipment, food and drinks that cater to outdoor enthusiasts.
He is a philanthropist
Bear Grylls is not only an adventurer but also a humanitarian. He supports various causes that are close to his heart, such as:
The Scout Association: As the Chief Scout, he promotes scouting as a way of developing young people’s skills, confidence and character.
The Prince’s Trust: As an ambassador for this charity founded by Prince Charles, he helps disadvantaged young people achieve their potential through education, training and employment.
Global Angels: As a patron for this international charity founded by his mother-in-law Molly Bedingfield, he helps provide clean water, health care, education and protection for children in need around the world.
Tusk Trust: As an ambassador for this conservation organization that works to protect Africa’s wildlife and natural habitats.
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution: As an honorary life governor for this charity that provides lifesaving services at sea.
The Jo Cox Foundation: As an ambassador for this charity that honors the legacy of Jo Cox MP who was murdered in 2016 by promoting social cohesion and combating loneliness.
He is an inspiration
Bear Grylls is an inspiration to millions of people around the world who admire his courage, passion and spirit of adventure. He has shown that nothing is impossible if you have faith, determination and perseverance.
He has also shared his wisdom and insights on how to live a fulfilling life through his books, speeches and interviews. Some of his quotes include:
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little word - extra.”
“Survival can be summed up in three words - never give up.”
“Don’t listen to the dream stealers.”
“The rules of survival never change whether you’re in a desert or in an arena.”
“If you risk nothing you gain nothing.”
“Life is an adventure - live it.”
So there you have it - some facts about Bear Grylls that you may not have known before. He is more than just a TV star - he is a man who lives life to the fullest and inspires others to do the same.
What do you think of him? Do you have any questions or comments? Let me know below!
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The biblical universe of The Chosen is expanding. Creator Dallas Jenkins has revealed several television projects in the works, including animated and unscripted series spinoffs and a three-season series following the lives of Moses and Joseph.
Jenkins announced the projects Friday at the ChosenCon fan convention in Orlando.
The Chosen Adventures is a 14-episode animated series that follows 9-year-old Abby in the Galilean city of Capernaum, circa 30 CE. Inquisitive young Abby is bursting at the seams with questions and feels she doesn’t have the kinds of answers she’s looking for. When she and her best friend, Joshua, meet Jesus will all that change? Voice cast includes Paul Walter Hauser (Black Bird), Yvonne Orji (Insecure) and Jordin Sparks, as well as cast members from The Chosen, including Jonathan Roumie, Paras Patel, Elizabeth Tabish, Noah James, Joey Vahedi, Yasmine Al-Bustami, Brandon Potter and George H. Xanthis.
The Chosen In the Wild with Bear Grylls is a six-episode unscripted adventure series, produced by The Natural Studios in association with Jenkins’ 5&2 Studios. In it, celebrity survivalist and adventurer Bear Grylls (Running Wild with Bear Grylls) takes an immersive journey with the cast and creator of The Chosen, providing a unique exploration of the global hit series. In each episode, Grylls ventures into the wild with one cast member while exploring their personal stories and diving deeper into their own perspectives on the series and the characters they portray.  
Other projects in development include a three-season series following Moses’ story, a limited series featuring the life of Joseph, and the next chapter following The Chosen with the Acts of the Apostles.
Jenkins’ newly launched production company 5&2 Studios produces the projects.
Heading into its fifth season in 2025, The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus (Jonathan Roumie), seen through the eyes of those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the seven-season show shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings.
The Chosen is an independent production written, directed, and produced by Jenkins and distributed globally by Lionsgate.
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drelldreams · 1 year
my personal headcanon for what a modern mass effect au would look like:
• miranda is a scientist and activist who runs a project to encourage young girls to become scientists, she runs a science magnet school for girls, she’s the head of an organization that works towards advancement in space exploration. she has multiple degrees, including a phd in astrophysics. miranda is featured on the cover of lots of magazines
• jack is a singer/songwriter, and an alternative model. not high fashion or runaway, she is more commonly photographed by indie photographers, or featured in gothshop catalogues. a lot of her photoshoots are unconventional and haunting looking. she never shows up on stage, but she still is semi-famous and has a really loyal fanbase. her songtexts are eery and sometimes quite macabre and dark, but her voice is incredibly soothing and soft. she also writes poetry, but few of her poems are published
• jacob is a lawyer, specifically, he works as a prosecutor. jacob is the founder of an organization that help domestic abuse victims
• samara is a detective, the kind who sacrifices free time to help people. she’s a cold case detective, who never gives up on a case. her patience and attention to detail is unmatched
• zaeed is a survival expert like bear grylls, who has his own tv show where he is set out in the wilderness and demonstrates his survival techniques. he also wrote a few controversial self help books, and he starred in a cooking show a few times
• garrus is a movie regisseur, director and stunt man. most of his movies are romantic comedies, his characters are extremely popular and iconic, and he’s a super authentic dork kind of celebrity. charming as hell
• grunt is a comic book illustrator. his comics are heavily centered around found family, colorful personalities, and hilariously overdone villains. there is zero sexualization of female characters, and he doesn’t really write any romance
• thane works as a physical therapist in a mental rehabilitation center, and he runs a medical gym for disabled people
• liara is a trauma psychologist who runs a self help group for trauma survivors
• kasumi is a business woman who acquires rare antique items and trades those (kind of like what she is canon i guess?)
• ashley is a tennis player and lifestyle vlogger
• kaidan is a marine biologist and travel vlogger. he’s friends with ashley
• joker is the host of a game show, one of those really bizarre ones where you see what kinda stuff people would do for money
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tvrundownusa · 1 year
tvrundown USA 2023.06.08
Thursday, June 8th:
(exclusive): Never Have I Ever (netflix, season 4 available, all 10 eps, series finale), Based on a True Story (Peacock, dark comedic thriller premiere, all 8 eps)
(movies): "The Stepmother 3" (TUBI), "Deadly Entanglement" (BET+), "Culpa mía" (amazon, young romance "My Fault", ~2hrs), "American Pain" (MAX, oxycodone documentary, ~105mins)
(streaming weekly): iCarly (Para+), Beavis & Butt-Head (Para+), Judge Me Not (AllBlk), Ruthless (BET+), College Hill (BET+), Fear the Walking Dead (AMC+), The Other Two (MAX), Clone High (MAX, next 2 eps), German Genius (MAX, next 2 eps), Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai (MAX, next 2 eps), The Good Bad Mother (netflix, season 1 finale)
(earlier - hour 0): The Really Loud House (NICK) / . / Erin & Aaron (NICK)
(hour 1): The Blacklist (NBC), Hailey's on It! (disney|DXD, cartoon premiere, special night)
(hour 2): "100 Days to Indy" (theCW, motorsports docu-series finale), Top Chef (BRAVO, 75mins, season 20 "World All-Stars" finale), Celebrity Game Face (E!), Nick Cannon presents: Wild 'n Out (VH1)
(hour 3): Celebrity Prank Wars (E!, season 1 finale), "The Legion of Exorcists" (Travel), "Above The Law: LMPD" (VICE, special report, 2hrs)
(hour 4 - latenight): "Above The Law: LMPD" (VICE, contd), Unicorn: Warriors Eternal ([adultswim], 45mins)
[preempted, returning next week: I Survived Bear Grylls (TBS) ]
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grazer-razor · 1 year
bear grylls is an expert at survival.
throughout the years, he’s taught us how to hunt wild animals, trek perilous landscapes, and drink our own urine, for the sake of survival in treacherous environments.
but few people who watch his shows will ever find themselves in such a situation. but do you know what treacherous environment people find themselves in most often?
the internet. it’s full of ne’er-do-wells, weird content, and bad sites. young people(13-30) spend the majority of their lives on the internet, and thus they need to know how to deal with trolls on the internet(like austinator), weird content(like hypersexualized art on DA), and sites that are really not that great.
bear grylls NEEDS to make a special on how to survive the internet...
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dwuerch-blog · 1 year
 Bear Grylls and His Great Faith Adventure
Like me, maybe you are a fan of Bear Grylls and his MAN VS. WILD show. I saw this article on the “Movieguide” email that I receive daily. Put the word “faith” in a headline and I am the curiosity seeker to find out if the source is true blue! BEAR GRYLLS has become known worldwide as one of the most recognized faces of survival and outdoor adventure. Trained from a young age in martial arts,…
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marwahstudios · 2 years
Chief Scout for India Sandeep Marwah in United Kingdom
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London: I on my behalf and on the behalf of Scout Guide Foundation India extend our heartiest congratulation to King Charles III for taking over the charge of United Kingdom.
King Charles III is King of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms. He acceded to the throne on 8 September 2022 upon the death of his mother, Elizabeth II. He was the longest-serving heir apparent in British history and, at the age of 73, is the oldest person to assume the British throne.
On January 24, 1908, the Boy Scouts movement begins in England with the publication of the first instalment of Robert Baden-Powell’s Scouting for Boys. The name Baden-Powell was already well known to many English boys, and thousands of them eagerly bought up the handbook.
Guiding began in the UK in 1910, when Robert Baden-Powell, founder of The Scout Association, established a separate organisation for girls. The Guide Association was a founding member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) in 1928. Girlguiding is supported by around 100,000 volunteers.
Bear Grylls has inspired thousands of young people to gain new skills since becoming Chief Scout in 2009. Bear Grylls was the UK’s youngest ever Chief Scout when he was appointed in 2009, aged 34. Today, he remains the public face of the Scouts in the UK.
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beargryllsenvy · 5 years
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The Anti-religion of Bear Grylls and Friend
The word ‘luck’ grates on the ears of many bible-believers. We want the word to be ‘blessing’ or ‘God’s Providence’; and that may be more accurate, but those Biblical words would exclude many in the listening and receiving of what BG has to say.
Which would be a great pity.
So whatever moves him always to speak of ‘luck’, it seems to me that it is just one more of his gifted - and maybe unconscious - ways of ‘inclusiveness’.
I listen to the way people ask BG about his Christianity. They want to understand. I too have wanted to stop hearing the talk of millions and billions of years, which is usually the thing we hear from non-Christian evolutionists.
BG’s anti-religious way of speaking is so perfect.
If he was a different person he might keep saying things like ‘I’m just doing the job God has called me to do’. Or ‘I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me’.
But instead he often replies to compliments of his achievements with these:
“I’m a small cog in a big machine.” 
We are all “Standing on the shoulders of giants”
The second one is a quote of Isaac Newton’s and is inscribed on the circumference of the £2 coin. It’s a great saying, meaning that all the understanding of those who have gone before, is added to our own understanding.  These two phrases remind us not to take the glory for something, because no-one of their own strength or knowledge can really attain their position, whatever position that may be. Remembering these two facts will help stop us from getting inflated with misplaced pride. 
 In one of his good friend, Charlie Mackesy’s talks he speaks of the promise he made to himself for never allowing a person to control him.  I don’t think that BG’s reason for hating the control by another person, is the same as Charlie’s but I believe they both have that same spirit in them.
And that mischievousness which they indulged in when younger. Below is the photo taken a little while after they had both fallen naked into a frozen lake. [hear BG tell the quick tale about 21 mins in] 
Two Out-of-the Box men.
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It’s great, to observe in BG’s public appearances how he comes against people trying to corner him, either by questions or some other way. We all need to learn how to come against control in all its forms and not to allow ourselves to be intimidated. Control is the bad side of religion. In times gone by the word ‘religion’ was used to convey faith and worship, but it has lost that pure meaning and has the connotation now, of ‘control’.The only way to be free of human control is to listen to and obey that inner voice that God has given us, which is also linked to our conscience.
He speaks in one interview of how he cannot answer the sort of difficult Scriptural questions that he may be asked. That is open, and honest, and the BG we know. One who is authentic and without pretence. This is where he is in his faith journey, and thank goodness, because I doubt he would reach the amount of people he does reach just by being an ‘extreme’ person.or one who feels the need to put his Christian beliefs over. He only has to be himself and BG is where he needs to be in his relationship with the God of the Bible - just as he also is to carry out the ambassadorship that he is here for.  
When he is speaking publicly or being interviewed he often brings in Scouts and the kind of reconciliation that can come through this ‘world-wide force for good’.   In fact his wonderful message at the political meetings in 2017 made clear that the Scouts is an inclusive institution. When asked about this and Muslim recruits, on another interview he made it clear that Scouting has a Faith-based heritage to it.  I have found that attitude a revelation to my understanding of how we accept people - of all faiths, and whilst listening to C.S. Lewis audio-book Mere Christianity, that revelation was enlarged. He wrote so many wonderful things which encourage that inclusivity, part of it I have included here:
“The Rival Conceptions Of God
I have been asked to tell you what Christians believe, and I am going to begin by telling you one thing that Christians do not need to believe. If you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all the other religions are simply wrong all through. If you are an atheist you do have to believe that the main point in all the religions of the whole world is simply one huge mistake. If you are a Christian, you are free to think that all these religions, even the queerest ones, contain at least some hint of the truth. When I was an atheist I had to try to persuade myself that most of the human race have always been wrong about the question that mattered to them most; when I became a Christian I was able to take a more liberal view. But, of course, being a Christian does mean thinking that where Christianity differs from other religions, Christianity is right and they are wrong. As in arithmetic-there is only one right answer to a sum, and all other answers are wrong: but some of the wrong answers are much nearer being right than others.”  Mere Christianity, Originally published: 1952
And going back to BG:
He has it right. Love and acceptance is the force that reconciles. Well, I’ve taken it a little further than his words normally go. To my way of thinking BG was blessed with an upbringing that enabled him to see the world through eyes of love.
Lines from a poem i found long ago which I tried to implement in my own children’s lives, but the trouble is if you have been brought up by the first four lines, it is probably going to go wrong.
 If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
·If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
 If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy.
  If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
 If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient.
  If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
·If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate.
  If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
· If children live with security, they learn to have faith.
  If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
  If children live with acceptance and friendship, they learn to find love in the world.
Another interesting perception he makes is how when he went to school he discovered that Christianity was not like the simple faith that he had grown into as a young boy; and it seemed that the Christians were the judgemental ones. (from the TBN interview)
How true that can be.
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Mar 1st, 2019
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oneheadedcerberus · 4 years
Wasn't the original plan for Hound to be the character a the little kiddies latched onto in G1, but they all ended up liking Bumblebee more? How fucking funny would it be if it had been Hound.
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hongjoongscafe · 2 years
The Island
Day 5 of the blogversary drabble week.
Pairing: san×oc (Nabi)
Genre: smut, fluff(?)
Summary: he somehow landed on a strange Island.
Warnings: oral fem., virgin oc, unprotected sex (hongjoong will kick you badly if you do that), lemme know if there is anything else.
Word count: 2.5k+
Note: thank you @perfectlyspaceshongjoong for the idea!💓 although I didn't write exactly but I will write the full version of it sooner! 💓💓
Drabble week masterlist
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"Where the hell am I!?" San exclaimed when he woke up at an entirely strange place… more like an island. 
He remembered being on a plane that was supposed to land in New York. But then the pilot announced something about difficulties in the engines and how the passengers needed to put on their parachutes and jump out of the plane. Oh, it was scary. The droughted land was near the sea but he… landed on a tropical island? 
San was confused. The parachute was still attached to him and he immediately removed it. Feeling the fresh breeze, he sighed and thought of getting out of here. I'm his mind, he was full-on Bear Grylls mode, that's what happens after watching many natural survival shows. 
With that in mind, he started looking around, praying to the survival show hosts for his success in making a boat… 
After what felt like two hours, he was able to make a boat… more like an excuse for a boat. But in San's eyes, it was stronger than any ship or boat ever floated on the water. As he was about to take the boat into the sea—
"Hey, young man! What are you doing!?" A manly voice stopped him. San looked behind and saw a broad and tall man coming his way. His hair was black and white. 
"Umm, going back home?" San looked at him with a 'duh' face. 
The man looked at him and the poor logs of wood, "sure… by that you mean hell or heaven?" 
"What!? No, home. Back in Korea," The man laughed out loud and pointed at both the boat and San. 
"You go-" he laughed again, "you gonna go back to Korea on that thing!?" 
"What do you mean by that thing?" San looked offended. 
"That," the man again pointed at the boat. 
"What's wrong with it?" San folded his arms over his chest. 
The man chuckled and shook his head, "kid, it won't even stay together for more than a millisecond," he said after looking at the poorly assembled woods with hay. 
"It will!" San moved closer to the boat and pushed it, "I'll show you," he huffed. 
The moment the boat was on a little water… it fell apart. The hay loosened and the wood scattered around him. San pouted and looked at the man with a sorry face. 
But then San's brain clicked on, "YOU ARE A HUMAN!" he said. 
"No shit," the man humorlessly chuckled. "What are you doing here?"
Sam explained his whole situation to the man. "So that's how I ended up here."
"Hmm, We can help you get back," the man said. 
"Really!?" San's face shined. 
"Yeah! Come on let's go to our place. This is not an abandoned island, it is well functioning. But we have to stop somewhere before and get one thing… otherwise, my daughter will kill me with her tiny hands," the man chuckled to himself. "What's your name kid?"
"San," he bowed slightly. "And yours?" 
"Jackson," he draped his arm over San's shoulders and took him deeper into the island. 
They stopped at a shop that had many plushies. San's mouth dropped open when he saw his weakness. He had to stop himself from buying everything. He did have money in his bag that took out of the compartment in his panic state but he wasn't sure if the currency worked there or not. 
Jackson ended up buying a tiny doll pulshy. 'His daughter must be small,' San thought.
The residential area was a nice village. There were many cottages, something you would experience in those false cottage houses. They were pretty solid and survived many bad storms as Jackson told him while they were walking back. 
San figured that Jackson was a real softy, especially when he talked about his daughter. And she was the only kid there on the island. They were hired to stay there and maintain the place and got paid well enough. Jackson was also kind enough to offer San his place for as long as he needed. 
They reached his house and were standing outside when—
"Dad! You came back! Did you get what I asked for?" A girl hugged Jackson. 
"Wait!" San exclaimed. "This is your daughter!?" 
"Yeah, this is my little princess," he smiled. The little princess was nowhere little. She was older than that. Much older than that… a hot one too. 
"Who is he?" She asked Jackson.
"Oh, he is our guest. He is gonna stay here until his ride back home comes," Jackson smiled and gave her the plushy which she took and hugged close to her chest… that chest. San shook his head and looked somewhere else. "Now that you are here. Why don't you show San his room? I have to be somewhere."
"Is that somewhere called Ruru?" She smirked. 
"Ah, kids these days… let me be with the love of my life!" Jackson sighed playfully and excused himself. 
"So…" San said. "What's your name?" 
"Nabi. Yours?" She looked at him. 
"San," he felt shy under her gaze. 
"Follow me," she gestured. 
She showed him the extra room they had. It was small and cozy, just enough to fit a tiny bed and a cupboard for clothes. 
"Um, Nabi?"
"Does this currency work here?" He showed her a note. 
"Yeah! It does. Why?" She asked.
"Well, I don't have clothes. My luggage was on the plane," he pouted. 
Nabi smirked seductively. She came closer to him and ran her index finger from his jaw to his sternum. "Who needs clothes?" She hotly whispered. 
San's breath hitched, "well. It will be nice to be naked in front of everyone," he did nothing to remove her fingers. 
She tilted her head and came closer to his lips, noses touching each other, "I'll take you to the shop," with that she left the room leaving him shocked and… hard. 
They both were walking toward the shops, and now San was nice and fresh after taking a shower. Nabi lent him her father's clothes for him to wear for the time being. 
She would be lying if she said that after looking at the handsome man, her panties didn't try to fall. She lived there with older people and no young people like herself. It excited her. Being the shameless being she is, she pulled that stunt.
Nabi never had sex but she did own a variety of vibrators and dildoes that she kept hidden from everyone. The monthly trip to the country was worth it. 
They spent a good hour in the shop and finally got whatever he needed. When they arrived back, Jackson was standing by the door and waved at the two youngsters coming back. 
"Looks like someone is getting along with my daughter, huh?" He smiled widely. 
"A-ah, she is nice," and so fucking hot. 
"Good. Good. Now, I know you are tired and hungry for sure. But I talked to the committee here… which is where I was. They want to meet you and discuss this so that we can start the process of getting you back," Jackson informed. 
"Oh, oky. Let's go," San nodded. 
"Nabi, prepare the dinner in the meantime, okay?" 
She gave a nod and went inside and offered to take San's clothes to the room. 
To say the least, the meeting was exhausting. They asked San many questions the moment he stepped in. He was so confused and all over the place that Jackson had a good laugh seeing the young man having trouble taking in the information. 
It was dark outside and the sound of the ocean was scaring San but Jackson was the opposite; he enjoyed the roar of the ocean. San was sure that he wouldn't be able to sleep anymore. 
Jackson opened the door and both the men were greeted by the delicious aroma of the food. Nabi looked at them and smiled. 
"Welcome back home! It took a lot of time, huh?" 
"Mhm, you had to see San tho. It was so funny," Jackson washed his hands in the kitchen followed by San, "he looked like he was gonna pass out at any moment."
"Aww. Poor thing," she secretly winked at San. "Wish I could help."
"You made food!" Jackson patted her shoulder and sat down. 
They ate their food and talked about many things. San was a son of a rich man and was going to New York on a solo trip. He helped his father in the business. 
Not much later, they all went inside their rooms and it was again filled with the sounds of the ocean. 
San tossed and turned in his bed for hours, still couldn't sleep. He was scared of the aggressive sounds of the ocean. He was sure that king Triton wanted to have a feast with him inside the ocean. He shuddered at the thought. 
He finally got up and stepped out of his room to go to the kitchen. Trying not to break something, he found the switch and turned it on. He gasped when he saw Nabi bent over the sink and looking outside through the window. 
She looked back at San and smirked. "Couldn't sleep?" 
"Y-yeah. The ocean is aggressive…" she huffed playfully and came closer to him until his back hit the counter. 
"Yeah? Too scared?" She tsked. "How are you going to survive the storms here then?" She animatedly pouted. 
This time rather than shying away, San smirked. And oh dear it was sexy. "I think I will survive storms," he moved her hair back and cupped her face. "You have been a tease the whole fucking day. You can't keep your panties up after seeing a guy, huh?" He whispered. "No worries… let them fall."
Without thinking twice, he made her sit on the counter and smashed their lips together. It was nowhere innocent. Their tongues were tangled up. His hands moved up on her thighs and brushed her throbbing core. 
In a blink of an eye, she was all naked on the counter, her legs open with San latching onto her like she was his last meal. 
"Sannie! More!" She moaned quietly and tugged his hair. "Fuck!" She trembled when he entered his two fingers in her sloppy cunt. 
"Yeah, you like that? Do you like it when my fingers pleasure your slutty cunt? Fuck. You probably open your legs for any man around your age," he rasped out. 
"Just you. With you!" She gasped when he removed his fingers, "why!?"
"Is this your first time?" San asked her with wide eyes. And she nodded. "Take me to your room, baby… lemme show you the real thing."
They stumbled into her room and he laid her on the bed. His hands quickly worked on his pajamas and in no time, his thick and long, hard cock was right in front of her eyes. His cock looked so angry, looking for a warm pussy to snuggle in. (Lmao). 
"Want that," her eyes didn't leave his cock. 
He got up and turned her around, ass in the air. He kneaded the plum of her ass and rubbed his cock head up and down her slit to coat it with her slick along with his precum. 
He slowly eased his cock into her tight cunt. "Sweet water of oceans, you are so fucking tight!" He moaned out loud. 
"Mmmm… yo-u big," she moaned at the stretch and clenched hard. 
"Fuck baby… you gonna break my cock of you clench like this. Hold on a bit. Relax," his hand circled her clit to make her relax. 
With a few slower thrusts, he picked up his pace and rammed his cock into her. 
She couldn't keep herself up for long, her arms gave up. San held her hair pulled up flush against his chest. His hands cupped her boobs and flicked the nipples. 
"San!" She moaned. 
"Yeah, that's right, slut!" She clenched. "Fuck, you like that name? Slut?"
"Yess… only for you," her hands held his hair as she threw her head back on his shoulder. "I'm cumming!"
"Let it go," he groaned as his own climax neared. He felt her pussy suffocating him aggressively before slumping in his arms. He let go of her but kept on ramming from behind. 
With a few more thrusts, he pulled out and pumped his cock. After a few hard strokes, he came all over her ass and back. He felt his cock twitch at the sight. 
San lay next to her to get over his high. He looked at Nabi but she had already passed out. He chuckled to himself and kissed her cheek before getting off of the bed and cleaning himself and her. 
He wasn't sure if she wanted him to sleep with her so he left for his room. Also, Jackson would probably be angry if he found this out.
In the morning, Jackson left a note on the table about him going out for a meeting with the committee and will be back by breakfast. 
Nabi cooked for the three of them and they both waited for her father. San was teasing Nabi the whole time. Cuddled and later on cooked together. They didn't forget to clean the kitchen counters after the steamy night. 
"How about we date each other?" San asked her as his right arm was draped over her chair and his left hand was caressing his right cheek. 
"Yeah? You want that?" She smiled. 
"You are quite cute after having sex," San teased. 
"Nooo. And yeah. I would love to date you," they moved away from each other when the front door opened. 
"Kids! I guess you both had a wonderful night. Had to leave the house, if I'm honest. And don't leave your clothes behind!" Jackson sat at the table with two shocked faces. 
"Y-you he-heard?" Nabi stuttered. 
"Let's not talk about that. And I hope you cleaned the counters?" Jackson cleared his throat. 
"Y-yeah," they ate breakfast quietly. Both Nabi and San were embarrassed. They totally forgot that Jackson lived under the same roof. 
"San?" Jackson called. 
"So, the committee was able to contact the authority and…," he sighed, "they will be here by noon."
San and Nabi's heart dropped into their stomachs. They knew that he had to go but they didn't expect this to be this early. They even talked about dating a few moments ago. Well, they wanted to talk about it in depth… but well. 
"O-oh," San looked at Nabi. 
"You can come back whenever you want. This place is not far away from Korea. Also, we visit there often! But you need to go for now for formalities."
San's eyes sparkled with hope along with Nabi's. They did not know each other but they were willing to give it a shot. 
The noon came rather quickly. The ocean was calm. San and Nabi didn't leave each other's side at all. They exchanged numbers and decided to talk about everything on it since they had only a few hours… out of which they spent most of it sucking each other's souls but no one needed to know that. 
The helicopter was waiting for him. San thanked Jackson for being so nice and chill. Then he looked at Nabi whose eyes were teary just like San's. 
"I'll come back for you," he kissed her passionately before letting go. 
@veneziamadness @cheline @jhmylove @sansmilkbread
*lemme know if you wanna be added to the permanent or specific taglist*
*original pictures are not mine, I just edited them*
Have a nice day/night💓
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 4 years
I feel like I've written about this before, maybe in a tag or something, but I'm honestly really into the idea that, despite being despised by the higher ups (or lower downs), Crowley and Aziraphale are actually considered really cool by the younger rank and file members of their respective sides.
'Cause Crowley's immediate superiors might privately dislike him, but that's because he's doing something that they don't understand. And he's doing it really well. In public, the Serpent of Eden is Hell's golden boy. Every up and coming young demon who wants to someday make it big has got an Anthony J Crowley poster up in their cubicle.
There's competition to work with him on temptations. There are stories— "they say he's started two world wars!" "They say he's the one who came up with Original Sin!" "They say he invented telemarketing!"— that get passed up and down the corridors of Hell. There's a black market among the younger demons for knock-off sunglasses and cheap red hair dye. (The latter has a tendency to dye your hair almost entirely the wrong colour— ranging from bright orange to hot pink— and will make you smell like peroxide for three weeks, but who cares? You all stink anyway, and you'll be the coolest demon in your department!)
If you're a hardworking young demon who's only too eager to serve your Master and bring about The End of the World, then your dearest wish is to be Anthony J Crowley.
And Crowley? Hates this. Absolutely hates it.
Like a key reason why this has all been allowed to go on for so long is because the likes of Beelzebub and co. just find it too damn amusing to watch the great Serpent of Eden go slithering round the long way through the back alleyways of Hell in the hopes of avoiding his adoring fans (who have been tipped off by Hastur, and are already waiting for him at the other end).
Crowley wants to be cool, yes, desperately so. But Crowley wants to be James Bond, and now instead he's stuck being Hell's weirdo version of Captain America.
He has to give speeches! He gets held up as a role model! Somewhere in Hell there are even a bunch of Health and Safety videos starring the Demon Crowley, from that time he lost a bet with Beelzebub back in the '70s. Featuring such exciting titles as: '99 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Lick The Walls' (the first 98 are just increasingly detailed descriptions of what Beelzebub will do to the next person ze catches doing it).
It's humiliating.
Aziraphale, on the other hand… well, young angels really aren't meant to look up to Aziraphale. In fact, letting your squadron leader know that you're an Aziraphale fan is a good way to land yourself a stern talking to and a reccomendation that you find yourself some better role models (have you considered Gabriel, by any chance?).
Aziraphale made a terrible error in letting the Serpent in, and although Heaven in its great mercy saw fit to forgive him, in penance he must walk the Earth until the End Times, protecting the humans from the consequences of his own, silly mistake. You tolerate Aziraphale, you might pity him even, but you do not admire him.
Except… as far as anyone in Heaven is concerned, Aziraphale spends most of his time on Earth fending off vicious demons at flaming sword point. And I don't care what species you are, there's something inherently badass about that.
So there's a always sizeable population of young angels who hang out in some of the less blindingly lit corners of Heaven to trade stories about the Guardian of the Eastern Gate. "They say he consumes gross matter! Doesn't even care about defiling his corporation— he's just that hardcore." "They say he can do magic— without miracles!" "They say he's the only angel the Serpent of Eden was ever afraid of!"
'Cool'— and Crowley would really like to debate this usage of the word— angels carry pictures of Aziraphale around with them, usually torn from that one issue of the Celestial Observer that covered Gabriel's attempt to promote him ("They say he turned it down! Said it was his duty to stay and protect the humans!"), and owning one of these is a great way to gain some celestial street cred. Phrases like "my dear" or "tickety boo" are the Heavenly equivalent of slang— and referring to anything as "nifty" in front of your superiors will get you a proper dressing down and several hours on polishing duty in the armoury. Every young angel's rebellious phase involves tartan.
Yeah, to us Aziraphale comes across as just a stuffy old professory-type bloke, but from an angelic perspective he's like a cross between Van Helsing and Bear Grylls (I stand by my headcanon that living on Earth, eating and drinking physical matter, is to angels what living in the jungle for six weeks, eating grubs and drinking your own urine filtered through a sock, is to humans). You don't mess with the Guardian of the Eastern Gate.
Aziraphale, of course, knows nothing about this.
He's not generally allowed much interaction with host outside of the archangels, and the few admirers of his that he's managed to come face to face with were generally too starstruck to say anything. As far as he's concerned, everybody in Heaven sees him the same way Gabriel does.
As a result, he is even more surprised than Crowley is when a ragtag bunch of minor angels and demons show up at the bookshop a few months after the Apocawon't, asking to join the revolution.
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actualbird · 3 years
// spoilers for luke chara story, several luke sr card stories, and main story 5.1
so like. i can only assume that other people in the NSB must have the wildest frigging impression of luke “codename raven” pearce 
hear me out
“Tracking, sniping, combat, tactical driving, and wilderness survival...” rattles off the description of luke on the tot official website. he proves a bunch of these skills in game: he shows off his tracking and sniping skills in SR Timely Rescue, he shows off his combat skills in episode 2 of his character story, he shows off his general physical prowess in SR Moment of Danger when he scaled that rock climbing wall in 9 seconds, good god, we GET IT, LUKE!!! YOURE RIPPED!!!---on that note though, i do want to see him show off the tactical driving and wilderness survival, id get a real kick out of seeing luke go full on Baby Driver dir. Edgar Wright and then Bear Grylls-ing it up in the woods. but i digress---back on topic, he additionally has shown a proficiency in making and tinkering with gadgets: made an audio transmitter for mc in SSR Alluring Gaze, made a lipstick tranquilizer gun for mc in main story 5.1, and has these cool futuristic smart glasses as a card level up item which was described to be modded by luke himself, among many other passing instances he mentions making gadgets. i guessssss the tinkering thing makes sense, given his background in bio-engineering. but just to top it all off, hes also a hackerman (main story 5.1). because it’s go big or go home with this dude.
can you imagine being like, a newbie low level NSB employee hearing about the man the myth the legend, Raven. like, youve never met him, but his reputation is Off The Walls.
you head on over to tech/equipment dept and u look over this cool doodad like “who made this gadget? it’s...insanely good, what the hell.”
“oh, raven made that,” a resigned techie says
“...isnt raven an investigator? like, an agent? a really scary good one, at that?”
“yeah but he can make stuff too. drives us up the fucking wall, whenever he mods the stuff we make into something better. asshole...”
so you go on with your day and bump into some people from the financial and technology crimes section, raven’s assigned section, and lo and behold, theyre complaining about him too
“i respect the guy, of course, but his thing is to be on the field. does he really have to one up us by showing off he’s better at us at hacking as well???”
and youre like. what. why is this dude good at so many things. 
and then those people keep on talking.
“a bit inappropriate to complain about him right now, he nearly died a few days ago.” (in reference to flashback in luke chara story ep2 last bit)
“yeah raven’s in the hospital, after his last mission. got hit by that gas, you know the one. his partner, aaron, said he nearly didnt make it.”
“im glad hes alive, but how the fuck did he survive??? that toxic gas kills literally anybody that inhales it.”
“i heard aaron say that he managed to stay alive through sheer force of will.”
you scuttle away, absolutely terrified of raven now. 
and then maybe like a month later you see a crowd of people gathered by the window, looking down at the courtyard below
“whats going on?” you ask
“raven’s getting chased by a goose.”
“what.” and you look down and yep. that sure is a dude getting chased by a goose. 
a dude who is raven, the terrifyingly hypercompetent investigator, the man who shows off in fields he doesnt even need to be good at, and the guy who apparently socked Death in the jaw. 
and he looks like the personification of a golden retriever. a baby faced, messy haired young man booking it across the grass, evading a scorned waterfowl.
at that moment, you conclude that nothing in this world makes sense
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