bearrideshorse · 2 months
In 2019 I watched Once Upon a Time. Not the best show ever made but I loved the character Runpelstiltskin and his romance with Belle and was annoyed about some of the character development. This led me at nearly 50 to discover some things I’d never heard of before. Tumblr and fan fiction. I have to say my life was enriched by discovering the talented authors who write the fan fiction. I’m not up to this but I did create a few playlists for #rumbelle
They are:
- Let Her Go - Passenger
- You Mean the World to Me - Freya Wildings
- Let you Love Me - Rita Ora
- Fear of Fear - Passenge
- All of Me - John Legend
- I’ll be Good - Jaymes Young
- Recovery - James Arthur
- Power over Me - Dermot Kennedy
- New Rules - Dua Lipa (although maybe this is Bellle)
- You deserve better - James Arthur
- Girl - Alexander 23
- Hate me if it Helps - Alexander 23
- Faith’s Song - Amy Wargr
- If Not Now - Tracy Chapman
- issues - Acoustic - Julia Michaels
_ So in Love with you - T exas
- Starving, Acoustic - halie Standfield & Grey ft Z
- The Conversation - Texaa
- Sweet Lies - Nathan Dawe & Talia Mar
Rumbelle - loving it up
- Wild Love (acoustic) - James Bay
- Alone (acoustic) - Jessie Ware
- Starving (acoustic) - Hailee Stanfield
- Slow Hands (acoustic) - Niall Horam
- Havana (feat. Young Thug) - Camilla Cabello
- Pretty Please - Dua Lipa
If I had to pick one from the whole list it would be
- The Conversation - Texas
- Let Her Go - Passenger
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bearrideshorse · 7 months
Rumplestitskin/Mr. Gold
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Submission reason:
He was the main villain in season 1, interesting with layered motivations, then they brought back characters he was close to and he had a redemption arc. However the writers still needed a villain so he went back to being evil over and over again, in between helping the protagonists fight other big bads. It got annoying, flimsy, made no sense, the show was focused based on 1 or 2 fan favorites and everyone else got pushed aside. Season 1 is the only one worth watching though i enjoyed 2 and 3 sort of.
He was raised by a Father who treated him as if he was worth less than the mud on his boots, before being abandoned by him altogether. As an adult, he was abused by the local villagers for being ""soft"", and made to feel like a second class citizen. When his only son was about to be sent to war to die, he took on the curse of the Dark One to save him, and still ultimately lost him anyway. He spent years of machinations working to get his son back at all costs, but almost immediately after being reunited with the person he's given so much for, his son was tragically killed. By the end of the series, almost everyone he loved was dead, and his only version of ""happy ending"" was sacrificing himself to be with them again. It's absolutely heartbreaking, and I so wish he could have had more than a few fleeting moments in life with the people he'd given so much for!
The writers always made him go back to his bad behavior, never acknowledged his many traumas, his son who he spent centuries doing everything he can to reunite with him died to save him, his first wife verbally abused him, heavily implied he was sexually abused by a character who had total control over him because of his curse (then next season he doesn't get any help and people think he's crazy for doing everything he can to lift his curse) I can continue
Can't tell this without spoilers so, Spoiler Warning for Once Upon a Time!!! His character arc got completely derailed and stupid after season 3. He was a super complex morally gray character and the show started moving into this weird black and white morality land and Rumple was feeling more and more ooc as they had him flip flopping between times they tried to have a redemption arc and times they had him behave like an irredeemable monster. In the early seasons his whole thing was that he did everything to get reunited with his son. He did plenty of messed up stuff but one of the main appeals of his character for me was that he was a formerly kind loving man who got cursed to save his son and clearly didn't know what the curse would do to him. And then it corrupts him and turns his desire to protect his son into over protectiveness to the point of murdering people who endangered his son even slightly. And then when his son wanted to go to the land without magic so he would go back to the way he was he tried to keep them from going and went back on his promise to go. And in the chaos he let go of his son's hand and they were separated. And he immediately freaks out and has a breakdown about it and spends centuries masterminding a way to get his son back. I get that he messed up going back on the promise but that was in no way an intentional abandonment. What made his character so interesting was that relationship and how even him being corrupted by this dark curse warping him into doing things his former self would have been horrified by, he always loved his son deeply. So what did the show do? Kill off his son. Most likely to resolve a love triangle and I'm still bitter about that. So then they clearly didn't know what to do with Rumple anymore because the thing that motivated him for centuries is gone. Also they were doing redemption arcs with the Evil Queen and Captain Hook so I guess they decided that three was two many main characters being redeemed villains and he started being this villainous shell of the complex character he once was. It would have at least been interesting if they had tied that to his son's death more and tried to give better justification but no he just keeps being horrible. And then there's Rumbelle. I was always more interested in Rumple as a character and him and Baelfire's father son relationship than any of the ships of the show but they really messed that up too. It had a messy start but the introduction episode to them Skin Deep was beautifully tragic. It was beauty and the beast with Rumple also being the Beast. But he wouldn't let Belle break his curse and told her to leave instead (after a huge freak out about how no one could ever love him). And with the context of him trying to find his son and needing his curse and the magic it gives him for that it makes sense even though it's also just terrible communication and a painful mess. But like, in a good way, this was still when the writing was great. It still has the beauty and the beast important moment where he lets her go (before the kiss and freak out and then again afterward). But in later seasons oh my god it gets so so toxic. Rumple does something evil/secret or whatever, Belle makes an ultimatum/leaves but then comes back and repeat. And it just gets so so bad in season 6 I had to stop watching. Rumple was written so badly and that's where it's just the ultimate bit of character assassination to me. And tbh I didn't like how Belle was written either. It was super weird like she would say things like that he did something selfless for the first time and I'm like ????? he died to save you and his son at the end of season 3A???? Like it felt like the show should have ended there or just not resurrected him. I was so happy to find out he didn't stay dead at the time but in retrospect yeah that should have been the end of his character arc. You know a character has been massacred when you find yourself wishing your favorite character stayed dead instead lol
Characterization completely derailed after season 3 when the writers realized what made him fun was his moral ambiguity, which his trajectory towards ""good guy"" threatened. Walked back character development and turned him into a stagnant frustrating character to watch.
RIP to the most interesting character on the show who was ruined by the writers.
Show actually made a character who’s kind of ridiculous into a cool fleshed out villain and then RUINED IT
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bearrideshorse · 10 months
Look, if you're starving in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and suddenly someone is like 'oh I have tons of food and it just happens to be meat do you want some lol' you CANNOT act surprised when it's people. You simply CANNOT.
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bearrideshorse · 1 year
A beautiful story
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bearrideshorse · 1 year
Wow. Ted Lasso for me is a light programme that has a bit of a connection to football that I enjoy but is still a but soppy. However, the speech by Rebecca about football and the owners following money and forgetting their lovein the latest episode just captured the passion of those I know who love football. I say this as a Rugby fan and although I love and follow my team there’s nothing like the life defining all consuming passion for their club and the ‘beautiful game’ that a football fan has.
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bearrideshorse · 1 year
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rumbelle + flirting
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bearrideshorse · 1 year
Finally playing Assassins Creed 3 after having skipped it previously. Many frustrating things about the game but I really like Haytham Kenway as a character even though he’s supposedly the villain
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bearrideshorse · 1 year
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All Rumbelle Kisses
↳ requested by @betsypaige22
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
Elon wyd
I genuinely wish I could see inside Musk’s head or at least get an explanation for how he was thinking his plans would work out.
Like it’s clear now he is fantastically out of touch with reality but I still really wanna know like, to what degree. Did he think people would accept his ultimatum? Did he genuinely think it would only take like 300 people to keep Twitter running?
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
your eyes maybe whole…
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
Source: @TheIDSmiths on twitter
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
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double prime minister event is in the cards, i have done the maths
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
People drank water but it wasn’t always clean. The sewers often emptied straight into rivers and seas without treatment. Without an understanding of germs and transmission the focus was on the miasma. Diarrhoea was a major cause of childhood death, as it still is in areas without clean water infrastructures, and evidence of worms have been found in toilets and cesspits across the Roman Empire.
Food history has been so sanitized by the demonization of carbs. “Our ancestors only had fruits and veggies they didn’t have all these refined carbs” our ancestors drank beer 25/8 because the water was bad. Our ancestors drizzled honey on shit ever since we knew it existed. We’ve been making bread for our entire recorded history. It’s true that bleached sugars specifically are a new thing but high glycemic carbs are not new at all, we’ve been consuming them for thousands of years
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
A third type. I didn’t have to go through it but it sounds awful so I’ll make sure you don’t
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
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bearrideshorse · 2 years
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I'm not pro-murdering babies.
I'm pro-Becky who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs.
I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later.
I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child.
I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11 year old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal.
I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her.
I'm pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child.
I'm pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction in order to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE amount of fetuses.
I’m pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child.
I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat.
I'm pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager.
I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding.
I’m pro-Jaime who is non-binary or AFAB and will be at significantly higher risk of suicide going through the body dysphoria of a pregnancy, on top of gender dysphoria.
You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is:
I'm pro-life.
Their lives.
Women's lives.
You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted.
It's not about which stories you don't agree with. It's about fighting for the women in the stories that you do agree with and the CHOICE that was made.
Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation!
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