beatlez69 · 4 years
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Oh, George, tighten that tie some more. Really make it snug.
*insert roy orbison growl here*
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beatlez69 · 4 years
Top 10 Sweetest John Moments With Cynthia (Part 2)
Hello everybody! It’s time to look at numbers 8 and 7 on this countdown list. Let’s take a look shall we…
Number 8: Blue Moon
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This is one of the more lighthearted moments between John and Cynthia as a married couple. Cynthia mentions in her book, “John”, several fun and cute memories of them hanging out in their home, having a few laughs, and just enjoying each others company. But out all of these moments, one in particular stands out as both sweet and funny. And that’s John and Cynthia jamming to the song “Blue Moon”.
In her own words, Cynthia writes “At other times, John would get me to sing along with him. Our favorite was ‘Blue Moon’ but our rendition was so bad that we fell about laughing. ‘I know you sang solo in a choir, Cyn, but Christ, you’ll never make it as a pop star. You’re too posh. Try and rock it up a bit. You’re not singing in a church now, loosen up and try it again.’”
What really stands out about this moment is that it’s more than just a married couple having some fun. These are two are friends. Two good friends laughing and being silly together. I think it’s easy to forget that besides just being her boyfriend and husband for 10 years, John really was Cynthia’s friend for a good portion of her life. And despite what some may think, I truly  believe John saw her as his friend as well. And that realization makes their ultimate break up all the more sad, because it’s not just a marriage being broken apart. It’s literally the crumbling of a dear friendship that lasted for 10 years, and never really gaining any closure from it.
Many couples are more than just lovers. Many of them are friendships that are able to connect on several levels. And it’s moments like these, where John want’s Cynthia to let loose and have fun, show that he saw her more than just some girl who happened to be his wife. She was a person. A very kind, gentle person, whom he could relax and goof around with. Plus, it’s just fun to visualize how these two sounded like when singing this song. I can’t imagine it being as bad as Cynthia says it was. But then again I’ve heard John in some of The Beatles outtakes and yeah, it’s not what you call pretty. Lol!
Number 7: The Jade Ring
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Over the years, Cynthia had to give up some of her possessions in order to pay the bills. At the same time, she also had to move on from John and The Beatles. You can only hold on to the past for so long. As such, many of the gifts and items she once had were sold. But there is one gift that John gave her, that she never gave away. One gift that has always been very precious to her… That gift is the jade ring.
It was the summer of 1966. John bought her this ring while he and the boys were on tour in Asia. Cynthia was on vacation in Italy at the time. John managed to sneak away from the hotel that he was staying in and buy her this ring. And until her dying day, Cynthia kept the ring that he gave her all those years ago.
John loved buying gifts for Cynthia, whether it was coats, shoes, lingeries, cars, you name it. Each gift was a token of his love for her, and each was cherished by her. But it’s clear that this ring holds a special place in her heart. Why the ring stands out among the rest is fun to speculate. Maybe because its so beautiful and one of a kind. Maybe the gift is one of the few that sincerely express John’s love for her to its full capacity. Maybe it’s the fact that he bought it while on tour, while she was on vacation, indicating how he always had her in his mind, despite the distance. All we know is that it was precious to her, and a valuable symbol of John’s affections. And just for clarification, the ring is the one on Cynthia’s right hand. And I must say, it is quiet beautiful.
Stay tune for numbers 6 and 5
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beatlez69 · 4 years
Top 10 Sweetest John Moments With Cynthia (Part 3)
Note (Please read): My apologies to everyone who originally liked/shared this post, only to have it be erased. Unfortunately I had to delete the original and upload it again, due to many unwanted/filthy Tumblr accounts liking/sharing this post. This is meant to be for Beatle fans and John&Cynthia fans. So I’m sorry for the inconvenience to all my followers who are true fans. With that said, here is the re-upload of part 3 of my countdown list. :)
Hello again my Tumblr buddies! It’s time to continue this countdown again. We’re in the halfway point!!! So let’s a take a look at….
Number 6: “What are you doing tomorrow? And the next day? And the next?”
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 Consider number 6 as the entire day in which both love birds finally hook up. It’s great to see that at such a young age, both John and Cynthia had strong chemistry. The sexual tension between the two of them was apparent throughout most of the school semester. And although John made it clear a few times in the past that he fancied Cynthia, this was the first time that he managed to summon up the courage to have a dance with her. It was the end of the semester and the class was having a party. John went up to Cynthia and asked if she liked to dance with him. Although extremely nervous, she agreed, and the two love-strucked teens swayed to the tunes of romantics songs, while the rest of the students looked at them in utter surprise.
 John even got enough confidence to ask her out. Cynthia’s natural response to this question was not to John’s liking (she was already engaged to a boy back in Hoylake). Although I do think his initial reaction was a bit harsh (I didn’t ask you to f***ing marry me, did I!?“), I understand his anger. Not once throughout the entire school semester did Cynthia mention anything about her engagement, and now that he finally mustered up the courage to ask her out, she blurts out that minor detail. Yet this actually pushed him to later invite her to have a drink with him and his buddies. After sharing a few drinks together, they went out to spend some time together. And well…..the rest is history.
 This entire sequence of events plays like the final episode of a romantic sitcom. Our two leads, who have been hinting at their mutual attraction for a long time now, finally get together. And John is just a delight in this story. He shows off his rebel and tough side, but also let’s himself go in front of Cynthia. She particularly highlights the moment when they are in Stuart’s apartment and that when they were finally alone, John let go of his tough boy attitude. His softness came out, and it was quite beautiful. And yes…for those who haven’t heard this story, they did make love on their very first day…and as Cynthia says in her book, it lasted for an whole hour (DANG!).
 Also their first kiss is wonderful, as Cynthia says it’s one of the most passionate kisses she could ever remember (I’m so jealous right now). And then of course there’s John’s confession about lusting over Cynthia the entire semester, and officially nicknaming her “Cyn” (which I find it very touching and telling that he still called her that even after they broke up). But the cherry on top of this entire day was when they parted and Cynthia is on the train, waving goodbye. Then John asks her “what are you doing tomorrow? And the next day? And the next?”. And Cynthia replies, “seeing you”. It’s really cute of John to be so madly in love. It brings out a layer of innocence that you don’t often associate with him, but it’s clearly showcased at this moment. He’s just so eager to be with her, that he can’t even wait for tomorrow and all it’s joys to come.
 Number 5: “Ain’t She Sweet” Serenade
As I stated earlier, both John and Cynthia hinted at their mutual attraction for one another throughout their school semester. For Cynthia, she went from brunette to blonde, since she overheard John mentioning that he loved blondes. However his feelings for her took some time to become apparent. But when they did, it was quite a treat. And for me personally, there’s nothing more romantic than a dude who serenades his lady.
One day after Lettering Class, Cynthia was the last student to leave the classroom. However, she wasn’t alone, as John was there with her, and his guitar in his hands. Then, like pure magic, John begins to sing “Ain’t She Sweet”… without warning at all. And as he plays and sings the song, it becomes very apparent that he’s not singing this song just for the heck of it. He’s singing this to her… He’s singing this FOR her (aaaannnddd cue the screaming fan girls).
 Cynthia once stated in an interview that this is one of her favorite memories of John. The sheer act of him singing for her was beautiful but also very spontaneous and embarrassing for a shy girl like her. She remembers turning red and making an excuse to leave the room as fast as she could. We don’t know John’s initial reaction to her response. Perhaps he was a bit disappointed that she basically ran out on him… But either way, the deed was done and after that moment, there was no denying that John Winston Lennon had fallen hard for the lovely Cynthia Powell (😍😍).
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beatlez69 · 4 years
links for the beatles movies
p.s. !!!! please know yellow submarine is uploaded on p*rnhub so make sure you or your parents if you’re too young are okay with that
hard days night
magical mystery tour
yellow submarine
let it be
click on the titles and it will send you to the link <3
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beatlez69 · 4 years
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is it weird i genuinely love george harrison
like ACTUAL love like i love a family member or maybe one day will love a partner 😳
hopefully ygm lol
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beatlez69 · 4 years
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The White Album came at an interesting time for the Beatles because they had almost gone off in different directions creatively after Pepper. A lot of people talk about the White Album being a sort of dysfunctional album, however what we’ve found from going through the tapes is the sessions were in really good spirit throughout. There was a bond with the band, there was a relationship, and there’s laughter on the tapes. It was a different process with the White Album. I think they felt free. It was almost like the lunatics taking over the asylum. They felt like they could do whatever they wanted in the studio – and they did. - Giles Martin
The Beatles (White Album) Anniversary Releases - Giles Martin & Sam Okell
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beatlez69 · 4 years
parents be like you can’t imagine how hard it is for us to deal with your mental illness
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beatlez69 · 4 years
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The making of Abbey Road - The Beatles cross the street as photographer Iain MacMillan captures them. An amount of six pictures were taken the morning of August 8, 1969.
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beatlez69 · 4 years
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Rest easy, Astrid 🦋💕
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beatlez69 · 4 years
0h my g0d
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Detroit  1964…
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beatlez69 · 4 years
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some george quotes lol
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beatlez69 · 4 years
omg 🥺
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teddy boi joj
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beatlez69 · 4 years
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some george gifs i loveee
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beatlez69 · 4 years
You know your celebrity crush is real when you still fancy them through their ugly haircut phase.
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beatlez69 · 4 years
i’ve always been so confused by george in this pic hahaha
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The Beatles With Their Mothers. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!
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beatlez69 · 4 years
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George: [spends years suffering as the youngest]
Journalists the world over: “So, Paul, you’re obviously the baby of the Beatles,”
George: [ascends to new levels of astral smugness]
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beatlez69 · 4 years
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i think the george stans might want this. i definitely do 😳
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